3-min walk from Exit D1, Central MTR Station
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97269301 (WhatsApp)
A high quality restaurant is recommended by Michelin and Asia's 50 Best Restaurants. You can enjoy Latin American cuisine under an artistic and stylish environment. It is a nice place for dating, as well as serving business customers.
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Awards and Titles
Michelin 1 Starred Restaurant (2022-25)
Opening Hours
12:00 - 15:00
18:30 - 23:00
Tue - Sat
12:00 - 15:00
18:30 - 23:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
MONO 📍中環安蘭街18號5樓米之蓮一星非常enjoyable 嘅午餐,chef Ricardo好用心將拉丁美洲 x French🇫🇷 融合,菜式加入獨特嘅cacao, serve 我地個位waitress 對每道菜嘅了解,解釋入面嘅食材,烹調方法,將成餐飯提升為一個知識之旅❤️🌮Mexican Nixtamalized Purple Corn Soufflé Galician octopus | eggplant purée |chayote🍣Yellow Tail TiraditoMarinated in lactofermented Peruvian yellow chilli,Mexican tuna vuelve a la vida, pickled oca and local farmed sprouts & Alowers🍞MONO-made White Sesame Sourdough BreadEva Aguilera biodynamic 100% Arbequina olive oil佢個每日新鮮自家製 sourdough 係由佢地開業第一日嘅mother dough 而成,我地個日食,佢已經養左1797日🦞Signature Danish LangoustineEcuadorian cacao expressions佢個醬汁係用龍蝦頭+可可熬製, 同佢個sourdough 超夾,好香濃,好食到另外加多左一個sourdough點晒個汁食😆🌮Grilled Avocado Tacocoriander infused tortilla,Yunnan green chilli xnipec, seaweed pesto🐟Pacific SeabassBomba rice, Venezuelan sofrito base, smoked paprika aioliand sauteed sugar snap peas🍨Pingtung Cacao Chocolate Texturesavocado leaf ice-cream and Colombian parcha coulis🍫Argentinian alfajor with dulce de leche and dry coconut powderSeasonal fruit chamoyChocolate tartelette, Mexican vanilla, fresh almonds and Frangelico☕️Argentinian Mate tea#monorestaurant#michelinstarrestaurant#michelinonestar
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最近兩個月內第3次到訪,之前1次午餐1次晚餐,今次一行4人再品嚐午餐。當然價錢不平宜,開放式廚房可以更整齊更有觀賞性更好!但坐在吧枱一邊聆聽員工或㕑司Ricardo介紹每道菜式的南美食材及法式烹調方法,一邊細心品嚐,的確是開心用餐經歷!當天顧客共約15人,但餐廳服務員加廚房員工也有14-15人,真的是差不多1對1😅,所以服務貼身!出品由appetiser 至非常出色的sourdough 👍到甜品,可說是極度用心,味道各有喜好但能感受到chef Ricardo及團隊的努力,是讚的!經理介紹的烏拉圭紅酒也特別,真的不錯👍現今在香港做fine dining的小餐廳真的不容易經營,希望Mono繼續堅持💪
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因為朋友極力推介呢到既螯蝦果然無令人失望!.每道菜都有佢既細心位 同特別之處🤓.有朋友食素,呢到亦為那位朋友單獨提供左專門既素食餐單~而且全部菜式都係好精緻,值得一讚👍.Signature Danish Langoustine招牌菜 螯蝦 要add on $480佢既醬汁(湯) 超好味!一定要飲埋佢👍👍👍SOUL / JOURNEY *НК $1888 / HK $2288如果驚食唔晒店員話螯蝦係唔洗每個人都要加 可以share~
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Food - When it comes to south American food, you may instantly link it with something with a punch of flavors. Not Mono. We tried the full menu. The delicates may look good in picture but when they come to you palate they taste like plain hotel food, which lacks personality and warmth. The whole experience is a meh. Makes me wonder if their Michelin chef still works there or resigned already.Service - The waitress who served our table is professional, for she definitely knows what she's doing, and no doubt deserves a five star. But the sommelier is disappointing cause they fail to understand the customer's needs and preference, and stuck in their own way with a RBF. The senior looking waitor (or manager?) definitely did give a black face for the failed wine recommendation process.Atmosphere - not outstanding. Neither chic nor warm. To sum up, there are definitely better Michelin restaurants in Hong Kong. Not recommending to anyone and probably will never come back.
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位於中環的「MONO」一直都在我的口袋名單中,獲2024年米芝蓮星級餐廳,餐廳老闆兼主廚Ricardo Chaneton擁有委內瑞拉和義大利血統,從小在多元文化環境中成長。他先在知名西班牙餐廳學習,後來在多家頂級法式餐廳磨練廚藝,令人垂涎。而南美菜系在高級餐飲界很有亮相,更發起我想去一試的決心,希望得到嶄新的味蕾體驗餐廳裝潢時尚,以吧台計設,可以欣賞主廚們的精湛廚藝,也可以坐獨立台,氣氛好適合來慶祝生日主廚將拉丁美洲各國的道地食材,如咖啡、可可、馬鈴薯和茶葉等,融入法式烹飪技法,既保留了濃鬱的異國風味,又注入了法式的優雅精緻我點了Dinner Menu🔸墨西哥紫玉米舒芙蕾:晶透飽滿的紫玉米舒芙蕾,搭配香醇細緻的布里起司和清爽多汁的青蘋果,層次豐富🔸塔布里赫牡蠣:新鮮細嫩的塔布里赫牡蠣,與香甜濃鬱的香蕉赤霞和清爽的青蔥尚蒂伊奶油完美融合,酸甜鹹香,口感豐富🔸安地斯蔬菜沙拉:新鮮蔬菜與道地風味完美結合,阿吉阿馬裡洛醬點綴其上,增添異國風情。 NOMAD 奧塞特拉魚子醬和馬鈴薯絲則為沙拉增添奢華質感,令人食慾大開🔸MONO 黑芝麻酵母麵包製作麵包的這家麵包店的酵母竟然足足存活了1,749天,每一口麵包都飽含濃鬱的烤黑芝麻香氣,令人難以自抑,外脆內軟,吃不停口🔸招牌丹麥海螯蝦:肉質鮮嫩飽滿,搭配清爽多汁的青蘋果和香濃細滑的淡奶油醬,層次豐富,酸甜鹹香,用來沾麵包,一流🔸備長炭烤南非鮑魚:鮑魚肉質細膩,爽口彈牙,味道甘甜🔸委內瑞拉塔馬爾:柔軟質地,帶有濃鬱玉米香味和甜膩的糖漿滋味🔸布列塔尼大菱鮃:外皮煎到酥脆帶焦香,內裡依然保持嫩滑多汁,肉質鮮嫩🔸骨烤普盧內烏爾-梅內斯乳鴿:表皮焦黑、內裡鮮嫩多汁,肉質細膩,搭配醇厚的士多啤酒和21種香料製成的醬汁,別具一番風味🔸黑胡椒與香草布丁 :香草布丁香甜配上杏桃雪皅的清新酸甜,十分融合🔸厄瓜多爾可可:用上厄瓜多爾可可做成3款不同的甜點,有滑順質感,帶有濃鬱的可可香氣,好特別🔸傳統牛奶焦糖和椰子Alfajor青蘋果水果醬:有濃鬱醇厚的乳製品,又有清新可口的水果風味
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