2015-10-08 3312 浏览
灣仔是自己成長的地方,不知不覺搬離這區已經十多年,以往支持的心水食店所餘無幾,能夠支撐到今天的,多是一些對自家出品有所堅持,不會輕易妥協於潮流的餐廳。不過要擁有這樣超強信念亦真不容易,所以區內很多大街小巷都出現了翻天覆地的變化,有些原來只有兩三間食店的小街,兩三年間已經成為了食街,例如在富豪飯堂 福臨門 對面的船街,完完全全就是一條著名食街,當中有些餐廳更摘下了米芝蓮殊榮,可謂 長江後浪推前浪,一代新人勝舊人。最近約了朋友在灣仔區午膳,雖然也想過光顧自己的心水老店,可是最後敵不過好奇心,還是找了一些新餐廳品嚐。在船街發現了一間氣氛輕鬆的餐廳 Atelier Vivianda,上網翻查一下資料,原來是旁邊 Akrame 的姊妹店,法國米芝蓮大廚 Akrame Benallal 上年開了一間 Fine Dining 的 Akrame,今年便成立了這間 Casual dining 的小店,既然來頭那麼強勁,當然樂於一試。餐廳走 Bistro 路線,風格輕鬆自然,落地玻璃大門能引進自然光,讓客人安坐其中,倍覺舒適愜意。翻了一下午市餐單,點了 Iberian Pork Rib 和 Le Croq
灣仔是自己成長的地方,不知不覺搬離這區已經十多年,以往支持的心水食店所餘無幾,能夠支撐到今天的,多是一些對自家出品有所堅持,不會輕易妥協於潮流的餐廳。不過要擁有這樣超強信念亦真不容易,所以區內很多大街小巷都出現了翻天覆地的變化,有些原來只有兩三間食店的小街,兩三年間已經成為了食街,例如在富豪飯堂 福臨門 對面的船街,完完全全就是一條著名食街,當中有些餐廳更摘下了米芝蓮殊榮,可謂 長江後浪推前浪,一代新人勝舊人。

最近約了朋友在灣仔區午膳,雖然也想過光顧自己的心水老店,可是最後敵不過好奇心,還是找了一些新餐廳品嚐。在船街發現了一間氣氛輕鬆的餐廳 Atelier Vivianda,上網翻查一下資料,原來是旁邊 Akrame 的姊妹店,法國米芝蓮大廚 Akrame Benallal 上年開了一間 Fine Dining 的 Akrame,今年便成立了這間 Casual dining 的小店,既然來頭那麼強勁,當然樂於一試。
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餐廳走 Bistro 路線,風格輕鬆自然,落地玻璃大門能引進自然光,讓客人安坐其中,倍覺舒適愜意。
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翻了一下午市餐單,點了 Iberian Pork Rib 和 Le Croquavor Burger 兩款主菜,另外再單點了一些頭盤品嚐。不得不提,這裡的午餐是可以無限添加薯仔配菜,碰巧我們都是薯仔迷,心裡同時暗呼 “不 . 得 . 了 .”
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先來單點的 Thinly Sliced Smoked Beef Matured 50days,肉味超濃,質感軟嫩,蘸一點香辛味橄欖油同吃,味道更加討好。
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正式進入主菜時間,餐廳知道我們是分享著吃,特別把 Le Croquavor Burger 一分為二,實在貼心非常,不過拍照就不能拍到全貌了;法式麵包香脆鬆軟,夾著漢堡、芝士 和 生菜,味道十分匹配,吃整個可能有點膩滯,這樣分享半個,感覺剛剛好。
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之後來了 Iberian Pork Rib,豬肋骨烤得皮脆肉嫩,咬下時能嚐到充份的肉汁,特別是吃到接近骨頭的位置時,脂香更加豐盛,絕對是推介之選 ! !
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當然還有我們都喜歡的薯仔配菜,點了 炸薯波 和 薯絲批,兩款都薯味滿載,薯波來得外脆內軟,薯絲批則加入了軟芝士,來得芝味濃郁。
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甜心時間點了一款 Custard Tart 分享,充滿著雲呢拿香味的吉士打撻,口感綿綿滑滑,配合旁邊的雲呢拿雪糕同吃,是心滿意足的味道。
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是日的午餐十分滿意,定價方面也來得合理,HK$ 298 包括了主菜和無限添加薯仔配菜,最重要是食物真心有水準,果然沒有辜負星廚的威名。
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不知下次再到灣仔吃飯時,自己能否堅持光顧心水老店,還是像今次一樣,抵受不了新餐廳的誘惑呢,無奈. . . . . .

 * * * * * * * * * *

更多美食及旅遊分享,請在互聯網搜尋 saii lee,謝謝 ! !
(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
2015-09-02 3607 浏览
這家Atelier Vivanda跟一舖之隔的restaurant Akrame,同樣是法籍米芝蓮大廚Akrame Benallal由法國帶來香港,兩者走截然不同的風格,Akrame是法式Fine Dining而Vivanda則是法式小酒館風格。 貫徹小酒館的風格,餐廳裝潢樸素溫暖,聽說佈置、餐具和桌椅都與巴黎總店有九成相似。特別值得一提是餐桌上的餐刀,其實是大廚Akrame Benallal親自設計,刀形獨特而刀柄採用牛角製成,插在桌上彷效肉店內擺放肉刀的設計,非常獨特。午餐和晚餐的餐牌基本上是一樣的,午餐一份肉類加任吃薯仔賣$298,晚餐則賣$448,不過就多一份前菜和甜品。煙燻五十天熟成薄牛肉片。牛肉來自荷蘭,風乾五十天然後再煙燻,先吃一片原味,口感柔軟鹹香適中。再吃便記得要沾一點Akrame的自家黑胡椒味橄欖油,油身香味獨特層次更豐富,另外伴麵包或其他肉類也很適合。法式鴨腿批配甜醋香蔥。用上拆肉鴨腿,吃起上來比較有咬口,加上調味輕盈,入口味道清新。意大利「飯」配紅菜頭。餐牌寫著是Risotto,但實際上是米型意粉,混合紅菜頭烹調,顏色搶眼,口感特別。黑安格斯牛腹肌。這裡選用的都

