2-min walk from Exit C2, Jordan MTR Station continue reading
The restaurant design is colorful and stylish, such as the wall painting with Singapore’s attractions theme. It uses different types of meat and seafood to serve Southeast Asia dishes. It is suitable for adults and children to enjoy meals here. continue reading
Additional Information
招牌菜: 肉骨茶, 燒春雞, 明爐烏頭, 鹽燒烏頭, 脆皮牛腩, 牛油果沙冰, 椰青, 薄荷青檸梳打
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 22:00
Public Holiday
11:30 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus AE Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (216)
Level4 2022-09-11
今日黎到佐敦主打星馬菜既南洋餐廳,店舖面積唔大,但非常乾淨企理,牆身亦有代表星加坡既油畫可以打下卡✨✨岩岩過左 lunch time,佢地有唔同既 tea set,我就點左香茅豬扒斑蘭椰漿飯 $48,豬扒都醃得幾香煎得岩岩好,而且肉質好淋但又唔係話用梳打粉那得好勁個種,不過下午茶果然係份量都幾細下😂😂😂我當正餐黎食就唔係好夠飽,不過勝在都好食既😝朋友就揀左海鮮喇沙摻摻 $45,個湯底都唔太味精或過咸都可以飲,有人種麵撈埋一齊,麵既份量就岩岩好夠女仔食,面頭有蝦,蛋,魚蛋,蟹柳,豆卜,都幾豐富既〜服務就正正常常,如果食物呢個價錢多返少少會開心啲😆晚市見到單點有好多唔同菜式,或者搵日都可以再挑戰下 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2022-09-01
係佐敦番工,發現依到都唔少泰國菜餐廳,仲有唔少舖頭都有賣海南雞飯,夠哂方便快捷。入鄉隨俗,今日lunch time都同幾個同事去咗依間南洋食下海南雞飯。南洋舖頭細細,不過佢人手都相當唔夠,見住幾位阿姐都周圍騰,睇怕公司都係時候加下人啦!入番正題,佢地依個海南雞飯份量適中,唔會太大份之餘男士們都相當夠飽。佢地碗湯相當夠味,大家真係記得飲!雞件夠滑夠味,不過就有個扣分位,廚師要留意下會唔會有雞毛殘留,食食下見到黑色一粒粒真係會差啲!三款醬汁任點,薑蓉撈飯一流,酸辣汁夠醒胃,中間嘅醬汁就較為普通。配菜都絕不馬虎,紅白蘿蔔酸酸甜甜,食咗就唔怕膩。同樣價錢,算係合理嘅性價比,聽日lunch又多個選擇! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2022-08-18
今晚跟朋友在附近忙點事情 結果後餓了 不知道去哪食 剛好路過這間店 看到有肉骨茶就馬上果斷進去了 進去人也挺多 店有卡位 坐得挺舒服的 坐下後看到有晚套餐 就點個海南雞飯套餐 雞很滑 剛剛熟 醬汁也不錯 配個肉骨茶 性價比不錯 朋友有選擇困難症 不知道選什麼 叫個店長推介今日有咩好介紹 佢就推介左個大蝦粉絲煲 d蝦好新鮮 粉絲吸晒d汁唔乾身 好難唔好食 兩個人剛好滿足的一餐 下次再試其他 兩個人食不了太多 食完行多兩步去澳牛食燉奶甜品 結束美好的一天 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2022-07-30
平時都唔點寫食評,今次都要寫黎提提大家勿中伏。雖然有同事食過評價一般,但在某平台看到有折扣優惠,又落雨,於是決定親自一試俾次機會,去到問可唔可以用優惠,侍應話要等另一個侍應前來認證,結果紅衫女人話我地知,老細話要晚餐夠$500先可以用優惠,找均所有條款都不見有咁寫就算要我每樣計正價都算,咁細間舖,咁既餐牌,我真係想像唔到點樣先食到$500,其實唔想俾優惠咪唔做,係香港未遇過啲咁既事,老實做生意會好啲。食物方面,肉骨茶味道都尚算ok,但飯同埋油條就簡直驚嚇麥,隔夜味.sorry,係唔知隔左幾多夜,硬之餘仲有味,飯仲有雜質。然後最期待的奶茶都係唔得的,好澀好鞋口,差!侍應應該知道我地唔滿意,係我地個枱行行企企眼望望,放底餐具就面濃濃地即時收走餐盤,好想人即走咁。咁既質素加當香港人傻的服務熊度,難怪冇咩人幫襯,正常的! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2022-06-14
Was looking for a quick lunch in the Jordan area around 3pm, craving for ramen but all restaurants were taking a break unfortunately. Walked past Nan Yang and they offered laksa so why not.Price is from $45 for a tea set. My friend ordered a pork chop rice but the portion was a bit small. Only 3/5 piece of a normal pork chop was served along with a small amount of rice. It was cooked nicely though, tender and not dry. My seafood laksa tasted pretty good. The soup was pretty dense, at least it satisfied my noodle tummy. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)