2017-09-15 1300 浏览
星期四7pm 來到bizou,店內人流不多,訂座後來到,侍應也讓我們自由選擇座位。店內侍應多是外國人,偶有兩位從外國回流的香港人,說的廣東話也略帶半鹹半淡的口音。食:· 凱薩沙律,生菜配沙律醬,一定好吃。只是太多的芝士碎,我覺得有點太鹹,友人則很喜歡芝士。· 雞肉不滑,略嫌煮得太老成。伴碟的豆和醬汁味道也不錯,把雞肉釀上醬汁,也較容易入口,只是對於香港人的標準而言,這道菜就只屬勉強合格。· 蟹餅是我在看過僅有的14 篇食評推介的結論,果然不出所望,蟹餅經過油炸。外脆可口。而切開蟹餅時,內裡卻是十分疏散的,一叉就開,但是配上辣醬,味道鹹辣中帶有絲絲分明的蟹肉,整頓飯我最推薦這個starter。· 預祝生日點了杏仁蘋果蛋糕,欣賞畫勁劣絀的可愛happy birthday 和心形圖案的心思,但是吃下來蛋糕又苦(杏仁)又鹹(有鹽杏仁lol)又甜(蛋糕甜),非一般口味,我和友人一致認為伏。
星期四7pm 來到bizou,店內人流不多,訂座後來到,侍應也讓我們自由選擇座位。



Classic Caesar Salad, Chopped Romaine, Grated Parmesan, Garlic Croutons
19 浏览
0 赞好
0 留言

· 凱薩沙律,生菜配沙律醬,一定好吃。只是太多的芝士碎,我覺得有點太鹹,友人則很喜歡芝士。

Organic Herb Whole Roasted Chicken family style(half)
33 浏览
0 赞好
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· 雞肉不滑,略嫌煮得太老成。伴碟的豆和醬汁味道也不錯,把雞肉釀上醬汁,也較容易入口,只是對於香港人的標準而言,這道菜就只屬勉強合格。

Boston Style Crab Cake, Breaded and Pan fried, Roasted Pepper Sauce
34 浏览
0 赞好
0 留言

· 蟹餅是我在看過僅有的14 篇食評推介的結論,果然不出所望,蟹餅經過油炸。外脆可口。而切開蟹餅時,內裡卻是十分疏散的,一叉就開,但是配上辣醬,味道鹹辣中帶有絲絲分明的蟹肉,整頓飯我最推薦這個starter。

Almond Apple Cake with Cardamom Ice Cream and Sweet Salted Almonds
29 浏览
1 赞好
0 留言

· 預祝生日點了杏仁蘋果蛋糕,欣賞畫勁劣絀的可愛happy birthday 和心形圖案的心思,但是吃下來蛋糕又苦(杏仁)又鹹(有鹽杏仁lol)又甜(蛋糕甜),非一般口味,我和友人一致認為伏。

(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
$300 (晚餐)
Classic Caesar Salad, Chopped Romaine, Grated Parmesan, Garlic Croutons
$ 108
Boston Style Crab Cake, Breaded and Pan fried, Roasted Pepper Sauce
$ 188
  • Boston Style Crab Cake
  • Breaded and Pan fried
  • Roasted Pepper Sauce
2017-08-18 4216 浏览
花了13個月的時間寫下第1至100篇食文,卻又待了26個月的時間才能寫出第101至200篇食文,產量寥若晨星。能被冠上智尊食家的名銜,自覺既未夠班,亦着實愧對膝下五百名粉絲。不過寫文之事純為興趣,若想以有限的時間得到最大的效益,還有別些平台可以讓肯恩發揮。生日宴會選取了金鐘這間開業半年有多的餐廳,從開飯網訂座可以享用九折的優惠。食店是Dining Concepts集團旗下其中一間餐廳,走的是美式餐廳風格。基於店內的座位數目的限制,食店把用餐區擴展到食店舖位外的區域。外區直接面向太古廣場商場的行人通道,比較適合放工閒時到來happy hour飲酒的朋友,晚餐還是較適合在店內的區域享用。用上較casual及富現代感的裝潢,每張餐桌都有明亮的照射燈照射著,不是情侶浪漫晚餐的地方,更適合朋友暢聚,桌上點亮的蠟燭裝飾可有可無。出奇地意外,星期六的晚上,商場一帶的人流少得可憐,食店全晚也僅得四枱食客光顧,高談闊論也不怕滋擾到附近的食客。開飯網把食店的用餐價位設定在$400至$800的類別,與酒店級的高級西餐廳看齊,加上開飯網的食評亦不太多,令人少不免有錯覺,以為食店的定位是高消費客群。閱覽了餐牌,


食店是Dining Concepts集團旗下其中一間餐廳,走的是美式餐廳風格。

417 浏览
1 赞好
0 留言

基於店內的座位數目的限制,食店把用餐區擴展到食店舖位外的區域。外區直接面向太古廣場商場的行人通道,比較適合放工閒時到來happy hour飲酒的朋友,晚餐還是較適合在店內的區域享用。

