5-min walk from Exit D2, Hong Kong MTR Station continue reading
We’re preparing curries in Ayurvedic style to help to boost immune system to make you stay healthy. Medicinery property of cinnamon to garlic, commonly found ingredients can add flavor to food, and also help you stay fit. The popular herbs like cinnamon, clove, Bay Leaf, Cardamon used in Indian curries, can help you keep infections at bay as one of its key compounds has been found boosting the immune system, scientists claim. continue reading
Opening Hours
11:00 - 23:00
11:30 - 21:00
Wed - Sat
11:00 - 23:00
00:00 - 14:30
Public Holiday
11:30 - 22:00
Public Holiday Eve
11:30 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE UnionPay Apple Pay WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (327)
星期日諗住去食印度自助餐已經特意致電問開幾點同幾點關舖侍應話佢到2:30 咁我地1:30去到。😙已經見到兩枱客人埋單佢就態度強硬強調左幾次話只會食到2:30 🥲咁我地見有一個鐘都可以就無理咁我地2人就開始睇睇有咩野食 見到有啲空左既咖喱同samosa 同其他野都空左😥😥😓本身星期日已經唔多野食。而家仲有幾樣野都係空就問佢廚屋會唔會再煮出嚟?😰佢居然問我空左呢個係魚你食唔食?唔食廚屋就唔會再煮。免得浪費。😨當堂O 左嘴Samosa 你仲食唔食? 我話食。佢就煮左2 粒出黎。咁我同我個friend 一人一粒。- Samosa 食落正常 - 印度脆脆食落好軟唔脆。要叫佢再攞啲出嚟先脆- 魚咖喱 佢好施捨咁攞左幾舊出黎。我地兩人每人食左幾舊都無哂。普通冰鮮龍脷柳質素。咖哩似普通咖喱。覺得重慶食平平地好好多- tendoor Gill chicken. 凍。有啲柴。但熱食應該好啲- chicken curry 似用冰鮮雞。咖哩入唔到味-薯條-好味- nann bread - 普通- Fried rice 好乾仲有其他食物。每樣淨番少少就問我會唔會食。我心諗。我係食緊buffet 定施捨?🥹咁我食完一碟。想換過隻碟因為當中有啲食物唔想食。問佢可唔可以俾隻新碟我? 佢眼望四周再同我講。I’m sorry. I can’t gave you。我再眼望佢喺度擺緊枱😧我又當堂O 左… 我問攞隻碟啫… 我呆左差唔多喺度企左成20 秒… 😦佢先叫我攞隔離枱隻碟😡仲俾一個唔耐煩既表情 😡我真係開始嬲。食食下佢特登行黎同我講, 下次要訂枱先黎得。因為佢地好忙 但我明明一早打黎問佢地收幾點( 佢嗰時唔提?) Fine. 我地兩個一入黎得兩張枱。兩張枱都去埋單。最後得番我地呢張枱。佢同我地講佢好忙🤬🤬到最後我去影食物相。佢伸個頭出黎 見到我影相。佢即刻好快咁跑出黎。不停自言自語講野咁「 Nice ! Very Nice ! ]講左幾次我黎過兩次。上一次都可以。但今次呢個肥侍應既服務真係令我大開眼界。我未見過成件事咁唔make sense So I was thinking to go to eat the India buffet after I went to party on Saturday. So before I go. I just called and make sure that the restaurant is open for buffet and I have enough time to eat. So I called. The waitress said the buffet is continue until 2:30. So I see it’s 1:30. We still have one hour to eat. So me and my friend just go ahead to the restaurant 😌When we arrived there have 2 tables of the customers paying the bills and they all left. 🙂only us inside the restaurant So when we go in. I see there have some food is empty🫣and he kept to remind us for few times the food is finish at 2:30. Are u okay. ? And we said all fine So I start to see the food. Some container are empty. I asked him will the kitchen gave us more food ? Then I’m very surprised on what he asked me. He said : so this is a fish dish. Do u eat fish? If you will not eat. I will not Kitchen will not cook it and no waste … 😧And also the samosa and some chicken dishes are empty too. He asked one by one if we will eat it … ? I was like 😡am I eating