4-min walk from Exit D2, Central MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (2)
Yat Lok Restaurant is a Hong Kong-style restaurant that offers a great variety of roast meat, noodles, congee and rice dishes. The food here is prepared on a made-to-order basis and they are famous for their delicious roast goose. continue reading
Awards and Titles
Michelin 1 Starred Restaurant (2015-24)
Opening Hours
10:00 - 20:30
Mon - Sat
10:00 - 20:30
Public Holiday
10:00 - 17:30
Payment Methods
Cash Octopus
Number of Seats
Other Info
TV Broadcast
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (395)
到店時間為星期四傍晚六點,入座率8成左右,不需要等位。環境比我想像中大,不過座位有些逼。接待的是中年男士店員,態度不錯(對遊客如是),只是有幾個中年大嬸店員大聲說話,但態度不算差。觀察了店內的顧客,三分一是本地人,其餘都是遊客,外國人、內地人、東南亞人都有,大部分都是點燒鵝飯。我點了性價比不錯的雙拼飯(油雞、燒鵝),等了大概3-4分鐘。燒味沒各位說的賣相那麼差,部位也是正常部位,至少沒有大量骨頭。燒鵝能吃到油香,肉是軟綿綿的,很好入口,油雞偏鹹,比較適合重口味的人士(例如我😂),姜蔥份量足夠,配上飯內的醬油,十分惹味,唯獨飯的份量比較少,由上桌到食完,僅僅八分鐘,所以完全沒有被催走~服務態度亦正正常常,不過不失 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-08-08
收工唔想煮飯,見foodpanda一樂燒鵝有折,就買外賣返屋企試吓。同老公分別叫咗個叉燒燒鵝飯同燒鵝豉油雞飯,叉燒質素正常,有少少肥肉,唔會太乾。豉油雞比較鞋,但調味OK,反而佢最出名嘅燒鵝真係好差,冇特登叫佢比胸位或者背位,就俾晒啲骨位,完全冇肉,兩份燒鵝都係一樣,特登叫佢啲燒鵝試吓,點知淨係可以食下個皮。成個飯盒份量無論燒味定飯都偏少。一人餐送個菜,蠔油菜心同腐乳通菜正常,但蠔油同腐乳偏少。食過呢次都唔想再試下次。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Terrible service and food, one of the worst in Hong Kong.My husband and I went to try during lunchtime, ordered the same dish (charsiu + chicken), the 2 looked very different and one of them the chicken was literally skin on bones with hardly any meat visible. My husband asked the waitress and got scolded with the excuse of the meat is in the charsiu therefore we shouldnt complain about the chicken, what a joke. The waitress shouts that if not happy with the food we can just get refund and leave. Overall very unpleasant experience. The food is not Michellin standard (far from it) and I honestly believe you can easily find other Roastie restaurants in HK that are better. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-07-22
真的失望,因為小紅書出名了,收百幾蚊一碟普通燒鵝飯都帶著不可一世的態度,非常普通,沒有期望就不會失望,大家可以不必試,坐位也不舒服環境,非常擠迫,他們只是想你快快吃完埋單,就像是一次很差的用膳體驗😑😵‍💫🤕 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-07-09
Went to this resto with my friend as she was craving for siu mei..I got BBQ Pork & Crispy Pork Noodles in Soup. The bbq pork tasted sweet with the bbq sauce, and the skin of the pork was crispy. However, the portion was quite small considering its price. My friend ordered Goose Rice. The goose mainly consisted of bones and skin with little meat, and the portion was so stingy..The service at the resto was extremely poor. My friend ordered milk tea, and even before she finished her drink, the staff urged us to leave, saying that my friend should finish her drink outside instead of occupying the table. Such an attitude truly astounded me😀..Although the resto was awarded as 1-starred Michelin resto from 2015-2022, I don't think it was that outstanding. It was overrated and expensive, to be honest. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)