186 浏览
1 赞好
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265 浏览
1 赞好
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1964 浏览
1 赞好
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1337 浏览
1 赞好
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1361 浏览
1 赞好
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1419 浏览
1 赞好
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1695 浏览
2 赞好
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除了單點餐牌,食店最近還添加了一份嘗味餐牌,頭盤加主菜盛惠$288。嘗味菜單內的選擇不多,但定價頗為吸引。美國菜的特色是相對較為大份,一份頭盤加一份主菜,一般人已足夠飽肚,可以不用再點side dish。

59 浏览
1 赞好
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41 浏览
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55 浏览
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77 浏览
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Grilled Octopus 

美式餐廳一定以量取勝?也不儘然。 這道烤八爪魚不是以量取勝,反而是更着意在菜式的賣相上着手。

Grilled Octopus
61 浏览
1 赞好
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47 浏览
1 赞好
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Boston Style Crab Cake
53 浏览
1 赞好
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Boston Style Crab Cake 

通常吃的蟹餅大多是月餅般的大小,美式煮法頓變成一件大pan cake。


Steak Tartar
47 浏览
1 赞好
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Steak Tartar 



Grilled Bone Marrow
49 浏览
1 赞好
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Grilled Bone Marrow 

115 浏览
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22 浏览
1 赞好
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103 浏览
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USDA Prime Porterhouse
88 浏览
1 赞好
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USDA Prime Porterhouse

32安士的Porterhouse 牛排,最適合一大班英雄朋友一同享用。

62 浏览
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148 浏览
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52 浏览
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108 浏览
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Medium rare的熟度,粉嫩的肉色令人唾涎。

94 浏览
1 赞好
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Organic Herb Whole Roasted Chicken
53 浏览
1 赞好
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Organic Herb Whole Roasted Chicken 

選擇全隻的烤雞,以family style作號召,意味這會是很夠份量的飽肚菜式。


25 浏览
1 赞好
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Oven Roasted Norwegian Salmon
42 浏览
2 赞好
0 留言
Oven Roasted Norwegian Salmon 


240 浏览
1 赞好
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食店無食物水準及環境均不錯,定價亦算公道,唯獨欠缺一些較有特色的signature dishes,加上Dining Concepts旗下的西餐廳眾多,路線風格重疊,不易令人留下深刻印象。最近新推出的嘗味菜單,似乎是讓食店好好重新定位的新嘗試。




(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
$469 (晚餐)
Steak Tartar
$ 168
Grilled Bone Marrow
$ 188
Grilled Octopus
$ 158
Boston Style Crab Cake
$ 188
USDA Prime Porterhouse
$ 888
Oven Roasted Norwegian Salmon
$ 218
2017-07-17 2440 浏览
My second time to be here again. This time I sit inside, next to the bar table. As usual the salad buffet is satisfactory. It has been a while after the opening, there are more customers at lunch. We have to queue next to the bar table to get food. The food is refilled quickly. This time my sister order the fish fillet. The presentation looks acceptable but the quality is not up to expectation. The taste is rather plain and tasteless. The skin is crispy which is good. Still I dont recom
My second time to be here again. This time I sit inside, next to the bar table. As usual the salad buffet is satisfactory. It has been a while after the opening, there are more customers at lunch. We have to queue next to the bar table to get food. The food is refilled quickly.

This time my sister order the fish fillet. The presentation looks acceptable but the quality is not up to expectation. The taste is rather plain and tasteless. The skin is crispy which is good. Still I dont recommend the dish. I will stick to the salad buffet next time.
7 浏览
0 赞好
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(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
2017-06-26 2297 浏览
上次食完覺得好抵食,今日Brunch 再黎。可惜同上個weekend比已經唔同左,salad 既菜今日勁多dressing,仲有無左我最喜歡既new york cheese cake...American Burger 好好味,牛肉配芝士又夾又香。其他main course如魚就好老。不過價錢仲係吸引既。
上次食完覺得好抵食,今日Brunch 再黎。可惜同上個weekend比已經唔同左,salad 既菜今日勁多dressing,仲有無左我最喜歡既new york cheese cake...

