Exit D3, Olympic MTR Station
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Made For Garlic is a restaurant that creates Italian garlic-themed dishes. Some of their recommended dishes include Caesar Salad, Crab & Lobster Pasta and Garlic Snowing Pizza.
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Opening Hours
Mon - Thu
12:00 - 22:00
Fri - Sat
12:00 - 22:30
12:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday
12:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday Eve
12:00 - 22:30
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Recommended Dishes
Frivolous as one does, we found ourselves returning to this establishment for our fix of garlic induced coma, and shall I say, a tad bit of madness that comes with it. Conveniently located within the depths of the mall named after 2020’s cancelled sports tournament, the familiar dim lighted yet inviting interior brings one’s memories drifting towards the inevitable. The smell of this native Siberian herb entices your mouths to salivate. If such manoeuvres were that of the restaurant, I shall applaud their excellent strategical execution to elevate our desires for yet another endorsement for caloric overconsumption. Though not everything was rainbows and butterflies. The first slight deviation from perfection occurred at the moment we were seated. Perhaps we were nit-picking on the details, but the seats felt a little high for the table. (The sofas were fine) I shan’t place such tremendous emphasis on trivial matters; preferably an afterthought, nothing could ruin our battle against anorexia tonight. Furthermore, I shall add a disclaimer: this might have more significance to a self-proclaimed tall person like yours truly, and may be much more comfortable for most. Our carbohydrate heavy dinner commenced. The first dish to be reviewed was the Garlic Carbonara, with extra grated cheese on the side at our request. The aromas from the garlic and cheeses combined in the most harmonic way as it enters your senses, suggestively tempting you to forget your basic table etiquette. We were about a garlic clove away from forgetting our duty as food detectives with the responsibility of millions (or more realistically just one) at our hands to review the most exotic cuisines presented to us. Let me get to the point; the camera always gets the first bite. Once the ritual had ended, we stuffed our palate as elegantly as plausible after the excruciating wait. The creamy flavours echoes inside your mouth as the textures continue to excite you further with the crunchiness of bacon, followed by the gentle tenderness of the vampire killing herb cooked to a crisp on one side, and still mushy on the other. The mixture of its complexity satisfies and opens all of your receptors to embrace diabetes with open hands if this was the reason for it. Though one may need to ask themselves if this creamy goodness really was worth dying for? After the initial flavorous textures overwhelmed our taste buds, we were brought back to earth with more realistic expectations. Its creaminess was too prominent. Some may consider such traits as advantageous, but we felt it started to envelope all the other flavours of the pasta. Of course, it is pretty hard to go wrong with carbonara, which was precisely the reason why we had to hold it at a higher standard. Presentation: 7.5Aroma: 8.5Taste: 8Texture: 7Value: 7.5The Garlic Steak was the next dish to be reviewed. I have no evidence of this, but it felt that the steak had decreased in size compared with our last visit. Due to such circumstances, our medium-rare order was overcooked (it was medium-well). I do applaud the restaurant’s manager for his excellency; replacing the dish with a new one of acceptable quality. The second one came out medium, but we felt really bad to change it again, thus medium it was. You could tell it was coming simply from its sizzling music from afar. The dish was served with sliced onions on the bottom, a thin slice of steak in the middle, and followed by a very generous glitter of fried garlic on top, such a beauty has all the qualifications necessary for any pageant. It was not accompanied with any sauces or dips, which did lead us to ponder on its dryness. No flowery words here, it tasted mediocre at best. Its only saving grace was the generous dose of fried garlic on top, yet it still fails to provide the complexity of flavours one may expect from a juicy medium-rare steak. Its presentation was that which makes one reminiscent of old Hong Kong style cheap local steakhouses that served steak on a metal plate. Which unfortunately begs the comparison between the two, despite its huge price disparity. Presentation: 7Aroma: 8Taste: 6.5Texture: 7Value: 6Fear not my reader(s), there is a happy ending to all of this. The last dish reviewed was their Garlic Snowing Pizza. Thin crusted, silky creamy goodness, medium-sized shrimp, another generous pampering of fried garlic sprinkled from atop, coated with a final layer of grated cheese for flavour and satisfaction. #TeamNoCarbs must wait, I would not miss this for the world. Its aromas were not as strong as the other two dishes, though it just gravitates you towards it ever so gently, baiting you with all its glory. At the first bite, your teeth touches the softness of the cheese and creamy sauces, before adventuring into the crispy and crunchy tenderness of the pizza dough and fried garlic. This was the complex flavourness I had always been after. The creamy savoury texture with a hint of sweetness, the warm half melted cheese and perfectly cooked shrimp along with the crunchy pizza crust, and the strong tastes of fried garlic all triggering your satiety senses at once with no regard to your mental wellbeing; with the sole objective to bombard your delicate palate with stupendous and staggering complexity. Presentation: 8Aroma: 6.5Taste: 9Texture: 9Value: 9Lastly, Mad for Garlic has great service and hospitality. It’s a wonderful place for you and your significant other(s), decent for groups, but average for kids and ex-wives. All the best.
