港铁上环站 E1 出口, 步行约10分钟
位於蘇豪區伊利近街的Brasserie Le Fauchon,是一間走出傳統框框的法國餐廳,廚師主要製作不同時令菜式再配合由客人自選配搭套餐,做出美味法國菜,是休閒輕鬆的最佳選擇。
11:30 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:30
其實已經有一段時間冇來過,以前很喜歡點這裡的牛扒,抵食又好味,牛扒5成燒得剛剛好,我們與同事還經常過來,join埋member, 當飯堂一樣,但後期品質變差,差不多一年沒有來過。今次光顧是因為老闆宴請同事嘅farewell lunch, 當然唔好待簿各位,齊齊叫行政套餐。4 course set lunch, 頭盤點左一個西蘭花湯、軟殻蟹沙律,主菜黑松露意大利粉,甜品雪糕Waffle。一如以往,侍應先端上一藍香噴噴的法國麵包,anchor 獨立包裝牛油,搽一點兒上去,咬落,包邊仍然是如果鬆脆中間的麵包又香、又軟,他們的是自家制,很容易會不停一件接著一件食。。。就咁食飽了...是日餐湯有龍蝦或西蘭花白湯,本人覺得龍蝦湯味道有點怪,通常都會點菜湯,但今日個湯味道淡左d....到軟殻蟹沙律到了,樣貌好吸引,有2大隻,少少菜伴碟,先把蟹中間最多肉部分放進口中,呀。。。成口都係油呀已經唔想再咬落去了。等左一陣黑松露意大利粉上場,諗住可以有啖口食,點知個意粉一點兒汁都沒有,干爭爭咁,又沒有黑松露味,錯曬呀!我食左幾啖就放底餐具,等待甜品好了。雪糕waffle, 應該最冇問題,因為都是現貨回來再擺靚靚放上碟,食曬。唔夠飽,唯有食多兩舊麵包,無限量供應,這裏還是麵包最好吃!
難得和兄姊一齊晚飯, 五哥推介一間在中環的法國餐廳, 我們一行5人進入餐廳, 環境舒適, 侍應很有禮貌, 服務好好頭盤是法式田螺, 美味餐湯是野菌忌廉湯, 香濃幼滑主菜是扒美國豬鞍肉配甜椒燒汁, 羊鞍食得多, 原來豬鞍肉都是很好的選擇還有芝士什菌燴飯, 好有驚喜最後是我最喜愛的心太軟and雪糕
今日lunch 適逢係同事生日,所以由佢發板,係OR 尋找返佢上次食過評價幾高嘅 Brasserie Le Fauchon.幾經辛苦由山腳行上嚟,點知waiter 話冇位,一行8人即時晴天霹靂,幸好壽星仔好運,及時有另一waitress 走出嚟話樓上有吉房,剛好可以安頓我哋,只係要分2張枱。睇完午市menu, 發現選擇算多,而且吸引,有湯,麵包,main course 同咖啡都係$120左右,價錢合理。 我張枱分別叫咗蒜香雞扒,牛尾意大利飯,牛扒。未上餐湯同沙律,waiter 已放低一籃熱辣辣嘅麵包,仲話係新鮮焗,仲可以refill, 太感動啦。餐湯同沙律用長碟配杯嘅形式上枱,美觀實在,沙律上仲鋪咗3片ham, 份量足又有好味.嚟到main course, 同事嘅蒜香雞扒好有睇頭,而且肉質嫩滑又有汁,同事大讚。至於我嘅牛尾意大利飯,份頭一樣唔細。去度牛扒,不得了,份量足又厚身,仲要有2舊。大家見咁嘅形勢,即刻嚟個開心share, 所以我哋每人都可以試到大家嘅午餐,太開心。。。最後嘅飲品,waiter 嘅表現加深我對餐廳嘅好感。 同事本身點了熱檸水,只是不以為然講咗句好"寡", waiter 即貼心回應糖漿轉蜜糖,同事勁感動.而我就點了凍齋啡,試試呢間餐廳係咪整體質素高,果然,凍齋啡好好飲,唔"火農"唔苦,只有回甘,太完美嘅一餐.下次一定會再嚟,而且一定要book 定位, 畢竟幸運之神唔係成日到訪
迎接復活節的來臨,同時剛好要到中環辦些事,加上好想食煎鵝肝,就到了蘇豪找間法國菜餐廳。六時許,仍沒有人,侍應安排了我坐窗邊的四人桌。很了一會兒餐牌,點了兩個套餐,一個四道菜,另一個則有三道菜。煎帶子沙律。帶子剛好,沙律加了醋,略酸,開胃,菜也新鮮,亦有不同顏色,賣想不俗。煎鵝肝是主要想食的一道,煎的力度剛好,外脆內軟又滑溜,很想吃的關係,所以覺得特別好吃。牛柳配虎蝦,牛柳說不上特別,但厚身,煎起來沒有功架的話便很易毀了這個牛柳。虎蝦有點失望,蝦比想像中的虎蝦略細,蝦肉稱不上是新鮮,中間有一些配料,亦蓋過了蝦肉的味道。煎鴨脾,皮很脆,肉很滑,與茨汁也十分夾,值得一試!朱古力梳乎里作為餐後甜點是不錯的選擇,個人對甜品沒有甚麼要求,梳乎里起得到個形就ok,故很快略過。吃了很多油膩食物,最後的餐茶點了茶包泡的English Tea,令整個晚上更覺休閒!
From the outside the ambiance looked nice but there were no more seats downstairs so we were lead upstairs. This is a HK style french restaurant, geared for people who do not know what french food is. We should have left before we ordered. There was a set menu available for HK 260 for a 4 course meal. There was soup, appetizer, main and dessert. I ordered the french onion soup and it was such a disappointment even before I tasted it. There was no melted cheese on top of the soup bowl. The soup had a piece of toasted soggy french bread and the soup itself tasted like packet soup you get in the supermarket. Next course I ordered escargot in garlic. The snails were nothing special, the seasoning was salty with lots of garlic which probably masked the low quality snails. For main course I had the steak. Just when you think you can't go wrong with a piece of meat, the restaurant was able to mangle the dish. The thin piece of meat was smothered with a thick sauce, similar to a sauce you would get if you went to a Chinese style western restaurant. The meat in itself was very soft which made me think they probably seasoned it with baking soda to soften the meat. For dessert I ordered the ginger soufflé which argueably could be the best on the menu. The soufflé was cooked to order, with a strong taste of ginger. However, there was a strong eggy taste to the soufflé. By the time dessert came I was ready to leave. While the entire course was considered cheap for soho prices, I left the restaurant unsatisfied and wished I had spent my money elsewhere, even if it would cost me double or triple the price I had just spent. This restaurant is not for those who want to experience french cuisine or good food for that matter. I wish people coming to this restaurant would know to expect you'll get HK style western food and nothing authentic. The wait staff were attentive and very nice.