3-min walk from Exit B3, Mong Kok MTR Station
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61173103 (WhatsApp)
French Fusion Kitchen and Bar with an underestimated view of the Mongkok skyline, a venue to experience a unique perspective on French dining.
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Good For
Romantic Dining
Special Occasion Dining
Opening Hours
11:30 - 16:00
17:30 - 23:00
Mon - Fri
12:00 - 15:30
17:30 - 23:00
Sat - Sun
11:30 - 16:00
17:30 - 23:00
Public Holiday
11:30 - 16:00
17:30 - 23:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
好姊妹生日🎂預早已經book定位於旺角 Sky726 餐廳頂樓景觀很美✨️晚間眺望旺角一帶夜景,又浪漫又有格調✨️生日當然點番2杯酒慶祝🥂點了份Set Dinner🔸️油甘魚他他伴醬油漬三文魚籽配搭新鮮清新開胃前菜😋🔸️龍蝦濃湯味道非常濃郁鮮味有水準🦞平時不吃餐包嘅我地🤭竟然很喜歡哩度餐包,因為真喺好鬆軟又夠熱😋好味道朋友不吃牛,所以改了叫豬🔸️伊比利亞豬架份量十足🐖有厚度🍴切落已經感到好軟腍🔸️虎蝦海鮮蕃茄紅花意大利飯米飯軟硬適中又多汁,虎蝦好彈牙😋帶子外層煎到很香 鮮甜多汁🔸️法式白酒忌廉煮藍青口青口份量真喺好多,白酒忌廉已經喺絕配,青口沾滿濃郁又多汁,真喺令人食指大動🔸️焗火焰雪山預先訂定生日甜品比驚喜好姊妹🎂出場已經好surprise🔥有點火還節,冰火交融,裡面雪糕又香又滑溜🍦推薦必點總括餐廳食物很高質,店員哥哥親切友善,仲幫我哋影了很多相📸專業攝影👍氣氛很好又有情調✨️真喺很適合慶祝好地方🎉
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一直唔知原來旺角彌敦道高樓大廈頂層有間可以享受無邊天際景色嘅西餐廳🍽️餐廳主打食法國菜同乾式熟成牛扒,連續七年獲French Consulate 邀請參與法國美食節French Gourmay🇫🇷早啲嚟食early dinner唔單止可以俯瞰旺角黃昏日落嘅美景🌇一路食住法國菜,一路見證日與夜景色嘅變化✨慶祝嚟夠哂浪漫💕🌹🌟Set Dinner 🍽️ ✨精緻小吃上前菜之前有個蟹鉗三文魚籽沙律🥗蟹肉鮮甜,係好開胃嘅餐前小食🙂↕️Appetizer✨香煎北海道帶子伴希靈魚籽醬帶子煎到金黃色,肉質爽口彈牙,配希靈魚籽醬更加突出帶子嘅鮮味😋Soup✨鮮蠔濃湯 +$68第一次試以鮮蠔煮嘅濃湯🦪質感濃稠creamy,入口蠔味超級濃郁🫢味道似中式蠔豉,朋友話有啲似蠔仔粥🤣✨龍蝦濃湯 +$68龍蝦湯都做得幾出色😋鮮味同鹹香都非常平衡,中間仲有粒炸蝦雲吞😆幾特別!Main Course✨海膽三文魚籽忌廉扁意粉 $438海膽係一大坨!份量十足😱重點係雖然未到日本刺身級嘅鮮甜,但絕對唔腥喎!意粉軟硬適中,忌廉汁鮮甜而Creamy掛汁,配埋三文魚籽真係啖啖滿足😆✨板燒自家35天乾式熟成美國西冷扒伴燒汁 $598冇諗過呢度竟然有得食Dry Aged牛扒🥩我哋揀咗Medium rare,牛扒算厚身,切落去色澤粉嫩而保留到肉汁,最得意係咀嚼間會食到風乾火腿嘅味🤣🤣🤣比想像中有驚喜🙂↕️Dessert✨焗火焰雪山 +$68打卡100分嘅火焰雪山🔥🗻充滿焦香嘅蛋白霜下係冰凍嘅朱古力雪糕🤎絕對係冰火交融嘅口感😆Tiramisu✨提拉米蘇+$78擺盤都係好精美,不過絕對係成人版Tiramisu🫢酒味超級重,而且整體唔會好甜,啱晒怕甜人士😆🌟Gillardeau法國吉拉多生蠔🦪 $58/pc🌟Irish Rock愛爾蘭石蠔🦪 $48/pc另外單點咗兩款生蠔🦪兩款都鮮甜軟滑,不過個人就比較鍾意愛爾蘭嗰款,味道比較light同清甜🙂↕️
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落地大玻璃~ 俯瞰旺角景色~聽聞夜晚氣氛爆燈🥂唔知食物質素又點呢~ 1️⃣法式白酒忌廉煮青口 $198白酒忌廉汁非常濃郁唔會死鹹🍲聞到奶味好香 食落都好夠味入面嘅洋蔥索曬醬汁同青口嘅味道🤯呢道菜做得幾出色,可以一試 2️⃣海鮮意大利飯 $178賣相不錯 海鮮種類都唔少~青口,蜆肉,魚肉,蝦,菇蕃茄龍蝦汁味道不錯🍅但汁多咗啲啲 整體正常 3️⃣燒雞胸羅勒醬意大利粉 $178心思思想食青醬就嗌咗呢個賣相黎講 顏色深色咗少少雞胸溫度爭少少之外 肉質食落都嫩肉汁其實都好似無乜 雖然只係雞胸唔expect啲乜 唔柴已經好好🤣整體黎講 建議食其他😢💰4️⃣火焰朱古力球 $88朱古力球淋上酒然後點火🔥等啲朱古力溶化後就可以食入面嘅雪糕🍦 打卡able~!可惜啲酒並無完全揮發!🥃搞到成個甜品充滿濃烈酒味你得到一個酒味朱古力睇得唔食得😢 ✏️呀豬 回頭指數:🧡🧡🧡🧡/5
