Restaurant: Woodlands Indian Vegetarian Restaurant

To promote a new salt and sugar reduction (RSS) dietary culture and living style to the people of Hong Kong, the Environment and Ecology Bureau, the Committee on Reduction of Salt and Sugar in Food and the Centre for Food Safety of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department have launched the "Less-Salt-and-Sugar Restaurants Scheme" ("Scheme"). Restaurants participated in the Scheme will offer less salt or sugar options to the consumer or even tailor-make less salt or sugar dishes in designated restaurants. Participating restaurants will be granted with the Scheme Labels for displaying in the premises for public identification. For details, please click here: https://www.eeb.gov.hk/food/en/committees/crss/restaurants.html

2-min walk from Exit P2, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
This brand was founded in 1981. It serves a lot of Indian vegetarian dishes at reasonable prices. Among them, Dahi Batata Puri is a crispy round hollow puri stuffed with potato mixture, yoghurt and chutney, which is a special dish good to try. continue reading
Opening Hours
11:30 - 15:30
18:00 - 22:30
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 15:30
18:00 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus AE JCB Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay PayMe
Other Info
Online Reservation
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (176)
Level4 2023-11-22
初嚐印度素食餐廳。大部分菜式含五辛,但好多都可以走五辛,落單時告知店員就可以。枱面放有樽裝礦泉水,但開咗要額外比$12。耆那教素食套餐 ($110)呢款套餐不含五辛,菜式包含香料蔬菜湯、2款無根類蔬菜咖哩、牛油香料燴扁豆、乳酪、醃菜、胡椒脆餅、印度烙餅、印度炸麥包同飯。中間嘅雜菜飯,米粒偏細長,質感較泰國米同日本米乾身,適合配咖哩或其他醬汁一齊食。飯嘅配料有青豆、紅蘿蔔、椰菜花同豆角。牛油香料燴扁豆口感綿密,似打爛咗嘅扁豆濃湯。其中一碟以椰菜、香葉為主嘅小碟味道唔算好濃,食材口感爽脆。黃色似薯蓉嘅小碟幾好食,味道甜甜哋,似食緊椰汁糯米飯,仲有菠蘿嘅香味。🥢瑪沙拉香料薄煎餅 ($95)特大超薄脆煎餅包住香料薯蓉薄脆超大塊,有大半張枱咁長,入面放有燈籠椒伴薯蓉。呢個菜式仲附有3種醬汁,我比較鍾意細碟裝住嘅白色醬,鹹鹹哋帶有好輕微嘅辣味。🥢炒椰菜花 ($75)酸甜汁燴炸椰菜花ㅤㅤㅤㅤ剛入口有酸甜味,食食下覺得太濃味,一定要配飯黎食。🥢原味無酒精雞尾酒特飲 ($40)其實就係青檸梳打水,仲有薄荷味。🥢椰青 ($40) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-11-08
北印度套餐(Poori/Chapathi) $115對印度咖哩認識不多,但此餐影相打卡一流🤭🤭😍。不但包含七款味道的咖喱(如爽辣的鷹嘴豆,香濃牛油香料燴扁豆,雜菜咖哩,還有甜甜乳酪醬),而且配備多款主食(胡椒脆餅,印度烙餅及炸麵包球),一次過滿足你味蕾十個願望🤣我是食肉獸,都覺得非常好食,真係新奇有趣,令人喜岀望外。印度香料檸檬梳打🍹 (Jal Jerra Lemon Soda)$ 35抱著必試特色食物的決心😂,立即點了印度香料檸檬梳打。味道不錯,微辣中偏咸,似加辣版🌶️的鹹青檸🤭令人始料不及。這間餐廳植根香港已久(1981年),平日夜晚客人也是絡繹不絕,絶對值得一試👍🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-10-15
原來香港係有印度嘅純素餐廳,睇介紹係since 1982, 喺香港仲要有2間分店Menu 好HK-friendly, 有中英對照仲有好多圖驚你睇唔明。 我選咗北印度套餐, 一個套餐有好多小碟,滿足晒我想試多幾樣食物嘅心態成個套餐有乳酪醬沙律菜,黃薑椰奶甜品,鷹嘴豆咖喱,雜菜咖喱,牛油香料燴扁豆,2款是日雜菜咖喱配胡椒脆餅,印度烙餅,炸麵飽球及雜菜炒飯。每款咖喱配菜相近,主要有蕃茄,薯仔,茄子等, 但每一碟用嘅香料唔同,明顯地食到有唔到嘅味道。 雖然無肉,但味道同有肉嘅咖喱味道相比,實在有過之而無不及。胡椒脆餅及炸麵包球新鮮出爐, 配以雜菜咖喱, 令人停唔到口。 雜菜炒飯的飯煮時稍稍落多咗水, 改善埋就更完美另外叫咗杯Jal Jeera Lemon Soda(印度香料檸檬梳打) , 味道好特別,有啲似我哋飲開嘅鹹柑桔,但多咗香料味,酸味,辣味同變得有氣,算係Lassi 以外嘅新嘗試店內以外國客人佔多,全層呢間餐廳最多人。整體嚟講好值得一試, 係素食嘅新選擇 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-09-30
素食/無肉餐單/少鹽少糖是被這幾個字吸引進去,想多吃點素食,畢竟健康的身體才是本錢餐廳佈置很🇮🇳化,播放著我聽不懂的音樂。週六顧客很多,大多是南亞裔人士,服務員都是,所以感覺應該是很地道的🇮🇳料理對🇮🇳料理的印象就是咖哩和各種各樣的香料加各種食材煮成的糊糊,沒想到還有很多選擇👉Vada Pav 炸咖哩薯仔球夾麵包Deep fried mash potato ball coated with gram flour served inside a bun熱門印象街頭美食,由餐包夾住酥炸薯蓉球如圖片所示,薯蓉里加了很多香料,蘸綠色醬吃(不知道是什麼醬,酸甜辣味都有點)除了薯蓉球有點偏咸,其他都可以👉磨菇🍄湯Mushroom Soup味道很香濃,也偏咸,同西餐中的蘑菇湯不一樣的是加了很多茴香籽,吃起來要吐籽😅總結:說是少鹽其實還是偏咸,可能是我口味清淡 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
呢間係尖沙咀永安商場入邊嘅印度素食餐廳有驚喜 佢啲印度烤餅都大大份 仲粗過隻手臂最適合一家大細或者呢一班朋友去食特別推薦 佢個前菜Dahi Batata Puri今次一口氣呃咗四個 薯仔肉醬配埋乳酪so tasty😋 &蕃茄炒飯 可以選擇唔 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)