2017-06-04 849 浏览
美式墨西哥餐廳: 味道整體唔錯,價錢okay, 算合理。 步長好熱情落力狂sell唔同菜式,我地都盡量試,其中燒乳豬幾好。(只要在店內買任何一支酒,即可免自帶酒的開瓶費。like!)
(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
2017-05-26 465 浏览
Normally I don't give reviews but credit is given when credit is due.What really impressed me was that the level of customer service the executive chef provided us. He came over to personally greet us and offered his recommendations on his favorite dishes. He was really thorough in his recommendations and you could tell he is all about the craft. I appreciated how he'd look over at us from the open kitchen for our opinion on how his dishes tasted and he also later came over with some deliciously
Normally I don't give reviews but credit is given when credit is due.

What really impressed me was that the level of customer service the executive chef provided us. He came over to personally greet us and offered his recommendations on his favorite dishes. He was really thorough in his recommendations and you could tell he is all about the craft. I appreciated how he'd look over at us from the open kitchen for our opinion on how his dishes tasted and he also later came over with some deliciously spicy hot sauce. Perhaps we were a party of 8 on a rather quiet night but this level of service is pretty rare in Hong Kong regardless if you pay a lot of money for your meal.

I'm not going to bother listing what we ordered because others will have mentioned their favs. I have been to Mexico before albeit Cancun but I didn't stay at a "gringo" resorts. That being said, the food at Mamacita is as authentic as you can get without flying to Mexico.

All in all it was a good evening with friends over good food. It's a bit pricy but perhaps that's the price you have to pay for a good time in Hong Kong.
(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
  • all  of  their  tacos
自從特朗普Donald Trump一上場,就揚言要在美墨邊境建起圍牆。攪作甚多的ZS餐飲集團有見及此也參一腳,為旗下墨西哥餐廳Mamasita's Cantina推出了幾款美國菜式,來個美墨餐飲大比併。 擺花街8號這楝食廈,幾間餐廳都是ZS餐飲集團經營,Mamasita's Cantina位於5樓和6樓,入口暫時只設在6樓。6樓是酒吧和露天區域,從電梯正門進入,走進餐廳中央,穿過墨西哥式階磚樓梯,就會來到5樓的用餐區。 5樓餐區和6樓感覺大不同,除能正面看到廚房運作,檯與檯之間有空間十足,坐得更加舒適。 這天中午和友人來到Mamasita's Cantina,才知道原來餐廳最近改了餐牌,從以往的墨西哥菜,到現在多了美國元素,款式和選擇也更多。 午餐餐牌也分別兩派,左邊的是墨西哥,右邊則是美國。可以四款頭盤和六款主菜中各挑選一款,價錢就根據主菜旁邊的銀碼而定。這天既和友人二人到訪,我們就決定在美國和墨西哥中各挑一款頭盤和主菜,試試那一國較好。 墨西哥的頭盤是Tiritas Zihuatanejo,單看名字我相信大部份人都不會知道是甚麼。Google了一下,原來Zihuatanejo是墨
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自從特朗普Donald Trump一上場,就揚言要在美墨邊境建起圍牆。攪作甚多的ZS餐飲集團有見及此也參一腳,為旗下墨西哥餐廳Mamasita's Cantina推出了幾款美國菜式,來個美墨餐飲大比併。

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擺花街8號這楝食廈,幾間餐廳都是ZS餐飲集團經營,Mamasita's Cantina位於5樓和6樓,入口暫時只設在6樓。6樓是酒吧和露天區域,從電梯正門進入,走進餐廳中央,穿過墨西哥式階磚樓梯,就會來到5樓的用餐區。

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這天中午和友人來到Mamasita's Cantina,才知道原來餐廳最近改了餐牌,從以往的墨西哥菜,到現在多了美國元素,款式和選擇也更多。

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墨西哥的頭盤是Tiritas Zihuatanejo,單看名字我相信大部份人都不會知道是甚麼。Google了一下,原來Zihuatanejo是墨西哥的一個城市,相信菜式也帶有當地特色。以青檸、芒果、椰子、墨西哥辣椒等調成的酸橘汁,酸甜帶辣,讓黃鰭吞拿魚加倍好吃,是非常開胃的前菜。

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Lobster Soup是美國派的頭盤,橙黃色的龍蝦湯加了酸忌廉,濃郁且有不少龍蝦肉,肉質驚喜地爽彈度十足,用料和處理都非常不錯。

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這天的餐牌中也有美式漢堡薯條,而且還隱藏了些小玩味,看到F*** Fried Chicken,你又會猜F***代表甚麼?