American Burger 好好味,牛肉配芝士又夾又香。其他main course如魚就好老。

80 浏览
3 赞好
0 留言

65 浏览
0 赞好
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90 浏览
0 赞好
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54 浏览
0 赞好
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(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
  • AmericanBurger
2017-06-18 1673 浏览
今日Father ‘s Day, 周圍迫到癲,係 Pacific Place 買野睇戲,求其walk in 入Bizou, buffet 竟然唔駛Hkd200, 追加埋多款任選main course 都係二佰多。味道okay 正常,我鐘意多菜少肉,正!仲有水果同甜品,仲有咩好批評吖!
今日Father ‘s Day, 周圍迫到癲,係 Pacific Place 買野睇戲,求其walk in 入Bizou, buffet 竟然唔駛Hkd200, 追加埋多款任選main course 都係二佰多。

味道okay 正常,我鐘意多菜少肉,正!
193 浏览
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54 浏览
1 赞好
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43 浏览
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42 浏览
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77 浏览
0 赞好
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42 浏览
0 赞好
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(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
The parade of new restaurants never seem to end at Pacific Place, with Dim Sum Library and Hon 10 recently joining the party but first, we have Bizou to check off our list this afternoon.Bizou is an American brasserie brought to us by Dining Concepts. You can think of it as the American interpretation of a traditional French brasserie. The food menu has been designed by consultant chef Magnus Hansson, a master baker and well traveled chef who is known for his focus on healthy, organic and vegeta
The parade of new restaurants never seem to end at Pacific Place, with Dim Sum Library and Hon 10 recently joining the party but first, we have Bizou to check off our list this afternoon.
92 浏览
0 赞好
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Bizou is an American brasserie brought to us by Dining Concepts. You can think of it as the American interpretation of a traditional French brasserie. The food menu has been designed by consultant chef Magnus Hansson, a master baker and well traveled chef who is known for his focus on healthy, organic and vegetarian dishes (who happens to be a vegan himself). He's been recently doing a lot of work as partner of Jean Georges and with Bizou, he will re-visit the restaurant a couple of times per year and review the menu periodically. But for the time being, the kitchen is actually led by Head Chef Todd Williams, who's been with DC for a couple of years already. He's just been back after a stint as the opening executive chef for .
129 浏览
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Bizou have big shoes to fill taking over the space previously occupied by Grappa's Ristorante, a legend which has been around for 26 years but it looks like they are ready for the challenge. One of the nicest thing about Bizou is its intimate and cozy dining space highlighted by all the wooden panels and black leather. It makes us feel right at home.
322 浏览
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We asked for a bit more space where we could park our little one's pram next to our table and the staff was kind enough to offer us their private room. That was the kind of service which we didn't expect from a Dining Concepts restaurant (sorry!).

But is the food here as comforting as the service? Let's find out.....
176 浏览
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Classic Caesar Salad ($108) - The same timeless combination of chopped romaine, parmesan and garlic croutons. That was just OK. Comparing to the same thing we had at , another Dining Concept restaurant a couple of months ago, I thought it was a little disappointing especially the chopped romaine lettuce which wasn't particularly crisp. Not so-good start (Grade: 2.5/5).
Classic Caesar Salad
19 浏览
0 赞好
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Boston Style Crab Cake, Breaded and Pan fried ($188) - Things got back on the right track with this nice piece of pan-fried crab cake.
21 浏览
1 赞好
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Boston Style Crab Cake, Breaded and Pan fried
21 浏览
0 赞好
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It was stuffed full with fresh crab meat and almost nothing else (some places used an excessive amount of potato to make it look BIG but not right here) which was nice. The roasted pepper sauce was a nice touch too (Grade: 4/5).
41 浏览
0 赞好
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Swedish dill cured gravlax ($138) - This looked really small even for a starter. Underneath the thin slices of salmon gravlax was a toasted brioche and they had mustard dill sauce sprinkled all over them. Average at best (Grade: 3/5).
Swedish dill cured gravlax
34 浏览
0 赞好
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Organic herb roasted chicken (Half - $184) - Apart from steaks, the selection of main dish was very limited (comparing to starters).

The roasted chicken was generously portioned and the meat was surprisingly tender. I like the intensity of the sauce too giving the chicken very good depth of flavors (Grade: 4/5).
Organic herb roasted chicken
26 浏览
0 赞好
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Oven Roasted Norwegian Salmon ($218) - Supposed to be one of the signature dishes here I was told but it was drawing mixed reviews from the four of us.
Oven Roasted Norwegian Salmon
52 浏览
0 赞好
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Personally, I thought the warm cucumber nage was a little bland. The roasted salmon itself was fine but there wasn't enough support from the rest of the ingredients (Grade: 2.5/5).
36 浏览
0 赞好
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Linguini and clams with chili, garlic and white wine butter sauce ($198) - Have I been eating too much salt and pepper lately coz this tasted very bland again. The sauce was a bit buttery as we all expected and it failed to bring out the best from the linguini (Grade: 2/5).
Linguini and clams with chili, garlic and white wine butter sauce
20 浏览
0 赞好
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This turns out to be an up-and-down affair with more downs (linguini and a few others) than ups (crab cake, roast chicken). I'm not entirely sure if I'd be back for another visit.
(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
$200 (午餐)
Boston Style Crab Cake, Breaded and Pan fried
$ 188
Organic herb roasted chicken
$ 184
  • Boston Style Crab Cake
  • Breaded and Pan fried
2017-05-17 1500 浏览
Wanted to take a work break so tried to ask around about places to take my friends to happy hour. A friend recommended Bizou, so we decided to have some wine and light lunch before heading back to work.We had a bottle of Merlot, standard price, same standard mellow and smooth taste.The snacks here are really nicely done. Highly recommend the truffle fries, nicely seasoned and just the right amount of crispness.We also ordered a rib eye to share, perfectly fine medium rare, definitely a five star
Wanted to take a work break so tried to ask around about places to take my friends to happy hour.