這家Atelier Vivanda跟一舖之隔的restaurant Akrame,同樣是法籍米芝蓮大廚Akrame Benallal由法國帶來香港,兩者走截然不同的風格,Akrame是法式Fine Dining而Vivanda則是法式小酒館風格。
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貫徹小酒館的風格,餐廳裝潢樸素溫暖,聽說佈置、餐具和桌椅都與巴黎總店有九成相似。特別值得一提是餐桌上的餐刀,其實是大廚Akrame Benallal親自設計,刀形獨特而刀柄採用牛角製成,插在桌上彷效肉店內擺放肉刀的設計,非常獨特。
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西班牙黑毛豬肋骨。肋骨烤至medium well,入口帶點焦香,豬肉的脂肪較多,油香十足,肉質也挺軟嫰。
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Le Croquavor漢堡。有別於一般的漢堡,麵包用上法式麵包,中間夾著免治牛肉、Comte芝士和生菜,當中的醬汁是一大亮點,可以減低肉類的油膩感。
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除了肉類,薯仔也是這裡的主打,除了較常見的烤薯仔和薯蓉外,還有法式烤焗馬鈴薯、馬鈴薯絲餅和炸馬鈴薯球。自己最喜歡的是法式烤焗馬鈴薯,把馬鈴薯切片、加入忌廉和洋蔥等,口感有點爽爽的,另外馬鈴薯絲餅也不要錯過,中間夾著Brie Cheese,芝士味相當濃,其他的雖然是普通一點但味道也不錯。記得點了炸馬鈴薯球的話,不要忘了要求自家製蕃茄醬,因它的味道十分濃郁,且每年才出產700樽,可說非常珍貴。
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(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
2015-08-28 4553 浏览
Having been to Akrame next door, I knew this place was going to be good.I was looking forward to dinner because they specialize in meat and potatoes.During lunch and dinner priced at HK$448, diners can indulge in L’Entrée, La Viande, L’Accompagnement, and Le Dessert.Started with thinly sliced smoked beef that has matured in 50 days, it was flavourful and appetizing before dinner.We also had the Pata Negra Bellota Pure Origins Iberian which is waxy.The cheese was my favourite because it had a lig
Having been to Akrame next door, I knew this place was going to be good.
199 浏览
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I was looking forward to dinner because they specialize in meat and potatoes.
During lunch and dinner priced at HK$448, diners can indulge in L’Entrée, La Viande, L’Accompagnement, and Le Dessert.
701 浏览
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Started with thinly sliced smoked beef that has matured in 50 days, it was flavourful and appetizing before dinner.
We also had the Pata Negra Bellota Pure Origins Iberian which is waxy.
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The cheese was my favourite because it had a light taste which was enhanced by the Caractère olive oil that has a lovely peppery taste.
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The starters are accompanied by fresh bread served in a small paper bag.
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For the L’Entré we had Duck Leg Terrine with Vinegar and Baby Onions and Risotto with Beetroot and Smoked Haddock.
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I liked the risotto because it was rice shaped pasta which gives it a better flavour.
For the mains, we had the beef flank and the Iberian Pork Rib.
The pork was thick and juicy.
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Then came the potatoes, my favourite aspect because I love potatoes!!!
There were five different types!!
Gratin Dauphinois, Pommes Darphin, Sauteed Potatoes, Mashed Potatoes and Pommes Dauphines which are unlimited.
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The pomme Darphin is amazing, crispy and fluffy in the middle!
For dessert, we finished with Custard with Vanilla Ice Cream and Caramel Profitoclaire with Chocolate Tonka.
The Caramel Profitoclaire with Chocolate Tonka was really nice, it was covered in a strong caramel that was not too sweet covered in crunchy hazelnuts.
63 浏览
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(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
2015-08-27 3000 浏览
完成澳門遊記後,也是時間慢慢補記香港的食記,就由生日飯開始;今天記的,是近期頗為人氣的灣仔船街 Atelier Vivanda~ Atelier Vivanda 是由法國米芝蓮二星名廚 Akrame Benallal 自巴黎帶來香港的全新法式概念小酒館;餐廳將肉類美食及享受生活兩大概念合併,並特別以法式肉店的室內設計來呈現。其實我不太看重來頭甚麼的,食物好吃就行;不過開餐前也簡介一下這裡環境,走的是簡約悠閒風,不太拘束適合三五知己共聚,而由座位可觀賞廚房情況,切合 Atelier 工作坊風格。是日我們一行五大兩B,非常的覬覦首先的上檯的麵包。那麵包質素一般過一般,倒與多年前遊法的出品相似,點上橄欖油也沒提昇多少食味。不過都成功吸引兩個B女一陣子~這裡的餐單很簡單,一頁過一目了然;除了少量頭盤、六款主菜、一款特色漢堡、數款甜品,最特別亦最吸引是五款 side dish 可以任配任吃,無限添加!連沙律也是免費奉上的(新鮮沒多少調味,健康但稍寡),當日我們就以此為頭盤,索性跳過頭盤直接吃扒了~午餐時段主菜 + 配菜均一定價 $298,第一份主菜是 Black Angus Flank,牛腹肉部
完成澳門遊記後,也是時間慢慢補記香港的食記,就由生日飯開始;今天記的,是近期頗為人氣的灣仔船街 Atelier Vivanda~
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Atelier Vivanda 是由法國米芝蓮二星名廚 Akrame Benallal 自巴黎帶來香港的全新法式概念小酒館;餐廳將肉類美食及享受生活兩大概念合併,並特別以法式肉店的室內設計來呈現。其實我不太看重來頭甚麼的,食物好吃就行;不過開餐前也簡介一下這裡環境,走的是簡約悠閒風,不太拘束適合三五知己共聚,而由座位可觀賞廚房情況,切合 Atelier 工作坊風格。
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這裡的餐單很簡單,一頁過一目了然;除了少量頭盤、六款主菜、一款特色漢堡、數款甜品,最特別亦最吸引是五款 side dish 可以任配任吃,無限添加!
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午餐時段主菜 + 配菜均一定價 $298,第一份主菜是 Black Angus Flank,牛腹肉部位脂肪不多,不算豐腴,不過肉質具彈性,算是有性格但驚喜久奉的出品。
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另一款 Persillé Black Angus 應該是招牌之作,肉質軟滑一些,不過亦沒有帶來太大驚喜,或與牛扒調味稍輕,我們又沒添加其他醬料有關。還有這裡牛扒傾向較生,怕血的要留意。