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F*** Fried Chicken選用Free range chicken走地雞腿肉作漢堡,炸得香口,配上自家配方的夏威夷麵包,夾著椰菜絲,無論麵包和炸雞都極香脆。旁邊的幼身炸薯條預先已經灑上香辣粉,沾些蒜泥蛋黃醬,明知邪惡但卻吃不停口。至於F***代表甚麼?留待各位嚐過之後自行想像了。

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好戲在後頭,午市套餐除了奶茶咖啡,還可選精彩的雪糕新地。Elvis Presley Sundae以貓王皮禮士利生前喜歡的雪糕新地作藍本,除了有一整球雲尼拿雪糕,還有香蕉粒、脆糖、Oreo朱古力餅、焦糖醬等,只甜不酸,吃過濃味的美洲菜,這客甜美的新地來得正合時候。

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(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
2017-05-14 1475 浏览
香港主打墨西哥菜的餐廳不多,位於擺花街上就有一間,看過食評後,心存一點疑慮,不過在同一幢樓中,曾光顧過一間名叫李好味的餐廳,味道很好,所以心想必須親身試一次這間Mamasita’s Cantina才再作評論。 餐廳分處兩層,要先從6樓進入,是一個倘大的酒吧,旁邊則有道小門,是逍往室外的地方,擺放了一些座位,又有一些綠色植物,感覺舒適,可是當天下著雨,未能在此喝上一杯。 參觀過6樓後,經由店內的樓梯走到下層,真是別有洞天,感覺很色彩化。正正由於樓梯由彩色瓷磚舖成,色彩繽紛,環觀四周,雖然牆壁上沒有舖有彩磚,但卻畫上不少圖案,與店內的傢俱及餐具相輝映,完全突顯了墨西哥的色彩。 打開餐牌一看,這兒原來不止墨西哥菜,還有一半是美式,但說起墨西哥菜,怎可缺少Nachos,【BANDERA】的賣相很有趣,將牛油果醬放進一個彷似樹根的兜內,旁邊則有蕃茄沙沙,以粟米片掏來吃,感覺清新開胃。 同樣配上粟米脆片來吃的還有【TIRITAS ZIHUATANEJO】,雖然既不是墨菜,又不是美洲菜,但都介乎兩者之中的秘魯菜,以特製酸汁去醃油甘魚,魚味很鮮,加上青檸的酸香,也是一道很開胃的
香港主打墨西哥菜的餐廳不多,位於擺花街上就有一間,看過食評後,心存一點疑慮,不過在同一幢樓中,曾光顧過一間名叫李好味的餐廳,味道很好,所以心想必須親身試一次這間Mamasita’s Cantina才再作評論。