A friend recommended Bizou, so we decided to have some wine and light lunch before heading back to work.

We had a bottle of Merlot, standard price, same standard mellow and smooth taste.

The snacks here are really nicely done. Highly recommend the truffle fries, nicely seasoned and just the right amount of crispness.
Truffle  fries
19 浏览
0 赞好
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We also ordered a rib eye to share, perfectly fine medium rare, definitely a five star!

Rib  eye 
21 浏览
0 赞好
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They have happy hour from 4-8, but we decided to have early drinks around 3pm so just ordered a bottle to share. Otherwise, it is a very nice chill place for those who work in Pacific Place.
(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
Truffle  fries
$ 70
Rib  eye 
$ 300
2017-05-15 1320 浏览
悠閒的星期六係享受食物的好時機。 這間餐廳的前身是Grappas,坐落在金鐘太古廣場一個非常好的位置於中庭之中。這間餐廳是用咗好多木製品來裝修,非常有歐洲風格,但餐廳還是食物質量和服務態度比較重要他們於頭盤的選擇比較多,如大顆人就可多點幾款。他們餐前的麵包好好味,可能用了不同的酵母去處理!由於餐後要運動,所以我們只點了一個沙律和兩個主菜。第一次食這口感的沙律,把菜切得非常幼絲,有如碎紙機的碎紙-樣,哈哈。菜上加了芝士和麵包糠,但味道略為咸了少少Mint Jalapeno Kale Caesar, HKD128這麵條夠煙韌,不會太過軟身,但沒有太大驚喜!Linguini and Clams, HKD198喜歡這個burger,送過來時已聞到香味。。。牛肉不會太熟,咬落去仲好juicy!他們仲有semi buffet HKD298, 希望下次有機會再試喇
悠閒的星期六係享受食物的好時機。 這間餐廳的前身是Grappas,坐落在金鐘太古廣場一個非常好的位置於中庭之中。

234 浏览
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146 浏览
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1291 浏览
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1147 浏览
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1211 浏览
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1371 浏览
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123 浏览
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Mint Jalapeno Kale Caesar, HKD128
89 浏览
0 赞好
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Linguini and Clams, HKD198
76 浏览
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37 浏览
0 赞好
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他們仲有semi buffet HKD298, 希望下次有機會再試喇

52 浏览
0 赞好
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35 浏览
0 赞好
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(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
$200 (午餐)
2017-05-05 1218 浏览
This new Dining Concepts restaurant had a lot to live up to. The fun but not always great Grappas moved out to make room. We went to the opening but this was the first time we ate here. In a word; awesome!The happy hour is good - buy one get one free and the is a high quality buffet of Parma ham, salads and cheese. Thankfully we ordered a main. Poached salmon was soft and very subtle. The accompanying sea urchin, abalone and sauce was understated and great. One of the finest fish dishes in the c
This new Dining Concepts restaurant had a lot to live up to. The fun but not always great Grappas moved out to make room.

We went to the opening but this was the first time we ate here. In a word; awesome!

The happy hour is good - buy one get one free and the is a high quality buffet of Parma ham, salads and cheese. Thankfully we ordered a main.

Poached salmon was soft and very subtle. The accompanying sea urchin, abalone and sauce was understated and great. One of the finest fish dishes in the chain.

Service was amazing. The manager Amin made extra sure we were happy and the captain at the front remembered us from Bistecca.

Prices reasonable and the meal was delicious and high quality. Top quality ingredients, cooked with care.

Overall, although I was sad to see Grappas go, I am thoroughly please Bizou is here.
(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
5 分钟 (堂食)
$400 (晚餐)
We headed here for an anniversary meal after seeing a positive recommendation here on OpenRice. Plus there was a 10% discount voucher for dinner. The review complimented many things but the food grabbed my attention. Plus an 8oz ribeye steak for $248 seemed a bargain. The decor is slightly drab. Lots of Scandinavian style wood which could do with some adornment. The view is also of a shopping centre which isn't the end of the world but does take away some of the mystique. Menus were presented an
We headed here for an anniversary meal after seeing a positive recommendation here on OpenRice. Plus there was a 10% discount voucher for dinner.

The review complimented many things but the food grabbed my attention. Plus an 8oz ribeye steak for $248 seemed a bargain.

The decor is slightly drab. Lots of Scandinavian style wood which could do with some adornment. The view is also of a shopping centre which isn't the end of the world but does take away some of the mystique.