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也點下了 Rack of Veal,這牛仔肉奶騷味很重,喜歡的應該會很欣賞,不喜的會覺得難以下讌;我勉強還可接受,同行食友真有試一口就整件放棄的。

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今餐最棒的,反而是 Iberian Pork Rib:超厚身的黑毛豬鞍外層微帶焦香,裡面是估不到的多汁,同時肉質柔嫩不韌,水準很高!

Iberian Pork Rib
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我們也一併試下 A way of reinterpreting the hamburger,一如其名,漢堡給重新定義,用上法包片取代圓包,漢堡扒也來得特別生,配上芝士、沙牛菜味道還好。怕血的未必適合了。
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另外任添的薯菜/配菜也挺吸引:Gratin Dauphinois 即是忌廉焗薯層,薯片切得薄身、加上忌廉汁焗得香口,滋味不錯。

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Pommes Darphin 即是薯絲餅,一般是圓形的,這裡卻製成長條形,成品厚身、香脆而不油,挺好吃,將身後的 Pommes Dauphines 薯粒餅完全比下去了。
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還有沒甚特別的 Sauteed Potatoes,以及香滑迷人的 Mashed Potatoes,後者同行Chloe一試傾心,霸著吃了不少,以致後來我們要再添多客!
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因此在加單部位,Encore 了好吃的薯絲餅及另一兜薯泥,為食妹妹吃完第一兜,第二兜又來幫忙清了不少,十分犀利!

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甜品環節,點了四款來分享 ($68@),首先是 Crème Brȗlée:成品巨大,面層的焦糖輕薄清脆迷人,不過底下的燉蛋幼細得來不算很滑,味道不是最合心。
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接著的 Custard/ Vanilla Ice Cream 吉士撻味道與燉蛋相近,又是有點怪怪;同上的雪糕又融得快,吃得很論盡呀!
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生日甜品選了 Caramel Profitoclaire/ Chocolate Tonka,其實那泡芙質感軟熟、又富蛋香質素不錯,吃前淋上朱古力醬的意念亦吸引,就是雪糕實在融得太快太快了!
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甜品中最美味一定是 Traditional Moelleux 100% Chocolate/ Green Citrus,那心太軟質感較為軟身滑溜,朱古力味很香濃,襯上雲呢拿汁及青檸絲,扣人心弦,推介要吃!

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Traditional Moelleux 100% Chocolate/ Green Citrus
66 浏览
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(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
Iberian Pork Rib
Traditional Moelleux 100% Chocolate/ Green Citrus
$ 68
2015-08-27 2339 浏览
還記得這間Atelier Vivianda開張時,來過opening party,對那熟成了50日的煙燻牛肉片印象難忘,那股滋味依然在腦海盤旋,就趁著前星期天氣晴朗,又有朋友自遠方來,就相約共同享受一頓美味的午膳。店內以法式小酒館及肉店的概念而設計,環境舒適輕鬆,主要以供應不同肉類及薯仔配菜為主。與旁邊的姊妹店有著強烈的對比,一間走Fine Dining,這間卻走輕鬆路線,很適合年輕人到來。午餐的組合很簡單,就是主菜及無限量的薯仔配菜。話雖簡單,但對於薯仔愛好者來說,實在是一個天堂。只是在薯仔配菜的製法也有五款了,分別是【Gratin Dauphinois】,【 Pommes Darphin】, 【Pommes Dauphines】, 【Sauteed Potatoes】 & 【Mashed Potatoes】幾款,極為吸引。點餐過後,就來了一包熱烘烘的麵包,這兒沒有供應牛油,只是奉上帶有香辛味的橄欖油,不過卻是一種令人會吃上隱的味道,與香脆鬆軟麵包很合襯。以麵包滿足了饑餓感後,便迎來了額外點上的【Thinly Sliced Smoked Beef Matured 50days】。這肉

