5-min walk from Exit B, Wong Chuk Hang Station
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Good For
Private Party
Additional Information
VIP room booking (8-14 people) / Full venue booking (50-60 people)
Opening Hours
09:00 - 19:00
Mon - Wed
09:00 - 19:00
Thu - Fri
09:00 - 21:00
Sat - Sun
10:00 - 18:00
Public Holiday
10:00 - 18:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Recommended Dishes
Signature Dishes
聽說黃竹坑開咗間非洲菜餐廳「Act Africa Coffee & Tea」,就急不及待約朋友去試吓。老實說,非洲菜在香港真的少見,這令我非常期待😊店內的裝潢設計以木為主,門口有幾幅好有特色的畫,店內有些很非洲味道的小擺設,很賞心悅目。不過如果日間黎會好啲,因為會睇到海景,睇埋日落更正。Wellness plant-based salad $75(half)Chicken thigh +$18(Chickpeas, beetroot, cauliflower, avocado, corn, cherry tomatoes, quinoa with avocado lime dressing)雞肉上綠色醬汁有少少芥末味,但味道同雞肉很夾,與蔬菜食很配,好彩叫了半份,兩個人食很夠。South African stylePeri-peri baked chicken thigh $125被餐牌上的圖片吸引了,所以點了這個,雞肉一啲都唔鞋口,醬汁很濃味,味道都唔錯架,很配合香港人口味。Smoked salmon rolex $125有蛋同洋蔥同煙三文魚做餡,皮不是脆的,淋淋地既,我用刀叉食,但之後問店員其實點食,佢話用手搾住黎食,佢講完我就喺度諗啦......其實係咪應該入鄉隨俗呢?😆Passionate summer $48熱情果果汁,酸酸甜甜好開胃Apple juice $30蘋果汁,唔錯
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咁大個女第一次食非洲菜,滿心期待。#africacoffeeandtea 位於港𡷊南區,仲幾近我屋企添。估唔到甲級寫字樓上別有筒天餐廳裝潢上都充滿非洲特色,盡見店主嘅心事,除了畫作,每個角落也是當地擺設,值得欣賞。仲有最大嘅賣點係 ,可以看到無敵超超超靚黃昏美境😇🌯Ugandan Style Rolex 見到咁大碌就知用料有幾豐富,拎上手也感到其份量非凡,除咗煎蛋、三文魚,仲有不少蔬菜,甜椒,蕃茄,味道也超乎預期地好好味,而且好健康,超飽肚😋South African style peri-peri wha baked chicken thigh 燒雞辣辣地非常惹味,火候啱啱好。配上較為乾身椰汁印度米,加上紅腰豆和炒椰菜,估唔到非洲菜特別得黎又幾啱我口味☺️點做兩杯冇酒精飲品Passionate Summer Green Tea matcha latte 望住日落吃好東西,此刻無價 😇======================📍Africa Coffee and Tea📍黃竹坑。香港💰$190
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門面擺放非洲風格傢俬窗口位看到香港仔避風塘亦看到中式神學院必試African lovebird 非洲鴛鴦African lovebird 非洲鴛鴦非洲鴛鴦由馬拉威熱帶洛神蜜桃白茶及非洲expresso調配而成。一入口有咖啡的酸味,亦帶有一股辛辣。咖啡味道被稀釋,卻有馬拉威熱帶洛神蜜桃白茶的花香。Ugandan-style Taco 餡是雞粒,雖然乾身,但有肉味。青芥末醬的微沖擊味道令味道不再單調。Ugandan-style Rolex - Smoked Salmon 捲餅皮薄,有點「淋」,跟土耳其的捲餅皮相似。捲餅入面有一層蛋,最中有三文魚。由於沒有醬汁,所以味道就是食物材料的原味,每一口都是淡淡的,就如住家食物物的感覺。Ethiopian-style Beef Stew燉牛肉色彩繽紛,第一眼已有好印象。材料有古絲米、lentiles、香菜和燉牛肉。這道菜有一股好濃烈的獨特香料味道,不似南美、印度、東南亞,亦非歐洲羅勒葉。
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今晚朋友帶我去了一個非常好嘅地方晚膳,位置於黃竹坑地鐵站附近一商廈內,可瞭望香港仔海景,尤其日落時分最迷人。至於食物方面好特別,非洲菜,香港少有特色店之一。Ethiopian style beef stew粒粒呈金黃色嘅印度香米,油亮而不膩,微微的黃薑味,微妙得很。燉牛肉夠入味,香料調味恰到好處。配以大量蔬菜,均衡營養。Plant based Rolex鷹嘴豆泥,蕃薯,粟米,青瓜, 豆腐餡料超級豐富,滿滿的,有爽口,有綿滑…. 有層次。
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This was the first time i came here with my family, we ordered East African Style Lamb Curry in Mild Spicy Curry, with tender lamb simmered with fresh herbs. Best enjoy with basmati rice and or chapati, therefore we ordered Basmati Rice (Yellow Rice), a soft & fluffy basmati rice mixed with turmeric, low-carb alternative to other rice made entirely from cauliflower and we ordered Jollof Rice as well, a traditional West Africa rice made with tomatoes, chillies and spices, which goes super well with the curry, we also ordered Wellness Plant-based Salad (Chickpeas, beetroot, caulifiower, avocado, corn. cherry tomatoes, quinoa with avocado lime dressing), this was so so and we ordered smoked Salmon Rolex, not too bad, It's a rolled chapati wrap filled with omelette and vegetables, we also ordered Ugandan-style Taco (3pcs), it served with hummus base and lime avocado dressing with dice chicken, taste ok but if it can be more hot it will definitely taste better
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