Exit D1, Lai Chi Kok MTR Station, Exit D2, Lai Chi Kok MTR Station
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It specializes in tempura and sukiyaki. It uses sesame oil and special batter to cook tempura with seasonal seafood and vegetables. Besides, the sukiyaki is mixed with Kanto and Kansai flavours with fusion sauces to bring you a new dining experience.
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Opening Hours
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
中午去開荔枝角搵野食,俾我係D2 place two 搵到間有壽喜燒同天婦羅嘅omakase,全部都有師傅係bar枱前煮理😀前菜先嚟沙律 茶碗蒸,茶碗蒸好滑天婦羅試咗沙魚和栗子🌰,超好味另外壽喜燒佢哋用A4牛,唔會太過多油脂又有肉味師傅又好nice,真係值得一試再試
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和朋友点了份天妇罗龙虾二人前,每一道都好好吃,真的有被惊艳。 北海道帆立贝和天妇罗·活龙虾先付新鲜帆立贝富有弹性,鲜甜味美,一整只活龙虾用天妇罗做法很薄又香脆,一口下去满口弹牙的龙虾肉,龙虾汤也很鲜美。 季节海鲜是北海道海胆和A4和牛紫苏北海道海胆吃的是白海胆味道更浓郁鲜甜,水分高,制作A4和牛紫苏前师傅会展示食材。卷着紫苏叶的和牛,搭配黑松露酱,一点也不腻。 法国鹅肝茶碗蒸、天妇罗炸蛋饭、柚子雪葩、豆腐雪糕……一顿饭下来真的有被撑到,师傅还很nice介绍体验超好!!喜欢的朋友一定要去试试哦~
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我們點了〈天婦羅龍蝦二人前套餐〉✔️天婦羅·活龍蝦整隻現炸的天婦羅龍蝦滿滿都是肉,超大一隻肉質特別緊實Q彈😋✔️馬糞海膽紫菜馬糞海膽非常鮮甜,入口即化🤤 搭配香脆的紫菜天婦羅,再灑上淡雪鹽,豐富的口感令人十分回味!😍✔️A4和牛紫蘇宮崎和牛肉眼肉質嫩滑,牛味濃郁,包着清新的紫蘇葉,能中和牛的油膩感✨ 搭配由黑松露醬、白松露仁、陳醋及蜜糖製成的醬汁,非常特別,而且也能突出牛的鮮味🤩✔️天婦羅炸蛋飯 天婦羅炸蛋飯將蛋黃炸至半熟流心,戳破後將蛋汁跟白飯混合,再配上秘製醬汁,超級好吃!😋 整個用餐體驗非常好,從前菜到甜品每一道菜都十分出色,味道很有驚喜👍🏻 📍夜明け - 荔枝角長順街15號D2 Place TWO 3樓311號舖
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近排最滿足最欣賞嘅一餐,不論食物、服務定環境,都會比好高評價,絕對推薦。主打天婦羅同壽喜燒,今次同朋友主要嚟品嚐天婦羅套餐。前後共十多款菜式,不論食材本身係貴定平,師傅都能夠將佢變成一道美味佳餚,回味無窮。松葉蟹肉配上螢光魷魚作為前菜,伴以醋啫喱迷你蕃茄,鮮味中帶酸甜。花竹蝦天婦羅 - 以花竹蝦身同腳製成兩味天婦羅,賣相非常精緻。口感酥脆,可選蘸上咖喱鹽。帆立貝天婦羅 - 北海道帆立貝厚肉鮮彈,炸到約七成熟,外脆內鮮,可選蘸鹽。海膽天婦羅 - 濃厚甘甜馬糞海膽,放上酥脆紫菜天婦羅,配上淡雪鹽,美味滿分。龍蝦天婦羅 - 用上澳洲龍蝦,好厚肉,鮮甜彈牙。茄子天婦羅 - 非常多汁嘅熊本縣赤茄子,全日本排第二水份最高,可蘸上天婦羅汁。茶碗蒸 - 滑溜蒸蛋上配上非常肥美兵庫縣蠔,以85度溫度蒸,唔會太熟,保持蒸蛋滑溜口感。加入百合根同木耳,增添口感。蓮藕天婦羅 - 蓮藕好爽口,連蓮藕皮都整到好好味。蘆筍天婦羅 - 咬落爽脆多汁。番薯天婦羅 - 用上安納芋番薯。先蘸上威士忌,後蘸糖,既有酒香,糖亦可以中和較濃烈嘅威士忌味。龍蝦湯 - 以澳洲龍蝦熬製,鮮甜濃郁。炸蛋飯 -炸過嘅夢王蛋,蛋香極香濃,配上彈牙煙韌、晶瑩爽口嘅珍珠米,飽都要食哂,太好味。
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Two creative master chefs (Kris and Man) who worked in a top range Japanese restaurant close to Central decided in 2023 to open their own restaurant and to continue to make excellent high class Japanese cuisine but with a much more affordable price range. For that, they had to move to a less prestigious place and a bit further away on the Kowloon side (easy to reach by MTR Tsuen Wan Line station Lai Chi Kok).Restaurant Yoake makes Tempura.sukiyaki dishes but also Sushi, Sashimi but with finest fish available. It's absolutely worth making the effort to visit them. Kris, the owner and a chef, is very friendly and open to make new dishes and Man, his chef in the kitchen creates dishes according to the wishes of their customers. I can confirm that their food is of excellent quality and it is a pleasure to eat there the same high-class quality as in their previous location, but at a much more reasonable price range. No wonder that quite some other customers from the previous restaurant make the extra effort to travel to the Kowloon side to dine in Kris's and Man's new place. It's testimony that their food is excellent and worth the trip.We had various tempuras, but also some excellent baby squid dish, Sashimi and a lobster made in two ways (boiled and tempura style) and further some outstanding tasty Scallops. We will return in short time with a whole group of friends.
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