還記得這間Atelier Vivianda開張時,來過opening party,對那熟成了50日的煙燻牛肉片印象難忘,那股滋味依然在腦海盤旋,就趁著前星期天氣晴朗,又有朋友自遠方來,就相約共同享受一頓美味的午膳。
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店內以法式小酒館及肉店的概念而設計,環境舒適輕鬆,主要以供應不同肉類及薯仔配菜為主。與旁邊的姊妹店有著強烈的對比,一間走Fine Dining,這間卻走輕鬆路線,很適合年輕人到來。
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午餐的組合很簡單,就是主菜及無限量的薯仔配菜。話雖簡單,但對於薯仔愛好者來說,實在是一個天堂。只是在薯仔配菜的製法也有五款了,分別是【Gratin Dauphinois】,【 Pommes Darphin】, 【Pommes Dauphines】, 【Sauteed Potatoes】 & 【Mashed Potatoes】幾款,極為吸引。
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以麵包滿足了饑餓感後,便迎來了額外點上的【Thinly Sliced Smoked Beef Matured 50days】。這肉真的是極品,肉味香濃不在講,質感的纖維是何等的軟腍,有著淡淡的煙燻香味,加點香辛橄欖油來滋潤一下,油潤軟滑,真是很美味。
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接著對這道血紅色的【langues d’oiseaux】情有獨鍾,看似是意大利飯時,實情卻是意粉,疑幻似真,是一種好像大米的意粉,現在很多餐廳都有用上。將意粉炒過後,加入紅菜頭汁及煙燻鱈魚,味道惹味得來卻很清爽,鮮味出眾。
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終於來到了主菜,有六款選擇,點上了【Black Angus Flank】及【Iberian Pork Rib】。主菜上來時,看見枱上只有一隻叉,心想是不是侍應放漏了,正在躊躇等候當中,突然俾朋友殺一個措手不及,她從枱中拿出了刀子,一直也沒有留意原來遠在天邊,近在眼前。
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到了最後,友人的甜胃始終沒有減退,便點上【Custard/ Vanilla Ice Cream】及【Caramel Profitoclaire/Chocolate Tonka】。Custard tart有著香濃甜美的雲叱拿香氣,還夾雜著雲呢拿籽,質感軟滑,是小弟從未接觸過的甜品,味道都不俗。
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(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
$330 (午餐)
  • Iberian Pork Rib
  • Gratin Dauphinois
  • Mashed Potatoes
  • Thinly Sliced Smoked Beef Matured 50days
2015-08-23 1983 浏览
現在飲食的潮流已由fine dining轉為bistro,畢竟不是人人都喜歡拘謹的氣氛;至於小妹,兩者都喜歡,喜歡fining令我可以變成一位淑女,因為通常在那種環境下,我都會比較小心,以免刀子敲在碟上時發出巨響;同樣亦喜歡bistro那種causal,與友人談天也不用就住就住,以免騷擾其仔食客;當然,我平日說話的音亮也不算很大,只是在fine dinning會加倍注意。最近,灣仔船街又有新店 — Atelier Vivanda,三年前,在巴黎開設其總店,現在便來了香港,開其第三分店;餐廳主要以肉和薯仔為主,是我這種又愛肉又愛薯仔的為食妹不可錯過的食店呢。午餐方面可選一份肉,然後有一份沙律菜,最重要當然是有任吃的薯仔,當中的薯仔有炸薯波、焗薯批、焗薯絲、炒薯仔和焗薯蓉。這裡的刀是特製的,而且已插在桌上,十分有趣吧。切肉機餐廳的環境十分舒適,如果時間許可,真想在這裡待上一個下午。“Rough”Bacardi 8, Pinot Noir, Martini Rosso, Oloroso Sherry這杯cocktail,用了四款酒來調,酒精度是頗強的,但想不到味道不錯,用來配肉更棒呢。 “P

現在飲食的潮流已由fine dining轉為bistro,畢竟不是人人都喜歡拘謹的氣氛;至於小妹,兩者都喜歡,喜歡fining令我可以變成一位淑女,因為通常在那種環境下,我都會比較小心,以免刀子敲在碟上時發出巨響;同樣亦喜歡bistro那種causal,與友人談天也不用就住就住,以免騷擾其仔食客;當然,我平日說話的音亮也不算很大,只是在fine dinning會加倍注意。

最近,灣仔船街又有新店 — Atelier Vivanda,三年前,在巴黎開設其總店,現在便來了香港,開其第三分店;餐廳主要以肉和薯仔為主,是我這種又愛肉又愛薯仔的為食妹不可錯過的食店呢。

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Bacardi 8, Pinot Noir, Martini Rosso, Oloroso Sherry

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“Pretending ur drinking”

Raspberry, Rose Water, Honey, Lemon, Pineapple Juice

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麵包好吃,吃時沾上餐廳自家製的橄欖油,看到那橄欖油的顏色嗎? 味道很濃呢,麵包吸盡了油香,不錯吧。
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Thinly Sliced Smoked Beef, Matured 50 days ($198)

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Veal Carpaccio/ Passion Fruit/ Coffee ($98)

