1-min walk from Exit B2, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station
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Opening Hours
12:30 - 15:00
18:30 - 22:30
Mon - Sun
12:30 - 15:00
18:30 - 22:30
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
壽司芳以創意壽司聞名,有別於一般傳統omakase,它保留了日本傳統的做法之餘更多加入一些西式元素,讓人一試難忘,推薦給你們。前菜用小花朵點綴的小章魚刺身吃彈牙有咬勁,賣相好看,味道好吃。生蠔擺盘簡單大氣絲絲透露着它沒有過多的加工調味就能征服你的味蕾。一口下去 鮮甜到我都舍不得咽下去,無疑是我吃過的生蠔裡排名前三了。牡丹蝦刺身廚師用特別的方法呈上,把蝦腦和蝦肉平鋪在盤中,上面還加上杏仁冰淇淋口感層次豐富,真的有驚艷到我。手握壽司的份量又恰到好處,讓客人不會有一種飽腹感,每一道都能輕鬆拿下。個人最愛的海膽一看圖就能看出餐廳絕不吝嗇海膽的份量,入口即溶,沒有腥味。屬於它獨有的鮮甜真不能用筆墨所形容,需要你們親身體驗。最後值得一讚的是師傅真的對於每一道食材都十分用心擺設,就像在呈現一件件藝術品一樣精緻,會再光顧。午餐和晚餐同樣有兩個價位套餐供選擇,當然午餐的性價比更高,有興趣的你們記得網上提早預約。
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omakase的吸引之處是可以坐吧枱和師傅近距離交流,而壽司芳這裡的用餐氣氛很好,客人與師傅可以邊吃邊聊,到最後還自拍和我們合照,真是一個難忘的體驗,這天來吃lunch omakase,有四個前菜、十件壽司、卷物、湯及甜品各一,比想像中豐富,要預留時間來吃,而且配搭也創新,想嘗試不一樣的omakase必來。華連真蠔芝士啫喱華連真蠔的肉質鮮嫩,搭配上綿滑的芝士和酸汁啫喱,帶來了一種豐富的口感層次,而且很創新的口味,加入芝士的配搭也沒有違和感。海膽長芋手卷以海螺裝飾配搭手卷,十分講究,頂層是鮮甜的海膽,底下有滑溜的長芋,紫菜很脆,簡單美味的配搭。竹葉壽司兩件壽司分別是真鯛和金目鯛,其中一件藏在竹葉中,帶有竹葉的香氣,很特別,魚肉肉質細膩,金目鯛配上酸薑的微酸和醋漬的清爽,令人胃口大開。櫻蝦濃湯湯底鮮橙色,是很濃郁的蝦湯,啖啖滋味,附上熟的牡丹蝦,鮮甜爽彈,另外還有炸過的櫻花蝦餅,可以蘸蝦湯吃。魷魚魚子醬壽司魷魚的鮮嫩與魚子醬的鹹香帶來了一種味蕾的衝擊,魷魚黏滑而魚子醬有爆破口感,相映成趣。活赤貝壽司邊位切開,呈捲曲舞動狀態,一口咬下去,鮮味爆發,令人感動。小肌魚壽司小肌味道濃郁,帶有嫩彈口感,入口帶有鹹鮮魚香。花竹蝦蛋黃粒粒新鮮爽口的花竹蝦配上蛋黃粒粒,拼湊出特別的口感風味,為味蕾添一份新鮮感。稻草煙薰鰹魚師傅即席燒稻草煙薰鰹魚,令我們像看表演般,鰹魚經過稻草煙薰後,肉質外焦內嫩,帶有淡淡的煙燻香氣,搭配黃介末雪糕和意大利番西汁,味道層次豐富,鹹香中帶有微妙的甜味。池魚壽司池魚是白身魚中味道較為濃郁的,口感爽中帶脆,油份重。親子鯛壽司肥美的鯛魚,配上一粒粉橙色的蝦肉,相映成趣,鯛魚的鮮嫩與蝦肉粒的柔滑完美結合,醬汁帶甜味道討好。Chu toro壽司中拖羅的肉質呈粉紅色,有適當的油脂,脂香而不膩,吞拿魚香和脂香帶來平衡。北海道海膽手卷師傅像剷起蛋糕般將厚厚的海膽送到手卷入面的飯粒上,來自北海道的海膽非常鮮甜,每一口都令人感動的味道,吃omakase最開心吃到這樣的海膽。吞拿魚卷有赤身和中拖羅粒粒的手卷,不同的油脂帶來不同的層次口感,吃到這裡已很飽了。湯及甜品最後送上暖暖的麵豉湯及自家製雜果奶凍,完美結束這一餐精采的omakase。
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𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙊𝙢𝙖𝙠𝙖𝙨𝙚 𝙖𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙙𝙚𝙙 2 𝙈𝙞𝙘𝙝𝙚𝙡𝙞𝙣 𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙨 𝙞𝙣 𝙅𝙖𝙥𝙖𝙣🌟🇯🇵食完覺得好高質上網做research先知係日本Michelin 2 stars ✨ 即刻share比大家一間值得大家去食既omakase 🍣 所有料理都係好用心 絕不馬虎 👍🏻 亦大方用上名貴食料 壽司全部都係高質魚生 勁新鮮 每一款擺入口都係好香海鮮味 海膽壽司睇住廚師加好多海膽 🤤🤤 炸鮑魚手卷第一次食 超正😋😋 食到勁飽好滿足 真係對得住個價錢
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Located on 1/F of The Otto Hotel in TST, Sushiyoshi is the HK branch of Chef Hiroki's Michelin 2-star restaurant in Osaka. We have made reservation on the night to experience his signature Hairy Crab Omakase, served by Chef Hiroki himself, at $3,480 each.After a short wait outside, the restaurant opens sharp at 6:30pm, and we are seated in a side room, where Chef Hiroki is busy in preparation. With familiar modern sushiya deco, good lighting, hinoki sushi table and beautiful wooden carvings, the place is neat and comfortable.The sou chef shows us the hairy crab we are having for the night, with six of them to share among the four customers. Each of the crab also has its own identification tag to allow traceability and assurance of authenticity of its origin.Presented beautifully with an autumn leaf and grain on top, the first course features Kegani. On the bottom are pieces of eggplant, with Hokkaido horsehair crab meat and butter in the middle, before Chef Hiroki adds some salmon roes and shiso flowers, and finally caviar on top. Different texture and flavours create a feast of delight