港铁铜锣湾站 A 出口, 步行约8分钟
12:00 - 00:00
一直都想來這裡試試,終於有機會了。星期日午餐時間,人客不算多。叫了一個餐,包含多款tapas, 可以有較多嘗試。地方十分寬敞montadito細細件,很精緻;有四款,特別想介紹其中一個topping是芝麻雞,這件雞加很脆口bikini的麵包很鬆化,熱辣辣,脆口,裡面的西班牙火腿一點也不韌,可以連上下層麵包一同咬開estrellado chorizo:有幾塊薄切西班牙辣肉腸鋪在煎太陽蛋上面,下面是形狀不規則的薯塊。這道菜整體味道比較鹹 這個seafood paella是重點推介seafood paella 由專人serve,將蝦頭破開,把汁撈在飯中,味道很濃;飯煮得比較腍;這裡的蝦相當新鮮,而且大隻;蜆很肥美飽滿。除了蜆,還有豬肉,這是意想不到d。墨魚汁paella飯的飯心有一點硬,質感比較像正宗西班牙炒飯;這墨汁飯的飯可以任添,吃完不夠可以再加一點的。有bar枱總括來說,味道不錯,環境舒適
Had a great dining experience with friends at Catalunya restaurant. Great atmosphere and the food was outstanding. Highlights of the menu included avocado and lobster roll, suckling pig and seafood paella. Very attentive and professional staff. I highly recommend it.
為左farewell 一位好同事, 同左幾個老闆去左Catalunya 食好西由於外子係呢間餐廳附近做野, 所以不事會經過佢. 但一直都未有機會食. 難得一班bosses一齊去, 我就抱著俾’去飲價’嘅心態豪豪先, 結果當然係攬住個肚腩走啦前菜真係有幾個值得推介:Avocado & Lobster roll : 可以三四個人share 一碟. 食開西班牙菜嘅Fd 都慣, 通常係一小碟tapas 慢慢食Iberico platter: 呢個又係不得了, 一定要連埋個tomato bread 一齊食脆香tomato bread 配上三種甘香既Iberico ham. 另外perfect egg 同Bikini sandwich 都唔錯Main course 嘅燒乳豬係必食, 真心做到皮脆肉嫩, waitress 姐姐一邊切(係用碟切嘅, 有圖有真相) D香味就湧過黎仲有唔少得嘅係海鮮西班牙飯同lobster rice最後加多個churros 同Apple pie做甜品一個完美嘅farewell dinner! 所以話要食好西真係要跟D老闆們s 出去又多一個fine dinning 嘅落腳點. 仲有衝動買機票飛一轉西葡飲飲食食註: 場內係好romantic, 非常like 個 decor
Catalunya is an elegant Spanish restaurant that offers creative twists on tapas such as their "tomato tartare" and oysters with "fake lemon". We were prepared to pay a hefty amount, but in places like these I think it s worthy of it compared to a lot of other places. We started with the spherical olives which is basically a little pod of olive oil that is shaped like a real olive. It was a good start and I recommend everyone to try it - It's $18 each an one is enough for a taste. We then had a selection of appetisers. We got the oyster and it was a fun bite with a lemon jelly, though a bit difficult to pair together. The most wow-worthy dish at this point was the 'perfect' eggs. They were so good, smooth, creamy deliciousness in a bite. The truffle potato foam and caviar worked so well with the dish and made me feel like I'm in a 3-michelin star restaurant. I highly recommend it. Please do not bother with the patatas bravas - this is the one and only dish where I feel they went a bit far to produce a great looking elegant and photogenic plate but at the expense of flavor. It tasted just like boiled potatoes and not worth it at all.The tomato tartare was another innovative dish - which is exciting particularly for vegetarians, but maybe not for meat-eaters. We had so many little bites and appetizers that we only got one main - the grilled prawn. The menu listed it as "probably the best prawn in the world." I actually love their menu style and selection - but yet again I think this declaration wasn't spot on. It was good - not the best. Maybe they were referring to the prawn's origin as they say they have sourced them from Japan/New Zealand - but I think it was slightly overcooked. The restaurant is a bit too dimly lit for lunch, so I recommend it more for dinner. Also the service is inconsistent, some servers are very nice some aren't as nice - also expect slow service.Overall, I recommend this place for a special occasion type of meal.
Catalunya是曾被譽為Restaurant Week 2015 "Best Spanish Restaurant"的餐廳,我亦在去年以$198試過它們的午餐,還淺嚐了分子料理,那時覺得很滿意,所以今次很有信心和朋友再去。怎料卻令我們四人大失所望,午餐比一間普通餐廳的還要差,雖然餐廳環境優雅舒服,招待也很好,但恐怕我們永遠也不會再去了。Gazpacho蕃茄凍湯算是不錯,如果味道再酸一點和濃一點便更好。可能我比較喜歡日式或西餐的溏心蛋,所以真的不能接受那半隻淡黃色的烚蛋。Marinated with Salmon Caviar 煙三文魚很軟滑和美味,三文魚子和沙律菜也很新鮮,但下面像是麵粉製成的包類很難吃,破壞了整碟前菜。Seafood Pasta with Marinara Sauce 侍應説這主菜是最多人選的,所以我們便選了兩份,怎知便中伏了。海鮮不錯,但螺絲粉質感很腍,而且像是白烚,漿汁不夠而且很淡,真的很難吃。Mandonguilles一上枱已被它的賣相嚇了一驚,這樣高級的西班牙餐廳怎會有這樣的出品,肉丸和魷魚普普通通,我的朋友説一般茶餐廳的比它還好吃。Seabream 我選的主菜算是最好的,鯛魚肉質新鮮嫩滑,但有些苦白菜真的很苦。Chocolate Bouillon 很濃郁的朱古力蛋糕,可惜配上我不喜歡的雲尼拿雪糕,但都是不錯的甜品。Crema Catalana外型和味道都有點像Creme brûlée, 但比較稀一點,但總算是美味的。萬料不到竟然連咖啡也造得很差,我那杯加了奶油已比較好,我朋友那兩杯是加鮮奶味道更差,最終四杯咖啡我們只喝了一杯。