似乎第一次吃veal carpaccio,肉質很軟,特別喜歡這些調味,用上了熱情果和咖啡,很特別呢。
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Duck Leg Terrine/ Vinegar/ Baby Onions ($138)

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« langues d’oiseaux » Risotto/Beetroot/ Smoked Haddock ($138)

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A way of reinterpreting the hamburger $188

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Iberian Pork Rib

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Black Angus Flank

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Pommes Darphin, Pommes Dauphines

來到這裡,都不知道究竟誰是主角,肉還是薯仔? 說實話,這裡有五款薯仔食品可選,而且可以任點,的確是超吸引的。薯波炸得很香脆,中間是薯蓉來的;而旁邊那粉是用薯絲來製成的,可能因為加入了香蔥,所以大家都覺得有點像蔥油餅呢。
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Gratin Dauphinois

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Sauteed Potatoes, Mashed Potatoes


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Crème Brȗlée $68

想吃甜品的可以加$68,有四款可選;Crème Brȗlée是我一直都喜歡的甜品,這份的雲尼拿味很濃郁,上面的焦糖很脆,個人覺得薄些會比較好呢。
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Custard/ Vanilla Ice Cream $68



(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
2015-08-19 1612 浏览
灣仔船街真的是卧虎藏龍,在Akrame取得米芝蓮一星之後,今年在鄰舖再開設小酒個館Atelier Vivanda,令船街再多一個新選擇。早前在巴黎旅行時也趁小空檔到訪巴黎總店,食過黑安格斯西冷牛扒和炸馬鈴薯球,當時已對其馬鈴薯球有很深印象。今次在香港的新店和同事們一行多人,更可試試更多招牌菜。先一讚前菜煙燻薄牛肉片,以熟成五十天的牛肉煙燻,捲起來配上自家製的橄欖油,味道更香,煙燻味更重。橄欖油顏色很美,呈金黃色,帶濃郁胡椒味道,十分特別,印象深刻。接著的三式前菜,各有特色。「法式鴨腿批配甜醋香蔥」和平常食到的肉批有所不同,相當有咬口,以椰菜包著腿肉和香蔥,清爽而不油膩。意大利「飯」配紅菜頭煙燻黑鱈魚,鮮紅的賣相相當吸引,食下去才發現原來是米形粉,難怪這麼飽滿,走健康路線的亦較少調味,主要取天然食材鮮味。而咖啡百香果牛仔肉片以薄切形式出現,如百香果再多一點便更醒胃了。午市主菜可選Le Croquavor牛肉漢堡或是肉類,人多總是可以選不同的,點上了黑安格斯牛腹肉,黑毛豬助骨和Le Croquavor試試。餐廳將重點落在肉類,樸寶的賣相,讓食材原始的賣相都顯露出來,而且調味已一早處理好,根
灣仔船街真的是卧虎藏龍,在Akrame取得米芝蓮一星之後,今年在鄰舖再開設小酒個館Atelier Vivanda,令船街再多一個新選擇。早前在巴黎旅行時也趁小空檔到訪巴黎總店,食過黑安格斯西冷牛扒和炸馬鈴薯球,當時已對其馬鈴薯球有很深印象。今次在香港的新店和同事們一行多人,更可試試更多招牌菜。
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午市主菜可選Le Croquavor牛肉漢堡或是肉類,人多總是可以選不同的,點上了黑安格斯牛腹肉,黑毛豬助骨和Le Croquavor試試。餐廳將重點落在肉類,樸寶的賣相,讓食材原始的賣相都顯露出來,而且調味已一早處理好,根本不用再另加調味。黑安格斯牛腹肉燒得剛好,紋理分明,侍者親身來教授正確的切法,沿著紋理來切條,便能享受牛腹肉的應有質感。少了一分脂香,但卻有富肉汁的踏實,配上Rouge 香醇的紅酒雞尾酒,更可平衡肉類的膩。
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Le Croquavor
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而Le Croquavor賣相很有份量,而且灑滿芝士,讓有人大口咬的衝動。麵包香脆,牛肉燒至四成熟,肉汁剛好鎖在內,而且加上傳統法式Gribiche蛋黃醬,更加美味,上菜後要趁熱食才最美味。
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(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
$298 (午餐)
Le Croquavor
More casual French restaurants at a not so casual price, more rustic meat and potato menu, more steak-frites like dish with unlimited fries…okay. BUT unlimited pommes darphin, dauphines, gratin dauphinois, sautéed potatoes and mashed potatoes. You can try them all and encore at any point, my inner Minion screamed with joy at Atelier Vivanda. POH-TAAA-TOH-OH-OH~~Here for lunch on a Sunday (a $298+10% set with an entrée, infinite poh-taaa-toh and greens). The staff encouraged us to try the reinte
More casual French restaurants at a not so casual price, more rustic meat and potato menu, more steak-frites like dish with unlimited fries…okay. BUT unlimited pommes darphin, dauphines, gratin dauphinois, sautéed potatoes and mashed potatoes. You can try them all and encore at any point, my inner Minion [not goddess, okaaay] screamed with joy at Atelier Vivanda. POH-TAAA-TOH-OH-OH~~

Here for lunch on a Sunday (a $298+10% set with an entrée, infinite poh-taaa-toh and greens). The staff encouraged us to try the reinterpreted burger but our eyes were on the basic – steak! Lunch began with bread and Caractère olive oil. It was peppery and uplifting to the palate with a tiny bit of heat. Not the usual raw grassy olive flavor. I would say the bread was there just so we could "eat" the whole bottle of Caractère. Soaked up those bread! The bottle stayed through the meal and the staff also suggested to pour the oil on e.v.e.r.y. dish to come.

