充滿懷舊感覺的中式酒樓,點心小菜很有特色,推介其帶子腸粉,十分美味。\r\n訂座電話: continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
07:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
TV Broadcast
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
叉燒包 馬拉盞炒通菜牛肉 帶子腸粉 涼瓜滑雞煲 黑椒魚雲煲 豬潤燒賣
Review (30)
即叫即蒸舊式酒家 買少見少舊式酒樓,舊式服務員,舊式服務態度!確實以舊式來說衛生已經算不錯。點了蝦餃燒賣鳳爪,食物是要等的,因即叫即蒸,所以可以接受。整體來說不錯! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2014-08-13
今日去左灣仔嘅榮華飲茶,呢邊大多數都係做街坊生意,所以野食就唔係特別好味,環境普通,來呢度飲茶目的都係想感受留香港嘅老情懷,呢間野最特別嘅地方唔係D點心反而係呢度嘅炒物,如果係要選一樣最好味嘅就一定係干炒牛河。油度適中,牛就炒得剛剛好,仲係好嫩香港大排檔嘅老火味,可以係黎度搵到。所以來呢度食野,一定係要選呢類型嘅炒物。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
間野係我公司個頭, 所以有時想買外賣都會去呢度, 除左飲茶, 其實打公仔可以係佢樓下買飯盒架, 好想讚下佢d飯盒平均都係22元一個飯, 唔包飲品既, 平時最愛佢既鳳爪排骨飯外賣, 佢真係成個盎去蒸, 你叫外賣時佢會掉個蒸飯去個外賣盒度比你, 加d豉油, 但佢既鳳爪排骨飯我特別中意食既原因係因為, 佢d飯唔會無味得豉油味, 佢真係有鳳爪排骨既香味架, 我由20蚊食到佢加到22蚊, 仍然都咁中意食佢, 除左呢個, 我仲試過荷葉飯, 仲有梅菜扣肉飯, 二個都可以一試, 不過打公仔想食lunch買外賣? 可以去試下個鳳爪排骨飯呀, 如果太遲買有時真係會買曬架 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2010-07-06
Came here for dinner with my dad. This is an old restaurant and can't expect too much with its decoration, and environment. We were seated on the ground floor, which was nearly full when we left.Just the two of us, and we could not order much. My dad was very interested with lobster with noodles (薑蔥焗龍蝦伊麵底), so we ordered one (at $198). We also ordered 草姑介菜膽 (don't know how much).The lobster arrived quickly. The size was reasonably big and was rightly cooked. Meat was chewy and fresh. However, the noodle was broken into pieces. Having said that, I think the dish is value for money.The vegetable arrived later, which also tasted good to me. The portion was a bit too small though. The most disappointing thing should be its price. I end up paying $310. The vegetable may be in the range of $60 to $70.The service was good, as my dad was a regular patron there. No complaint. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2010-03-03
今天放假,相約老爸午膳,選了他家附近的榮華酒樓。榮華的月餅、臘腸也吃過多次,但上酒樓則是第一次,未到下午一時,酒樓已有七成滿,我們被安排在較入位置,點了普洱茶,但來了香片,為免浪費,也照飲可也。看看餐牌,午巿有特價抵食孖寶,八款點心可選兩款,而炒粉麵又有八款選一款,問過老爸意見,選了蝦餃和大利燒賣及珍珠帶子海鮮粒炒紅米飯,再加一碟油菜。先來的珍珠帶子海鮮粒炒紅米飯頗大碟,而且紅米和白米的份量相若,紅米已煮開、軟糯,材料有珍珠帶子,蝦仁,菜粒,紅蘿蔔粒等,夾雜有蛋絲,味道偏淡,油、鹽落得不多,也沒有雞粉味精橫行的縱影,帶子和蝦沒有甚麼調味,若以健康角度來說,是很理想的一碟;蝦餃的皮與餡料有些虛位,樣子不夠結實,像穿了大兩碼衣服的孩子,澄麵皮也不夠彈牙,而餡料是新鮮的;大利燒賣,有兩件豬利在上面,肉質較硬,味道則鮮甜,下面的燒賣有豬肉和蝦,有彈性、新鮮可口;青蔥的菜芯漉得仍爽脆,淋些少辣椒豉油,更令平淡的菜味泛起了漣漪。過了一時,午膳的人已愈來愈多,父子兵也要撤退了。在樓下外賣部看見有老婆餅,紅豆酥等,問問老爸要不要些作下午茶點,他點頭說好,隨即買了三個豆沙,兩個蓮蓉酥讓他拿回家,都是二十個大洋有交易。老爸雖已年過七十,仍身壯力健,吃得睡得,在電視看到美女也目不轉睛,友人都說是我的福份,眼見很多為人子女的,父母年老多病,要日夜跟襯在左右,金錢花在醫療上,還要時刻擔心身體狀況,縱有千萬家財,也難得安逸。願上蒼保佑老爸身心康泰,已更勝榮華富貴伴我一世了。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)