This little corner of Singapore in Hong Kong, is situated on the ground floor of the City Garden Hotel. Its tropical garden setting and enticing aroma of grilling satay skewers, have made the Satay Inn one of the most popular restaurants in the area, especially with Singaporean or Malaysian expatriates seeking an authentic taste of home. The wide range of spicy Southeast Asian favourites on a tempting a la carte menu include an extensive selection of meat, seafood and rice and noodle dishes. continue reading
Good For
Group Dining
Special Occasion Dining
Additional Information
Reservation: 2833 6188
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay JCB
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Phone Reservation Details
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Assorted Satay Fried White Radish Cake Hainanese Chicken Rice Laksa Baked Peppered Crab Hokkien Prawn Mee
Review (41)
Level4 2010-11-16
近兩年未來,試試招牌肉骨茶。湯底依舊的色深,夠熱,但喝起來就只得藥材的味道,肉的份量不多,湯頭顯得很淡,沒有偷工但料減了,風味不如從前,連叻沙的湯頭亦稀得要命,吃慣淡口味的朋友亦投訴無味,是分店開多了,令質素卻大幅下降?現在想喝口滿意的肉骨茶,還是要到揚氏,而同區叻沙做得較似樣的,在和富道的麵店逢假日供應。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2010-06-21
得到一個機會可以一行六人到此餐廳吃一個標明是世界杯的套餐,不過也許是希望越大,失望會越大的緣故,的確有太多需要改進之處。 首先,套餐有八道菜式,分別為肉骨茶或者是冬陰功(任選其一),海南雞一碟(無骨的);炒蘿蔔糕;炒貴刁;咖喱牛腩;印度酥皮薄餅;炒通菜和甜品(嬤嬤喳喳)。自己認為當中只有海南雞是值得推薦的,因為雞肉的確是很滑很美味,由於無骨的緣故所以特別吃得傾心。但是其他的也只是不過了了,特別是炒貴刁也許是要忠於原著的緣故,所以非常油,油得令人有點吃不消。至於咖喱牛腩算是過得去,相信應該是經過特別挑選的,算是另一個可以試試的食物。不過一定要提一提的是那個甜品,本來以前也試過馬拉的嬤嬤喳喳,但是不曾試過會有酸味的甜品,不知道是因為内裏的椰奶所致還是其他什麽成份所致,總之就是有點怪怪的味道,頗為不可以接受,希望可以因應香港而作出改善。 本來一頓晚餐為求響應世界杯熱潮,所以也提供投射電視直播世界杯(德國對塞爾維亞),但是由於坐的座位離開屏幕還是有點距離,所以看得不太順心,加上德軍的表現真的是不太像樣,最後甚至以0比1輸掉此場賽事,簡直令自己不能置信,估計德國對打入八強也會是一大疑問。 無論如何,也是一個經驗,試過便算! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2009-11-24
午飯有時會選擇這裡,是因為貪這裡在一般的情況下都不會爆滿,不過當然,價錢是比一般的食肆要貴了,平均每人消費大概70/80 元喇。店如其名,其餐廳提供的都是星馬菜,就如肉骨茶、喇沙、馬來西亞式咖哩等等菜式都有提供,不過個人到此,風雨不改,每次都點海南雞飯,因為個人認為此處之海南雞飯離本人在新加坡文華CHATTERBOX的感覺是比較相近的。雖然個人認為CHATTERBOX每塊雞的質感比此處還是要稍為優勝一點(因為每塊雞會切得較厚),而且雞也比較鬆軟,但此餐廳的雞(當然,尤其是雞脾了)則更有嚼勁。另外,雖然個人很少食雞皮,不過淺嘗了一塊之後,覺得這裡的雞皮真的很美味,所以接連吃了兩三塊 ... (又要多做運動了,呵呵呵)無論如何,這裡的海南雞飯是絕對高於一般香港吃得到的水準。想一試美味的海南雞飯,真的值得一來試餐廳。記得用AE (好像還有恒生) 埋單是有9折優惠的,埋單時緊記留意了。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2009-11-16
Actually this should be part 15, however I didnt label the reviews after part 5,so all the singmalay series have been listed below.Came here and ordered the Hainan chicken with rice, Laksa, and Okra in sambal coconut sauce.The Hainan chicken was the most expensive, and when i mention the price in my reviews I do mean expensive!!! $80 for a few pieces of chicken, rice, sauces and soup, the sauces were slightly different than the other places, the soy sauce was thick and carried that bitterness to it, the grounded ginger was green, and the rice was quite hard.The flavoured rice tasted like the paste I got at the Food expo to make the Hainan rice.The Laksa priced at $65 was the average Laksa price in HK, however it lacked cockles and the big prawns. It was rather oily and very strong in coconut milk base.Sambal Okra:This was rather nice, the sauce was sweet with coconut. I would of preferred the okra to have been cut in half to soak up more sauce.Part 14: Fishing Bayhttp://www.openrice.com/restaurant/commentdetail.htm?commentid=2040133Part 13: Eat Gardenhttp://www.openrice.com/restaurant/commentdetail.htm?commentid=2007800Part 12: Toast Boxhttp://www.openrice.com/restaurant/commentdetail.htm?commentid=2025862Part 11: 狀元麵館http://www.openrice.com/restaurant/commentdetail.htm?commentid=2030430Part 10: Ma thaihttp://www.openrice.com/restaurant/commentdetail.htm?commentid=2008781Part 9: malaymamahttp://www.openrice.com/restaurant/commentdetail.htm?commentid=2032641Part 8: King Laksahttp://www.openrice.com/restaurant/commentdetail.htm?commentid=2030936Part 7: Malaysia (Port Klang) Cuisine Limitedhttp://www.openrice.com/restaurant/commentdetail.htm?commentid=1975275Part 6: Prawn noodle shophttp://www.openrice.com/restaurant/commentdetail.htm?commentid=1943536Part 5: Pasarhttp://www.openrice.com/restaurant/commentdetail.htm?shopid=15694&commentid=1917006Part 4: Katonghttp://www.openrice.com/restaurant/commentdetail.htm?shopid=15291&commentid=1911346Part 3: Katonghttp://www.openrice.com/restaurant/commentdetail.htm?shopid=15291&commentid=1909120Part 2: YEOH'S BAH KUT TEHhttp://www.openrice.com/restaurant/commentdetail.htm?shopid=19979&commentid=1909114Part 1: Sing Ma Food Restauranthttp://www.openrice.com/restaurant/commentdetail.htm?commentid=1909108 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2009-08-01
I have always liked Singaporean/malaysian food but haven't had any for a long time. One day I had this sudden craving, searched open rice and ended up in this restaurant. it was quite strange as the restaurant was an "extension" of the hotel, so it was sort of outdoor but still in an enclosed area.We ordered Bak Kut Teh, fried carrot cake, beef rendang, stir fried vegetables, malacca sago with palm sugar. May be due to the craving, I found everything quite tasty, especially the sago. So it was an enjoyable meal and I am sure to go back in the future. Prices are reaosnable too. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)