14-min walk from Exit A4 , Sha Tin MTR Station continue reading
Located at the rooftop of Shatin Town Hall, Pop n' Grill is a restaurant and bar with a panorama view of Shing Mun River. Pop n' Grill is a delicate oasis in heart of Shatin for gatherings or events. With its vicinity of Shatin Marriage Registry, it will be an ideal place for a blissful wedding party. continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 23:00
Mon - Thu
12:00 - 22:00
Fri - Sat
12:00 - 23:00
12:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday
12:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday Eve
12:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE UnionPay Apple Pay WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Phone Reservation
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (39)
Level1 2024-06-24
星期一工作不順,blue monday是也。喺新城市食晚餐後,行咗阿大約7點,一個人行上發光樓梯,嚟到呢間PnG。呢日嘅PnG好安靜,只有我一個客人,點咗一杯mojito,同一蝶心太軟。飲品可以調甜度同冰量,我呢杯原味Mojito,雖然容易,但下次應該會揀少糖漿。心太軟就係普通心太軟味道,雲呢拿雪糕勝在夠凍,作為甜品頗滿足。店員安排靠窗的位置畀我,音樂輕快有節拍,環境好乾淨,唔會好暗,亦唔會超光猛,就好似一間舒適嘅餐酒館。眼見店員之間相處輕鬆,佢哋唔會打打鬧鬧,都冇隨意打擾我呢個客人,並且可能因為今日少人,佢哋嘅工作唔忙碌,每個都笑容滿臉,會同我傾少少計。飲品和食物都是好吃的,至少不會讓人失望,給我一個很好的free time。店員告訴我,攜上次的消費單據,下次惠顧正價產品有折扣。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
由於工作關係,我哋大部份同事都來自五湖四海,好難得先可以碰面😅 所以 #小秘書 都好期待嚟緊嘅christmas gathering可以同大家見吓面,影返幅相做紀念🥳 今年我哋再次book咗 Pop n’ Grill 做我哋嘅場,貪佢地方夠大,大家唔使咁侷促😉 餐廳分為室內同露天兩部份,夜景望住 #沙田 同 #城門河 全境,感覺都幾chill㗎🍻時間關係,我哋一早已經同餐廳經理夾好,呢晚會安排一個簡單嘅dinner buffet 比大家,雖然唔係啲咩名貴食材,不過我就覺得食物嘅款式同質素都唔錯,#粟米湯、#燒大蝦、#燒魷魚圈,仲有 #羊架 … 都係搶手貨🤤 而我就最鍾意食佢哋嘅 #大啡菇,完全唔會乾身,啖啖肉入口仲好Juicy㗎😉 不過美中不足嘅係海鮮類食物補充時間比較長,心急嘅同事都走嚟問我「幾時先有得食」😅😆 好彩我哋order咗個free flow package,成晚嘅 #啤酒 同 #汽水 都係無限量供應… 隊返兩支🍻 食物就自然陸續送到啦😉最後我想讚吓 #餐廳服務團隊、#經理 夠晒落力,每次我哋有咩要求,都好快搵到幫手😉 而且露天環境夠晒開陽,只係偶爾發現有人食煙😖大煞風景之外,我都好享受餐廳環境帶俾我慢活嘅感覺😎 睇嚟我本 #餐廳推介 又可以多一個成員喇🥳📍 Pop n’ Grill (沙田)源禾路1號沙田大會堂天台花園 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-12-06
小時候住在沙田見證着這店換過幾手自從換成Pop n Grill 之後一直想找機會來一趟於是找了一個慶祝的場合來一探究竟😆當日天氣很涼快🌬️很適合在Rooftop位置與好友聊天相聚我們剛好趕上happy hour時間🍹Cocktail和mocktail也只是$48一杯非常實惠叫了四杯口味也很獨特尤其是gin tonic入口酸甜,帶點回甘主菜方面,特別推薦黑松露意大利飯一上桌已經聞到香濃的黑松露味意大利飯的軟硬度也剛好另外安格斯肉眼扒也非常美味🤤五成熟肉質軟熟而且番薯條可以無限添食很適合把酒聊天🍺打電話的時候,提及為友人慶祝新婚👰🏻‍♀️🤵🏻結果送上甜品時餐廳貼心地送上驚喜爆谷甜品很驚喜,有甜又鹹味道很夾建議餐廳可考慮每台加點蠟燭或登台點綴因晚上較黑難看清食物雖然食物及服務與貴價的西餐仍有一些距離但食物絕對對得住這個價位的西餐廳👍🏻而且職員也很親切友善值得再來👍🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-07-10
The second time to be here!!! No set dinner tonight because of renovation of kitchen. The all day set is good too. You can see the hamburger looks so nice!!! To be frank, it is not ergonomic for our mouth!!! It is easy to induce dislocation of tempo mandibular joint!!! 🤣🤣🤣 The bread is crispy and full of sesame. The beef is juicy!!! The carborona is yummy too. Creamy as I like even though it shluld have cream inside!!! 🤪🤪🤪 The soup and salad is nice!!!The apple crumble is not bad even though it is not classic enough!!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2023-05-28
垃圾西餐完全唔識餐桌禮儀 一入到去冇人招呼 之後嗌人完全冇笑容 頭盤未完就係咁樣樣上晒 成枱都係勁似大排擋 有相為証冇誇張 食到尾聲頭盤碟都冇話收既 莫講話換碟收碟 唔講以為自己食緊大家樂 完全食唔到廚師水準 就算世界飢荒都唔會再黎 因為連最基本既禮貌同西餐禮都冇! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)