buffet or begging for food ? So we told him. We will eat the fish chicken and also samosa. So he took out 2 samosa inside the kitchen One is for my friend and another is for me. And fish curry. He actually just took out few pieces of fish 😡😡 my friend and I going to take the fish curry after first round of eating. The fish is already finish. I just can’t believe it. We had samosa. Chicken curry and fish curry. French fries. Samosa - normal Fish curry - more taste like a forzen fish cook in curry. The curry taste didn’t get into the fish. Chicken curry - forzen chicken as well , chicken is tough. Curry is just like normal curry. I find out Chung king mansion is ever better Fried rice - dry French fries - nice. Nan : dry India crisp: it was very soft at the being until I asked some new crisp come out.It was crispy So after the first round eating. I actually want to change the plate 🫠because there have some left food I don’t want to eat anymore …So I go to asked the fat waitress He was looking around the restaurant and told me i cannot have another new plate 😨😨😨😨I was very much in shoot on the attitude he show. I was in shoot for 20 seconds standing … and after 20 seconds. He told me I can get the plate just near the table. 😡😡I was pretty mad on this time already While we re eating. He come to us He said : ( next time please do the Reservation before coming ) 😦But then I was like. I did call you and asked if u guys service food and until what time. Also by the time when we get inside the restaurant. There have 2 tables of customers are left And the restaurant is empty expected us 🙃So he gave me the feeling is he want to off work.He don’t want to work anymore even 1 hour before the buffet is finish 😧😧And then after I was start to take a photos of the food. He seen It. He actually so mad and come out so fast. Keep to repeat the same sentence He said : Good!! Very Good !! 😳😳😳😳For a few times 🫣🫣🫣! I was so surprised on his reaction I think the people in Chung king who are on the ground floor have better service and attitude then this guy. 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 I went to this restaurant twice. The last time was good and I enjoyed it. But this time This restaurant will black list forever So be careful on the fat waitressStrongly recommend this waitress. If don’t like to work in the restaurant. He can just quit. So I’m so mad this time. So I m writing the review on Cantonese and English as well to let everyone know what happened😡😡😡 How doesn’t make sense !! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
