9-min walk from Exit D, Jordan MTR Station continue reading
Ssal Bori Ssal is a makgeolli bar and restaurant. The owner brings 8 kinds of carbonated makgeolli from Korea to Hong Kong. Makgeolli has a low alcoholic content and it tastes sweet and sour. It is recommended to order some homely authentic Korean dishes to goes with the makgeolli. continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 15:00
17:30 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 15:00
17:30 - 22:00
*15:00-17:30 closed
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (353)
突然好想食韓國野,男朋友話要食正宗韓國料理就梗係要去韓國街la,佢就帶左我去"Ssal Bori Ssal" ,入到餐廳就好似去左韓國咁,入面嘅職員係韓國人,有唔少韓國人幫襯落完單,職員就放低左3個前菜:芽菜、豆角、泡菜⭐️韭菜煎餅啖啖韭菜,好甜,好食😋,唔知係咪我少見多怪呢,第一次喺韓式餐廳食到😂⭐️燉豬肉陪飯見落雨涼涼地,想飲個熱湯。個湯本身清清地,另外跟左3款調味(黑椒、鹹魚仔、辣醬),可以自DIY自己想要嘅口味,入面有大量9菜同豬肉,我自己就鐘意鹹魚仔,加少少落去吊下味,個湯就已經好好飲😋⭐牛肉炒粉絲材料好豐富,入面除左牛肉同粉絲,仲有洋蔥、紅蘿蔔、韭菜、芝麻、冬菇、椰菜,一定要襯熱食,熱食最好食😋⭐️鐵板炒年糕超好食,個汁甜甜地、辣辣地,年糕外脆內軟,同以往食嘅炒年糕差好遠,li個好正呀😋⭐️紫薯米酒本身想飲燒酒,但係見佢米酒有好多唔同味,好吸引,最後就揀左米酒,li款米酒易入口,有淡淡嘅紫薯味,度數又唔高,啱曬女仔飲⭐凍桃茶好重桃味,微甜,茶味ok,整體黎講好飲 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
尖沙咀有一條聚集韓國餐廳的街道,Ssal Bori Ssal更是每天都人潮洶湧。這裡的菜肴正宗美味,讓人彷彿置身於韓國的小店,連韓國人也特意光顧,價格也相對親民!❣️ **花蛤大醬鍋**大醬湯是韓國人最愛的家常料理,這裡的味道正宗!石鍋熱騰騰地端上桌,還附有一碗白飯,將大醬湯與白飯搭配,簡直一絕。大醬味道濃郁,調味恰到好處,不會過鹹,內有花蛤、蘿蔔、豆腐、櫛瓜和蔥花,料多實在,鮮美可口。❣️ **牛肉韓式石頭飯**不可錯過的「牛肉石頭鍋飯」!上桌時石鍋發出滋滋聲,熱力十足。新鮮的牛肉搭配香滑的米飯,煮出香噴噴的味道,底部的鍋巴格外香脆,吃得令人滿足!牛肉、香菇、菠菜和辣醬混合在一起,風味絕佳,底層的飯焦更是美味。❣️ **Egg Roll 韓式蛋卷**份量十足,是許多桌的必點之選。厚厚的蛋卷搭配蕃茄醬和沙律醬,口感絕佳。❣️ **Baby KFC 韓式炸雞**這裡的韓式炸雞正宗可口,外脆內嫩,肉質鮮嫩多汁,配上微甜微鹹的醬油味,讓人一試必回頭再幫襯。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-09-22
尖沙咀呢度就不嬲多韓國餐廳,成條韓國街好多選擇,今次我地黎左呢間Ssal Bori Ssal試下🇰🇷佢地坐位都舒服,牆身貼左d韓文海報,個水吧位都乾淨企理,坐位唔算多,繁忙時間有機會要等,我自己都等左陣先入得😗純豆腐海鮮湯($103)韓國餐廳d湯不嬲都唔錯,我地叫左呢個海鮮湯,雖然冇泡菜,但都係辣既,辣得幾過癮,材料都好足,豆腐同海鮮都裝滿曬,佢仲有碗白飯跟,用黎撈飯食一流🫕🍚芝士泡菜炒飯($120)呢個炒飯睇個樣已經知好正,係鋪滿曬芝士既鐵板飯,撈勻d芝士拉曬絲咁,好好食,雖然佢冇肉,只係得泡菜同芝士,但已經足夠🧀🌶️醬油蒜蓉炸雞($120)韓式炸雞又係一樣好食既菜式,呢個炸雞啖啖肉,d醬油炸完乾左係皮既表面,幾入味🐥海鮮薄餅($149)呢個海鮮簿餅佢地幫我分成幾細塊上,最緊要趁熱食,個辣辣地既醬汁係個精髓,點黎食先正😋呢間韓國餐廳既食物都好正路,最正係個芝士泡菜飯,爆多芝士,其他食物都唔錯,整體都算中上水平,難怪都要排隊等位😛 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-09-13