We tried the highly recommended thinly sliced 50-day matured smoked beef and it was addictive. I wasn't a fan of raw red meat because of the coppery (bloody) taste and felt a bit caveman like; also not a prosciutto person because the high fat % made it gamey, if unlucky. The smokiness of Atelier Vivanda's lean veal solved all my problems. The meat was shaved upon ordering with the sexy black Swedlinghaus meat slicer; the machine was spun manually with a wheel and you could hear the knife going back and forth *swoon with goosebumps. With the Caractère, the meat tasted like peppercorn roast beef and melted instantly in the mouth. Mmmm.
thinly sliced 50-day matured smoked beef
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Then the salad and potatoes arrived (the steaks followed shortly and I had a great time bouncing back and forth between all the dishes). We chose the pommes darphin, pommes dauphines and gratin dauphinois *starch freaks now roar. The darphin with chive and red pepper flakes were crispy hash browns. Next, I was curious on why the inside of the dauphines looked a little grey in color and tasted spiced. It was nutmeg, interesting and yum! The gratin dauphinois seemed to have a bit of mushroom in it and it was so creamy and aromatic. I could envisage digging through a pan like this all day in front of the TV.
pommes darphin, pommes dauphines and gratin dauphinois
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Entrees were Black Angus flank, persillé Black Angus and Iberian pork rib. Thumbs up to the chefs who liked to stay minimal - by finding great meat cuts, without even salting the meat much and presenting only the very original taste of the ingredients. I especially liked my flank for the texture. It was beefy, toothsome and still tender enough to slice through easily. Due to the flank’s lean parallel strips of muscular tissue, it was not as heavy as eating meaty sirloin or ribeye. Some would say steaks here were under seasoned, like my friend, so the staff was also very generous in bringing over some crystal clear Maldon sea salt flakes.
Black Angus flank
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persillé Black Angus
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The pork rib was extremely soft and juicy, and taking the staff’s suggestion on having it medium rare was a good move. Yes, you heard it right. Medium rare for pork and this was how confident this restaurant was.
Iberian pork rib
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The environment was unpretentious and comfortably lit; white, beige, grey and black color tones; 2 cow pictures on the wall; a clock on the ceiling; 2-person tables were slightly on the small side but tables for 4 above were fine; and some deadly steak knives slid into slots at every 4.5 inches thick table. The knife design was slick but my hand kept subconsciously turning it to the wrong side when eating (the slanted side, which I thought was understandable). *Couples and business people would have a great time here because everyone would play nice when knives are at easy reach. You wouldn’t want to upset the other parties, do you?
Caractère olive oil
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Male server each wore a smooth piece of blacksmith leather apron. Who doesn’t like men in leather! Atelier Vivanda is by Michelin 2-star Akrame Benallal, whose restaurant is just next door. I should try that out, too.
题外话/补充资料: The Caractère, designer knives and leather aprons are up for sale on the spot if you like them. I wish the servers are, too.
(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
$400 (午餐)
  • Black Angus flank
  • pommes darphin
  • pommes dauphines
  • gratin dauphinois
聞說船街近年開左不少中高檔西餐,而剛在上月在法國有兩家分店的Atelier Vivanda 正式登錄香港,當然要跟老婆大人黎試試。說真的,法國餐本來不大岩我一家兩口既口味。首先,法國餐通常創新,但創意過頭很多餐廳反而忽略左食材本身既鮮味。此外,法國餐多常portion 細,唔飽。不過此店跟鄰店Akrame 均是由米芝蓮星級名廚 Akrme Benallal 打造,都不妨一試。打去訂位,本來想訂星期六,點知full 左。豈有此理? 居然咁full? 咁訂星期日啦~ 佢就話分2 round。第一round 6:30,第二round 830一入到去,見到係open kitchen。環境不俗。略嫌地方較窄,抬與抬之間空位不多。bar 抬有個年輕法國男子 (老婆話好靚仔!) 似係此店大廚。侍應普遍有禮貌但記性較差,落錯2次單。先講收費:,每位448四道菜: 1) 頭盤,2) main course,3) 薯菜及沙律 (自稱無限量供應),及4) dessert頭盤前有餐前法包配上自家制olive oil,侍應話olive oil 是自家製,一定要試。法包味道一般。相反,本來唔太"好"olive o
聞說船街近年開左不少中高檔西餐,而剛在上月在法國有兩家分店的Atelier Vivanda 正式登錄香港,當然要跟老婆大人黎試試。

說真的,法國餐本來不大岩我一家兩口既口味。首先,法國餐通常創新,但創意過頭很多餐廳反而忽略左食材本身既鮮味。此外,法國餐多常portion 細,唔飽。不過此店跟鄰店Akrame 均是由米芝蓮星級名廚 Akrme Benallal 打造,都不妨一試。

打去訂位,本來想訂星期六,點知full 左。豈有此理? 居然咁full? 咁訂星期日啦~ 佢就話分2 round。第一round 6:30,第二round 830

一入到去,見到係open kitchen。環境不俗。略嫌地方較窄,抬與抬之間空位不多。bar 抬有個年輕法國男子 (老婆話好靚仔!) 似係此店大廚。侍應普遍有禮貌但記性較差,落錯2次單。
366 浏览
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先講收費:,每位448四道菜: 1) 頭盤,2) main course,3) 薯菜及沙律 (自稱無限量供應),及4) dessert

