港铁炮台山站 B 出口, 步行约5分钟 继续阅读
10:30 - 21:00
食记 (4)
等级4 2013-06-08
153 浏览
香加雞專門店主打本地飼養的泰安雞無添加激素吃得安心下午路過便順便吃下個下午茶點了羅勒燒雞脾肉質鮮嫩香氣十足皮下脂肪極少雞脾也香脆美味雖然雞脾不是選用新鮮雞但也情有可愿堂食十八外賣十五價格不便宜但合理老板待客也很親切下次路過也會試一下蜜糖口味 继续阅读
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等级4 2012-10-31
71 浏览
這個鋪位有好久一段時間都是做食肆的,同時也不知轉了幾多手,今次輪到賣雞。這裡標榜採用本地環保農場出產,無添加激素的泰安雞,我想主要是做外賣的雞髀雞翼和小食等等(嗯,除了雞其實還有叉燒的)。但它也有賣原隻香妃雞,也有些飯餐供應,兼有幾個座位供人堂食之用。這是百里香烤雞扒($15),皮下脂肪不多,應該沒經油炸,皮因為放在櫃檯擺賣已一段時間所以是不脆的。雞肉味道是甜甜的,有很多肉汁應該還有一點香草味的。然後轉了吃雞髀,左邊的是香妃雞髀($15),怎麼顏色跟吊起來賣的整隻香妃雞不同的呢?這麼深色,於是無論賣相或者味道都有三分似鹵水雞髀。這個吃完有點口渴,據經驗是味精作祟。右邊的是羅勒烤雞髀($15),味道上吃不出跟百里香雞扒有多大的分別。 继续阅读
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Found out about this place from ilovedisneylands review so I was really excited about this place because I am also a chicken lover too.This place specialises in grilled chicken, steamed chicken, marinated chicken organs.On their flyers it states that their chickens are sourced from an environmentally friendly chicken farm.From the review I thought there were only two seats but when I got there it was bigger than I thought, there were about four tables.The decor of the restaurant was quite interesting, it had pictures on the wall which I thought were quite southern American but I am not American so I could be wrong on which part of America it could be.All was well, but there was no English menu yet!There is a chicken set with rice or noodles but I couldnt be bothered to study the menu so I just ordered chicken a la carte.In the cabinet, there were various grilled items which I forgot to take pictures of such as grilled wings, chicken legs etc.Anyway I ordered the grilled chicken which came with lemon sauce.Luckily they sliced the grilled chicken into slices for me and they gave me a fork too.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Grilled thyme flavoured chicken thigh:The chicken was really tender and juicy and the skin was delicious. I do not usually eat the skin but this one has been grilled so that the fat had already been burnt off.Overall the chicken was quite good because it was not oily.The thyme was not strong enough.Although the seasoning such as salt and pepper were strong it was not as strong as the grilled chicken at Wing's which leaves you thirsty after taking the first bite.The magic lemon sauce that came with it was cordial, the stuff that you use to make squashes with.I mean magic because it balances out the saltiness and makes it really appetising.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★After I had the grilled chicken I realised they had chicken wings with different herbs which i didnt see earlier.The chicken wings come in threes and it was really good they let me have three different flavours.As all these herbs were in Chinese I hadnt a clue that they were thyme, basil and rosemary.I recognised the basil as I have heard "lorlak" many times, but the rosemary herb in Chinese was really new to me because the chinese name seems to say "lost - mai sut"★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Thyme flavoured chicken wing:This tasted the same as the grilled chicken.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Basil flavoured chicken wing:Again the basil was not strong enough.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Rosemary flavoured chicken wing:Same as above the rosemary was not that strong.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★As I was pretty sure the lemon sauce was lime cordial I asked if they could make it into a drink by adding water, and they did it for me.I am sure they must have thought I was barmy but anyway it was a really good thirst quencher, my thirst was gone!They should add this drink to the menu, it was much better than the other drinks they had and it was refreshing and sour just like those Thai iced lime drinks.Anyway I'll be back and it would be great if they served roast potatoes on the side too 继续阅读
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等级4 2012-10-25
59 浏览
自細都好喜歡吃雞, 不論豉油雞、白切雞、燒雞、家鄉雞 定 葡國雞, 總知有雞皮、雞肥、雞肉、雞骨、雞內臟、雞血 (除咗雞頭同雞屁股), 我都可以唔食其他只吃雞 (雞毛掃都日日用 )自從禽流感少咗新鮮雞, 兼且個人理由, 由有自己家庭要自己煮飯開始, 我都無去過雞檔買新鮮雞, 買雞就去超級市場、凍肉鋪買雪藏雞, 新鮮雞只可稱為年少時的回憶。昨天坐巴士經過北角, 從上層向街望可見到燈光燦燦的店鋪, 店名香加雞專門店 。我一見「雞」字就兩眼放光 逐決定完成要辦的事後再折返原來香加雞專門店就是由本地經營「泰安雞」的香氏家族所開, 「泰安雞」無添加激素兼百分百本地環保農場生產。 難怪用新鮮泰安雞製作的白切雞及香妃雞 , 全隻 $188 半隻$ 95 , 不過健康就更是無價小店的骰, 開放式厨房卻佔大多數位置, 堂食餐枱只有4張;賣雞的店子沒有一般燒臘店的油膩, 反而牆上掛有大幅油畫, 裝飾品四處擺設, 店員們都穿上青綠色的醒目制服, 遠處還見到有即磨咖啡機, 想必是想打造歐陸庭院式的和靄賣雞店香妃雞菜飯套餐 $48 ... 據店員說菜飯是每天用泰安雞雞油炒成, 菜就是有機蔬菜 真係好耐無食新鮮農場雞, 香妃雞鮮香嫩滑, 肉質緊致, 有彈性, 雞皮爽脆無脂肪, 皮肉間只有一層凝脂, 不過凝脂顏色略帶血紅, 唔知點解忽然怕怕新鮮滷水雞什 $40 ... 當然是出自「泰安雞」 有6副雞肝連雞心, 2副雞腎 , 滷水味道輕輕滲入, 卻沒有蓋掩雞什的原生味, 雞肝外硬內裏軟綿, 肝纖維在舌頭上慢慢地軟化, 肝味濃郁; 雞心爽脆、雞腎就肌肉有彈性, 肉質緊密 羅勒烤雞扒 $15 ... 店員稱這些雞扒並非用自新鮮雞 是真的...雞扒肉質與香妃雞肉質是截然不同 , 多了硬實、少了彈性。 店員不會為雞扒番熱不過會切件奉客, 跟雞扒會有一小碗稀釋青檸汁, 是英國品牌 玫瑰牌青檸汁 Rose's Lime營業時間是每天 10:30am 至 9:00 pm ... 雖然現在不是住在港島區, 但是若有需要要到北角區, 這店會是必到點 继续阅读
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