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好耐冇出街、係openrice見到呢間餐廳好多好評,就一心諗住去食,公平地說入到去印象唔錯既,乾淨企理。食物都係好食既👍🏻 原本一間我評分好高覺得會再幫襯既餐廳,我絕對唔會再去,因為真係好嬲! 事緣佢main menu有做8折,佢亦有提供午餐,所以我就叫左午餐加main menu上既食物, 落左單後一陣,侍應小姐就埋黎講唔好意思 優惠唔同唔可同時使用,叫main menu就不能叫午餐, 我就答 ok 咁你幫我取消午餐set 我再睇一下main menu,呢位小姐就走開左,我繼續睇餐牌,唔夠一陣同一位小姐再三確認我係味保留main menu剛才叫既食物, 我都再答佢係, 之後佢又走左,其後我都再有同另一位小姐落左其它main menu既餐點,落左食物很遲都沒有到,我地都知道因為main menu應該要花時間整,我地都耐心等候,經理亦很好主動過黎話我地知,食物就到會幫我地跟進。但當我地食完後加既小食後,主菜都未到,我地都冇諗住投訴只係以為佢地出餐係需要時間。 但第一位落單既小姐竟然收我地餐具,我就反問佢我地仲有兩個主菜未到,當時佢仲話係我之前講左唔要佢冇落單,真心好嬲 你都已經再三過黎核實我張單, 我都再三講左我要,當時連身邊既屋企人都聽到,本身真係好想起身走, 但因為有小朋友肚餓,佢又應承5分鐘內出餐 我就再等。 但又比我係位聽到經理問侍應小姐發生咩事,理所當然地佢又將全件事係我錯,真心係嬲都震,做錯事唔緊要,漏單都唔緊要,一句對唔住我都會接受,但完全冇。但呢間餐廳食品質素、環境、食品價錢都係fine dining ,但服務態度就完全搵唔到
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再次來到這家蒜頭專題餐廳🧄 上次試了招牌garlic snow pizza和carbonara 今次趁著主餐牌有8折優惠活動 便試試其他菜式吧!-澳洲牛柳ssam肉質非常鮮嫩易入口 肉質一d都唔硬 配上特製醬汁、配菜和烤餅十分搭 牛柳份量有150g 兩個人食剛剛好 推薦!-藍芝士pizza配蜜糖🍕看起來好像好plain沒有什麼配料 但其實裡面藍芝士味超濃郁!芝士配蜜糖真的絕配呀🧀🍯 鹹甜鹹甜的味道真的幾特別 芝士控可以一試~
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黎到奧海城二期,試下這間Mad for Garlic,餐廳的裝修風格比較西式,是韓式和意大利菜的fusion餐廳。店裡的主食剛好全部有8折優惠,二人點了餐牌上有廚師推介logo的蒜蓉包塔($48),garlic snowing pizza($148)和雞肉磨菇意大利飯($128)。侍應遞上蒜蓉包塔時,亦細心為我們切開,容易入口的同時亦比我們看到“塔”的原型。塔頂的是經過烤焗的金黃色蒜蓉,侍應將塔頂的蒜蓉填入包的中心,再分為四份。蒜蓉很香,包內亦保持鬆軟,是十分特別的starter。最帶給人驚喜的是garlic snowing pizza,雖然pizza皮薄,但好有層次感,有溶透的芝士,菠蘿同灑在上面的芝士絲和蒜片。出色的是蒜片焗得脆而不焦,做成了snowing effect.雞肉磨菇意大利飯中規中矩,沒有太大驚喜。另外,因為被安排到近廚房的卡位,更見廚師、侍應溝通有條理,專業,侍應的態度亦好友善。總括而言,這家mad for garlic 高質而有驚喜,值得下次再來。
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