4-min walk from Exit B, Kennedy Town MTR Station continue reading
A café and bar features single-origin coffee and single malt whisky, with different themes in different times. Single-origin coffee and light meals are served before 6pm, and coffee brewing method is by your choice. Single malt whisky and dinner are served after 6pm. continue reading
Opening Hours
09:00 - 18:00
Mon - Wed
09:00 - 18:00
Thu - Sat
09:00 - 00:00
09:00 - 18:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Cash Octopus AE Apple Pay WeChat Pay
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
Reward Dining Points
Outdoor Seating
Exclusive Online Booking
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (102)
Level3 2024-09-06
很适合在坚尼地城溜达后小坐一下店面不算大 但装修很温馨 也有卫生间咖啡种类很多 还会有餐食 brunch类的点了一杯焙茶拿铁味道不错 不会过甜 焙茶也很香很不错的坚尼地城下午茶场所 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Mozzarella Cheese($58)Tiramisu($68)Cold Brew($68)Aeropress($78)超級chill嘅cafe,鐘意飲咖啡嘅要留意吓呢間,因為老闆會挑選咖啡豆,一個時期同一款但有唔同brewing method☕️今次試咗cold brew同aeropress,明確地飲到唔同,aeropress比cold brew更滑順,但咖啡味淺些嘢食都唔錯,價錢相宜,小編覺得整體環境好cozy,一定會再嚟enjoy chill afternoon☀️(喜歡飲酒嘅朋友,可以夜晚才來) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-08-15
食過幾次,啲食物質素都keep得好好~今次揀咗杯1+1 combo set Flat white, 即係一杯espresso +1杯milk coffee, espresso 係1 shot嘅份量,主要試下咖啡嘅原味,由於我唔係好識飲咖啡,1 shot啱啱好。今次嘅咖啡偏酸,我都係鐘意nutty嘅多啲😆黑松露芝士雜菌意大利飯個飯係比較正宗嘅意大利飯,偏硬身,好香黑松露味,好creamy,個菇都煎到好香,好味~明太子小龍蝦扁意粉個意粉汁好出色,又係好creamy,明太子嘅味都好出,唔會有腥味,趁熱食好好味,不過小龍蝦可以再多啲~Homemade tiramisu 酒香唔算太重,上面好多可可粉,個cream好香奶味同好順滑,仲要唔會太甜,冇咁重罪惡感:)雖然間鋪唔係好大,但佢冇限時間,唔會趕人走,食完仲可以順便行去堅尼地城海旁睇下日落,好chill🤘🏻推薦~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-04-21
悠閒weekend去嘆coffee 🤍 中西區好多cafe 好多間都有試過 今次揀左For Single ☺️ 記得佢幾年前興過一排 我無特別去試 因為不嬲唔鐘意跟熱潮打卡 前排同朋友傾開cafe 佢話呢間唔錯 可以試下 咁岩又過左熱潮又得閒 就試一試啦🥰門口幾靚幾cozy 有一種感覺係 你可以留一個下晝係到 嗌左兩杯啡 其實店員無特別介紹豆 亦無比我地揀 Latte飲落好淡 無咩啡味 可能咁岩佢地呢期既豆比較light 每杯coffee都會跟張卡仔介紹咖啡豆嘅來源同資料 📃 環境方便 冷氣好大 想坐多陣都唔得 未飲完已經決定快快飲完轉場 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
For single 是香港一間頗為特別的咖啡店/酒吧,應該很難把早上的咖啡店跟for single 這個名字串連起來,這間餐廳的特別地方在於上午的時候會是一間咖啡店,而晚上就會轉為酒吧。這次嘗試了他的咖啡店。 坐在吧枱的位置,你能夠清楚地看到他沖咖啡的整個過程。同枱朋友嘗試了他的手沖咖啡,而我則試了他的latte,整體咖啡味很濃,豆味很出。食物方面,主要試了他的意粉及甜品。食物方面,我選擇了一個忌廉煙三文魚意粉。用料十足,但係意粉就較為普通。甜品方面Tiramisu就更為出眾,忌廉很滑而中間的蛋糕浸滿了咖啡,配合起忌廉上來兩者很夾。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)