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同樣配上粟米脆片來吃的還有【TIRITAS ZIHUATANEJO】,雖然既不是墨菜,又不是美洲菜,但都介乎兩者之中的秘魯菜,以特製酸汁去醃油甘魚,魚味很鮮,加上青檸的酸香,也是一道很開胃的小吃。
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吃過開胃的頭盤後,迎來了一道令大家都讚不絕口的【PULPO CHILORIO】,八爪魚雖然經慢煮過而非常軟腍,但卻不會霉霉爛爛的,依然保留了少許的彈性,配合惹味的醬汁,令人有種停不了手的感覺,最快被大家消滅的一道。
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【MISS BALTIMORE CRAB CAKE】同樣好吃,用料非常講究,整個都是結實的蟹肉做成,配合由紅椒、芥末做成的蛋黃醬及芒果粒,講來一點也不油膩,還相當清新滋味。
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墨西哥菜除了Nachos外,TACOS也是不能缺少的,【PORK CARNITAS】經友人的極力推介而點上。起初小弟不是太喜歡吃TACOS的,因為好多時餡料太濕,弄致TORTILLAS都會太過腍身,幸好這兒仍然乾爽,配合惹味的豬腩肉及菠蘿等材料,味道不錯,值得一試。
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頭盤過後,感覺份量都幾充足,但一開始點了太多食物,正好喝上幾口特調的雞尾酒,可是當晚不想沾上酒精,只點來幾杯Mocktail來中和一下油膩。先有【AM FEELING THE PASSION】,用上熱情果的關係,酸酸甜甜,加上薄荷的清新,的確中和油膩的感覺。我另一杯是【SANTA MUERTE】,紅噹噹的顏色是紅菜頭汁調成,友人喝後覺得不錯。
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之後來一個【PAELLA MAYA】,不知為何最近一見到有paella都有衝動想吃。來到時,黑漆漆的,上面還有一隻太陽蛋,強烈的對比,十分有趣。誰知一口吞下時,辣勁隨之而來,十分辣,不過鮮味一絕,正因辣而更加刺激食慾,除了海鮮外,還有辣肉腸粒,更為惹味。
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幸好另外點了【PAPPARDELLA NYC】,正好以這個來中和一下辣味,有咸香的豬頭肉、慢煮雞蛋及爽口的磨菇,鮮味十足,最重要還是有口感的寬條麵,雖然一點也不清爽,但那份滋味令人愛不釋手。
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終於等到最為期待的主菜來了,首先是【BARBECUE PORK RIBS】,同paella一樣,都是黑漆漆的,曾一度懷疑是燒燶的,可是燶成這樣又怎會送給客人呢?就膽粗粗一試,原來表面的是醬汁來的,與旁邊的Umami BBQ Sauce是一樣味的,甜中帶有層次的香,十分惹味,表面雖然好像烤焦的模樣,但肉質卻是很軟腍的,一絲絲的可撕開。
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還有另一款【BARBECUE JERK CHICKEN】,賣相一定比豬肋骨好,烤得恰到好處,肉質非常嫩口,調味也很好,值得一試。
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最後,還有一款【ROASTED WHOLE JACK FISH】。真的很少吃有醬汁的燒魚,不知這是不是墨西哥的獨特燒法呢?吃來一點腥味也沒有,皆因醬汁濃味得來帶點辣,配合沙律同吃,竟然有點回想起以前豉油西餐中的煙燻倉魚配鮮味沙律的景象。
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此時,大家也有點意猶未盡,甜品時候當然要盡情地吃,一口氣點了【3 LECHES】、【TRUMP MESS CHEESE CAKE】及【COOKIE MONSTER】。當然要先試一下墨西哥地道的三奶蛋糕,由淡奶、忌廉及煉奶做成,蛋糕質感鬆軟,吃來甜度不像想像般甜,配上雲呢拿雪糕及冧酒碎冰,令人回味無窮。
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接著的芝士蛋糕也不像想像中肥膩,感覺較為輕盈,可能是配上了紅桑子櫻桃雪葩有關,加上餅底用上OREO餅碎,值得一試。到最後的WARM COOKIE,簡簡單單一句好味,已代表一齊。
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(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
$400 (晚餐)
  • 3 LECHES
2017-04-28 489 浏览
我係雜誌見到呢間新開既墨西哥餐廳 好似好吸引 剛巧又做緊優惠 所以就決定同朋友仔去試下 入到去 佢有2層 5樓擺Buffet 6樓係酒吧&Outdoor 環境好舒服 我地去個日又唔多人 我地星期日去左試佢既Brunch Semi-Buffet $338/位 包1主菜 咖啡/茶 佢既前菜 即Buffet 選舉雖然唔算多 但款式好特別 味道很好 而且有位墨西哥廚師好細心介紹每款食物你知 好細心 而待應都好有禮貌主菜 由於我地太飽 所以只叫左3款 牛豬雞整體黎講 呢間餐廳好Good
我係雜誌見到呢間新開既墨西哥餐廳 好似好吸引 剛巧又做緊優惠 所以就決定同朋友仔去試下

入到去 佢有2層 5樓擺Buffet 6樓係酒吧&Outdoor 環境好舒服 我地去個日又唔多人

我地星期日去左試佢既Brunch Semi-Buffet $338/位 包1主菜 咖啡/茶 佢既前菜 即Buffet 選舉雖然唔算多 但款式好特別 味道很好 而且有位墨西哥廚師好細心介紹每款食物你知 好細心 而待應都好有禮貌

