Together (Closed)

7-min walk from Exit A1, Fanling MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 21:30
Public Holiday
11:30 - 21:30
Public Holiday Eve
11:30 - 21:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay BoC Pay WeChat Pay
Other Info
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Hotel-level chef team! Affordable price for high-quality Western cuisine.
Located in Fanling, Together occupies 3,000 square feet and is a highly popular Western restaurant. It is known for its elegant and comfortable environment, reasonable prices, and high-quality food. The restaurant's consultant has experience in five-star hotels, and the entire chef team also comes from hotel backgrounds. Therefore, you will find a wide variety of choices in menus, including salads, snacks, main courses, desserts, and more. One of the highlights is the Snowy Dessert Platter with four exquisite desserts. It is a must-try for friends gathering, birthday or anniversary celebrations.
Whether for lunch, afternoon tea, or dinner, there are different à la carte and set menu options. The lunch menu will be changed monthly. The restaurant also invites young busker to perform live on Saturdays and Sundays, allowing everyone to enjoy music while indulging in delicious food.

每月更換午餐餐牌 週末Busker即場表演
Review (165)
Level1 2024-09-26
隔咗幾個月冇食,近近地諗住食 叫左1) 酥皮海鮮湯 $282) 餐湯加餐包 $183)芝士雞肉pizza $88 4) 卡邦尼意粉 $68 1) 酥皮海鮮湯 個皮,正常,但個湯,超級難食完全無味,勁水,啲料全部勁奇怪急凍海鮮包咁2) 餐湯加餐包 蘑菇湯加蒜蓉包 正常 呢個平過酥皮海鮮湯,反而個味係正常好多3)芝士雞肉pizza $88 呢個係我食過最難難食的pizza 啲芝士有浸晒怪味 完全食唔落 我同侍應講佢話啲野係即日整,叫我換過第二個咁我就換咗個炸魚/龍脷柳 $98嚟到個賣相仲差過連鎖快餐店然後條魚有好大浸雪味啲炸皮厚到 。。。4) ) 卡邦尼意粉幾個月前去食嘅時候仲係好好食今次超失望上邊隻蛋仲要另上,好似整定得個咸字。。。。食落成碗野無味唔好再呃人錢 真心勁難食。。。。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-08-30
未食過咁難食嘅西餐😂 真心自己去一田買塊牛扒都好食過呢間野 佢個威靈頓牛係10成中嘅10成熟,牛肉咬到聽朝都未咬完,我都係出面食過普通西餐廳嘅威靈頓牛,人哋都會問牛要幾成熟,呢間落單個陣完全冇問😮沙律配菜以西餐黎講都好求其 ,好似茶記啲下午茶沙律咁餐湯溝左好多水,唔知飲緊咩味嘅湯😂 一人餐以餐湯 前菜 主菜 甜品,呢個水準收$188,我真係覺得唔值 最後真係真係真係唔建議大家嘥錢幫人交租 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-08-29
以前粉中Together係我必去的餐廳。宜家好明顯全間店人手同廚師都轉了手。服務態度激死你都算,野食再也不是以前的質素! 以前叫咩都好食,今日叫了4 個餐,無一個餐係正常同侍應反映食物質素個女侍應親口話:咁嘅價錢係咁架啦你們感覺到嗎?進去消費,侍應覺得你哋去佔佢哋便宜,厭你太Cheap!係呀,食物同服務都真係茶餐廳都不如難怪最近這間餐廳多了咁多劣評,午餐又不再需要等位了 原來差了咁多!真係搵鬼去食,俾錢買難受! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-08-23
Openrice見到呢間餐廳好似唔錯諗住Happy Friday 見餐好點知啲嘢食質素仲衰過茶餐廳服務又差完全唔明啲like係點嚟侍應冇問塊扒幾成熟然後塊扒黎到切開少少已經好多血水想再切開都生到切唔斷同個侍應講 佢話比把利啲嘅刀我😓我叫佢拎返入去再煮返熟少少煮完又熟到石頭咁切唔開大半塊都食唔到然後甜品 本身係有香蕉佢話冇香蕉 轉桃得唔得我話都可以點知嚟到都冇桃變左幾粒細細粒嘅莓我完全唔知自己食緊啲咩又唔熱 最後又係淨返舊冇食到$3xx都唔知自己食咗啲咩好後悔揀左呢間餐廳以後唔會再幫襯 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-08-18
見好耐無嚟食,就幫襯下啦,叫左兩個Lunch set, 其中一個係$89 嘅牛扒餐,加$18 就跟餐湯同飲品。 個牛扒嚟到,一望就見到overcooked 燶晒,好心燶晒就唔好比人啦,人地有味覺㗎⋯⋯ 之後都試下食,但放入口咬唔開,算數,放棄⋯⋯ 有同個男侍應講返,但佢就算肯換,我都唔敢食,因為其實一坐低就聽到厨房入面個男人係咁講一d好流利嘅粗口🤬,聽到都驚驚🤪唔會有下次了😝 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)