3-min walk from Exit B1, Exhibition Centre Station continue reading
Known for refined Western cuisine and an elegant dining atmosphere, this restaurant combines innovative techniques with quality ingredients, frequently introducing seasonal menus to offer diners new experiences. continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 00:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 00:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (199)
朋友相約我來到The Drawing Room嘆下午茶,是我第一次來這裡。有分室內及室外座位,室內樓底夠高,加上室外的陽光經過落地玻璃透進來,令人感到悠閑舒適。The Drawing Room Afternoon Tea Menu是可以讓客人自選共8款的鹹甜點,並包2件鬆餅及茶/咖啡。入座不久,職員先捧著一個裝載12款茶葉的木盒來向我們逐一介紹,既然如此有誠意,這次當然是選茶飲!然後職員再推餐點車來到我們面前展示各款鹹點及甜點,食物賣相精緻。Foie Gras Rose (玫瑰鵝肝) 和朋友每人點了一件,是很正確的決定!因為這是令我有最深印象的一款鹹點,玫瑰花造型的賣相,嚐到鵝肝香及champagne gel的微甜,搭配底部的薑餅,香濃馥郁而不膩。另一款得我們歡心的是Oscietra Caviar No.2,底部是布里歐麵包 (Brioche),塗上蛋黃醬,加配少許蔬菜,魚子醬的鹹鮮味突出之餘,又帶點清新爽脆感。幸好這款也是每人一件!Lobster & Crab Jelly,簡簡單單的利用鮮味的龍蝦肉及蟹肉,面層加上用是拉差辣椒醬特製的沙律醬,微微的辣更吊出食材的鮮。鹹點的頭三位要數的是這幾款,其他的味道也不錯!甜點也有兩款好值得推介~可麗露 (Cannelé)外層夠脆口,搭配冧酒及呍呢嗱,用料簡單,但味道很香,不會太過甜膩。St. Regis Cake果然是招牌甜點,朱古力慕絲外層,包裹著rice pudding及朱古力海綿蛋糕,朱古力味特濃,質感柔軟細滑!鬆餅 (Scone) 正正常常,可塗抹clotted cream外,也有蜜糖及三款果醬任大家自行搭配。時間來到5:30pm,職員更會邀請在座客人一同觀賞馬刀開香檳的傳統儀式,表演令人讚嘆。香檳亦會平均分給所有在場的賓客。第一次食下午茶會覺得如斯享受,既有美點,亦有表演,而且職員會向客人逐一介紹餐點及茶品,不是只從冷冰冰的餐牌點選。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2025-01-30
Went for a causal lunch one week day to try out this place which was quite popular for afternoon tea. The design and atmosphere of the restaurant was of high standard and on par with that of a 5 star hotel; tables not too close for comfort, high ceiling with modern decorations and attentive service levels. I opted for their three course set lunch menu priced at $398 (plus 10% service charge). I selected the following; Cajun PrawnCaesar Salad Crispy Parma ham, bread crouton for starter, Kalamata Olive & Herb Crusted Salmon Sautéed squid, pearl couscous, potato foam for main and Pistachio Cherry Finger for dessert. As for drinks, I had their unlimited NORDAQ Sparkling water priced at $40 per person. Tea and coffee was included in the set lunch menu. Here are my tasting notes:Cajun Prawn Caesar Salad Crispy Parma ham, bread crouton - I didn’t want anything spicy that day and asked for the Cajun spice to be removed which they said could be done to cater for my needs. This was the dish which disappointed me most; the prawn was very dry and tough, way overcooked and tasteless . The Caesar salad was just okay, not enough to save the dish. Maybe I should have ordered the Oyster Rockefeller which my companion ordered which looked good and the feedback from my companion was positive. Kalamata Olive & Herb Crusted Salmon Sautéed squid, pearl couscous, potato foam - the salmon was slightly overcooked