1-min walk from Exit L1, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
11:30 - 23:00
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
TV Broadcast
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (27)
環境非常之好,面對着無敵大海景,一路食嘢特別係一個享受,價錢性價比高,三個人食咗咁多點心,環境寬敞,服務非常之好,又細心又體貼仲好有禮貌。喺呢度食點心,性價比高,安格斯腸粉,好新鮮嘅安格斯牛肉,皮薄餡靚,加埋甜豉油,簡直就係絕配,仲有佢嘅高湯金魚餃,睇得又食得,簡直就係色香味俱全,我極力推薦,仲有龍蝦湯泡飯,真材實料,粒粒龍蝦肉,仲好新鮮。交通方便,附近就已經有地鐵站,而且坐巴士站同的士站,非常之方便 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
這間餐廳精緻的點心宛如藝術品,令每一位食客都心生嚮往。小巧玲瓏的外型,搭配恰到好處的色彩,讓人忍不住想要一探究竟。外皮輕薄透亮,微微透出內餡的色澤,彷彿在邀請你品嚐其中的美味。金魚點心不僅在味覺上給予享受,視覺上的美感更是加分。梨形鹹水角有脆又香口,讓人感受到製作過程中的細緻與用心。南瓜🎃湯好味又完美。配上無敵海景,令人吃得更舒適。最重要是可以包場,一枱大圓枱可以坐20個人左右,很適合大家族聚會,故一致好評! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
極差!首先,完全無跟食物先後次序上菜,例如第一味餸係九肚魚而唔係湯,食緊九肚魚突然嚟左個湯麵,跟住突然嚟個上湯涼瓜,遼參湯又食到一半先嚟,飲左一兩啖又嚟個炒飯,炒飯仲要係濕嘅。九肚魚皮脆但擺盤醜。遼參湯無鮮味似食緊渣喳。龍蝦湯麵圖文不符,圖就用竹筒,嚟到就用碗,乜用返竹筒裝好難咩?仲有,野食一係等一個鐘都唔嚟,一係就一次過一堆嚟哂。仲有就係好多好普通嘅餸,例如乳鴿,炒豬爽肉,好多都話無。叫10樣可以一半都話無。餐廳完全無舖排就一次過塞哂啲餸嚟,唔會睇你食完未食到邊。淡味 濃味 先後次序 絕對會影響你對食物嘅感覺再者,辣椒唔挑辣椒子,呢啲就係見微知著。再離譜係,侍應唔會主動幫你換碟換碗,由頭到尾食嚟食去都同一隻碗同碟。呢間餐廳真係綜合哂咁多野都好差好差!大排檔都可以好好食 但呢間餐廳 味道差過90%嘅中菜館/大排檔 無鑊氣 無概念 無服務 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Last night, I dined at Zhuoyuan Restaurant, a Chinese Chaozhou cuisine fine dining establishment situated in H Zentre, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong. It was an unforgettable Chinese dining experience, thanks to the outstanding food and the exceptional ambiance of the restaurant. The setting was elegant, private, and offered a stunning sea view, complemented by the availability of professional karaoke systems in the private rooms.Our meal comprised a variety of dishes, including stir-fried shark fin, river fishes of the day, sea horn sashimi, steamed fish, Chiu Chow pan cake, and mud crabs.The stir-fried shark fin, while not something to actively promote due to environmental and ethical reasons, provided a traditional, light, and flavorful start to our meal. The assortment of fishes we sampled showcased different varieties similar to some catch-of-the-day options. Each was remarkably fresh, boasting natural flavors without unnecessary seasoning. Additionally, the sea horn sashimi was delightful, highlighting the appreciated freshness of the ingredients.Although the bill was on the expensive side, averaging around 2000 HKD per person for the private room spending, the overall experience was truly exceptional. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2023-11-28
在友人介紹下,我和太太在過去的星期六到此吃了一頓豐富、美味又賞心悅目、招呼周到的午宴。先坐低叫了鐵觀音,茶味香滑,未嚐過這麼好的茶。叫了好幾個點心:和牛卷、金魚餃、鮑魚酥、灌湯餃、靈芝燉水鴨湯、滷水鮮鵝掌、燒賣。每樣食品都味道一流。和牛卷香脆,有牛肉香味,拌了少少辣味,香口特別。金魚餃,賣相就像放在一個魚缸裏的金魚一樣,可愛非常,吃下去,好像一個用清湯拌吃的蝦餃,但都是一生中第一次這樣吃,十分有趣。鮑魚酥,鮑魚和所有餡料都熱騰騰,香脆好味。灌湯餃,太太讚不絕口。我喝了這個靈芝水鴨湯,材料令人回味。滷水鮮鵝掌,醬汁很特別和很好味,只是略嫌鮮鵝掌硬了些。由於以上所有食品都十分獨特,令燒賣黯然失色,雖然它的味道是頂級燒賣,但由於賣相和味道不比上述食品特別,反而沒有太大特色。酒樓的招呼也十分一流,侍應們經常為我們斟茶,也留意我們是否有足夠茶水,但又不覺得有壓迫感,令我們感到賓至如歸。太太回家後,向子女稱讚了這裏好幾次,希望一家大小能再次光臨此店。好彩我今次先致電留位,否則,會白行一趟,因為他們有很多客戶捧場,每每座無虛席,但枱與枱有一定空間,所以也不會像一般酒樓那麼嘈吵。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)