頭盤前有餐前法包配上自家制olive oil,侍應話olive oil 是自家製,一定要試。法包味道一般。相反,本來唔太"好"olive oil 既我居然有驚喜! 個olive oil 好香之餘重有朕garlic 同black pepper 味。
Thinly sliced smoked beef Matured 50 days
73 浏览
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呢個係本餐既驚喜!話說某飲食雜誌推介呢個煙燻牛。所以就算唔係menu 我都叫一客黎試,佢門口有部機切牛。侍應表示可配olive oil 一齊食用!呢個堅好食!10/10
Beetroot Risotto
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Duck Leg Terrine/Vinegar/Baby Onions
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之後上餐既頭盤。老婆大人揀左beetroot risotto。我揀左duck leg。

老婆大人覺得味道唔錯。我食左啖覺得個risotto 個texture似意粉多過飯。至於duck leg... 我以為係成隻duck leg 上抬... 哈哈。法國餐果然係變化多,古你唔到,原來係整到變鴨餅。有d 似罐頭肉,重有少少腥。

Beetroot Risotto: 6/10
Duck Leg: 5/10
Black Angus Flank
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Duck Breast
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到main course 喇: 老婆大人揀左牛腹肌,我揀左鴨胸。
老婆大人要medium rare,但我覺得似係medium。而我叫既medium 鴨胸就似7成熟。之後我聽到隔黎抬叫左幾人份量一齊share 既牛排,太生要打回頭。似乎師傅煎扒既火喉掌握不足。講番味道,肉面上曬左少少海鹽去提起D肉味,用料都不俗。整體係ok。

牛腹肌: 7/10
鴨: 5/10
Pommes Darphin/Sauteed Potatoes/Mashed Potatoes
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menu 有5款薯菜選擇。但由於係法文,我同老婆都R哂頭唔識解。 侍應同我地耐心逐一講解。我地叫左薯餅同薯蓉。點知黎左薯餅同炸薯波。同侍應講,佢都好nice 肯比多份薯蓉我地。

薯餅: 喜好問題  呢個得3/10

炸薯波: 錯有錯著,一致認為幾好食  7/10

薯蓉: 堅好食!!!! 有別一般既薯蓉,佢用大量既牛油同 cream 去整,有D 似忌廉薯蓉湯 10/10 

問題來了,話說一早講明薯菜無限量供應,監於個薯蓉堅好食,我地打算encore。點encore 完過左好耐都唔黎,第一抬encore 既薯菜都到哂,我就再問侍應,睇下佢係咪唔記得落單。點知佢話,薯蓉賣哂.... 下? 又話無限量供應? 同埋,薯蓉都會賣得哂架咩? 我地食第一輪wor... 對於呢個excuse,覺得有點不可思義,不過算啦,可能新開既餐廳貨源準備不足,又或者想留番比下一輪...anyway...
Custard/Vanilla Ice Cream
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最後,叫左cream brulee 同Custard/Vanilla Ice Cream做dessert 。 本來我地兩個都想叫cream brulee,咁侍應話不如試下Custard。咁老婆話無所謂。點知,一黎到,兩個custard....... (又係同一位侍應出錯) 同佢講番,cream brulee 就黎番喇,結果唔記得影..........


服務方面,店內有一位經理,不知為何長期失蹤,只得侍應馬不停蹄工作。我抬頭杯紅酒飲完,經理無問我要唔要加酒,反而走去叫侍應問下客人加唔加酒。我理解你要教下屬,但你自己都應該要以身作則,唔係8成時間失蹤。另外,由於係open kitchen 關係,睇得出上菜幾慢,廚師煮好於左係bar 抬叮左幾次鐘,侍應兩手空空行過都唔理,似乎係服務管理上,依然有改善空間。(應該話呢d漏洞係open kitchen 係特別明顯)

(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
$700 (晚餐)
  • Thinly Sliced Smoked Beef; Black Angus Flank; Mashed Potatoes
2015-06-26 3164 浏览
Chef Akrame Bennallal of the 1* Akrame has imported yet another one of his restaurants from Paris into Hong Kong - Atelier Vivanda which is a contemporary French bistro specializing in meat and potatoes. The new restaurant is located just down the street from Akrame with the same sleek and stark decor while the design of the semi al fresco dining area in front similar to 22 Ships as it seems you can sit on the outside of the restaurant as well. The menu is simple and small with a 4 course set me
Chef Akrame Bennallal of the 1* Akrame has imported yet another one of his restaurants from Paris into Hong Kong - Atelier Vivanda which is a contemporary French bistro specializing in meat and potatoes. The new restaurant is located just down the street from Akrame with the same sleek and stark decor while the design of the semi al fresco dining area in front similar to 22 Ships as it seems you can sit on the outside of the restaurant as well.