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主菜 由於我地太飽 所以只叫左3款

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整體黎講 呢間餐廳好Good
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(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
2017-04-21 452 浏览
As the weather gets hotter and hotter, I’m beginning to loseappetites. In search of something new and more refreshing, I was attracted tothe Mexican x US delights offered by Mamasita’s.I do not quite fancy beans and guacamole, given thisstereotype, I was not particularly attracted by the previous regular menu. Thenew Mexican x US delights menu offers a balance between Mexican and American streetfood, and at the same time retains its exotic and tropical aura. There are foursections in the Mexican
As the weather gets hotter and hotter, I’m beginning to lose

appetites. In search of something new and more refreshing, I was attracted to

the Mexican x US delights offered by Mamasita’s.

I do not quite fancy beans and guacamole, given this

stereotype, I was not particularly attracted by the previous regular menu. The

new Mexican x US delights menu offers a balance between Mexican and American street

food, and at the same time retains its exotic and tropical aura. There are four

sections in the Mexican menu and five sections in the American one. I thought I

would go for the American section so as to avoid beans, but in the end, after

studying the menu, I went for the Mexican side instead.  


tender and mouthwatering, the pineapple jam and apple salad gives the dish a

refreshing taste. The first bite tasted a bit like barbecue sauce, but it gave

a fruitier and more appetizing after taste. The BEEF CARNE ASADA was very

appetizing as well, it also has pineapple in it, but since it is grilled, it

tastes stronger compared to the BABY PIG. Both portions are quite big and the

two of us couldn’t finish everything. 

I would definitely recommend this restaurant, but I also

suggest coming with a larger crowd.
(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
2017-04-18 442 浏览
My family and I  usually prefer dinner buffet to lunch buffet as we tend to eat more for dinner and less for lunch. Yet, attracted by the offer of HKD 338 for a 3-hour buffet, we decided to go for it.We went to the brunch buffet at Mamasita’s to celebrate my brother’s birthday, who likes to try new stuff. It was a bit disappointing to realize on spot that we could only choose one for the main course. Food options like seafood paella, omelette, tacos could be ordered unlimitedly and they would be
My family and I  usually prefer dinner buffet to lunch buffet as we tend to eat more for dinner and less for lunch. 

Yet, attracted by the offer of HKD 338 for a 3-hour buffet, we decided to go for it.

We went to the brunch buffet at Mamasita’s to celebrate my brother’s birthday, who likes to try new stuff. 

It was a bit disappointing to realize on spot that we could only choose one for the main course. 

Food options like seafood paella, omelette, tacos could be ordered unlimitedly and they would be cooked fresh to guarantee the quality of the food. 
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Amongst the three taco offers (Pork Carnitas, Fish Taco and Milpa Taco), I like Pork Carnitas best. 

Not only because of its meaty content, but the sensations of flavour and textural balance brought by the mingling of sweet and sour green tomatillos, pineapple jam and the tints of crispiness and crunchiness brought by the pork crackling and pork confit. 

I seldom see pork crackling in restaurants nowadays as people tend to equate it with fat and grease. 

I was told that recent researches show that pork fat is actually good for human health, I am dubious about that but I was still undeniably pleased by this news. 
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The omelette looks just like an ordinary omelette except that it was covered with guacamole sauce. 

The omelette itself was a bit plain, but since it was freshly made, there was still egg sauce flowing out as I cut it gently with my fork, it tastes wonderfully appetizing when mixed with the guacamole. 
Rib Eye Steak
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Chile Rubbed Beef Brisket
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As meat lovers, my brother chose the Rib Eye Steak while I chose Chile Rubbed Beef Brisket for our main courses.

Both of them are beef, and when they come to table, we were surprised to see the Chile Rubbed Beef Brisket looking very alike with the steak! 

The beef brisket looks a bit too red and we asked the staff there to see if that’s normal. 

We were satisfied to know that since the beef was slow-cooked, its color would be redder than usual. 

Both portions are quite large, and we were a bit worried if we could not finish the food. 

We tried the Rib Eye Steak first, it was sliced evenly and each piece could be finished within two to three bites. 

It was grilled well, scorching the surface without destroying the tenderness of the meat, producing an aroma that one would never get fed up of. 

The steak was juicy enough without the sauce. 

As the taste has turned duller inside our mouths, we tried to dip the puree and black mole butter. 