Menus were presented and I was dismayed to see the price of the steaks had rocketed to c. $368. On closer inspection, the former 250g (8oz) sirloin and ribeye were replaced with a 12oz equivalent. Therefore the price was justified.

Our choices for starter were the giant meatball - a humongous hunk of delicious beef in pomodoro sauce with ricotta ($138) and steak tartar with Tabasco sauce ($168). We both agreed the starters were excellent. The tartar had a great consistency and the Tabasco really supported the fresh beef. The giant meatball was exactly that. It was slightly pink in the middle so ask for some extra cooking if you're not used to that.

The ricotta and sauce went with it very well. So far so good.

For main we chose the 9oz filet ($258) and 12oz ribeye ($378). Both were excellent. The ribeye was huge and cooked to perfection (rare). It had a salty, peppery crust that really brought out the taste. The filet (medium rare) was only a slather behind in terms of taste. There was very little wastage on either steak and what you get for around 25-50% less in cost than some of the specialist places is another bonus.

Wife chose the pepper sauce and I was saddened to see no bernaise. I opted for the chimichurri which was too acidic for my palate. I asked for the pepper instead to be quite rudely told it was $15 extra. On explanation, I meant I wanted it changing for the chimichurri, which was done, albeit with a slight grumble. Remember we are in Hong Kong!!

For sides we chose the normal and truffle fries ($78 each). Wife hates truffle and said they were very strong. They were good and a bit of Parmesan would have made them outstanding. The normal fries were ok but rather bland and slightly overcooked . Thicker cut fries would have been our preference. We also chose the creamed spinach ($68) which was absolutely sensational. Lovely crispy top and creamy underneath. I could have eaten tons of the stuff.

Unlike some places, we never felt like the portion sizes were being cheated. We really struggled to finish our dishes and we are no small eaters. We did have some of the lovely bread to start but not enough to blame our expanding waistlines on. Reality is we could have skipped the fries altogether and still been full.

No dessert for us. Drinks wise we chose a carafe (yes!) each of the Pinot noir and Pinot Grigio. Plus a bottle of sparkling water. Prices aren't quoted here because (shhhhhh) they didn't charge us for drinks. It took me a few seconds to work out why the bill was so low. We did have a 10% discount voucher but given that the entire meal came to under $1300 with service there was no way I could justify knocking a few more bucks off. Safe to say without this oversight we are talking about a $1700 meal. Still very good value.

We even got plate checked which is a complete rarity, plus we saw the chef out talking with a large table. So again, positives on that side.

Summary. If you like generous food portions, well prepared food and are happy to forego the somewhat drab eating space and view, then Bizou is one for you. We will definitely return.
(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
$650 (晚餐)
  • Steak  tartar
  • Ribeye
  • Giant  meatball
2017-01-16 5305 浏览
誠意美式小酒館。進餐和淺酌皆宜。如在附近不妨一試。Quality American bistro.Suitable for drinks or a meal.Worth a try.75/100在這區工作多年,對太古廣場內的Grappas 和 Dan Ryan's 有一定的情意結。一開始的時候對這「霸」了Grapps鋪位的餐廳好感不大,但有朋友試過覺得不錯,所以有天要加班但又想和家人進餐時便試一試。Bizou was located at where Grapps used to be. I'd heard some good things about Bizou so I decided to have a quick dinner here with my family before getting back to work.餐牌選擇貴精不貴多。但其實和一般西餐廳差不多,並不特別覺得是一間"bistro". 印像中酒水選擇都不錯的。The menu was rather simple and straightforward, though I wouldn't really cla

Quality American bistro.
Suitable for drinks or a meal.
Worth a try.


在這區工作多年,對太古廣場內的Grappas 和 Dan Ryan's 有一定的情意結。一開始的時候對這「霸」了Grapps鋪位的餐廳好感不大,但有朋友試過覺得不錯,所以有天要加班但又想和家人進餐時便試一試。

Bizou was located at where Grapps used to be. I'd heard some good things about Bizou so I decided to have a quick dinner here with my family before getting back to work.
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餐牌選擇貴精不貴多。但其實和一般西餐廳差不多,並不特別覺得是一間"bistro". 印像中酒水選擇都不錯的。

The menu was rather simple and straightforward, though I wouldn't really classify this as a "bistro" in the traditional sense.
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烤八爪魚: 兩枝頗長的觸鬚口感良好,柔軟之餘亦有一點嚼勁。可能由於用了中東香料(sumac) 的關係, 味道偏鹹,但和碟面的薄荷鷹嘴豆茸同吃則味道剛好。很不錯。

Grilled Octopus with sumac and mint puree ($158): Two pieces of tentacles placed artistically on top of the mint purée. The flavor of the octopus was quite strong on its own but was well-balanced by the mint purée. The texture of the octopus was wonderful, soft yet a little bit chewy.
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接著點了在北歐非常普遍的生醃三文魚。三文魚用糖,鹽和茴香來醃製,切碎後放在一片好像浸過蜜糖的 brioche 之上。整個配搭簡單但美味,鹹甜適中。

