1-min walk from Exit B3, Mong Kok MTR Station continue reading
59212838 (WhatsApp)
The shop design and dishes appearances are creative. The interior design is inspired by Nordic style, and some booth seats are decorated with an IG-able forest theme. continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 21:30
Mon - Thu
12:00 - 21:30
Fri - Sat
12:00 - 22:00
12:00 - 21:30
Public Holiday
12:00 - 21:30
Public Holiday Eve
12:00 - 21:30
*Sunday - Thursday : 12:00 - 22:00 (*21:00 Last-order) Friday - Saturday / Holiday: 12:00-22:30 (*21:30 Last-order)
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (770)
Level4 2024-08-08
@nomoneysolonely.hk thai fusion cafe located in Mong Kok, Hong Kong ☕️ offers a variety of Thai and Western fusion dishes 🐘 nordic vintage interior with a funky style 🐻‍❄️ adorned with forest decor 🌲 and animal ornaments 🐅香港旺角玩味泰西咖啡廳 @nomoneysolonely.hk ☕️ 主打泰式和西式融合菜式 🐘 北歐復古風格 帶有趣味 🐻‍❄️ 樹林佈置 🌲 動物擺設 🐅🐓 烤香草無骨春雞配冬陰功古欺米 HKD$108roasted herb chicken with tom yum couscous春雞厚實嫩滑 古欺米鬆軟 濃濃冬陰功味🍝 香煎日本帶子椰香蕃茄意大利粉 HKD$128pan-fried scallops tomato pasta帶子飽滿 意粉掛汁 椰香中和了蕃茄酸甜🦑 唐揚魷魚 + HKD$28deep fried squid魷魚彈牙 外皮酥脆🐥 避風塘雞翼 + HKD$38crispy garlic chicken wings 皮脆肉嫩 粒粒炸蒜🥣 今天的湯 (南瓜忌廉)x 2 (lunch included)soup of the day (creamy pumpkin)湯質幼滑 南瓜濃郁🍤 炸蝦餅 +酸辣海蜇 x 2 (lunch included)+ deep fried shrimp cake + sour spicy jellyfish炸蝦餅 香脆彈牙 酸辣海蜇 爽脆開胃🥭 偽 芒果糯米飯 HKD$78mango sticky rice mousse cake外層椰奶凍 中間軟糯糯米飯 淋上芒果汁 酸甜清新🍓 士多啤梨玄米茶奶昔 轉配 + HKD$48strawberry + genmaicha milkshake奶香幼滑 酸甜解膩🥥 椰椰雪啡 轉配 + HKD$46coconut snowy with pandan kaya棷子雪糕配上椰奶 淋上咖啡 香醇帶有椰香⭐️ lunch sets available weekdays 12 PM - 3 PM📍 @topmongkok 旺角彌敦道700號T.O.P This is Our Place 4樓406-408號舖 🇭🇰 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
餐廳燈光昏黃,富異國風情,極有氣氛。新推出嘅afternoon tea set有7款鹹甜點,加入咗聖誕元素,啱晒打卡,而且味道唔錯,CP值高。🎄Limited Christmas Afternoon Tea HK$338/set (for 2 pax)🎄·焙茶馬卡龍·開心果巴斯克·熱情果吉士筒卷·手工麻糬軟曲奇·金寶栗子慕絲杯·香煎鵝肝多士·黃咖哩蟹肉蝦片兩杯聖誕限定特飲都極有氣氛🎄:🍵肉桂香橙熱紅茶🍹草莓抹茶沙冰想過一個有feel又充滿儀式感嘅聖誕,可以試試這餐廳期間限定嘅聖誕節afternoon tea set。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-11-17
裝潢走玩味風格,吸引眼球,菜式主打東南亞Fusion菜,配搭新穎獨特。Lunch set包湯和炸蝦餅與酸辣海蜇。燒美國封門牛柳沙律(辣) ($98)封門牛柳肉味濃郁,沙律酸辣開胃。椰香墨汁海鮮意大利飯 ($158)賣相吸引,帶子厚身,魷魚柔軟,蝦厚肉爽彈,意大利飯入味且有咬口。流心提拉米蘇巴斯克芝士蛋糕 ($78)巴斯克芝士蛋糕柔軟,面層加上浸滿咖啡的手指餅和tiramisu cream,香氣十足,呈現多重的柔美層次。開心果奶蓋齋啡 (+$32)Lunch set本身包飲品,選其它飲品可享減$20優惠。以齋啡為基底,頂端再鋪上一層綿密濃厚的開心果奶蓋,搭配香醇咖啡,入口散發滿滿堅果香氣和咖啡香,帶來豐富滋味。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
黎到旺角搵食 見到呢個空間感十足玩味濃的西泰餐廳#NoMoneySoLonely 🥲 除左個名啱晒糧尾黎之外價錢都好啱糧尾🤣 人均250 前菜主菜甜品有齊前菜叫左水牛芝士黄金粟米酸辣沙律 估唔到咁大份唔係普通沙律咁簡單上面有好多配料口感十足🥗主菜叫左煎刺身帶子魚籽紅花意大利飯同冬蔭公大蝦比薩三粒厚身原粒帶子 刺身用 所以輕輕煎香已經食得Pizza組合幾有趣 冬蔭公薯蓉真係第一次食🍕配埋芝士青椒大蝦 口感豐富惹味🧀🍤甜品係呢個造型現代嘅泰式香蕉煎餅 阿華田味 上面配有爆谷 曲奇雪糕 華田脆脆 甜蜜happy share🥰餐廳仲有唔少姊妹店 下次去試埋其他區餐廳先🫶🏼 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-11-12
今日收工即興約左朋友食飯,約左係中間點-旺角到食,自從轉左新工都好似好耐無約朋友食飯,之前食過The old book store,今次一於試埋佢姊妹店,No Money So Lonely,個餐廳名好岩我haha.我哋叫左個兩人餐,有餐湯、前菜、意粉、主菜、甜品同飲品。.是日餐沙-🎃南瓜忌廉湯南瓜味濃郁,好creamy .前菜-🍤炸蝦餅炸到脆口,邊食邊傾計就岩哂~.意粉-🦀辣椒螃蟹醬蟹肉意大利粉面頭鋪上大量蟹肉好仲有蟹子增加口感!!意粉好惹味,但就有少少辣,但係又會忍唔住想繼續食😏.主菜-🍖豬肋骨豬肋骨好腍,輕輕一切就骨肉分離,配埋微辣醬汁好開胃,仲有薯條伴碟.甜品🍫-棉花糖朱古力窩夫+$48窩夫脆口好好食,中間仲有麻薯🤤朱古力cream甜點適中,加埋棉花糖同雪糕,好邪惡!.飲品-🍑水蜜桃茶-🍌香蕉朱古力奶昔+$48奶昔唔會過甜,先飲到香蕉味再飲到朱古力味,整體都幾夾. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)