The flavour becomes appetizing instantly and we finish the entire rib eye steak within five minutes. 

As we started the Chile Rubbed Beef Brisket, we were happy to find it still warm. 

We started to believe that the food are cooked after we placed our order, unlike some restaurants which have all food items kept warm in the kitchen and serve them only when they feel the customers are ready. 

The beef brisket was extremely tender and soft, I never had slow-cooked beef brisket before and I couldn’t make comparison.

But as beef brisket, it could be renowned as the best beef brisket that I have ever tried. 

It was so smooth yet did not lose any tints of beef aroma and texture. 

I could feel that I was eating beef brisket and yet at the same time had the sensation of eating perfectly roasted spring chicken. 

We were extremely full after the main courses and could not fulfill our goal of eating all the food items offered on the buffet table at least once. 

We only tried the churro balls and decided that we would rather prefer churro sticks. 

There was nothing to do with the flavour, but churro balls just don’t feel as satisfying as sticks. 

It was an amazing experience and I look forward to visiting it again!
(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
$338 (午餐)
Rib Eye Steak
Chile Rubbed Beef Brisket
  • Tacos
After reading a decent review of Mamasita's Cantina on TimeOut or some publication, I added it to my list of 'must-trys' in Hong Kong. I was ill preprepared for the disaster that was to come.SettingLocated in the former 'Blackbird', with a terrace overlooking Wellington street, Mamasita's is already given an advantage. However, that's where all the good stuff ends.ServiceDisgraceful. At one point, my friend and I were the only customers yet the server was doing all she could to ignore us in our
After reading a decent review of Mamasita's Cantina on TimeOut or some publication, I added it to my list of 'must-trys' in Hong Kong. I was ill preprepared for the disaster that was to come.

Located in the former 'Blackbird', with a terrace overlooking Wellington street, Mamasita's is already given an advantage. However, that's where all the good stuff ends.

Disgraceful. At one point, my friend and I were the only customers yet the server was doing all she could to ignore us in our alfresco seats. There they were, 4 restaurant staff inside the enclosed area doing absolutely nothing while we were trying to call their attention for a few minutes. I got fed up and walked to where they were. Our bill at the end, by the way, was a whopping HKD800 for two people with that awful service. And you haven't even heard the part about the food yet...
Shockingly tiny portions. The Mini Beer & Sausage Corn Dog (HK$108) was the size of my thumb, and one order had basically one small corn dog DIVIDED INTO TWO. Didn't they say they were street food and not fine dining?! 
Fish Taco - HK$58 Sol Beer Battered Fish, Red Onions, Cabbage, tomatillo, Chipotle Mayo

The only decent thing we ate that night

Corn Esquites - HK$88 (V) Roasted Corn, Chili Powder, Lime Juice, Mayo & cotija Cheese

Three pieces of half-corn. Decent.

Sweet Potatoes - HK$68 Deep-Fried, Honey Mustard Dip

I appreciate that this wasn't a regular potato...

Trump mess cheese cake $88 oreo, snickers, Morello cherry ice-cream

We switched the cherry ice cream for salted caramel. The cheesecake was more like creamcake, but I still finished it. 
Would I go back?
For the food? Never. For the drinks, maybe. I just wonder how that staff can keep up with a bigger crowd seeing as they could barely even handle a house of two.
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10 分钟 (堂食)
$400 (晚餐)
2017-03-16 551 浏览
While browsing the web for Mamasita's menu, I stumbled upon the website of Mamacita's, a small chain of restaurants based in Texas.  Whilst browsing that menu, I found myself yearning for the good / cheap Tex-Mex restaurants that are popular across the United States.  It's the food that most American's think of when they think of Mexican (even though it's not even close to the real thing).At Mamacita's (TX), tacos come three to an order and are served with refried beans and rice and costs $9.99
While browsing the web for Mamasita's menu, I stumbled upon the website of Mamacita's, a small chain of restaurants based in Texas.  Whilst browsing that menu, I found myself yearning for the good / cheap Tex-Mex restaurants that are popular across the United States.  It's the food that most American's think of when they think of Mexican (even though it's not even close to the real thing).

At Mamacita's (TX), tacos come three to an order and are served with refried beans and rice and costs $9.99 USD (roughly 77 HKD)  At Mamasita's (HK), a single beef cheek taco costs $68 HKD.  It's piteously small an outrageously expensive for such a dear portion of food.  But then again this is the restaurant that charges $78 whereas most restaurants would provide this free of charge.