Gravlax ($138): Smoked salmon has always been one of my favorites. The piece of toasted brioche seemed to have been soaked with honey. Good match with the dill marinated salmon.
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冰島鱈魚柳: 肉類的選擇主要都是我不吃的牛肉菜式,所以點了這個。 聽說大廚是北歐人, 果然處理魚類有一手。鱈魚用牛油煎了後, 再加了一點很淡的芝士和蛋。鱈魚質地一流,結實有口感但不會老。雖然味道本身較淡,但配上淡芝士,蛋和椰菜花茸後味道變得很有層次。讚。

Icelandic cod fillet ($258) with cauliflower purée: The cod was firm and flaky, just like how a good piece of cod should be like. Despite the butter, the taste of the cod would still have been quite bland by itself. Fortunately, the cauliflower purée really transformed the whole dish into something wonderful.
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相比之下, 這S型意粉則明顯較遜色。相信是自家製的意粉雖然很彈牙,但味道較單調,基本上只有偏鹹的藩茄和辣椒味。

In comparison, the Casarecci with tomato ($178) was not as impressive as the cod. The pasta was springy but the flavor was rather one dimensional, chili and tomato.
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羽衣甘藍: 眾所周知,這對身體極為有益。這是加了點鹽再快炒。簡單有益,又大盤,性價可說是不錯。據說蒸的話能保存更多維他命。

Kale ($58) Braised with brine. Preferably steamed as it retains the highest amount of nutrients in this super food. I did feel a surge of energy after having half of this pretty large bowl of kale.
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希臘檸檬焗薯: 看見侍應捧著這漂亮的焗薯我們也忍不住點了一客。外脆內軟,還有點點的檸檬清香。這相對簡單的配菜都做很有誠意,見微知箸。

Fried Lemon potatoes ($68): very crunchy outside and soft inside. Perfect with the aioli. The little one loved it.
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All the servers were friendly and helpful. They were quite keen on listening to customers' recommendations. I suggested that they should add some lamb dishes to the menu.

The bill came down to about $900. Other than the pasta, we were pretty happy with the rest of the food. Overall it was a satisfying dining experience. The drinks area looked pretty comfy as well.

Worth a try.

(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
2017-01-12 3815 浏览
揀左buffet+ribeye同埋buffet+burger.ribeye 5成熟都做到。我5係好食扒不過覺得1般。burger5夠juicy, 係咪太生?d肉散開哂1粒粒? 食得出d肉係1粒粒,應該係佢自己整掛。都係1般。 buffet好攪笑,d木夾好難夾,係咪等人難夾d夾少d? buffet d salmon幾咸。buffet有埋生果同蛋糕,其實你正係揀134食buffet都夠架。 整體5錯, 不過我地就坐左出面。 坐入面就可以聞到佢陣木既裝修味。

ribeye 5成熟都做到。我5係好食扒不過覺得1般。

burger5夠juicy, 係咪太生?d肉散開哂1粒粒? 食得出d肉係1粒粒,應該係佢自己整掛。都係1般。

buffet好攪笑,d木夾好難夾,係咪等人難夾d夾少d? buffet d salmon幾咸。


整體5錯, 不過我地就坐左出面。 坐入面就可以聞到佢陣木既裝修味。
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(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
$300 (午餐)
Nestled in the heart of Pacific Place, the Dining Concepts brings in BIZOU, another great culinary destination representing the concept of American brasserie. True to its name, Bizou (meaning “kiss” in French) presents an exotic fusion of international cuisines- French, Italian, Middle-Eastern and American, to name a few.  The menu is articulated by the world-renowned Chef Magnus Hansson who has brought his talent to life by creating ‘country-styled’ dishes. The interiors, designed by the famous
Nestled in the heart of Pacific Place, the Dining Concepts brings in BIZOU, another great culinary destination representing the concept of American brasserie. True to its name, Bizou (meaning “kiss” in French) presents an exotic fusion of international cuisines- French, Italian, Middle-Eastern and American, to name a few.  The menu is articulated by the world-renowned Chef Magnus Hansson who has brought his talent to life by creating ‘country-styled’ dishes. The interiors, designed by the famous Neri & Hu, give a feeling of elegance and relaxed atmosphere  with warm wood furnishings and dim lights. The private dining space and bar sprawls out to a patio where diners could enjoy the view of the bustling mall while having a quick bite/drink/meal after their shopping expedition.
The soul of this restaurant is definitely the food- prepared with utmost care, keeping every single detail in consideration. All the ingredients are either organic or brought from the farms of Italy, Germany, Holland, and Sweden. Everything, from bread to pasta to dips & sauces to desserts, is made ‘in-house’ and fresh, making each dish extraordinaire.