in this appetizer. A wonderful start.The second course features Ankimo, the monkfish liver comes from Dalian in China, an effort of Chef Hiroki to explore ingredients from different parts of the world. Paired with a homemade tofu sauce and slices of grape, the quality of the monkfish liver is good, and I find it a bit more delicate in taste than the Japan ones, with good complement of the fragrance of tofu and hints of acid from the grape.Another beautifully presented dish, after removing the chrysanthemum on top the third course is Shirako. Together with the silky creamy cod milt is Ganmodoki, a fried tofu fritter made with vegetables, as well as mushroom and chili pepper, served in a thick sauce made with crab meat and butter, with many chrysanthemum petals to give colour and aromas. Very delicious.The fourth course is another creative dish. The Soba Maki has soba to replace shari, with hairy crab butter and tamago as fillings. A walnut sauce is provided instead of soy sauce, and there is also a paste made with yam and spring onion to go along. The rich taste of crab butter is perfect with soba, and the walnut sauce adds nutty flavours, with the yam helps to integrate everything together.The fifth course features two different sushi format. Sasazushi is sushi wrapped in bamboo leaf, while oshizushi is another form made using wooden mould. The shari of Kisu Sasazushi has a stickier texture, almost like rice cake, with good acidity and a bamboo fragrance to pair with the lighter flavour of Japanese whiting, while the Aji Oshizushi is generous in the proportion of Japanese horse mackerel to shari. It is a good opportunity to learn more about sushi.Then comes the sashimi, featuring three types of fish. The seasonal Sanma has a beautiful silvery sheen, very fresh and delicious, with the condiment of ginger and spring onion the perfect condiments of the Pacific saury. The Buri has been paired with mashed radish, with the yellowtail good on fat level and taste. The Nodoguro wraps up, being the fattest among the three, with Chef Hiroki lightly grilling the skin of the blackthroat seaperch to vitalize the fish oil, to showcase its great flavours.The seventh course comes to the Hairy Crab. Putting some shari on the crab shell, Chef Hiroki puts an abundance of hairy crab meat and butter in, together with Uni, with the sou chef making a soy sauce foam from kombu to put on top, resembling how the crab will ooze out of water. The combination of crab butter and sea urchin has a magical harmony of flavours. Really wonderful.Then the sou chef brings out two large Awabi, with the abalone coming from Shimane. Chef Hiroki has prepared a pan-fried sesame tofu, and then put the abalone liver paste on top. He also adds some hairy crab butter to go with the tender abalone. Every bite is pure luxury, with wonderful umami seeping out, the rich and buttery liver paste adding to the flavours, and the tofu great in taste too.The ninth course is a Cucumber Boat with Hairy Crab, with the chef using a pickled cucumber to hold the different parts of the crab, including the meat, butter, pincers, and claws. Paired with a cucumber sauce, with nice acidity serving for the same purpose as vinegar to go with the crab, eating