5-min walk from Exit B, Sheung Wan MTR Station
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Awards and Titles
Michelin 1 Starred Restaurant (2021-24)
Opening Hours
18:00 - 00:00
Tue - Sat
18:00 - 00:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Mushroom Rice
Recommended Dishes
If you like eating chicken 😅…… and If you don’t mind loud music…….andIf you don’t mind heavy seasoning…. then, you may like the vibe in Yardbird. We ordered various parts of the chicken, like chicken wings, oysters, thighs and meatballs grilled with different spices or herbs as specified on menu. As said, the seasoning was leaning on the heavy side. As the evening progressed, we had sampled different cuts of the chicken but had to say that it could get a bit ‘monotonous’. Having said that, the grilling masters did a good job and the chicken pieces were not tough but juicy. (There were already many uploaded pictures of different cuts of grilled chicken pieces in Open Rice so I wouldn’t repeat here.) The standouts for me were: 1. Yardbird Caesar Salad - it brought some freshness and acidity which were much needed to balance off the seasoning of the grilled meat; 2. Sweet Corn Tempura - the batter was very light and magically held together each grain of corn. The inside of this sphere shape tempura was not dry and sweetness of the corn came through in every bite. My only complaint was that it was too big and was quite filling; and 3. Mushroom rice - it was infused with intense mushroom aroma and filled with mushroom pieces (maitake, shiitake and eringi) and the risotto was cooked to perfection. It was very flavourful . As far as service level was concerned, it was not consistent; some servers being very nice in explaining and making recommendations on what to order whilst others (those standing at the door to welcome guests) were not helpful.
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苦悶的嘅新學期開始了,壓力特別大,趁著平日的夜晚,打算食好嘢鼓勵自己。已經厭倦放題和火鍋那種如時間競賽般暴斂天物嘅用餐模式,23歲後半段嘅我比較想靜下心來品嚐每一道料理嘅鮮味。 Yardbird,作為一間已經bookmark 好耐嘅米芝蓮一星餐廳,一直讓我卻步嘅唔係價錢,而係那種恍如置身外國、酒吧般嘅氛圍。全英文嘅服務與菜單,小酒館嘅嘈吵,都唔係我舒適圈內嘅用餐環境。終於,鼓起勇氣,一探究竟。訂了平日夜晚6:15嘅位置,職員態度友善,安排了Bar檯位置,讓我能一窺調酒師嘅日常工作。因為一早已經知道要試乜嘢,所以好快就決定好餐點。瞥見牆上有 special menu 寫住tofu,好奇外國人做豆腐係乜嘢味,便順道點了。🧃 MEZZANINE Sparkling lemon tea $60 港產檸檬氣泡水,正常🍗Miso Breast ($52)肉比較厚,雞胸肉的慣性了。但比之前其他店食嘅已經弱化左果種乾巴巴嘅質感,正正常常🍗 Ume Thigh ($52)超級好食,嫩滑嘅雞大腿肉配上紫蘇葉與醬汁,將味蕾提神到一個新的層次!完全唔會會後悔嘅一串!🍗 Wings ($52)撒上海鹽與七味粉嘅雞翼,味道正常,少少似KFC烤雞嘅口感,肉汁不多但肉質細膩,屬於比較好食嘅雞翼🍗 Meat ball ($56)超級好食嘅雞肉丸子,配上醬油與生拌蛋黃口感豐富。建議先食一口感受丸子嘅肉汁與香味,再混合醬汁一同進食。呢道口味比較重,但齒頰留香!🌽Sweet Corn Tempura ($35 for1)粟米天婦羅。在此之前我對呢道菜期待值較低,因為之前對天婦羅感覺一般⋯事實上,呢個🌽天婦羅能作為來店必點嘅菜餚確實有原因!超級可口,但係冇油膩感覺。脆皮配上鮮甜嘅粟米十分清新。分量唔細,都幾大個😂分左幾次先食完!刷新對天婦羅嘅印象。Special menu: Gilled Fig Tofu ($70)儘管詢問左店員,仍然好難想像味道如何。價格相宜打算一試,居然係全場最佳!將豆腐研磨成入口即化的糊狀,內有洋蔥嘅醬汁,配上醃製後的無花果冷盤,口感超級豐富嘅一道菜,分量超多!!原本以為會食唔飽(自問胃口好大),但呢個份量剛剛好~ 店裡嘅顧客、員工都係外國人為主,好有異國感覺! 食完都幾滿足~ 唔會好似上次食完 Tosca咁需要買多個飯:)
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A modern Japanese izakaya restaurant serves vibrant yakitori and drinks in Sheung Wan neighborhood. They provide multiple food choices in a two page food menu, based on traditional yakitori and fusion dishes. All skewered chickens are grilled over binchotan charcoal, the yakitori are so tender and juicy, and knee and thigh are must order items. Besides, KFC "Korean fried cauliflower" and katsu sando are my favorite foods to share, they are so flavorful and yummy. The restaurant opens at 6pm and only operates from Tuesday to Saturday. Please make a reservation before going, they do not serve walk-in customers. To be honest, the food is a bit pricey but worth trying once.-Food we ordered: YAKITORI🔘 Meatball🔘 Breast🔘 Thigh🔘 Knee🔘 Wings🔘 GizzardFOOD TO SHARE🔘 Sweet Corn Tempura🔘 KFC "Korean Fried Cauliflower"🔘 Katsu Sando🔘 Chicken and Egg Rice-🍽️ Food: 4.3/5🌅 Environment: 4.2/5💆🏻♂️ Service: 4/5💰 Price: 3.5/5📝 CP Value: 4/5-
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Yardbird 出名的是用本地三黃雞由頭到腳不同的部位來做串燒。除了常見的雞翼雞胸等,還會用上雞芯、雞腎,雞腺這些刁鑽部位,是在香港較少見的串燒店。它的串燒火喉控制得宜,味道不錯,唯獨調味重了一點。個人更喜歡它的Sweet Corn Tempura,粟米球炸到酥脆,但仍能保持粟米肉汁的鮮甜。Mushroom salad 和 liver mousse 也很不錯。現在好吃的串燒店其實有很多。來Yardbird,我認為主打不是串燒,反而是來感受一下它的摩登型格氣氛。多年前當Yardbird 還是在舊址的時候有去過。這只有約二十個座位的小店經常座無虛席。它裝修型格,有點像酒吧般。當時掀起了一股熱潮,打開了現代化日式串燒的新市場。到訪顧客都是時尚一族,充分反映當時香港繁華的一面。現在搬了大鋪,位置也多了,人流更多。很多人都慕米芝蓮之名而來。但我總覺得氣氛有點商業化,像缺少了什麼似的⋯⋯或許是外在環境有所不同吧!期待下次再到訪時能重拾當年的那種氣氛。🏷️ 𝘚𝘶𝘪𝘵𝘢𝘣𝘭𝘦 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘴 𝘨𝘢𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨__________________#roamardtheworld_hk #roamardtheworld_food#roamardtheworld_japanese
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Went here at 20:30 (second timeslot) and found out some of the items on the menu are already sold out. Disappointed given that i came here for that particular sold out item (oyster). Waitress managed to at least get us some and suggested me to pre-book it next time if i love it that much. Suggested restaurant to reserve some menu items for the second timeslot so that customers could enjoy a full experience. Other food items that we are able to enjoy were good.
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