老死約聚會, 去左食韓國野。佢話呢間正宗韓國料理一定要早去, 晏D去就要排隊家喇。 6點半到已經7成滿, 好彩有位。 呢間小店用木系裝潢燈光有少少暗, 幾relax , 正啱和朋友暢飲,舒適環境. 一坐底朋友已經馬上點酒先Mak so sa $110  - 真係必飲, 幾乎台台都嗌, 配好咗嘅米酒 +燒酒 +雪碧 , 一壺上正 ! 易入口,份量都多倒極都仲有!跟手店員送上韓式前菜有泡菜芽菜同四季豆, 好好食。蛋卷Egg Roll  $133 -   軟熟嘅蛋卷入面超多芝士, 非常邪惡的一道菜,好飽肚家多人分享好D。 韓式炆牛尾 $198  - 呢個真係超出我想像, 主角韓式嘅燉牛尾肉超軟淋,仲有好多件,醬汁甜甜地非常好送飯,內裡D花菇蘿蔔同薯仔都炆到超級入味,好滿足。 花蛤大醬煱  $103  - 熱辣辣大醬煱味道濃郁,所以好適合送飯,除咗花蛤,仲有蘿蔔、豆腐、金菇等,非常足料㗎!大醬黃豆味非常香濃,但又唔會過鹹花蛤唔算大隻,但勝在鮮甜!配料仲有蘿蔔、豆腐、金菇等,撈飯一流啊!韓式甜辣炸雞$195鐵板上新鮮炸起熱辣辣,勁多芝士外皮好香脆啖啖肉, 炸得乾身不會油膩 皮脆肉嫩多肉汁, 加埋韓式甜辣醬,好惹味香口。 份量超多又大件. 我地兩個食到超飽. 建議多D人去可試多幾款. Ssal Bori Ssal (尖沙咀)尖沙咀金巴利道78號金輝閣地下B號舖 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
"Ssal Bori Ssal," located on Kimberley Road in Tsim Sha Tsui, is an authentic Korean restaurant run by Koreans, specializing in Korean rice wine (Makgeolli)🍻. The comfortable ambiance of the restaurant makes diners feel like they are in Korea, attracting a significant number of Korean customers. Offering a variety of unique Korean dishes, such as spicy kimchi, seasoned bean sprouts, and spicy garlic stems, the restaurant tantalizes the taste bud😍We ordered seafood pancake ($149) 🤩is crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, with a generous amount of seafood filling that offers an excellent texture. The Korean fried chicken ($120)🤤 is renowned for its spicy and sweet flavors, delivering a delightful surprise with every bite. The beef stir-fried glass noodles ($133)😎 and the pure tofu seafood soup ($103) are also delicious choices not to be missed. The restaurant also offers a variety of Makgeolli flavors, allowing diners to savor authentic Korean rice wine while indulging in the delicious food. 🥘 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)