3-min walk from Exit B, Causeway Bay MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sat
18:00 - 03:00
18:00 - 23:00
Public Holiday
18:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
糖心蛋豚肉卷 海膽糖心蛋 燒螢光魷魚干 雞臀肉串燒 溫泉蛋雞免治串燒
Review (13)
Level4 2019-11-28
一個月至少想吃一次,反正就吃我這三個推介你必定不會後悔1)必吃雞尾2)紫蘇葉雞頸肉3)明太子烏冬I’m a regular come backer here at ToriponHighly recommend the below 3 items 1) chicken tail 2) chicken neck 3) roe udon with cream sauce continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
今日相約朋友去位於銅鑼灣的toripon鳥本吃日本菜,餐廳位於商業大廈高層,用餐環境舒適。我們先點了蔬菜拼盤,芝士豆腐,和牛刺身等。第一次吃和牛刺身,肉質鮮嫩、油脂十分平均。有3款醬汁作不同配搭。芝士豆腐同時帶有芝士和豆腐香,質感像雪糕一樣,非常特別。蔬菜拼盤顏色繽紛,十分漂亮,配上滾熱的銀魚柳汁吃。來居酒屋當然要點串燒等燒物一試師傅手勢,我們點了溏心蛋豬肉卷、年糕豬肉卷、鰻魚串燒(梅紫蘇醬和蒜味蛋黃醬)以及燒帆立貝(柚子胡椒蛋黃醬)。另外當然不少得餐廳主打的雞肉串燒。我們就嘗試了雞腿肉,和坊間少見的雞橫膈膜。串燒燒物全部都燒得香口入味,而且仍能保持肉汁和肉質嫩滑,非常出色。醬汁的選擇多而且特別,非常適合想試不同口味的朋友。鰻魚串燒得十分香脆,特別推薦。帶子串亦有大大粒帶子,充滿鮮味。當然還有奸惡的名古屋風炸雞,炸得外脆內嫩。味道偏重但超惹味,別有一番風味。點品就點了餐廳自家製的蕨餅,煙韌軟糯,配黑糖醬,結束滿足的一餐。..鳥本銅鑼灣登龍街1-29號金朝陽中心2期Midtown26樓.. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Veggies with Fish Stock Dip 蔬菜拼盤配銀魚柳汁(HK$89)Kagoshima Wagyu Sashimi 鹿兒島和牛刺身(HK$188)Wagyu Hanger Steak 和牛橫隔膜肉串(HK$110)Grilled Eel with Plus Sauce/ Garlic Mayo 鰻魚串燒配梅紫蘇/蛋黃蒜蓉醬(HK$58)Nagoya Fried Chicken 炸雞配名古屋醬(HK$89)Rating: 4/5 ⭐一間舒適寧靜居酒屋,仲有夜景睇!總括黎講串燒種類好多款,仲有好多唔同款SAKE比你選擇,絕對係一個適合同朋友傾計暢飲暢談GE好地方。呢度和牛無論生定熟都好好食,有質素,個橫隔膜串燒肉汁好多而且牛味濃厚;另外個和牛刺身肥瘦比例好適中,口感味道都有D似意大利火腿,送酒必備。仲有一D好特別GE菜式例如個蔬菜拼盤,好睇好玩又好食。個燒鰻魚都係一個亮點,佢個皮燒到極脆口,不過個醬汁我覺得過濃,遮左本身鰻魚個味。不過整體價錢偏貴... 但都係一個好GE把酒談心好地方... (食左太多野, 分2個POST)A cozy izakaya with a great view! There are a great variety of yakitori to choose from, and also a good selection of sake, definitely a place you could chill and chat with friends for hours with their quality Japanese skewers. The wagyu beef dishes here are definitely quality meat, the hanger steak was spot on, juicy bursting with beef flavours; the balance of fat and lean meat in the wagyu beef sashimi was good too, felt like having some sort of italian ham with a japanese twist, perfect dish to go with a drink. There are also some innovative dishes like the veggie dip, it was fun to eat that. The grilled eel was a highlight too, with its super crunchy skin, and quality meat, yet, I would say the flavour of the