Exit E, Causeway Bay MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (2)
67948414 (WhatsApp)
Established in 2013 by Asia’s Best Female Chef, May Chow, Little Bao serves a selection of internationally-influenced baos and comfort sharing plates in Soho and Causeway Bay. Marked by its iconic neon logo (a happy ‘baby bao’ face), Little Bao has been a popular hipster haven for Hong Kong’s foodies since its inception. Expect high-quality dishes crafted with a diverse array of internationally and intentionally sourced ingredients that induce a sense of warmth and comfort. Echoing the belief of the acclaimed chef-owner, Little Bao is all about sharing and togetherness, bringing foodies together with its casual and playful dining experience. continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 22:00
Mon - Thu
12:00 - 22:00
Fri - Sat
12:00 - 23:00
12:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash OpenRice Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Phone Reservation Details
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (242)
Level4 2024-10-11
見佢2人餐都唔錯 每人$298 🤑有四款小食 兩個包 兩個雪糕包 兩個飲品小食乾炒牛河薯條🐄薯條係幼身 而且啱啱炸起好脆佢係將乾炒牛河嘅河粉轉做薯條去炒會食到有牛肉絲 洋蔥絲 蔥絲🧅而薯條包滿乾炒牛河味 黑松露薯條🍟都係幼薯條 有唔少黑松露醬之外仲有啲冬菇絲 茄子 酸瓜🍆幾特別紫菜炸墨魚脆脆 2件🦑類似炸墨魚外面包紫菜去炸食落紫菜味都香 墨魚都彈牙慢煮牛腩煎餃 2件🥟煎餃裏面滿滿嘅牛腩香餃子煎得好脆 不錯刈包🥯招牌豬腩包🐖果然係招牌 豬腩切到一嚿嚿豬腩嘅油香 有啲海鮮茄汁同芝麻醬令到個包冇咁乾 本身個刈包都係暖暖熱熱 咬落個刈包味好香天婦羅軟殼蟹包🦀軟殼蟹炸到香 但係食落去比較油膩有啲蟹籽蘿蔔青瓜絲 不過都唔係幾解到膩酒糟白麵豉味道幾特別雪糕包🍦綠茶雪糕包 🍵& 鹽味雪糕包 個雪糕包炸得超香超脆 熱辣辣雪糕溶溶地 所以咬落去冰火感覺🧂加咗鹽味雪糕有個焦糖醬 令到個味更豐富 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
N年前佢好hit嗰期喺中環食過隔咗咁多年見到佢仲屹立不倒即管試試佢水準係咪仲keep到😊Weekend下晝過嚟食餐廳7成滿,唔洗等直入兩個人叫咗兩個包,一個小食✨️Pork belly bao 3.5🧡/5同記憶中嘅味道差唔多一個好似中餐包點嘅白漢堡入面夾住兩大片厚切豬腩味道絕對係中西合璧不過可能因為已經食過一次冇咗新鮮感嘅加持,覺得只係一般般啲肥膏煮得好淋,但相比之下啲肉比較硬同乾所以想好食嘅話必須要確保你一啖入面係有肥有肉如果想切走少少肥,唔好咁邪惡嘅話,口感即刻冇咁好睇你點取捨🤔✨️Fried chicken bao 4🧡/5之前未食過,覺得呢款bao味道勝過pork belly三黃雞味幾濃幾香,炸完都仲係滑同juicy嘅少少辣味,似係川式嗰種辣加埋pickles,衝擊到味蕾唔錯👍🏻👍🏻✨️Beef noodles fries 4.5🧡/5呢個有驚喜!係乾炒牛河"味"薯條,而佢有做到乾炒牛河嗰種穫氣感🤩雖然都唔平,但算大碟同有誠意冇牛肉喺入面,不過有齊芽菜、洋蔥、乾炒牛河汁味道啱啱好,唔會太鹹或太淡同埋啲薯條睇落雖然好似濕濕地,但其實食落都仲係脆嘅,每條薯條都係勻循咁有牛河嘅香味正😋大推總結: 4🧡/5好有特色嘅bao place環境輕鬆,岩傾偈未試過嘅話,都好推薦大家嚟試吓會係一個幾特別嘅味道體驗🤩 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-07-10
saturday lunch with booking , tidy place , friendly & helpful services ,had fish fillet bao the fish made crispy while the bun were soft which turned into sticky texture in mouth , the pork noodle in a good portion nicely full tasty as like oyster sauce fried noodle with sliced fatty pork belly , panfried dumpling top with mayo & fries were crispy topped with truffle mayo sauce , dessert bao came with usual tastes of first bite salty , then sweet and chilli after taste continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-07-02
中式都有漢堡包!?位於銅鑼灣Fashion Walk的小包包,主打以中式蒸包打造Fusion漢堡,餡料調味都非常特別,亦都有雪糕包一定要試!!🍔- 炸三黃雞包 HK$108 🍔🐣雞味濃必試招牌菜!!中式蒸包包皮軟熟又有彈性,夾著香脆炸雞扒,肉汁爆發,雞味濃郁!!搭配清新椰菜沙律,口感出色!!伴以酸甜開胃鎮江黑醋及微微麻辣花椒蛋黃醬,絕對令人欲罷不能!!- 墨西哥炸雲吞 HK$98 🥟🔥🍍🥑清新香脆炸雲吞!!充滿彈牙飽滿蝦滑非常鮮味,外皮炸得香脆,口感極佳!!搭配清新牛油果醬及麻香菠蘿莎莎,味道酸酸甜甜,為炸雲吞增添清新感!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-03-20
第一次食 Little Bao 係佢嘅中環店剛開店沒多久,試佢嘅 signature 雪糕 little bao事隔好幾年,泥銅鑼灣店食個 lunchLB Caesar LB凱撒沙律:豆豉 鯪魚 油麥菜作為一個唔食沙律嘅人表示呢個沙律食得過好驚喜好特別Truffle Fries黑松露薯條:魯"肉"醬 (魯香菇) 黑松露沙律醬 醃日本大根又係非一般嘅整法,將好平常嘅嘢加啲色彩加啲創意,又一條好漢,欣賞BAO*2Pork Belly BAO招牌豬腩包:慢煮豬腩肉 大蔥紫蘇葉沙律 芝麻醬 海鮮茄汁Fried Chicken BAO三黃雞包:炸本地三黃雞 黑醋醬 花椒沙律醬 旺菜Sides*2Seaweed Poppers紫菜墨魚脆脆:手打墨魚丸 紫菜 黑蒜醬Shrimp Tacos墨西哥炸雲吞:炸蝦雲吞 四川菠蘿沙沙 牛油果醬又係睇得出同食得出嘅創意感,配合得好好,好正Icecream BAOGreentea Icecream BAO綠茶雪糕包:煉奶Salted Icecream BAO鹽味雪糕包:焦糖依舊那個開心的味道但依然不能食得優美 laughcry呢個 combo set 抵到 BAO, 因為單價都唔平想試多啲嘢一定要泥食 lunch!Little BaoLunch Combo Happy 2-together $168 per person📍銅鑼灣 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)