Restaurant: Robatayaki

To encourage eatery outlets to reduce food waste at source together with customers through offering portioned meals and adopting food waste reduction measures, the Environmental Protection Department has launched the “Food Wise Eateries” Scheme. Participants will be awarded with a Food Wise Eateries (FWE) accreditation status if they comply with the assessment criteria and will be granted with the FWE Logo and Stickers for displaying in the premises and their promotion for public identification. Applications are accepted all year round and are FREE of charge.

For details, please click here, https://www.wastereduction.gov.hk/zh-hk/waste-reduction-programme/food-wise-hong-kong-campaign

2-min walk from Exit D2, Whampoa MTR Station continue reading
傳統日式裝潢的炉端燒日本餐廳,由主廚即席為客人提供炉端燒烤美食,同時亦備有各式新鮮壽司、刺身及清酒。餐廳之貴賓房可容納20人,乃舉行各類商務宴客或私人聚會的最佳選擇。 continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 14:00
18:00 - 22:30
Mon - Fri
12:00 - 14:00
18:00 - 22:30
Sat - Sun
12:00 - 14:30
18:00 - 22:30
Public Holiday
12:00 - 14:30
18:00 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Cake-cutting Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
北海道鱈場蟹 松扳西冷網燒 銀鱈西京燒 喜知次塩燒 鴨肝 蘆筍
Review (101)
Level2 2025-02-24
我們一行四人到此爐端燒餐廳用午膳,帶位職員很有禮,很快便安排座位給我們。佈置很有特色,把爐端燒的食物鋪放在客人面前,能夠讓客人親眼見到食物去挑選是不錯的安排,但是鮮魚海鮮等食物不是存放在低溫,令人有點存疑。午餐選擇不多,我們四人都一致選了銀鱈西京燒,廚師在客人面前把食物烹調,很有儀式感;份量很大,味道很不錯,可惜鱈魚的新鮮度可以更好,可能就是保存鱈魚的環境有待改善。雖然客人不多,但是侍應人數好似不足咁,以超過$300的一個午餐的收費定位服務可以更好。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
情人節晚餐體驗:不值得。之前未食過爐端燒,又據聞此餐廳連續3 年榮獲《米芝蓮指南》推介,所以就試試佢,預訂左佢情人節晚餐set。坐位係圍住爐個邊嘅位置,係個一枱嚟講,當時我同另一半係唯一準時出現,亦都係第一個落好曬order。而咁啱旁邊嘅食客同我哋一樣點咗同一個餐,但每一次所有食物都係畀咗其他客人先到我哋,仲要唔明點解啲嘢食全部微溫,已經係個爐到圍住,熱都唔熱都算,啲海鮮全部都似係急凍貨咁,鮮都唔鮮,例如:大蝦得一隻,啲肉實得嚟又冇味完全係殭屍肉咁😂 ,四粒螺啲肉係霉又細粒,完全冇彈性但佢啲汁係好味。帶子:又係冇味,正常應該係有肉質同鮮甜味,但個海膽係好味嘅。菠菜: 鹹到腎虧,佢啲蒜蓉係香嘅,但真係好鹹好鹹😂 刺身:係唯一最好🤣服務都對唔住千幾蚊一個人嘅收費… 侍應大聲傾偈,食完嘅碗碟成日好耐都冇人收… 茶飲完一段時間先有人嚟斟… 總括而言完全唔似高級餐廳,我以為去咗茶餐廳😂🫶。Dinner set 包括:白飯魚乾一碟,刺身一碟,麵豉湯一人一碗,煎大蝦一隻, 煎帶子伴海膽一粒,汁煮螺四粒,菠菜一碟,波波雞肉串2串,再加左$200升級宮崎牛一碟,烏冬一人一碗,一塊cheese cake ,膠玫瑰,盛惠二千幾蚊🤣只可以講呢個價真係好多好好嘅選擇,我當自己唔好彩😂 不過就食物質素嚟講,我應該唔會再去lu。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-11-02
這間餐廳是朋友介紹我過來,他跟我說這裏的午餐性價比很高,所以今日經過黃埔,特登過來試吓!我都是即日過來Walk in都有位,證明而家生意都幾難做!坐低見到個Menu,都有好多唔同嘅定食,咁一場嚟到,就叫咗我最貴嘅set!佢有牛嘅選擇,價錢一樣都係$560,兩個都係和牛,一個係澳洲A5和牛,一個係宮崎A4和牛,咁我梗係揀真正嘅宮崎和牛啦!雖然份量會少啲,但最緊要好食!落完order之後,先嚟咗個前菜,有個日式前菜,同埋日式蒸蛋。日式前菜,係啲菇、洋蔥同埋金菇,酸酸甜甜都幾開胃,另外個蒸蛋就比較淡,如果可以濃味少少就更加好!跟住就睇住師傅一路喺度燒和牛,因為我坐吧枱嘅關係,全場可以睇住師傅點樣烹飪,睇住佢點樣燒,之後一步步點樣做,跟住一刀刀咁切,都幾享受!尤其是見到佢燒銀鱈魚,睇到佢好用心喺度燒烤,搞到我下次都想叫銀鱈魚!最後和牛終於送上,配埋飯同湯!和牛係五成熟,燒到啱啱好!仲有些少粉紅色!外邊有脆,裏面軟!配埋白飯真係一流!之後仲有件小蛋糕作為甜品,大家經過黃埔都可以過嚟試吓!性價比都真係幾高! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-06-30
Just had an amazing dining experience at Robatayaki  , an authentic Japanese charcoal grill, located in the heart of Kowloon at Harbour Grand Kowloon  ! Originating from Miyagi Prefecture in Sendai City, it’s a culinary journey like no other.As we took our seats, the skilled chef knelt beside the open hearth, meticulously grilling our dishes. The presentation was a sight to behold as he gracefully served each delicacy with a long wooden paddle. It was a truly fascinating experience!Every dish was of exceptional quality, but one in particular stole the show—the Grilled Silver Cod. The fish’s natural oils glistened, making it irresistibly juicy. The tender flesh melted in my mouth, perfectly cooked without a hint of char. The chef’s mastery of timing was truly remarkable.I must commend the chef’s multitasking skills, effortlessly managing multiple tables and orders while ensuring the utmost precision and quality of each ingredient. It’s a testament to their culinary prowess!Prepare to be amazed by the artistry and flavors that await you. Don’t forget to bring your appetite! 🍽️😋 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-02-25
話說起碼廿年前已經第一次幫襯呢間炉端燒,當年年紀小,父母帶着我嚟見識,每次都有廚師用條船槃傳送食品,覺得好好玩,細個就真係唔明食物嘅品質同味道。呢廿年來斷斷續續都有嚟食,好記得由好好食(及好好玩),相樸乎午餐變成又柴皮又漏單, 最慘係漏咗單個師傅重要串串嘴,見證當年香港地巴之閉既年代。之後就梗係唔係點幫襯,對上一次係疫情前,記憶之中都係冇乜特別。今日再次幫襯,全因見到廣告話online booking 有八折,然後送蛋糕同加送一杯野飲。好啦,咁我又反嚟啦。折後500蚊鬆啲一位既相撲手午餐,第一件事就係食銀鱈魚,呢個就永遠冇得輸,encore 左兩次,真心無得頂,又嫩又滑。其他例如鮑魚仔,大蝦,帶子,牛扒,羊架,各式瓜菜,魚乾,魚生,老實一般自助餐貨式,可以接受既。然後送既生日蛋糕,甜品sherbet, 2杯飲品,呢個價錢係可以嘅。一家人weekend 嚟個另類放題,不錯吧! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)