一直都想試下印度buffet有一日係中環行街被佢地街邊的廣告吸引到可惜應該係因為疫情所以冇咗buffet所以今次去食普通menu呢間嘢入口都唔係特別易搵上到去人唔多餐廳都幾有印度風,位置都唔多,不過有梳化都幾好坐!open rice book枱menu有8折不過因為我地得兩個人又懶得諗所以就嗌咗lunch menu!呢到lunch menu好豐富每set都有飯+naanchicken tikka+samosa+pakora本身以為係飯同nann二揀一點知佢兩樣都俾曬我地佢嘅飯絕對唔馬虎勁有飯香,粒粒分明,亦都有啲油香而naan都有4塊呢度嘅naan係偏薄身小小嗰隻但都好有口感!而chicken tikka都有三舊,都好入味亦唔會太乾身!!samsoma同pakora就有少少油膩,一般般啦而主菜方面有雞同羊揀我揀咗lamb masala,份量都幾足!而羊都好入味,另外仲有一碟應該係vegetable curry,都唔錯嘅餐飲方面本身淨係跟softdrink不過老闆都好好咁俾我地轉跟其他餐飲我地叫咗杯masala tea睇落同奶茶一樣但飲落有好明顯嘅印度香料味都幾特別!可以試下!會想下次再嚟試下其他菜式(^ν^) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
great indian food at affordable price range. good and tasty dishes. indian breads, deserts and panipuri and complimentary drink. nice.little less space though, but comparing location I guess it is expected. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2021-12-28
Rang Mahal Authentic Indian Cuisine地址: 中環皇后大道中118號2樓電話: 25776969=====================XMAS HOLIDAY 都光了好多精力去玩, 在家就是狂睇劇。中午唔想行太遠, 本身想買外賣但好多餐廳都休息唔開, 天氣得十幾度即食下辣野暖身。lunch buffet $98 each with 10% SERVICE CHARGE, 野食唔算好多, 有4個 VEGGIE 架CURRY (POTATO, SPINACH PUREE, MIXED VEGETABLES及豆)同4個肉(分別是烤雞, CURRY FISH , CURRY EGG 及CURRY CHICKENNANN 同糖水蛋糕, CARBOHYDRATE主食有飯,NANN, FRENCH FRIED同炸薯仔餡咖哩角炸薯仔餡咖哩角食一個已好飽, 超大個。烤雞及CURRY CHICKEN都好味, 口味唔會好辣, 應是調節了口味同香料用量以應合香港人口味。MIXED VEGETABLES CURRY 仲甜甜地, 好易入口。XMAS 都沒有加價, 幾抵食架 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
【中環印度菜🍽芒果乳酪特飲+芝士薄餅👍】從前,中環donki鄰近有個小巷,小巷既大廈可以通往🎤a whole new world🎤 (自帶回音音音音音…)既印度國度。經過一晚dinner,王子同公主就happy ever after la (屁啦😝)Overall👍- 呢間印度菜openrice有全單8折promotion (except drinks and set),好值得大家去試試- 餐廳腦細同員工都會主動同你chitchat,講下泰姬陵Taj Mahal 同佢d handmade cushion咁,nice既- 環境暗暗地,又有d特色decor gum______________________________【食評篇👇👇👇】🤓🤓評分benchmark參考🤓🤓✏10分 - rare heaven😇✏8, 9分 - 屬高分之作✏7分 - 正正常常,同平時食到嘅差唔多 ✏6分 - 有d失望,expect佢會好食d✏5分 - 伏野,零分重作薄脆餅 (💝8/10)- order左野食後,腦細會自動比薄餅同3種點醬你- 薄餅薄到好似食薯條咁,無味,所以要點醬- d獎,e,好味wo,食過其他印度菜既點醬,呢間特別開胃,有辣、herbs、bbq甜醬,唔會淡味烤羊膝 (💝6/10)Tandoori Lamb Shank- 見openrice都多人食,叫左點知好一般- 羊偏乾,唔係moist既肉質,有d鞋口- 醬汁唔多,以乾粉香料(spice)調味- 用鐵板上,但羊膝上枱都唔會 jaajaa 聲,甚至只係微暖jar😥$148奶油咖哩雞 (💝7/10)Chicken Makhani- 正常印度餐廳既咖哩雞lo,諗唔到叫咩,叫呢個實無死- 個醬點薄餅一流$118芝士烤餅 (💝8.5/10)Cheese Naan- 係好足料既cheddar cheese,底+面有cheese粒粒, meet開放烤餅餅,內面都有粒粒cheese架😍(係你平時超市果種granulated cheddar cheese) - - 好味到我地order左兩次👍$48乳酪特飲 (💝8/10)Lassi- 好fresh既特飲,以芒果為主+yogurt- 甜甜地,好飲- $48甜湯丸 (💝5/10)Gulab Jamun- 天啊!好甜啊 (in Taiwan國語腔😝)- like fb page送既甜丸子,作為自家認證既sweet tooth,我都覺得太甜啦hahahaha- 不過係印度特色甜品黎,係我唔慣姐😂______________________________【環境篇👇👇👇】- book左6:45pm,入餐廳時無人架,牆上有印度壁畫,加埋人手縫製印度iconic圖案既cushion- 食客傾偈都靜靜地,係同fd傾心好地方...✏✏✏✏✏✏✏👅味道:7.5/10🌌環境:8/10🙋🏻‍♂️服務:8/10💰價錢:$130 per person (3人)👍🏻推薦:8/10______________________________(📍中環) Rang Mahal Authentic Indian Cuisine中環皇后大道中118號2樓(tips:中環donki再往上環方向行5分鐘,大廈入面在吉士笠街) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)