for me and I couldn’t taste the herby crust. However, the potato foam went very well with the pearl couscous and sautéed squid and was delicious. Pistachio Cherry Finger- this was by far the better dish of the day. The nuttiness from the pistachio cream and cake was not overpowering and paired well with the slightly tart cherry cream and pieces. The sweetness was well balanced. Overall, the level of service was commensurate with the high standard expected of a 5 star hotel but the food provided to me on that day was a let-down. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2025-01-12
結婚週年老公安排咗去St Regis嘅Drawing Room食晚餐慶祝。因為呢間餐廳主要係食afternoontea,加上係平日既夜晚,所以當時入到去只有好少人。職員安排我哋去卡位入座,座位寬敞,因為得好少客人,所以好寧靜好舒服。職員有主動介紹餐牌及回答我哋一d問題,亦會係適當嘅時候幫我地加茶水,服務不錯。以五星級酒店嚟講食物質素都合格,中上水平,正常發揮。 因為係結婚周年,所以酒店亦都有安排小蛋糕送俾我哋,同埋主動幫我哋影相留念。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2025-01-05
在平台預購二人下午茶為友人慶生,在聖誕節前享用。沒想到餐廳一浪浪的節日驚喜令這個下午變得既愉悅又難忘…….初次踏足St Regis, 樓底有兩三層樓高,在玻璃屏風後便是優雅的The Drawing Room。入座後侍應隨即推來奪目的餐車,上層是鹹點,下層是甜點,八件鹹甜任君選擇。適逢聖誕將近,酒店特別預備了幾款聖誕甜品,期待又興奮!飲品有咖啡或十二款茶葉選擇。茶葉來自中國、日本、南非、摩洛哥等….. 紅茶、綠菜、熟茶、生茶、焙茶都有。選了一款烏龍及日本焙茶,發覺烏龍不是熟茶,請侍應更換成陳皮普洱,但始終都是日本焙茶比較靠譜。侍應態度友善積極,有間中詢問是否要為茶壺添水,視線不會刻意迴避客人,拍照……換碟….加牛油,有求必應。友人笑言他們是never say no! 三款果醬、一款蜜糖、牛油及奶油忌廉,供客人配英式鬆餅食,當中的Figs jam最好味。鹹點食材有鵝肝醬、魚子醬、合桃、帶子、煙三文魚、野菌等。點了4鹹4甜,鹹點選食材,甜點則選外觀。1. Oscietra Caviar No. 2魚子醬芝士蛋糕薄薄一層魚子醬放在切成三角形的芝士蛋糕上,魚卵呈灰棕色,顆粒很細,份量少,聞起來沒腥味。放入口中沒有鹹鮮味亦未嘗到奶油感,但配芝士蛋糕是夾的。 無論如何,這個用上矜貴食材的鹹點不要錯過呀!2. Foie Gras Rose紅絲絨花花靚到唔捨得食!幼滑香潤的鵝肝醬,聰明地配合脆脆的薑餅底,減少腥味之餘又豐富了口感。3. Scallop Tartare帶子他他鮮嫰的帶子切細粒,由米餅做出帶子殼狀盛著。一個簡單又好味的鹹點。4. Lobster用紅石榴汁做成啫喱,盛著龍蝦粒,上面放和海鮮是絕配的刁草,蘸醬是青檸蛋黃醬,清新自然的配搭。甜點:1. Christmas Tree聖誕𣗳橙味為主,造型節日氣氛滿滿,味道還可以。2. Dulce De Leche Verrine透明玻璃杯看到一層層的心思…..底部是開心果燕麥脆片,中間夾著一層糖漬士多啤梨,上面是奶凍。杯口加上一片薄薄的粉紅色朱古力片。份量十足!3. Nutcracker 胡桃夾子是焦糖慕絲, 胡桃小鬆餅,中東棗蛋糕底。格仔餅底塗上金色,一絲不苟。4. Speculoos Drum玉桂的特殊芳香氣味為這個鼓狀的芝士蛋糕畫龍點睛,有驚喜。沉醉在甜點之際熟識的音樂響起,一班芭蕾舞小學員隨著音樂表演「胡桃夾子」,為當天增添了一份溫馨的聖誕感。而一班「never say no」的侍應列隊在旁,暫時不在餐廳中「穿梭」,以免阻礙客人欣賞表演。餐廳真的貼心到一個點。傍晚時分客人被邀請圍著聖誕樹,欣賞St Regis 傳統開香檳🍾儀式。現場客人的陣陣歡呼聲把整個餐廳的節日氣氛推至最高峰。每位客人都分享到半杯香檳,大家舉杯祝賀🥂為未來送上美好願景。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-12-14
家人生日,在官方網站訂位,之前一早已經打電話去問lunch set嘅甜品可唔可以寫生日字句,佢哋話可以,所以最後選擇了這間餐廳,忘記了影餐牌,但是可以選擇2 courses或3 courses的set lunch。我們四個人,到時晒所有嘅前菜同主菜,前菜一共有三個選擇,有是日餐湯,蝦沙律同埋溫泉蛋,三個都10分出色,當日餐湯是豆蓉湯,豆味濃郁,很香濃,有少許煙熏味。另外蝦沙律是有點意想不到,應該是用虎蝦,很大隻很爽口。最後嘅溫泉蛋都唔錯,溫泉蛋下面有菠菜同埋雜菇,調校嘅汁,配襯溫泉蛋,好味😋到咗前菜,有四個選擇,第一個是墨魚意粉,有超多墨魚,份量都足夠,有淡淡蒜香味,喜歡食墨魚同蒜片的朋友可以考慮。第二個是三文魚,佢嘅汁同三文魚很夾,唔會太嚡,相對下比較淡美。第三個是牛肋骨,但個汁有點中式,有點似糖醋排骨嘅味道,唔可以話佢唔好食,但係喺西餐嚟講覺得呢隻味有啲怪怪地,第四個應該是聖誕節先至有,是火雞,可能是雞柳,中間夾住一啲配菜,很嫩滑,味道10分好食,推介。到咗甜品,喜歡睇實物選擇嘅朋友,應該會很開心,佢會推一架車,甜品車會有齊是日甜品,服務員會介紹,直接選擇,因為提前已經講咗有人生日,所以有生日字牌,個生日牌塊豬朱古力都好好食,我們揀咗兩件手指蛋糕,其中有一個應該係聖誕限定(白色嗰件)呢件好食啲,不過可能有少少甜,但加埋杯意式咖啡, Perfect match。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)