Beyond the taco, the food is uninspiring and at times, flat out terrible.  Mushroom quesadillas ($108), while mushy and bland, were inoffensive and unmemorably ho-hum.  The same went for a medley of corn, bell pepper and zucchini which is listed as a side ($38), served from a kitchen that is obviously apathetic at veg cookery.  

However the food went from uninspiring to flat out terrible with the Birria ($238), which is typically a rich dish of lovingly braised goat in a fiery and complex mole-like stew.  At Mamasita's (HK), 5 graying tough-as-bullets hunks of lamb sit in a thin soup redolent of Campbell's tomato soup.  In fact I could probably do just as well to buy some discounted lamb meat and boil it up with a can of Campbell's and call it at a day for less than 25 HKD.

The service is clumsy and the food comes out in a puzzling progression... the veg side comes out first (probably because it's sat wilting in a warming bin), then a taco, then the birria, then another taco, and finally the quesadilla (perhaps because its the only thing cooked to order?).

In concept, execution, and value, Mamacita's fails in every way. 
(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
2017-02-28 627 浏览
有Friend介紹呢間墨西哥菜,話好好食,於是同朋友一齊黎試下個brunch。地址話系5樓同6樓,不過電梯上到5樓發現門鎖左,要6樓先可以入,走左冤枉路第一印象有D激氣。Brunch人唔多,唔洗等位。入到餐飲發現裝修幾別緻,好有南美洲浪漫熱情奔放情懷。Brunch系buffet,menu有D菜可以叫廚師煮,package包埋。Buffet bar都幾多選擇,沙律同甜品有特色。不過最特別都系menu上面叫廚師即刻煮的菜,全部都好有驚喜。





Buffet bar都幾多選擇,沙律同甜品有特色。

(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
$428 (早餐)
2017-02-16 737 浏览
Came here for a birthday dinner, the two floor restaurant had a wildly colourful street art-ish decor and a cool casual vibe with music playing at the bar (and cozy rooftop terrace) 9pm onwards. Fun! The guacamole to start was fresh and had good texture although I like mine with a tad more salt and wondered if it was topped off with some truffle oil which did not seem to match for my taste. I enjoyed their fish tacos although I found the portion small for the price, and the slow cooked chicken s
Came here for a birthday dinner, the two floor restaurant had a wildly colourful street art-ish decor and a cool casual vibe with music playing at the bar (and cozy rooftop terrace) 9pm onwards. Fun! The guacamole to start was fresh and had good texture although I like mine with a tad more salt and wondered if it was topped off with some truffle oil which did not seem to match for my taste. I enjoyed their fish tacos although I found the portion small for the price, and the slow cooked chicken super moist and juicy, but for me the star was the dessert. (Except the flan, that was too thick and dense for my liking.) I loved the tres leches and churros, the former creamy, milky and unconventionally sprinkled with sweet popcorn for a twist, the latter crispy on the outside, warm and chewy on the inside and paired with a strong caramel ice cream that complemented well with the sweet sugar dusting. I don't know what street food Mexican is supposed to be like, but the taste, the fun vibes and the friendly staff were both 👍🏼enough that I would be happy to return again!
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  • Tres  Leches
2017-01-20 3146 浏览
I first learned of Mamasita's Cantina from an article in the SCMP about four restaurants "celebrity" chef Harlan Goldstein was opening in the same building on Lyndhurst Terrace. I didn't know, until I was at the restaurant and one of my friends told me, that Goldstein has now backed out of the project entirely, and is not associated with any of the three now existing and one soon-to-be restaurants. One certainly wonders what drama led to this-- "health concerns" are cited in the media, but Cocon
I first learned of Mamasita's Cantina from an article in the SCMP about four restaurants "celebrity" chef Harlan Goldstein was opening in the same building on Lyndhurst Terrace. I didn't know, until I was at the restaurant and one of my friends told me, that Goldstein has now backed out of the project entirely, and is not associated with any of the three now existing and one soon-to-be restaurants. One certainly wonders what drama led to this-- "health concerns" are cited in the media, but Coconuts HK reports that "a source familiar with the situation told Apple Daily  that the chef's personal views were 'incompatible' with ZS Hospitality [the parent company that owns the company that Goldstein was-- until recently-- CEO of]." What "personal views" might those be? Perhaps we'll never know.

