我們等了好久,沒事因為覺得如果如他所說的活魚,一定需要時間抓了殺和煮。當服務員上菜時,魚好大,說要滾了才食。我們先食串。我從來沒看過那麼迷你的雞胗,是一顆雞胗切了細細片,插了10串賣$32。魚鍋滾了,我們開吃,好難吃的魚啊,好不新鮮,簡直就是冷凍的魚,類似冷凍的白魚柳,還是品質差的那款。我就問店員,你們寫活魚,店員擠擠巴巴說“是當天到的魚”。。。 就不是活魚,直接說當天到的冷凍魚。其實冷凍魚也有分好不好的。新鮮的魚就算冷凍了還是不錯的。但是這家的魚是雌貨,不好的,大家千萬不要去吃。辣味是會掩蓋魚的品質的,食辣的未必吃得出這魚的品質。反正我第一次寫那麼長的comments,是因為太不好了。魚是不能食不新鮮的。
It has to be so terrible that I can spend precious time to write about this store. The fish was not fresh. The store claimed to use live fish. Forget it. I asked the staff and they were uncomfortable but stated that the fishes arrive new every day. The fish is definitely one of those frozen ones. The texture and taste are very much like the white fish fillet. I am feeling so grossed up by the fish. Fish has to be fresh, especially these fresh water fish. Don't go to this chain. For sure this is not only happening in this store. It's the quality of fish supply.
(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)