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之前食過一次,食物係ok,當時的男職員態度很好。諗住5號lunch去食多次,一行入去見到兩個女職員,一個係bar 檯,一個坐係凳。見到有客人完全冇反應,我問左句:「你地開門了嗎」個bar檯女職員先講未,開1130。我哋見仲有6分鐘,企左一陣,企係lift門口又唔知點,咪諗住坐一陣等到佢開,一入就話「miss 未開門」。即係點?請問這便是貴 餐廳的服務態度嗎?我明白1130先開門,咁你係咪可以同我哋講「或者你地可以係樓下行個圈/ 係門口企一陣/入嚟坐一陣」你而家即係趕客啦!bar檯女職員態度極差,另一個女職員仲要好似唔關佢事咁
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Dining at the 25th floor — right at the heart of Mong Kok was an experience to remember. Sky726 exudes a cozy yet sophisticated ambiance, with dim lightning and modern decor that sets the perfect tone for an enjoyable meal.The moment I saw some great reviews on OpenRice, I quickly booked a table on a day before my partner and I leaving for Indonesia to enjoy our last dinner while watching sunset, but it's a shame we missed it due to cloudy weather. The menu offers a thoughtful balance of contemporary dishes, catering to a wide range of tastes. I started with puffy bread with butter which was warm and toasty. For the main course, the scallops stole the show. Cooked to perfection and tender, served with aglio olio spaghetti and the aroma was really spot on. My dining partner ordered the portobello mushrooms and black truffle cream sauce with linguine, which was rich and creamy. I had a bite of it and it was delectable. We concluded the meal with the signature flamin' chocolate fireball, paired with liquored berries — strawberry, blueberry, and raspberry. The dessert was balanced without being overly sweet. The staff at the Sky726 were attentive without being intrusive. Our server was knowledgeable about the menu and quite well-spoken in English. While enjoying the dessert, one of the staff came to refill our drink and asked about how was our food. He was quite suprised seeing us dining there because not many foreigners know the place. We had small conversation about it and it was really enjoyable. To whoever the friendly staff was, thank you for the company! 🫶Overall, it is highly recommended for anyone looking for romantic dining experience with great view of skyline.
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