4-min walk from Exit F1, Causeway Bay MTR Station
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This Singaporean restaurant mainly serves noodles items, and some popular traditional dishes. The design features white colour, wood and green plants pattern to bring out a warm and cozy vibe.
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Opening Hours
12:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 22:00
*Last Order: 21:15
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
A.T.A.S: A Delightful Culinary Adventure in Causeway Bay📍 銅鑼灣邊寧頓街9-11號登龍閣地下C2號舖.BEVERAGE 🥂Milo Martini 美祿馬丁 ($78) 🍸For those who enjoy a twist on the classic, the Milo Martini is a must-try 👍😋💯. This drink expertly blends the nostalgic flavors of Milo with a sophisticated martini, creating a smooth and slightly sweet cocktail that’s perfect for unwinding after a long day.Rose Velvet Elixer 玫瑰精華 ($78) 🍸🌹 The Rose Velvet Elixer is as delightful to the eyes as it is to the palate 👍🤤👍. With a fragrant floral aroma and a velvety smooth texture, this elixir offers a refreshing and elegant experience that pairs wonderfully with any meal.FOOD 🍽️Fried Hokkien Mee 炒福建面 ($138) 🍝The Fried Hokkien Mee at A.T.A.S is a flavorful dish that brings the vibrant flavors of Southeast Asia to your plate. The noodles are perfectly cooked with just the right amount of wok hei, tossed with a delicious mix of seafood, vegetables, and a savory sauce that ties everything together.Roasted Spring Chicken in Curry Sauce 咖哩烤春雞 ($178) 🍗🍛 This dish is a standout on the menu. The Roasted Spring Chicken is incredibly tender and juicy, smothered in a rich and aromatic curry sauce that packs a punch of flavor. It’s a dish that will leave you coming back for more.Coffee Pork Ribs 咖啡排骨 ($128) 🐖If you’re a fan of sweet and savory combinations, the Coffee Pork Ribs are not to be missed. The ribs are cooked to perfection, with a crispy exterior and a tender interior, all coated in a sweet and slightly bitter coffee glaze that’s simply irresistible.Overall, A.T.A.S offers a memorable dining experience that combines unique drinks and mouthwatering dishes 👍👍👍🫶😋🤤💯💯💯✨✨✨. Whether you’re looking to relax with a cocktail or indulge in a hearty meal, A.T.A.S has something for everyone. Don’t miss out on this culinary adventure in Causeway Bay!
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銅鑼灣有一家在樓上,主打新加坡地道美食的餐廳,氛圍樸實溫馨,廚師與店員全是地道新加坡人,口音帶點親切的南洋風情,地道味道彷如置身獅城。🏅肉骨茶($98)新加坡版本肉骨茶更偏胡椒味。熱氣騰騰的湯底充滿胡椒和蒜香,湯色清澈卻濃郁,每一口都帶著溫潤的辛辣感。配上一碗白飯及油炸鬼,簡直將新加坡街頭的風味搬到了香港。🏅新加坡排骨蝦麵($98)湯底以蝦殼熬製,鮮甜濃郁,配上香滑的米粉和油麵,排骨和蝦份量十足。湯頭的香味濃烈卻不過鹹,喝到一滴不剩仍意猶未盡。🏅五香卷(Ngoh Hiang)($58)五香卷是極具特色的小食,外皮炸得酥脆而不油膩,內餡以豬肉和蝦仁為主,混合了獨特的五香粉調味,香氣四溢。配自家製的甜辣醬,更添一層風味。🏅南洋奶茶系列:斑斕奶茶 & 煉奶奶茶(@$25)這裡的奶茶系列充滿南洋特色,用雙層玻璃杯令奶茶保持熱度。斑斕奶茶的翠綠色澤源自天然斑斕葉,散發出獨特的草本香氣,口感絲滑,甜度適中。而煉奶奶茶則帶著濃郁的熱帶風情,香醇的茶底加上煉奶的甜美,甜而不膩,讓人感覺像在新加坡喝道地的“Teh C”。
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去銅鑼灣行街,見到樓下裝修幾有型格,於是上去睇下,係食新加坡菜,未食過,就試吓。我哋叫咗:羅惹 ,可以當係新加坡既沙律,第一次食估唔到係呢個口感,酸酸甜甜咁,好清新好開胃;咖啡排骨 ,呢道菜都幾得意,味道苦苦地,幾創新;辣椒蟹忌廉醬義大利蛋麵 ,蟹肉鮮味十足,份量都唔錯,忌廉醬濃郁,少少辣夠惹味,仲有大大隻蝦,都好好味;美禄爆炸 ,呢個係兒時回憶,細細個已經好鍾意飲美祿,濃濃嘅美祿絕對係必試;玫瑰青檸水,呢杯野飲粉紅粉紅好少女,飲落去濃濃嘅玫瑰香味,都幾特別
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🍊 餐廳名稱:A.T.A.S (銅鑼灣)🐝 味道:8/10環境:7.5/10整體分數:8/10💰人均:$200+———————————————————新加坡老虎蝦喇沙💰138喇沙叫左摻摻,米粉同油麵唔同口感,加上喇沙湯底濃郁豐富,每一啖都係享受。老虎蝦+魚蛋+豆卜份量都幾多。沙嗲雞串💰88沙嗲入面嘅花生醬偏,味道上香味比較重,同雞串一齊食係好夾。辣椒蟹肉醬配炸饅頭💰 98滿滿嘅蟹肉,真係充滿着成個醬汁,而且其實都唔算辣,老少咸宜。炸饅頭新鮮滾熱辣,點埋個汁一齊食~咖椰爆漿💰68邪惡到不行,三層夾住有咖央醬,厚牛油,花生醬加朱古力醬,仲有美祿粉!重甜人士必食,餐廳招牌。美祿爆炸💰58真係多到爆出黎!美祿脆脆加超濃美祿,滿足到不行。
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