1-min walk from Exit B2, Shau Kei Wan MTR Station continue reading
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10% Service Charge
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Review (43)
Level2 2024-10-24
前日去咗筲箕灣東大街掃街,食咗雞蛋仔同埋魚蛋粉,晚飯嚟咗呢一間金東大,食完真心覺得正,推介下俾大家。豬潤炒蜆:呢個餸真係比較特別,酒香豬潤香夠,反而最好食係佢地個煎米粉,最後煮落去索曬啲湯,成個港版Vongole咁😂膏蟹蒸肉餅:佢哋呢個膏蟹肉餅,肉餅食得出鮮甜同埋嫩滑,佢成隻蟹連埋個肉餅一齊蒸,剩低嗰個豉油汁有蟹嘅鮮味,撈落個煲仔飯度好正。咩都可以唔試,呢個肉餅要叫!瀨尿蝦炒腸粉:經理寫菜嘅時候話呢個係招牌之一,整體鑊氣好夠,呢道菜真係幾有特色。瀨尿蝦彈牙,配上入味嘅腸粉,炒得乾身但唔會太油膩。重口味啲,但有鑊氣,瀨尿蝦都鮮甜大件蒸紅油石蚌魚:佢地蒸魚火候時間都拿捏得好好,魚嫩滑,跟住個魚既紅魚油加上蔥味好鮮,食到大半經理再拎左個蛋麵送俾我地試,個麵撈落啲魚汁到真係正到爆,幾條友一野掃曬整體嚟講,金東大嘅菜式的確特別,海鮮好多出面都食唔到。但係坐佢地入面後廳隔離枱啲人好應聲,飲大兩杯開始大叫,所以有啲嘈😢Anyway值得一試~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-10-04
最近嫲嫲生日,諗住去間好少少嘅中餐慶祝,咁啱佢見到電視台介紹呢間叫金東大嘢蜑家菜,於是就去咗試吓。之前未食過呢啲水上人家嘢食,冇得benchmark,不過overall我覺得啲嘢食都幾特別,唔係平時出面酒樓食得到嘅嘢,同埋都幾好食,不過有啲餸就可能會濃味少少同埋多啲油/碳水,未必啱所有人口味。前菜嗌咗鴛鴦墨魚餅,個墨魚餅都幾彈牙,但係又唔會韌到好似趙橡筋咁,嫲嫲都食到。我哋嗌咗菜味嗰款,有墨魚嘅鮮,亦都有啲咬口。食完之後好快嚟咗一輪主菜,嗌咗幾樣都覺得唔差。膏蟹蒸肉餅,經理話呢個係招牌菜,開頭我覺得冇乜特別,但係食落就明點解枱枱都有嗌呢碟嘢。肉餅索咗膏蟹嗰隻鮮甜,令到佢有肉餅個口感之餘又有蟹嘅umami。雖然講到尾都係嫲嫲以前整嘅愛心蓮藕肉餅好食啲,不過呢個都叫幾好食,連埋豉油汁撈飯食亦都幾夾。瀨尿蝦炒腸粉,雖然個賣相冇個肉餅咁有成隻蟹喺隻碟咁靚仔,但係反而有啲驚喜。炒完嘅瀨尿蝦夠大隻之餘仲要脆皮,唔使用手都剝到殼,不過最好食反而係個腸粉,乾身唔立但係又唔油,襯托到個瀨尿蝦,個配搭幾好。食完呢幾味之後其實已經有啲飽,所以之後上咗兩個魚都唔係食咗好多,不過都可以照講吓。蒸石蚌魚個魚肉其實蒸得幾鮮嫩,肉質鮮甜,拎嚟送飯一流,不過就咁食嘅話就真係有啲油。佢個鹹魚缽都係同樣道理,撈埋落飯一齊食會好啲。我自己本身唔係特別鍾意食鹹魚,因為感覺上唔係好健康之餘,有時啲鹹魚真係可以鹹到pk,要即刻飲水。不過個老闆上菜嗰陣話佢哋嘅鹹魚係自己屋企人生曬,煮嗰陣又會連埋鹹鮮魚一齊煲,所以控制個鹽嘅份量會好啲。唔知個老闆吹水定點,但係食落個鹹魚又真係唔係好鹹,所以我諗都可以俾住benefit of the doubt佢先。不過點都好,我覺得呢啲醃製嘢都係唔好食咁多,所以最後我哋都淨係准嫲嫲食兩舊就算。整體嚟講,我覺得呢度啲嘢係好食同埋好有特色,因為唔係其他地方食到嘅嘢,但係缺點真係太多澱粉,因為好多餸都要用個飯做載體去carry個餸嘅味出嚟。我自己就唔慣食咁多飯,最尾食到好飽,但係我會話想試啲特別少少嘅中餐嘅話,呢度值得一試嘅。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-10-01
Kam Tung Kitchen holds a special place in my heart, filled with cherished childhood memories. My family used to take me there for stir-fried dishes during family gatherings and celebrations when I was young.My favorite dishes at Kam Tung Kitchen are the stir-fried clams, pork rib stew, and Tanka chicken steamed rice. Each dish is crafted with care and authenticity. The warm, welcoming atmosphere makes it perfect for gatherings or a cozy meal. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-08-25
今日同老公經過東大街搵食,見到呢間蜑家菜,未試過喎又試吓先啦,入去見到天花係用花膠、魚翅,做吊飾設計好得意。1)蜑家海鮮面:有3款湯底可以揀 (蕃茄、原味、辣味)我揀咗原味,麵都有幾教可以揀,我揀咗烏冬,湯底鮮甜,味道幾好,村料都幾多,有蝦2隻,蜆4隻,墨魚滑2粒,魷魚,午餐肉粒⋯⋯  另外跟一杯熱飲品  2)鴛鸯水餃: 韮菜餡3隻,椰菜豬肉餡3隻,肉多菜少個人唔太鍾意   3)蜑家海膽煲仔飯:味道幾好,炒飯底飯好乾身唔錯,份量唔多,客餐跟熱飲品一杯算扺食  4)蝦餃皇:$38少少貴,一籠3粒,皮薄餡多,蝦都大粒爽口  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-03-07
I visit this hood occasionally but have never heard of this hidden gem until my friend brought me here one day. The menu offered a wide range of classic Chinese dishes, showcasing the culinary expertise of the chefs.The food itself was exceptional, with each dish thoughtfully prepared and presented. The flavors were rich, balanced, and true to traditional Chinese cuisine.While the original price might have seemed steep, my friend got a discount that made the experience more accessible and allowed me to fully appreciate the quality and attention to detail that went into every aspect of the meal. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)