3-min walk from Exit D1, Central MTR Station
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A member's only Shanghainese restaurant, Shanghai Fraternity Association serves traditional and authentic Shanghai-style food. The signature dishes include the Braised Duck with Scallion, Pan-fried Pork Dumplings, Fried Shrimp and Spicy Sweet Beans.
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Good For
Group Dining
Additional Information
Accept members only
Reservation for member only
Opening Hours
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
新一年食團年飯,老闆選址上海總會。原來最近新裝修咗,啲房都靚晒!仲有得唱K食物全部都有驚喜!訂房嘅時候要最低消費$5000,同埋叫咗餐廳寫菜火朣雞燉大排翅 :$5699 窩13人食冷盤有:烤麩、蔥油海蜇皮、醬蘿蔔、風雞、羊羔甜豆蝦仁:蝦仁夠嫩滑紅燒八寶鴨:八寶鴨入面有糯米莲子,瓜子仁,提子乾等,混合一齊食好好食!煙燻䱽魚:外脆內軟,整得非常之好食!仲有唔少得梗係仲有小籠包!最後仲有八寶飯做甜品,成餐飯食到好飽,真係回味無窮
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【#思思賢美食分享】✨ 中環隱藏版老上海風味!上海總會!今年公司Annual Dinner喺歷史悠久嘅「上海總會」食! 呢間會所喺中環雲咸街,已經有46年歷史! (只招待會員喔)真心推介以下幾道菜:🐟 龍鬚桂魚: 手工菜嘅典範!桂魚起肉切成幼絲,炒得香噴噴!啖啖肉!鮮味十足!🐷 肴肉: 質地實淨,冰冰涼涼,完全唔覺得肥膩!調味恰到好處,鹹香帶濃郁肉香!係一道出色嘅前菜!🍳 燻蛋: 必點!溏心蛋黃加上濃郁煙熏味,真係Perfect Match!🍤 龍井蝦仁: 蝦仁彈牙又軟嫩,味道清 fresh,帶住淡淡茶香!喺一眾濃味菜式中,好似一股清泉咁,令人耳目一新!🐔 煙燻軟雞: 煙燻味香濃,肉質嫩滑!連雞胸都唔會柴!如果可以保持熱度就更加完美喇!🌿 舟山海蜇香筍: 麻油香氣撲鼻!海蜇爽脆彈牙!真係名副其實嘅海蜇頭!總括嚟講,上海總會嘅菜式充滿傳統上海風味,值得一試!😋
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2024 has seen various changes to the club- with the addition of a western cafe/bar section (which I am not interested to try out) and a complete makeover of the traditional Shanghainese restaurant.Restaurant reopened in the first week of December and Member was eager to take us before the crab season closed.Dinner. Seated in one of the 7 private rooms on the revamped 3rd floor.Here’s what we had.Appetizers:搶虎尾- soft and flavorful; didn’t feel like I was eating eel at all. 魚子燻蛋- beautiful pairing of rich, smoky egg and the briny caviar素鵝大閘蟹(六両公蟹)- not for me but I contributed the lovely Henri Giraud Solera to go with it.翡翠鴛鴦蝦- succulent prawns were cooked to perfection, showcasing their fresh tenderness. The surrounding green balls were deep fried balls of prawns mixed with spinach which apparently was an off-menu item.火瞳雞燉大排翅- highlight of my night. Everyone was fighting to takeaway the ham.蟹粉粉皮+ 金衣鍋把 (ie 鍋把 coated with salted egg)蔥燒海參火丁甜豆- all time favorite. Peas were more substantial and sweeter than the ones I recently had at 蘇浙.蟹粉豆苗,冬筍豆苗素蒸餃- another must-try; delicate skin filled with flavorful vegetable mixture steamed to perfection.煎南瓜餅- crispy exterior with soft pumpkin filling; a perfect end to a memorable dining experience.In summary: a delightful array of dishes that beautifully captured the essence of Shanghainese cuisine; with warm and attentive service. Too bad we will have to defer to Member for our next visit.
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燻蛋 🍳 指定動作啦,蛋黃夠流心,仲有好香既煙熏味舟山海蜇頭🪼 佢哋會問你想要食爽啲定係冧啲,我哋要左爽身,又真係索索聲勁清新~五香鴨舌 呢度菜十分驚喜,鴨舌口感軟滑恍如無筋,濃香既五香調味夠開胃亦唔會過火位~醉羔蟹 🦀上海派醬油蟹,整道菜都好濃郁,蟹膏綿密飽滿,鮮甜既蟹肉完全融合酒香complex 得嚟又和諧唔會互相搶味~❤️ 想大聲高歌一曲你把我灌醉~富貴雞清燉獅子頭, 呢個大推薦,望上去清湯寡水咁,但湯底鮮美唔肥膩🦁 獅子頭口感鬆化軟熟,煮完湯都完全唔柴~龍井蝦仁 🍤 蝦仁彈牙而軟嫩,味清帶茶既甘香,食完個人都風雅啲,喺一眾重口味菜式中完美點綴,絲毫都唔遜色龍鬚桂魚 🐟 一道傳統手工菜,首先將桂魚起肉切成幼絲,再落鑊炒香,啖啖肉鮮香十足~紅燒元蹄 🐽 肉質鬆化幼嫩,當然最緊要係食個皮,做到唔油膩而口感超級軟綿夠晒滑,難以抗拒既美味~收尾嚟番個甜品高力豆沙... 今晚全部都係大菜,好很飽~🐽🐽註:行會員制,需要會員簽單付款
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