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有半年沒有上Meet Lobo, 今次都只是早一晚打電話去碰碰運氣,誰知剛有人取消訂枱,所以有位,真幸運啊!言歸正傳,我們一行三人約7:30 pm到,餐廳不大,約有六、七張4人枱,但可以想像如果遇上一大枱10多人,聲浪會是頗大的。不過好彩今晚沒有這問題。食物方面,水準保持,每一道菜用料新鮮講究,汁料都是一絲不苟,湯亦是非常夠熱。最喜歡大大粒又鮮味的帶子、外脆內嫩的煎鵝肝、厚肉嫩滑的seabass、火喉剛好的美國ribeye、苦中帶甜的心太軟。。。我們下次定必回來試Iberia pork loin 呀!總結而言,$500一位好像有點貴,但它給你的是貴價食材,例如那片seabass在出面買返屋企自己煮,都要百多二百元。這裏有齊幾個courses, 免收瓶費,地點就腳,實為三五知己聚會不二之選。
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剛在上星期五聽從朋友建議到此餐廳一試,雖然只是普遍的晚飯,我是懷著興奮的心情去的....但從一踏進餐廳的一剎那便開始失望,到走時我更是怒不可遏.餐廳地方很細,只可容納3-4張4人枱,但當晚除了與我同行的2位朋友,另一邊就是一枱約15人的大派對.相信大家已明白那情況是多麼的慘烈.對方一大群人當然人多聲浪嘈雜.但我們是理解的,一班人七嘴八舌是很正常的.期間有好幾次他們的聲浪真的過大而我們根本無法作任何傾談時,我們2次要求侍應請他們略為收歛,好讓大家可以共融好好吃一餐飯.但侍應好像沒有認真勸諭對方,故我們只好盡快消滅所有食物但求逃離現場.突然另一個較年長的餐廳女員工(不知是否老板娘)走來向我們查詢事前有否同事向我們提醒過當晚另有一大派對.我告訴她我沒有收到通知而她就跑回服務台然之後給我看了一個手機短訊,並說"我地肯定有通知你架!".而短訊內容只是一般罐頭訊息"Dear customer ...... remind our gentle friday is quite noisy." 我當時其實仍沒有動氣而我提議該女員工應該直接告訴我當晚是有一個很多人的訂位,好讓我可以選擇是否改另一晚再去.但該女員工的態度真令我徹底失望.她不單一句對不起或不好意思的說話也沒有,反而以很惡劣的態度回覆我說"我地冇可能咁樣做!".之後就轉身離開.我和2位朋友當時愕了然,面面相覷,深深奇怪到底發生了什麼一回事!!!!!?????? 我們當然盡快吃過甜品之後立即叫埋單走人.在等單期間,我好奇走到窗邊一看,原來餐廳是有一個小露台在室外,亦放有3-4張户外餐枱之類的擺位.我當時心想為什麼當晚的情形,餐廳竟然不建議將我們搬出露台外用餐? 事實上以當晚的人數,餐廳是應該以有人包場的原因不接我的訂位.又或者餐廳應該將實情告訴我讓我有選擇.我以前亦去過很多次私房菜,一般的服務是極好的,反而食物未必是最最重要.我覺得私房菜的服務及經營者的心態是應該比一般餐廳稍勝,因為顧客似是朋友多過客人.可惜這間餐廳待客心態並非客人,而是水魚! 只好怪自己倒霉及選擇錯誤.總之這是一次極差的體驗,永不再去這餐廳亦絕不推薦給任何朋友!!!
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到了銅鑼灣一私房菜Meet Lobo晚膳。小小的店,約有4張桌子吧,沒有華麗的裝潢,可是感覺親切。一點燭光,遇著對的人,還是會覺得很有情調。來這裡之前,餐廳會要求你先確認每位賓客所點的菜式。這裡不收corkage fee的,最適合你與好友酒聚呢 : )從來不懂得欣賞紅酒的我,最近終於找到我喜歡的 — Pinot Noir,喜歡它的香氣,而且很易入口。Starter Trio- Smoked salmon with capers/gerhkins/red onion/mango puree+Tiger shrimp with fresh herbs tomato reduction+Pan-fried quail leg with sake miso sauce這個Starter賣相精緻,我最喜歡煙三文魚的芒果汁,十分清新﹗所以店員也特別建議我們先吃這個開胃一下,迎接主菜 :)Creamy pumpkin soup with scallops非常香濃幼滑,讚﹗Baked portabello with bacon, tomato and mexican four cheese之前對這個菜沒有太大期望,因為我不算十分愛吃蘑菇。想不到一咬下去,烘得略帶焦的芝士加上鮮甜多汁的蕃茄和蘑菇,令我精神為之一振﹗French Foie Gras with MEET LOBO Sauce不吃鵝肝的我,只試了一小口,沒料到是意料之外的驚喜,完全外脆內軟,十分香口﹗Wild Chilean seabass with crabmeat tomato and garlic puree最愛吃魚的我充滿期待,魚其實肉質不錯,可是卻配上沙律醬,而非簡單的海鹽和胡椒之類,實在怪怪的 @_@Apple crumbles 鬆脆至極,加上冰凍雪糕實在一絕﹗﹗﹗餐廳還有室外的位置,如果同行有吸煙的朋友的話,他們大可到這裡抖抖氣。Meet Lobo的服務非常貼心,親切有禮,每道菜上桌時,店員都會為你詳細介紹。每道菜之間相隔時間不短,所以最適合你跟三五知己享受「慢食」體驗(我們便由晚上8時半吃至11時多)。晚餐每位HK$358起,我們享受了一個愉快的晚上 : )
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If you're searching for a luscious meal served by friendly staff in a pleasant and quiet environment, Meet Lobo is the perfect place for you. The menu includes lovely food inspired by french cuisine. The flavors vary from sweet to sour, bold to subtle, a true treat for a delicate palette: Meet Lobo Menu Starter Trio: It includes a piece of scallop with a cream sauce, a piece of french toast topped with fungi mushrooms resting on a bed on sprouts and a piece of chicken breast draped in a spinach sauce. The scallop was my #1 out of the three. It was tender and juicy, cooked with perfection, and the sauce was creamy to the max. The creamy dressing went deliciously well with the scallop. Although the mushrooms on the toast were a little salty, they tasted really good with the crispy toast. The sprouts were pretty refreshing too. The chicken was really tender and the spinach sauce complemented the breast and it was totally delectable on your tongue. The flavors all captivate my taste buds. Soup Of The Day: (Tomato and Bell Pepper Soup) The soup has nice home-style flavors. It was seasoned well and it made the soup a nice sharp wake up call for the rest of the meal. The spice to it gives you startling yet warm and cosy feeling. Entrees Regular: Baked Portebello Mushroom with Tomato