3-min walk from Exit C, Central MTR Station continue reading
Additional Information
Step into the world of Xia Fei Fei, an upscale Chinese restaurant that beckons with the finest flavours of Beijing, Sichuan, and Shanghainese cuisine. Our modern eatery features a talented culinary team crafting signature dishes with the freshest ingredients. Experience China's culinary artistry in our elegant and comfortable setting.
Opening Hours
11:30 - 15:30
18:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 15:30
18:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
VIP Room
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (21)
Level4 2024-11-15
Since it’s a busy lunchtime in Central on a weekday, the staff were all busy serving customers. We sat in the area with a veil near the entrance, where they would convert that into a private room at dinner time. In lunchtime, primarily tables for two were placed there. It’s hard for us to secure a waitress to help us take the order, which was the lunch set for CHILL EAT. We were attracted by the hairy crab dishes, since that’s in season. Other people sitting in our area also came for the same set.For a Shanghainese + Beijing cuisine restaurant, it’s surprising to see dim sum on its lunch set menu, while those were all good. I picked the shredded tofu and conpoy soup while my friend picked the hot and sour soup, which were ok. The mains were nice: Braised tofu with hairy crab roe and stir-fried pea shoots in chicken oil. Those were yummy. The portion was just right. The tofu with hairy crab roe dish might taste better when eaten together with some carbs, yet with the carbs, one would be too full and easily went into food coma quickly 😊. The dessert was where the carbs came from. It’s sweet barley porridge. It’s quite good, not too sweet, while I could only take a few spoonsful as I was quite full already. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2025-01-08
多得阿姐請客,可以扯佢衫尾試下呢間餐廳。一行幾人浩浩蕩蕩去開飯。裝修企理,餐牌設計及顏色配搭都幾特別,價錢尚算合理。服務亦算不錯,侍應姐姐有禮及招呼周到,非常主動提供協助。值得一讚。炸千里香豆腐 - 亦即是炸臭豆腐。豆腐炸得非常脆,豆腐味濃。如果喜歡食臭豆腐的話,呢味一定會滿意。涼拌麻辣萵筍及土豆絲 - 清新涼拌菜非常適合中和及清一下炸臭豆腐帶來的味道。薺菜鮮魚羹/ 文思豆腐羹 - 餐牌有文思豆腐羹,當然要試試。要將一磚軟滑的豆腐切成幼絲就知道講求刀功精湛,刀功稍差都難以完成。豆腐不僅綿滑得入口即溶,湯羹鮮甜,的確算是齒頰留香。另外還點了薺菜鮮魚羹,暖和的魚羹清淡中啖啖魚鮮香,非常適合呢個天氣。韭黃炒鱔糊 - 中規中距。糯米炒膏蟹 - 絕對不能錯過。糯米軟硬適中,蟹及醬油味完全滲入糯米之中,非常惹味。去骨樟茶鴨半隻 - 外酥內嫩,肉質不錯,充滿淡淡樟木茶葉特殊香味味道。富貴烤雙舫 - 蜜汁火方的確不錯。主角金華火腿鹹香中搭配冰糖蜂蜜汁,甜甜地,非常可口。熱騰騰饅頭夾上一片蜜方、脆腐竹,這算同區中較為出色的火方。小籠包 - 皮薄,但肉餡仍有進步空間。桂花酒釀小丸子 - 少數會放入橘子,算是幾特別。蛋白杏仁茶 - 味道不甜偏淡,還好。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2025-01-05
朋友提議在中環吃晚飯,想不到吃什麼,就不如來個大集匯。主打京川滬菜的餐廳,在香港曾經掀起一股熱潮,其實真正吃什麼菜,也不太清楚。咁就不如直接打開餐牌了解吓!炸千里香豆腐原來即是臭豆腐!未必人人接受到,但我哋都覺得好香口,尤其加埋啲辣醬。嗰度。涼拌麻辣萵筍及土豆絲係味道正常嘅蔬菜選擇。因為各人想飲嘅湯都唔同,所以點咗一碗碗位上的,薺菜鮮魚羹/ 文思豆腐羹/ 時令燉湯,個人認為個燉湯比較出色,海底椰甘筍茨實燉雞,夠清潤;反而個薺菜鮮魚羹啲胡椒味略嫌有啲重,蓋過魚嘅鮮味。朋友見到手掌咁大嘅紅燒原隻花膠扒即雙眼花光,感覺好高級,相信呢道菜係屬於廣東粵菜系列。好耐冇食過韭黃炒鱔糊,以前去上海菜館必點,唔會炒到好油膩,味道ok。糯米炒膏蟹應該係全餐最有驚喜,以呢個價錢,隻蟹比想像中大隻同多肉,同糯米一齊炒得幾好味。去骨樟茶鴨只點了半隻,怕食唔晒,外皮都幾脆,加上已去骨,加埋啲醬用蝴蝶餅夾住嚟食,都幾香。小籠包好多汁,皮唔算最薄但亦唔厚。甜品有個七彩冰粉,荔枝同菠蘿都應該係罐頭貨,唔算出色。下次都係叫番啲傳統嘢例如高力豆沙同豆沙鍋餅之類。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
突然同朋友講起好想食蜜汁火方,search下港島區有咩餐廳有呢道上海菜,然後就揀左中環一間京川滬菜《霞飛飛》試下。從來未去過萬邦行入面,入到去已經覺得有懷舊嘅感覺😂 好似返番去以前年代嘅舊舖。餐廳唔算大,裝修走中價路線,裝修四四正正,入去就聽到播住鄧麗君嘅歌,侍應有禮貌招呼周到,成晚主動更換碟同餐具👍🏻總括嚟講食物滿意,性價比唔算高但合理,如果每樣食物將細節再提高,相信更有競爭力。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-08-02
今日朋友約到這裏聚餐,記得以前在中環上坡的新世紀,詢問店員果然是搬來這裏老上海裝修風格,我們點了商務午市套餐,前面幾個菜只顧著吃,都忘記影相了🤣食材很新鮮,菜品很精緻紅燒蝦子柚皮扣鵝掌味道很驚艷,骨膠原滿滿,汁好濃郁,帶有一點點柚子皮的清香,個人好鍾意💓乾燒蝦球🦐四塊蝦球,好大隻,有點酸酸甜甜又帶有微微辣度的口感,層次很豐富😋韭黃炒鱔糊我很喜歡吃鱔,因為有種滑滑但有脆脆的口感,韭黃選用較為根部的位置,顏色介乎韭黃和韭菜之間,整體感覺有點偏鹹小籠包,皮薄多汁,經典點心👍🏻 最後甜品綠豆沙很清爽消暑 適合這個季節 💓味道不錯~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)