Opening Hours
11:00 - 21:00
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 21:00
Public Holiday
11:00 - 21:00
Public Holiday Eve
11:00 - 21:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Recommended Dishes
如果喺太古城諗唔到食咩我就會落去Apita B1 嘅日式食堂!有多間日本餐廳選擇,其中一間心水就係呢間三田製麵所!呢間主打拉麵同埋咖喱飯,並冇沾麵㗎~🍜《 叉燒豚骨拉麵(叉燒×3片) 💲84 》湯底夠熱,味道濃厚,自家製麵條幼身,彈牙掛湯👍🏻 配料有半隻流心蛋同三塊叉燒~🍛《 咖喱飯 🍛 $68 》 咖喱飯類只有一款配炸雞,所以我點咗淨咖喱飯再另點追加小食🥟《 煎餃子(3個) $28 (套餐) 》 飯本身配半隻流心蛋,餃子皮薄肉餡幾香。 地方好係foodcourt咁係random坐架~
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今日同朋友行經太古,醒起好耐冇食過呢間拉麵店,於是就走去睇下,見到佢出咗限定嘅咖哩湯麵豚骨拉麵 $68豚骨拉麵湯底望去清清地,但其實入口充滿油脂感,幼身嘅拉麵,加上一片叉燒、半熟蛋、同埋蔥花,係經典嘅豚骨湯底口味,亦可以加店家免費提供嘅蒜蓉或者係辣菜轉換口味咖哩豚骨湯拉麵 $84升級套餐+$28咖哩豚骨湯拉麵係屬於期間限定,醇厚嘅咖哩湯底加上幼身麵條好掛汁,配料豐富,比如有肉碎、半熟蛋、炸蒜片、叉燒、蔥花!另外拉麵可以加錢升級套餐,揀選咗炸雞同烏龍茶,炸雞一共有三件,外皮炸得香脆,肉質嫩滑,可以加蛋黃醬
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📍Tonkotsu 8 by 三田製麵所估唔到foodcourt 都有驚喜ehh~✨原本淨係諗住喺foodcourt頹頹地喺食個快lunch (已經3點都未食lunch😭)點知預到間好好食嘅拉麵✨❣️叉燒豚骨拉麵佢個湯底💯第一啖食落口…wow好特別✨雖然唔會好驚豔(?)😹但係會覺得好特別好smooth好易入口🫶🏻而且越食越鍾意, 食到一半, 味道依然會停留喺脷嘅兩邊👅oiishiiiii✨🫶🏻😭好少會飲拉麵個湯都忍唔住飲咗幾啖🍜拉麵軟硬適中而且叉燒偏厚身nice~而且蛋黃係我鍾意膠膠地好厚實嘅質感✨💰84會話成個foodcourt除咗係油煙味重咗少少之外都vely vely good🫶🏻#apita #太古apita #太古foodcourt #Tonkotsu8by三田製麵所 #太古拉麵 #太古美食
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早兩日去咗太古城中心Apita地庫Food Court嘅Tonkotsu8 by三田製麵所試吓佢哋嘅原味豚骨湯拉麵$68🍜,價錢適中✌️我覺得佢個湯底又夠濃仲好香tim😋,再加上特製開胃嘅🌶️激辛辣雪菜🌶️同🧄蒜蓉🧄仲可以增強拉麵嘅味道,簡直完美組合😍其實免費配料除咗有激辛辣雪菜同蒜蓉外,仲會有胡椒同芝麻可以根據個人口味同喜好自由配搭☺️Tonkotsu 8 by 三田製麵所 (太古)太古太古城道18號太古城中心Apita B1樓TKS-04號舖#拉麵#太古城中心#Apita#港島美食#東區#豚骨拉麵
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Since my family received coupons distributed to tai koo residents, we decided to have a try to this ramen shop at Apita Eatery..My sis and I ordered Tonkotsu Ramen Red. Appreciated the runny yolk of the soft boiled egg. The charsiu was soft and not fat at all. The spiciness of the broth was just right, which elevated the savoury of all ingredients. Liked the chewy texture of the ramen too. My dad got Yuzu Ramen, while my mom had Tokyo Styled Soy Sauce Ramen. Not sure about the flavour, but both ramen smelled fragrant. They were both served with a soft boiled egg and two pieces of charsiu. .Given that each ramen costed only HKD45 becoz of the coupon, it was really economical. But it would be a little expensive when it costed over HKD80, esp when the shop was situated in a food court.
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