the hairy crab without having to spend any effort of picking the meat is a real treat. Fantastic. The tenth course continues to feature Hairy Crab in Chawanmushi. Another creative dish, the chef has used a hollowed radish as container to hold the steamed egg custard, and then adding salmon roes and crab butter on top. Around the radish the chef pours in a thick sauce, made from crab meat and butter, which adds flavours to the radish. While the egg custard is a bit too runny, the taste is very delicious and showcasing Chef Hiroki’s innovative prowess.Coming to the sushi section, the Maguro Sushi is very large in size, almost to the point of impossible to finish in one go. The tuna is tender, with a good acidity, full of the delicate irony taste of the flesh. Very good.The next one is Female Mud Crab Sushi, with Chef Hiroki making a ‘double-decker’, putting the mud crab meat on the shari, and then adding hairy crab butter on top. It is simply gorgeous, with each bite provides great enjoyment. Fantastic.The third one is Anago Sushi. Chef Hiroki has been cooking the conger eel in the broth on the side for a while, and when ready, taking it out to cut, with each eel making into two sushi, a very generous portion. Wrapping in a crispy nori sheet, with the nitsume sauce and sansho leaf to season, it is another great piece.Thinking that it is the end, Chef Hiroki surprisingly tells us there are still another three more sushi. Next is Chu-Toro Sushi, with the aged medium-fatty tuna exhibiting wonderful umami and a nice acidity to balance the fat. A nice one.Seeing the box of sea urchin, we know next is Uni Gunkan. The sea urchin, coming from Hokkaido, has a creamy texture, sweet and without any weird note on the taste. From this point we notice that Chef Hiroki is asking his sou chef to prepare all the sushi, while he supervises and advises. Good way to train and bring his team ready to run the show.The last piece of sushi is Unagi Handroll. Getting the grilled eel from the kitchen, the sou chef prepares the handroll, adding the nitsume sauce and some shichimi powder to season. Another nice piece and by now, even for a big eater like me, I cannot have anymore.The Fish Soup provides stomach-warming comfort, with its rich flavours undoubtedly coming from lots of fish bones and fish heads. The hen-of-the-woods and enoki mushroom further adds fragrance and a nice bite to the soup.Dessert is the Homemade Matcha Chocolate with Vanilla Ice-Cream. Dusting with some premium matcha powder on top, the chocolate is rich, appropriate in sweetness and a perfect match with the slight bitterness of green tea. The ice-cream is also wonderful in taste, with the vanilla seeds highlighting Chef Hiroki’s belief in using the best ingredients to make his dishes. Fantastic.Service is nice, with Chef Hiroki very friendly, creating a joyful and fun time for all his customers. Together with a bottle of 大嶺2粒火入れ山田錦原酒 ($1,280), the bill on the night is $9,064. While it is not cheap, the fun of spending the night witnessing how Chef Hiroki weaves his magic, and the impeccable hairy crab omakase experience, is worth the price. I look forward to visiting again in future.
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