The pumpkin soup, the only soup on the menu, made from butternut squash, soft whipped cream, extra virgin olive oil and maple syrup is just HEAVENLY. It instantly reminds of the comfort food made by mum.

Grilled octopus with mint and jalapeno hummus, sumac and extra virgin olive oil carries rich Middle-Eastern flavours to the crunchy dish.

The salad section offers a wide selection. "Chicory greens" with raw honey, parmigiano roquefort cheese and lemon vinaigrette AND "Pan roasted beets"  with avocado, horseradish, Greek yoghurt, hazelnuts and extra virgin oil are the must-haves.

Another show-stealing dish-"Fried lemon potatoes with Chipotle Aioli" is a delectable and healthy option for sides (being twice air-dried not fried and without salt- the zing comes from being marinated in lemon overnight).

For mains, the pan-seared Icelandic cod fillet with butter, cauliflower puree and fresh horseradish is scrumptious and outstanding.

Most of the desserts have a slight flavour of salt to enhance the sweetness. Butterscotch Budino with salted caramel  and sesame cookies is the best followed by Lemon yoghurt bundt cake with Greek yoghurt, lemon syrup and honeycomb-inspired by a European cake, Gugelhupf.
The bar depicts a creative artistry of master mixologist J.Boroski. He has literally created magic with his two concoctions- ‘Cheap seats’ replicating a movie experience with buttered plantation rum, popcorn syrup, vanilla ice cream and coca cola-a sure shot visual treat…. AND ‘LA told me’ made of bittertruth pink gin, blueberry peppercorn syrup and pink grapefruit juice.

The staff were friendly and welcoming. The team, specially Jerry, the manager, is knowledgeable on its menu offerings as well as cocktail pairing for guests’ orders. They are keen on recommending favourites and best-selling dishes based on customers’ preferences.

With its convenient location, Bizou is one of the finest gathering places to enjoy culturally-inspired foods, crafted cocktails and casual conversation with friends and family.
题外话/补充资料: the bar is well stocked....can order from patio, outside too...Staff very knowledgeable, friendly and cheerful
(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
15 分钟 (堂食)
$500 (晚餐)
  • Butternut suash soup
  • Cod fillet
  • ‘Cheap seats’ drink
  • Butterscotch Budino
  • Braised Kale
2016-12-28 10461 浏览
What is American Cuisine?More to the point, what is the Hong Kong version of American Cuisine?Dining Concepts' mot recent new venture aims to answer that question; Bizou is the latest in a long line of restaurants from the group and they've pulled out all of the stops to give us an interpretation of American food.Opened up in the space vacated by Grappa's at Pacific Place, Bizou is pretty hard to miss.  Present a facade that is least likely to appear in a shopping centre, a heap of what looks li
What is American Cuisine?

More to the point, what is the Hong Kong version of American Cuisine?

Dining Concepts' mot recent new venture aims to answer that question; Bizou is the latest in a long line of restaurants from the group and they've pulled out all of the stops to give us an interpretation of American food.

Opened up in the space vacated by Grappa's at Pacific Place, Bizou is pretty hard to miss.  Present a facade that is least likely to appear in a shopping centre, a heap of what looks like maple wood is used, and if you ignore the glossy tiles and multi layered Pacific Place that surrounds the new restaurant, it could be anywhere.
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Surprisingly, Bizou has secured a Swedish chef to create the menu of what's described as an American Brasserie and Chef Magnus Hansson presents his interpretation of farm to table food.  Interestingly, preparing an all American menu, from a country that's so attached to consuming meat, Chef Magnus is a vegetarian; so we've immediately got a dichotomy of gigantic proportions.

As we were shown to our table for our dinner reservation, I was a little taken aback by the size of the dining area.  We'd eaten at Grappa's before, and the space certainly didn't look big at the time.  With a bar area that was large, and a dining room that catered for about 120, the space looked modern but a little out of place; looking out the windows of the restaurant was jarring, seeing nothing but shopping centre and shoppers!
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Looking over the menu, there was nothing that jumped out and screamed 'American Cuisine', at least not in the expected Southern American sense.  Looking just like a brasserie menu from any modern restaurant, there were a wide ranging choice of options that would suit most palates.  I did note that there was a small change from the menu on the Bizou website, and of course, it was the one item that I'd been looking at as a starter...