The menu is simple and small with a 4 course set menu to choose from for $448 with your choice of starter, main, side and dessert. I was here with a girlfriend on a Saturday night and perhaps because it is still quite new, the restaurant was half full and not too noisy which was great for a night of chit chat!
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After we ordered, we were given some baguette in a cute paper bag along with olive oil. The baguette wasn't warm or soft enough while the olive oil was interesting as it was spicy!
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The Ceasar Salad with sesame and cashew nut was average while the portion seemed to be on the small side.
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The Duck Leg Terrine with vinegar and baby onions was decent though I wished the texture could be less coarse.
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The Yellow Chicken Breast was tender enough but it could have been more flavorful.
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The Le Croquavor is one of the signature dishes here which I was really excited to try! Dubbed "a way of reinterpreting the burger", the beef patty came between two thick pieces of toasted baguette and a layer of comte cheese. Unfortunately I was more impressed with the flavorful bread than the beef itself which tasted a bit oily to be honest. The "burger" was also hard to cut with the knife provided so the beef patty fell apart while I was trying to cut it into bite size portions. I think it would have been better if it had arrived pre-cut in half already.
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The potato sides here were well-executed here though especially the Gratin Dauphinois with layers of baked potatoes slices and cream.
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The Pommes Dauphines or deep-fried potato balls were also addictive to eat.
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Dessert is always my favorite part of the meal and this Caramel Profitoclaire with chocolate tonka did not disappoint!
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The Creme Brulee was a bit of a let down though as the burnt sugar layer on top was too thick while the flavor of the custard could have been richer.
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Verdict - while the concept is good and the price is fair, I was hoping for a bit of a wow factor like my previous experience at Akrame but nothing really stood out in my mind based on my experience on this night. I'm still on the fence here and don't want to rule it out yet so maybe I will go back to try the duck breast and other cuts of beef next time.

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(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
2015-06-05 5178 浏览
Two months ago, I started hearing about Michelin starred chef Akrame Benallal trying to double our pleasure by opening a new contemporary bistro next to his eponymous restaurant Akrame on Ship Street. It's finally ready for its soft opening this Monday and I decided to come and check it out immediately.Atelier Vivanda, which is labeled as a "meat and potato" restaurant by the chef himself, will certainly be a welcome addition to the city's diversified food scene. In case you are wondering, this
Two months ago, I started hearing about Michelin starred chef Akrame Benallal trying to double our pleasure by opening a new contemporary bistro next to his eponymous restaurant Akrame on Ship Street. It's finally ready for its soft opening this Monday and I decided to come and check it out immediately.

Atelier Vivanda, which is labeled as a "meat and potato" restaurant by the chef himself, will certainly be a welcome addition to the city's diversified food scene. In case you are wondering, this is the fourth Atelier Vivanda in the world and first of its kind outside Paris although the chef has publicly hinted that there will be many more to come with London, Brussels and Berlin as the likely destination.
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I have grown to enjoy casual dining these days and this one certainly provided a very relaxed ambiance with a butcher’s studio backdrop, bar table and more.
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But first, my apologies for the poor quality of these photos. For whatever reason, I had mistakenly turned on the wrong photographic mode and as a result, these pictures did not turn out the way I wanted. Perhaps I got a little too carried away after bumping into a certain member of the Four Heavenly Kings (四大天王) who also happened to be a guest here tonight. Strangely enough, he actually smiled to us which was rarely seen from this mild mannered superstar.

Anyways, back to the food menu here for a moment. They are currently serving a 3-course set dinner ($448) where one gets to choose between four starters, six main dishes and four desserts. There's also a complimentary salad and choice of potato (what would be a meat-and-potato restaurant be without potatoes?) being served with each main course.

The restaurant manager certainly did her job going through each and every dish with us and it really didn't take very long for us to make our decisions too.
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Duck leg terrine with vinegar and baby onions, 3.5/5
I had their duck leg terrine to kick off this dinner and it was pretty good. The duck leg meat was firm and savory. Pretty nice.
Duck leg terrine with vinegar and baby onions
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Veal carpaccio with passion fruit and coffee, 2.5/5
Less successful was the veal carpaccio which tasted a little more like normal ham, although serving it with passion fruit and coffee was kind of slick.
Veal carpaccio with passion fruit and coffee
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Duck breast, 4/5
No garnish on this one. Just a simple seared duck breast from France with great texture. The portion was more than generous to say the least. I tried to avoid the crispy skin as I often did with any poultry but this was too much to pass up. The meat was tender and flavorful. Definitely the best dish of the night.
Duck breast
448 浏览
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French yellow chicken breast, 3/5
I thought the French yellow chicken was slightly disappointing. Love the incredibly tender chicken breast but the expected rich flavor was missing (apart from the hint of salt).
French yellow chicken breast
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Before the meal, we were already informed of the 5 kinds of potatoes available here and I went with their Pommes Darphin without hesitation.

It was really as good as advertised.
Pommes Darphin
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And the Gratin Dauphinois tasty as always, although a little heavy.
Gratin Dauphinois
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With all those meat, of course it's wise to have a little bit of green. Yeah, just pass me the entire bowl of salad please.
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Caramel profitoclaire with chocolate tonka, 4/5
I was trying to decide between their custard and caramel profitoclaire and our server helped to make that decision easy for me when he promptly told me that the profitoclaire is real heavy. That's exactly what I was looking for.

This was simply a huge cream puff with cream custard in the middle and chocolate sauce from top to bottom. Real fulfilling stuff.
Caramel profitoclaire with chocolate tonka
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Crème brûlée, 3/5
And a good old crème brûlée with a classic caramel glaze to wrap up our dinner.
Crème brûlée
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It was everything one would expect from a modern French bistro although I was kind of hoping that the talented chef might have something special up his sleeves, which unfortunately didn't really materialize.

(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
$448 (晚餐)
Duck breast
Caramel profitoclaire with chocolate tonka