6-min walk from Exit D2, Central MTR Station
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Chef Alex Law is come back from Melbourne, Australia. He will arrange a six-courses or eight-course omakase dinner for the customers. The lunch set is well arranged too.
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Opening Hours
12:00 - 15:00
17:30 - 23:00
Mon - Sat
12:00 - 15:00
17:30 - 23:00
Public Holiday
12:00 - 15:00
17:30 - 23:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
已經係呢個大廈食過3間餐廳,都係睇到同一個景🤣Restaurant Week又揾到間令我surprise既餐廳•無記錯好似係$498/ppStarter揀咗Beef Tartare,薯片比牛肉好食🙈Hokkaido Scallop都幾彈牙,又大粒👍🏼•Lobster 係佢哋攞獎既一道菜真係好好架食!龍蝦新鮮彈牙,唔需要自己拆殼,食落啖啖肉🤤下面有塊大根,配埋佢個汁架架食,仲有d提子係呀,真係提子黎架得意,但又幾夾wor😋由於個汁太好食,所以佢哋有配埋包比你可以食埋d汁,又係好好☺️☺️呢個Lobster Cappuccino都好出色佢勁濃仲有d龍蝦肉,使唔使咁好味先,加埋入面既Melon and preserve lemon,甜甜地唔會有酸味,都幾balance💛•Main就叫咗Honey Glazed Yellow Chicken好滑wor,係雞胸位都滑,好岩我呢d唔鍾意食擦子膠雞既人🤣不過真係好飽,完全食唔晒!另外加喊$180轉M9 Wagyu Rib Eye (8oz)睇落覺得勁大塊!Wagyu一定好夠肥美,無得輸•DessertVanilla Panna Cotta 唔知點解覺得佢有杏霜味🤣不過佢有勁多白桃,好味既不過都係太飽🙈Coconut Sorbet椰子味好重,好好味Sorbet無咁飽 下面d芒果夾sorbet食好正,反而烤菠蘿就麻麻地🤔•其實個餐都真係好多野食,不過就無包飲品推介👍🏼所以我哋加咗1位wine pairing ,不過唔記得價錢🙈
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We picked this restaurant as they’ve got a high score of 9.2 in the restaurant week. Inspired by European cuisine, the dishes had got an international flavour, such as having oyster tempura and grilled asparagus with onsen egg and truffle parmesan foam in the starters. I was expecting more of a light, foamy texture, as it was much more solid, while it’s still yummy.The seafood of the day was a salmon, which was nice and tender. Very small though. It suited my friend who had a small appetite while not sure if it’d be right for the general public. The honey glazed yellow chicken with thyme jus was superb. It’s comparable to the one at Ami and Epure. It was so tender and with great chicken flavour. The staff said the Oolong tea ice cream was one of their signature dishes hence we tried. The Oolong tea flavour was obvious. The staff was responsive and resourceful. The only drawback for this restaurant was the noise level, which was high, perhaps due to the wood walls that trapped the noise.
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Senti的主理人Chef Alex在回港開始自己的餐廳之前, 曾經與墨爾本名廚Donovan Cooke 一起在名店Rhye工作, 所以吃他處理的法式料理的時候, 有一種熟悉的感覺, 就像之前在澳洲吃過的風格, 比較當代而且食材同樣因地際宜. 就像烤本地的黃油雞, 用上本身的雞汁和黃酒結合作為醬汁, 鮮香不會過鹹, 黃酒獨有的甘甜也會這道菜提供畫龍點睛的效果. 雞胸和脾位的火候同樣合理, 吃起來熟度和口感剛剛好.其他菜式最印象深刻的是大蝦, 不只是因為其忌廉醬汁的酸度, 而是大根的收汁, 軟溶以及無渣, 將醬汁和鮮蝦的精華吸收在內. 龍蝦Cappuccino用上檸檬葉中和其濃香, 微和甘香作為主菜前的湯品, 味道算是恰到好處. 相比起來鵝肝刞是大路但不會輸的組合, 就是配以梨醬, 如果再厚身一點就更吸引. 說起來Chef Donovan在結束墨爾本的生意之後, 也到香港開始以自己名字命名的餐廳, 有機會也想品嚐一下.Chef Alex of Senti, who previously worked with renowned chef Donovan Cooke at Rhye in Melbourne, brings a contemporary Australian-influenced French cuisine to Hong Kong. His dishes showcase locally-sourced ingredients, exemplified by the roasted butter chicken with a yellow wine jus. Standout dishes include a large prawn with cream sauce and tender daikon, and a well-balanced lobster Cappuccino soup. The foie gras terrine paired with pear sauce is a classic combination. Chef Alex’s cooking style reflects his international experience, offering familiar yet innovative flavors that highlight the quality of local produce while maintaining the essence of French culinary techniques.
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一開始見openrice 沒有太多評分時就有小小擔心,結果去到試左dinner set(580 per each),發現每個dish 都好好吃,咁ge價錢係中環可以吃到咁高質的dinner,真係令人驚喜。非常推薦:深海龍蝦,牛肉他他。龍蝦湯就有d苦。安排左靠窗位置,景色唔錯。
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星期五晚同朋友去左中環Senti食飯,慶祝朋友生日。之前朋友講過呢間好食,所以趁Chill Eat有優惠$498+1,仲搶到Chill Eat減$50張券,book左7:00食。帶子天婦羅帶子軟腍,外面夠脆,呢個好好食。松葉蟹肉塔蟹肉絲好多,有啲魚籽,係冷盤黎既。深海龍蝦伴提子白酒牛油汁龍蝦幾彈牙,龍蝦下面有舊白蘿蔔,幾好食。仲有麵包可以送。招牌龍蝦湯龍蝦湯整到好似一杯cappuccino咁,又有龍蝦肉同哈密瓜,幾濃味。西班牙紅蝦意粉 (+$180)意粉索晒啲蝦汁,夠濃味,紅蝦正常。西班牙黑毛豬鞍黑毛豬鞍油脂感十足。法國深海牙魚魚肉好嫩滑,而且夠厚身。烏龍茶雪糕伴海鹽焦糖泡沫烏龍茶雪糕茶味好出,正。之前講左要寫字。法式蘋果塔伴自家製雲呢拿雪糕蘋果批幾脆,都唔錯。
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