Exit D2, Central MTR Station, Exit C, Hong Kong MTR Station continue reading
The committee of restaurant is responsible for the operation of Ningpo restaurant.Ning Po opened in 1968,located at Central.There are around 200 seats and a few VIP rooms,providing traditional Ningpo Cuisine.This restaurant only serve members.For more details,please contact the staff of Ning Po. continue reading
Good For
Group Dining
Special Occasion Dining
Opening Hours
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Cash
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (199)
Level3 2025-02-13
朋友仔相約一齊團拜. 佢剛食過呢間寧波同鄉會話幾好食,咁一齊食吓睇吓係咪掂先☺️餐廳係中環,好就腳. 侍應們態度良好,笑容滿面👍叫咗茶,放低餐牌,睇吓要D咩前菜.之前預訂咗涼拌腰花,咁就叫燻蛋,炸臭豆腐同脆鱔啦.今日將佢同雪園一號做比較:燻蛋,脆鱔,絕對係雪園完勝. 臭豆腐,都無富臨飯店好食,但性價比就寧波高. 拌腰花好食👍火瞳翅:又係雪園完勝骨香桂魚球:雪園嘅骨香筍殼魚更佳油淋雞,皮脆嘅千層肉都唔錯鮮筍豆苗,好好味👍葱油家常餅完勝雪園😁湯丸都正常發揮但我唔會再去幫襯佢.因為收我$150一枝嘅開瓶費,提供差嘅杯. 雪園免我開瓶費,有合格酒杯.甜品,雪園送比我食,呢度收足錢😓以價錢,服務都係去返雪園算啦😅 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2025-02-03
呢間上海菜館去過無數次 ,質素依然維持 。最近裝修咗環境畀以前舒服,但係因為樓底低所以比較嘈 。 流心燻蛋 ,必食 一定要點鹽 。 脆鱔 ,味道恰到好處 ,好趣口。 臭豆腐 ,外皮脆內嫩 , 非常臭,新鮮即做熱辣辣, 非常香口 一定要配辣椒醬 和甜醬 ,係我食過最好味嘅臭豆腐。 樟茶鴨 ,好香,不過有點兒乾身 。小籠包, 爆汁, 呢個一定要趁熱食。甜品必食,高力豆沙😋我個人至愛 :臭豆腐和燻蛋 😋 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2025-01-27
寧波會的餐廳入會費相當便宜,大約千多港元就可以成為其會員,如果用餐次數多的話,絕對可以回本,也算是中環一眾會所餐廳裡面最易去用餐的。這裡的寧波菜相當正宗,和其他江浙菜體系比較,這裡的味道更濃,更能體現濃油赤醬的風味,當中的油淋雞以及毛豆肉蟹就是當中的代表,前者在醬油淋上去之後依然保持外皮香脆,雞肉有肉香也不柴,最重要是除了頗咸之外,也有很濃烈的蔥香味;後者蟹肉本身夠咸鮮,而且蟹膏也相當多,配上醬汁的濃甜以及毛豆的豆香,同樣體驗到這菜系的特色。肴肉最喜歡其彈牙,以及當中帶有微微的醋酸,作為開胃菜相當合適之余,啫喱和肉的層次分明,也相當好看;蟹肉小籠包的蟹膏同樣澎湃,而且價錢比同樣水準的餐廳更平;高力豆沙沒有油膱味,豆沙餡豐富,顆粒感少所以口感相當順滑,最重要是越來越少餐廳能夠提供這複雜的菜式,更加便宜,吃得滿足,也會吸引到別人為了這餐廳入會。The Ningbo Club restaurant offers affordable membership with fees around HK$1,000+. It’s one of the most accessible club restaurants in Central, Hong Kong. The authentic Ningbo cuisine features rich flavors, exemplified by dishes like oil-drizzled chicken and hairy crab with edamame. The restaurant is known for its tender, flavorful meats, generous crab roe, and traditional desserts like Gao Li red bean paste. The reasonable prices and quality dishes make it an attractive option for those considering club membership. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-09-22
好耐冇去寧波會所,原來已經裝修完,而家好靚,食物依然維持到之前嘅水準,今次同事生日聚餐,大約160蚊一個人,糖醋骨好食,佢係冇骨嘅,淨係肉,燻魚反而比較多細骨,我哋仲叫咗豆沙鍋餅,不過個皮有啲硬咗少少,高力豆沙相對好食好多,個上湯浸菜好好味,上海菜一般比較肥膩,配呢個菜啱啱好,好清,上海粗炒好好味,個麵好爽,粗幼同埋淋度啱啱好,仲有小籠包同埋鍋貼,鍋貼個皮好脆,小籠包都好薄皮,整體評分都好ok,雖然侍應唔多,但係都唔會話冇服務咁嘅感覺,影團體相時,佢哋好專業,好好,唔會黑面唔想幫你影咁樣 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-07-29
今日本身是為左佢個棗泥窩餅而來的估吾到咁有驚喜🤩🤩🤩— 🥚 美味煙燻蛋🥟 小籠包•🦐 清炒蝦仁❤️🐷 糖醋排骨🐟 砂鍋魚頭煲❤️•🫔 棗泥鍋餅❤️— 嘩 佢個砂鍋魚頭煲超超超好吃! 😻濃郁的湯汁帶少少酸辣 粉皮沾汁吃大癲!原來個粉皮先係個主角 魚頭都是配角😝個湯汁太好味 食到一滴不剩!!! 🫶除左魚頭煲 佢既清炒蝦仁 棗泥鍋餅全部都好好吃 是我喜愛的店真係其他地方食吾到🫶不過佢吾係d裝修好靚好fancy的店但食物好味就夠了☺️ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)