Restaurant: | Mon Kee Cafe (Wai Fong Court) |
Info: |
To encourage eatery outlets to reduce food waste at source together with customers through offering portioned meals and adopting food waste reduction measures, the Environmental Protection Department has launched the “Food Wise Eateries” Scheme. Participants will be awarded with a Food Wise Eateries (FWE) accreditation status if they comply with the assessment criteria and will be granted with the FWE Logo and Stickers for displaying in the premises and their promotion for public identification. Applications are accepted all year round and are FREE of charge.
For details, please click here,
Restaurant: | Mon Kee Cafe (Wai Fong Court) |
Info: |
To promote a new salt and sugar reduction (RSS) dietary culture and living style to the people of Hong Kong, the Environment and Ecology Bureau, the Committee on Reduction of Salt and Sugar in Food and the Centre for Food Safety of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department have launched the "Less-Salt-and-Sugar Restaurants Scheme" ("Scheme"). Restaurants participated in the Scheme will offer less salt or sugar options to the consumer or even tailor-make less salt or sugar dishes in designated restaurants. Participating restaurants will be granted with the Scheme Labels for displaying in the premises for public identification. For details, please click here:
平日鰂魚涌食飯要找位置並不容易, 除非一早預約, 茶餐廳並沒有預約服務吧?
12:20pm左右到達餐廳門口, 門外排隊等候的食客已經把行人路擠迫得水洩不通, 大家都是為着這裏的滑蛋叉燒飯而來吧??
大大塊的滑蛋和蔥花覆蓋了整個飯, 加上薄切的叉燒肉和甜甜的叉燒汁, 味道是頗驚喜的, 叉燒是林的, 小小半肥瘦
我認為旺記冰室是擁有自己一樣主打菜式的茶餐廳, 亦正正是它成功的原因
另外這是有人點的滑蛋叉燒蝦仁飯, 和我點擊其實大同小異, 只是多了3塊蝦仁而已
還有一點他是限時半小時你就必須結帳離座, 放下餐具的不久已經馬上有店員主動告知請我們離座, 是比一般茶餐廳更速食的茶餐廳啊
下一次如果要來吃這個招牌飯的話, 我一定會選擇避開繁忙時段呢哈哈
- 滑蛋叉燒飯
滑蛋好滑,而且佢無好濃既蛋皇味,對於我呢種唔係好食蛋黃既人係一件好事(不過如果想要濃蛋味既就可能唔太適合喇😝)。 蝦仁方面,佢應該落左胡椒去餣,係香口既唔會淡貿貿無味,但我就麻麻地。
👉🏻「鮮牛肉厚多士」🍞、「五香肉丁厚多士🍞」參考大家must 留邊🤤入面包含花生🥜醬、生菜🥬、雞蛋🥚🤩
👉🏻早餐$32 配熱飲☕️,我叫左奶茶,都唔錯,比較濃茶味帶澀口!個早餐大份到我食完飽到去下午5:00 先餓😂😂
$32 早餐
- 滑蛋叉燒飯
- 自家制叉烧日本滑蛋饭
- 特浓蕃茄汤午餐肉粒通粉
- 特濃蕃茄湯午餐肉粒通粉
As I was queuing, I noticed that they have a sign saying that they only use Japanese eggs for their meals. They also have special daily meals that are limited. To my dismay, I wish I came here earlier because I love anything fish. And with curry sauce, now that's a double whammy.
After 5 minutes, I was ushered inside and was given a seat far from the kitchen where you can see all the action happening. I was fine with this considering the restaurant's fully booked. I ordered their Homemade BBQ Pork Rice with Scrambled Eggs ($55). This also came with a drink. Extra $2 for cold drinks and then for their special drinks, they are an extra $3 to $5.
I looked around their walls and they have many wall decors and there are also notices for the diners to take note of. From right to left, there's a minimum charge of $16 per person. Second, there's no free wifi so that leads to the third one being that each party needs to stay at most 30 minutes to make way for those queuing outside. And finally, don't waste food. If you obviously can't finish a rice bowl, then ask for half or a quarter of it. There's no extra charge if you ask for less or more rice.
Service was fast and I appreciated it kindly. But when it arrived, I was surprised I got a visually-obvious braised pork instead of BBQ pork so I asked the staff who had attended to me why it's like that. And she apologized saying that they ran out of it so they used a substitute. You know, it would have courteous enough if I was told of this beforehand.
A simple bowl of rice topped with scrambled eggs sprinkled with chopped chives and a couple of sliced braised pork. They also drizzled a hint of sesame oil infused with soy sauce at the bottom of the rice. It is what it is. There was nothing special about it, afterall, what I wanted to try was their BBQ pork.
Seeing an oily dish is a huge NO for me. If the chef has to rely on oils to glaze the dish with added flavor, a simple dash of salt and pepper would have been better.
I felt as if the price doesn't really reflect in the quality of their food. The service was quick and the cleanliness was good but that's it. Is a huge chunk of it going to service? Because for something worth that much, you would think that you may be actually paying double of what those special eggs are priced at. Definitely not returning.
只不過係,就算話我知係用3.6牛浮製成、即時炒製之心機餸,$55 食叉燒蛋飯嚟講,其實係有啲奢侈的。
咸牛肉炒蛋,放左啲生菜入去,爽爽甜甜再加埋花生醬,四位主角完全無搶戲仲配合得好好,再加脆口既烘麥包,好有誠意。我同男朋友5分鐘食晒,好少可我地係完全無講野咁食晒lol 因爲好食到好speechless
叉燒炒蛋飯,我覺得我要同佢講聲對唔住,因為我遲左5分鐘食佢(因為掛住食三文治哈哈哈),搞到佢凍左少少😢😢😢但無緊要,都係好好味!唔似出面啲滑蛋叉燒飯咁落勁多生粉水,食得出好足料。配埋甜豉油係perfect match 啊啊啊!唯一不足係叉燒唔算肥美唔夠滑,但我全程都真係心心眼😍jengs
- 自家製叉燒日本滑蛋飯
- 咸牛肉+炒蛋+生菜+花生醬三明治