3-min walk from Exit A, Quarry Bay MTR Station continue reading
To advocate no animal food contain tea drinks, this Taiwan brand uses vegan nut milk to substitute for fresh milk in their drinks. After the process of cold pressing, the nut paste will be turned into milk and can be added in the fruit and tea. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Thu
12:00 - 19:00
11:00 - 20:00
Sat - Sun
12:00 - 19:00
Public Holiday
11:00 - 20:00
Public Holiday Eve
11:00 - 20:00
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Alipay Cash
Other Info
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (252)
Level3 2022-10-12
Today I passed by NUTTEA after holding a meeting at Devon House. As I was a bit thirsty and hungry, I ordered an earl grey chocolate cream tea. This signature drink is an award winner. Though it costs $48, it is worth trying. The tea is aromatic. With the rich and smooth chocolate nut cream, the tea tastes super yummy. It is also healthy and satisfying. A nuttea makes a day! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
又飲nuttea,真心為咗個奶蓋先飲,有啲貴又好細杯XD🍴繽紛火龍果奶蓋茶 $40 (7/10)火龍果好清淡,用左真生果,飲到火龍果籽,真原味,冇甜味,好重草青味,飲到四季春嘅苦澀同清香,奶蓋好厚好creamy,好香濃堅果味,好香好似食緊nuts咁,都係個奶蓋世一~推薦指數: 7/10個分係比奶蓋!真心係少貴,但間唔中飲就ok! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2022-07-12
Nuttea評分:🌕🌕🌕🌕🌑第一次試純素嘅奶蓋,好驚喜!奶蓋用咗唔同類型嘅堅果🌰,攪拌後細膩綿密,入口即化,口感非常迷人!,而且唔洗驚太甜同埋太肥膩!伯爵朱古力堅果奶蓋堅果奶蓋搭配朱古力粉,口感綿滑細膩,好似食緊雪糕,搭配伯爵茶,唔會過分的甜,健康之選。🍦蘋果脆脆楓糖堅果奶蓋茶堅果奶蓋上配搭蘋果脆脆,用上台灣日月潭玉紅茶,香甜蘋果楓糖味,覺得比巧克力🍫堅果奶蓋更消新🉐P.S. 值得返桌! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2022-07-11
我又來喝NUTTEA了😄雖然單價比較高 但材料真的很足而且很有飽足感 👏🍫伯爵朱古力堅果奶蓋茶 $48🌰奶蓋由堅果奶製成 口感濃厚 喝飲料之前可以先吃奶蓋喔伯爵茶的味道一如既往的茶味足 味道清新 😋 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2022-07-08
第一次幫襯係新蒲崗首店,人地門面企理,員工態度又殷勤。今次呢間鰂魚涌店真係有待改善。差#1: 🤧 勁難開嘅玻璃趟門幫襯過都會明我講咩,度門其實好明顯日久失修,遲早有安全問題。另外,員工嘅私人物品周圍擺,貨又亂擺。差#2: 🤧 人手問題入到去,3點幾,得我一個客,舖頭有三位年輕員工,全部都冇戴口罩........冇人招呼,或者問我要啲咩。 其中兩個掛住食米線、傾偈; 收銀掛住睇外賣啲單。我已經講咗想要order乜嘢,但佢地零反應——— 我再講多次,收銀終於應我:「好,等陣。」之後收銀再同食緊米線嘅員工講:「有人網上落單。一陣要送20杯外賣!」講完照樣大家若無其事。我體諒佢多單,等啦⋯⋯⋯企咗差唔多近10分鐘,佢地咩都冇做,茶都冇整過一杯,佢先再問:「你要飲啲咩?」 真係曬晒人啲時間。好彩最後其中一位員工以5分鐘都冇嘅神速整咗飲品俾我。差#3 飲品好稀因為唔係第一次飲,之前喺新蒲崗店都飲過一模一樣嘅menu,但呢間分店沖嘅方式可能唔同,好似飲緊冰水咁,火龍果成份極少,好多碎冰。個啲nut cream比例同飲品差好遠,有圖有真相⋯味道真係好一般。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)