4-min walk from Exit B1, Jordan MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (9)
Specializes in Hong Kong old time snacks, the soup of doggie noodles is rich and full of flavours with their homemade spicy preserved vegetables. Besides, the shredded duck soup and duck leg which is limited every day are recommended too. continue reading
Awards and Titles
Michelin Street Food (2016-20)
Opening Hours
Open 24 Hours
Mon - Sat
12:30 - 03:00
Open 24 Hours
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Alipay Cash
Other Info
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (168)
Level4 2024-12-11
老街坊, 經已食咗 數唔到咁多次 狗仔粉, 火鴨翅同埋魚皮餃呢個組合了~9年幾以黎, 基本上都係呢個組合, 唔同嘅分別, 都只係睇吓我哋本身食咗嘢未, 黎決定叫一個狗仔粉定係兩個狗仔粉姐~ 由於太忙碌…真係有一排冇去買來食了…原來已經變咗紙碗紙餐具了…真係完全冇晒 feel…外賣無論食乜嘢都好…一轉左用紙餐具, 全部嘅 感覺、觸覺 同埋 味覺都要打折扣…狗仔粉 中辣 走蔥 超級惹味 配料同 “上海麵” 好夾, 口感層次啱心水~ 火鴨翅香濃好味, 當年一食就愛上, 平時食開嘅碗仔翅 真係完全唔再吸引了… continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-08-18
🍽️十八座狗仔粉宵夜諗唔到食咩,最後朋友提議去佐敦食狗仔粉。去到發現店舖冇太多座位,最後和朋友直接坐在膠凳仔就開吃了👅狗仔粉狗仔粉質地好淋,但是掛滿湯汁,配上自家製菜脯辣辣地算是開胃。但是湯汁偏油膩,而且味精味有點重,不能吃太重重口味的朋友可以嘗試其他食物。以前都食過狗仔粉,但完全同依家唔同味道,以前狗仔粉的質地煙韌,冇咁重味精,鮮味十足。總括而言,比起以前吃的狗仔粉味道退步了😅🍽️ 十八座狗仔粉 (佐敦)📍佐敦寧波街27A號地舖 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
😋踏進這家店,一股溫馨的麵香迎面撲來,我先點了碗狗仔粉,送上桌時已經聞到陣陣蔥香。啖啖粉彈牙過癮,每條粉好似游水般滑過舌尖,湯底大器、哂冧,入喉暖笠笠,真係飲啖好湯的滿足。蔥花、菜脯嘅鮮香程度,真係一流。🍜鴨肉翅再加上鴨下脾,夠霸氣,肉質嫩滑、皮脆油香,入口即溶,仲有一種後勁既醇厚感。每一啖,仿佛都道出了煮食人滴滴心血。😍最後,當然少不了招牌黑白炸丸,各式丸子外脆内軟,豬肉丸肉味濃郁,墨丸嘅鮮味又攞捏得啱啱好,打邊爐來一客,實在係絕配。食完呢餐,真係讓我心滿意足,回味無窮。這家店的手藝真係老字號既水準,無論朝早或者夜深,總係等緊你嚟一試正宗老香港味。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-09-10
好耐無食 18 座狗仔粉 今日經過好想再食味道一樣好食 特別係配埋勁辣菜脯 完全係令碗粉增添色彩! 另外佢嘅大雜燴 都好好食 如果一碗粉唔夠飽可以叫埋個大雜燴入面嘅豬皮蘿蔔都好好食😇😇😇😇😇😇 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2023-08-18
Fire Duck Thigh                                  The meat was succulent and infused with a delightful smokiness from the cooking technique.   Fish Skin Dumplings                                    The texture was a harmonious blend of tender and chewy, while the flavors were a delightful dance between the oceanic essence of the fish and the subtle earthiness of the vegetables.Paparazzi                                A base of crispy, golden-brown pastry held a treasure trove of velvety vanilla custard, topped with a cascade of fresh fruits – strawberries, kiwis, and blueberries                             continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)