and Cheese Topping. Although it was a pleasant dish, it wasn't that memorable. The crispy bacon was a contrast to the salty, gooey cheese and sweet tamato bits. The mushroom was very scrumptious, it had a nice bite to it and it was juicy and succulent. Special: French Fois Gras with Meet Lobo Sauce This dish was definitely the highlight of the evening. The crispy crust that wrapped the mouthwatering liver, it was divine. The compliments both go to the chef and supplier. The flavors include savoriness, sweetness and the seasoning is perfect. This is a necessity if you are considering to dine at Meet Lobo. This is a dish you will indeed enjoy. Main Course Chile Wild Sea- Bass with Butter Fried Cucumber and Martini Reductions (No comment, I didn't taste this dish, but I'm sure it tastes great!) Traditional Duck Confit (No comment, I didn't taste this dish either, but I'm sure it tastes great as the other one!) U.S.A.Prime Rib-eye Steak with White Bean Puree and Balsamic Vinegar Dressing (Medium rare) There is no other way to describe it: exquisite. The steak was so juicy, and the flavors were very strong. The first impression it gave me when I saw the look of it, the meat was just some old chewy slab of beef, the white bean puree just some random spoons of mush. But they were much more. Remember my friends, take this as a lesson to never judge a book by it's cover! All in all, this dish runs a close second on my list of delicacies! (WARNING: the puree is flavored a little spicy (I meant a lot!)) Miso Marinated Australian Lamb- Rack with Braised Vegetables This dish is served with a little consomme. It has light flavors and the breadcrumbs on it has never tasted better. The lamb meat itself was very tender and juicy. It was slightly pinkish and easy to cut through. A nice little cafe dish, however, it still fits to be on a menu so classy just like Meet Lobo's. Dessert Chocolate Lava Cake served with Vanila Ice Cream (No Comment, you must know by now what that means!) Chocolate lava did not spill out readily. Worse part, it was not hot enough. Apple CrumbleMy all-time favorite. They used green apples, raisons, with cinnamon and lime for the stuffing. The crust was crispy and buttery. Really went well with their cups of coffee or hot chocolate.P.S. And you really gonna meet Lobo himself too. Chef Lobo came out to chat and gulped wine with you. He is a cheerful chap. Guess his hobby? He is a drummer!!! He plays with his band and he will sure tell you a whole lot about their performance if you ask him along that line of talk. s a drummer!!! He plays with his band and he will sure tell you a whole lot about their performance if you ask him along that line of talk.
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一年前MEET LOBO未搬之前,吃過一次這裏的野生SEA BASS,一試難忘,一直掛念.新地方比以前大,老板娘及美女MODEL侍應,落力招呼,給冰桶,給酒杯,其志可嘉.前菜三重奏:Scallop Fresh Fennel Sauce 帶子新煎得很香,鮮味,特別是其茴香汁,滑,與帶子極之匠配.+ Assorted Wild Mushroom on Garlic Toast & Quail Eggs 雜菇配蒜蓉飽,配鵪鶉蛋,正!!+ Chicken Breast Skewer on Spinach Mayo雞胸配菠菜蛋黃汁,個汁十分好味!磨菇湯,普普通通.French Foie Gras with MEET LOBO Sauce煎鵝肝,煎得不錯!DUCK CONFIT不算乾,但也不見得很特出.Chile Wild Seabass with Butter Fried Cucumber & Martini Redemptions 終於等到我期待的SEA BASS出場! 表皮煎得很脆,但不知是不是受到它的汁影响,太稀了!濕得把魚都浸淋了.和老板娘閒談時,問她我依稀記得上次吃時好像不是這個汁...原來真的沒有記錯!老板娘說,LOBO喜歡時不時轉新款,換新汁..OH,NO~~另外朋友點的羊- Miso Marinated Australian Lambrack with Braised Vegetable看上去生熟程度不錯,可惜那個汁,還是像一片汪洋....羊就是汪洋中的一條小船~~甜品點了心太軟,朱古力的部份做得不錯,很香濃,心也夠軟,但雪糕沒有雲呢拿籽在裏頭,不夠香.至於這舊,我巳忘記叫什麼了,好像是拿玻崙吧...可能是自我保護清洗系統發作吧!你看它面頭像小朋友幾十年前的裝飾..一個字,唉~~老闆娘說這新地方,租金比以前貴不少.不知道,是否因為租金貴了,食物水準有點兒下降了?心裏希望,這不是真的.不竟,好吃的西餐,又不太貴的,經已不多了.還是給他一個笑臉,是給他的前菜和服務的.我想,我還會再來的,希望下次有更多驚喜吧.
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