I'd been eyeing off the crispy pork belly but instead had to settle for the pan roasted beets with avocado, extra virgin olive oil, toasted crushed hazelnuts, horseradish and green chilli with lemon zest.  The salad was presented in a deep bowl and had plenty of height, with the cubes of beetroot featuring prominently.  The instruction was to mix the salad up completely, so it looked quite different by the time I started eating!  There was good flavour in the beetroot, which was earthy and intense; the avocado was smooth and creamy and the horseradish gave heat while the hazelnuts gave texture.  While I'd definitely have preferred some pork belly, it was a serviceable salad.
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The girl's butternut squash soup with soft whipped cream and maple syrup was less pleasing on the eye, and didn't really pack the punch of flavours that we were expecting.  There was a lovely creamy texture, which was enhanced once the cream was fully mixed, but the cream had the effect of softening the flavour of the squash.  We didn't really pick up any sweetness from the maple syrup either; the overall profile of the soup being a little benign.
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While the soup was a little lacking in flavour, you couldn't say that for the girl's main dish of slow-braised boneless short ribs in red wine sauce, served on a light potato puree and topped with shaved horseradish.  The incredibly tender short rib literally fell apart just by looking at it, the beef flavour being intense without being overpowering.  The sauce was sticky and delicious, especially as it mixed with the light and buttery potato puree.  A little heat from the horseradish was a perfect foil for the red wine sauce; the flavours all well balanced, providing a dish that was very warming and enjoyable.
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Bizou must have had a special deal on fresh horseradish, or we'd subconsciously ordered all of the dishes with the spicy root.  My pan-seared Icelandic cod was covered in a mountain of the hot root, to the overall detriment of the dish.  Served with a butter and soft boiled egg sauce and sitting in a bed of cauliflower puree, the cod was totally lost in the overpowering flavour of the horseradish.  After scraping most of the offending shavings, the dish balanced a little better, I could get the nice subtle flavours of the cod, which was cooked expertly and was quite nice to eat.  There was also some sautéed kale with the dish, but I tried my hardest to avoid the bitter plant.
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I think that the dish would have benefited by leaving the horseradish off, and come to think of it, I'd never seen horseradish on a fish before; I now know why....  The don't work together.

The girl had stuffed herself senseless with her short rib and didn't feel like dessert, but I'd spied a dessert that I had to try.  The gooey chocolate cake with lemon-cumquat marmalade and whipped ricotta sounded amazing; I had to try it.

Unfortunately, it wasn't was I was expecting, in fact it was far from it.  When I see something with the title of gooey, I kind of expect a chocolate fondant or lava cake, something gooey.  What I was given was just a typical (and quite dense) chocolate cake with a bit if whipped cream on top.  Look, as far as chocolate cake goes, it was not bad, the chocolate was a little bitter and it definitely tasted of chocolate.
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But it wasn't gooey.  No, not gooey at all.

When our waiter came across to take away the mostly uneaten cake, I explained that there was nothing really wrong with it, apart from the fact that it was not what I was expecting, nor was it gooey.  She took the feedback well, which was indicative of the pleasant service that we received on the day.

I'd been a little excited when I'd seen the menu at Bizou, it's the type of food that is comforting and easy to eat and I thought it could be a regular stop off point for a quick bite to eat on the way home after work.  That excitement has been tempered just a little bit.  There are a few more items on the menu that I want to check out that would still make a good option for a quick bite to eat on the way home, in particular the oven roasted Norwegian salmon and the pappardelle al ragu of slow braised short ribs.

What confuses me most though is the label as an American Brasserie; there is nothing quintessentially American about the food at Bizou; you could just use the term modern (insert country name here) and it would be equally correct.

In fact, with Norwegian salmon and Icelandic cod; compiled by a Swedish chef, and an interior that looks more than a little European; I have to ask myself, do we have another Nordic restaurant in disguise?
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(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
$600 (晚餐)
2016-12-11 3925 浏览
We visited Bizou during its soft opening - it's at the old Grappa's location in Pacific Place.We ordered a few starters and salad to share for a table of 5. The starter's portion was quite small - more ideal to order more if that's for sharing. Main course's size was quite large though. Food was ok - nothing remarkable but my favorites were the desserts! We did not order any alcohol as I was sick and some others drove.In terms of food selection I think it's quite limited with only 1 soup in the
We visited Bizou during its soft opening - it's at the old Grappa's location in Pacific Place.

We ordered a few starters and salad to share for a table of 5. The starter's portion was quite small - more ideal to order more if that's for sharing. Main course's size was quite large though. Food was ok - nothing remarkable but my favorites were the desserts!

We did not order any alcohol as I was sick and some others drove.

In terms of food selection I think it's quite limited with only 1 soup in the starters section (they had quite a few salads though). There were also two pastas to pick from for those who don't prefer to take steak/chicken/fish as main course.

One thing I noticed is... there were lots of waiters/waitresses but they didn't seem to be very aware of customer's needs. First we had to ask for bread as they didn't offer / bring any to us for about 10 mins after we ordered food. Next was that we waited for another 10-15 mins after the waitress took away our main dish plates, and then they just passed by and none of them offered us the menu for dessert. Again we needed to ask for the menu. I was quite sure that they have enough pairs of hands - loads of people walking around but they were either just literally walking around / chatting, occasionally carrying one or two dishes.

The atmosphere is good for a drink rather than a go-to cozy restaurant.
(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
$400 (晚餐)