sauces, especially the garlic one, was a bit too strong, overriding the eel's flavours. Overall, great place to chill, chat and drink with friends, its a bit pricey though第二節Second half Grilled Scallops with Shichimi/ Yuzu & Pepper Sauce 帶子配蛋黃七味醬/蛋黃柚子胡椒醬(HK$69)Homemade Cheese Tofu 自家製芝士豆腐(HK$58)Asparagus & Pork Rolls 蘆筍豬肉卷(HK$57)Soft Boiled Egg with Pork Roll 溏心蛋豬肉卷(HK$59)Homemade Mochi自家製蕨餅(HK$58)另外一樣我好欣賞GE地方就係呢間居酒屋好創新,好多新式串燒同埋自家製食物,例如自家製芝士豆腐,個質感同味道都有D似FETA CHEESE,好得意,又係送酒一流。而D燒帶子....嘩你睇下個SIZE!! 剛燒出黎,多汁好味!另外一個覺得好好食其實係個溏心蛋,個蛋係味蛋早調好味,加上D燒豬肉GEH肉汁流落去,非常好食!整體黎講,一間舒適好坐GEH居酒屋而且有高質素GE串燒。Another great thing about this izakaya is, this place is innovative, created quite a lot of new dishes and combination, and also a lot of things are homemade, e.g. the Cheese Tofu, which I love a lot. The texture is a bit like feta cheese, very interesting, and definitely the best thing to go with a drink. The scallops... look at the size of it!! Freshly grilled, juicy and yummy. Another thing I love here , in fact is the soft boiled egg rolls, the egg was seasoned well with great flavours, together with the juicy from the grilled pork, it was heaven in the mouth! Overall, again, a cozy izakaya with quality yakitori! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-11-17
最近去咗Toripon食佢哋嘅Exclusive Tasting Menu🥢,佢哋每一道菜都有唔同嘅選擇,你可以根據你個人嘅喜好去揀你鍾意食嘅口味,而我就揀咗以下呢啲喇💁🏻‍♀️.前菜 - 辣味雞肉湯 🌶,雞湯唔算太辣,有好香嘅麻油味,雞肉都好滑呀🐓.和牛精選 - 和牛刺身🐂,有蒜蓉麵豉,芥末醬油,柚子胡椒汁同黃芥辣醬油,和牛肉質淋滑,油脂分布平均,冇根,配埋每種唔同嘅醬汁,各有特色👍🏻.鰻魚串燒 - 梅紫蘇因為有紫蘇葉,所以有好獨特嘅香味,蛋黃蒜蓉醬就咸咸地🥚,係好rich嘅醬汁,鰻魚皮燒到好香脆呀😋.帶子串 - 牛油醬油味🧈就比較淡口啲,但係就食得出帶子本身嘅鮮味,而蛋黃柚子胡椒醬就有好清新嘅柚子味,同埋粒帶子勁大粒🤩.和牛串燒 - 和牛大腸,和牛胃,但係因為我哋唔食內臟🙊所以轉咗做雞腿肉🍗,塊皮一樣係燒到好脆,呢個就配上傳統嘅燒汁,以帶出雞嘅鮮味😋.博多卷物之選 - 蘆筍同溏心蛋🥚都有豚肉包住🐖,隻蛋黃溏心效果做得好好,而蘆筍就柔嫩冇渣🥰.雞串燒 - 雞翼外脆內軟🍖,將肉汁都鎖住左喺入面,免治雞肉配蛋黃,食落有啲似午餐肉,外面燒到好脆,入面就有小小雞軟骨,幾有咬口😆.廚師推介 - 油揚豆腐,呢個係將豆腐讓左係腐皮入面,食落就有啲似中式嘅炸豆腐,味道就有小小Wasabi味😋.炸雞 - 呢個名古屋風味味道🐔會比較重味,而外面嘅醬汁令到炸雞冇咁熱氣😌.甜品- 自家製蕨餅外面沾滿黃豆粉,配埋黑糖醬同紅豆🤤,係好傳統嘅日式甜品,好味呀😋 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-07-05
在銅鑼灣搵食真係一件難事,雖然食店多得好緊要,不過始終無一間可以成為飯堂,不過我都係勇於嘗試,希望終有一日可以搵到間好野可以長期幫襯。今次試了間銅鑼灣登龍街的新開舖頭,是一間日本野,間野裝修唔錯,都幾好坐,入去點了名古屋炸雞翼及燒鰻魚,都是㕑師推介,另外也叫了雞臀肉串燒、薄切呑拿魚片、溏心蛋豬肉捲等,全部都係普通。整體黎講,個人覺得一般般,正常野啦,作為一間新開的舖頭,仲要在銅鑼灣咁貴租的地方開,算係咁啦。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)