The restaurant's "about" page tells us: "Equal parts restaurant and bar , the venue strives create a concept that was new to Hong Kong- an authentic, true-to-home restaurant serving real Mexican cuisine. Heading the venue are Chef Edgar Navarro and Orlando Eggleton, two Mexican natives who are sure to bring the heat to the city."

I'm not one to be offended, but I could see how some people might be by this description. I mean, Verde Mar's executive chef, Eligio Escobedo, is Mexican through-and-through, so it's kind of disrespectful to claim that the entire concept of an authentic Mexican restaurant serving "real Mexican food" is new to the city. I mean, you can write nice ad copy without spitting on your competitors and calling them fakes. Indeed, might I just say foreshadowingly, "you're one to talk!"

I made reservations for 5 people at 7:30pm on a Saturday night. We were told that they would only hold our reservations for 15 minutes, so we arrived promptly at the specified time. However, at that time and throughout the entire meal, there was plenty of seating in the restaurant, so at least at the current moment, I think you are safe with a walk-in. After we were seated, the chef Edgar Navarro walked us through the menu, pointing out what he thought were the best things, and then even going through the second and third-best options, in case we didn't want the stuff he pointed out in the first place. I'll admit that I thought the treatment was nice, and appropriate given the dinero we were about to spend. Through the meal you could see Navarro manning the kitchen with a small army of diligent understudies.
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The first thing to arrive at our table was the guacamole. Menu description: "Avocado, Tomato, Onion, Jalapeno Chili, Queso Cotija, A Touch of  White Truffle Oil, Served with Fresh Corn Tortilla Chips" - $88. It comes in a faux tree stump, and looked like it might be a little small, but it was a nice size for 5 people. The guacamole itself was good. One of my friends wanted it to be more garlicky, but I for one was surprised you could taste the garlic, as most places it's a little one note. I myself would have put in a little more lime juice and salt, but as I say, it was good guacamole. I couldn't taste any truffle (thankfully) and most truffle oil isn't even made from truffles-- not that I care, since it doesn't belong in guacamole. The tomatoes were halved grape tomatoes, which I wasn't really fond of; I couldn't taste any spice from the jalapeno; I don't recall noticing any cotija cheese; and finally, there was some cilantro as a garnish, but I'd have preferred more chopped cilantro in the guac itself. I was fine with it, but it was more on par with Cali-Mex (the chain, not the cuisine) than with, say, the guacamole that your friend who makes great guacamole makes. (Hi Marie!)

I'll also make a note on the chips. I'm used to (being from Texas) fresh tortilla chips that are very thin and crisp, still glistening with oil and hot from the deep fryer. These chips were especially thick. I view thick chips as an artifact of chip-bagging (like the one's you buy at the store): they have to be sturdy to not crumble to pieces during shipment and distribution. But ideally a tortilla chip is very thin, so you can eat lots of salsa without filling up on the vehicle for the salsa. So I wasn't happy with the chips. (And also, if we're doing "real Mexican," where's my free chips and salsa? I understand that in Hong Kong this is usually not a benefit as the salsa is questionable at best, but you should be showcasing your salsa game if you want to prove you've got authentic chops.)
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Mexican Chorizo Sausage ($108), "Charcoal-grilled, bell peppers, potato brava, achiote mayo, and green chili mustard." This was alright. It was a sausage (a hundred dollar sausage). It came with some stuff. I mean, I just can't really get excited by this, but hey, when you dine with others you're not in charge of everything, and others seemed to like it.
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Empanadas Cubanas ($108), "Baked Cuban pastries stuffed with fresh corn, prawns, chorizo, topped with black garlic aioli and cactus salad." The empanadas were OK. The filling didn't really stand up to the crust that well, in my opinion, and they were a bit bland.  I think perhaps a larger size would've worked better. Think of a samosa: if you kept the pastry just as thick but shrunk the overall size down, it wouldn't work. Also like a samosa, you need something to add some zip to the flavor, like a lemony mint chutney. Here there was a tiny amount of black garlic aioli, but it didn't assert itself that much. As I say, the overall effect was a bit bland.

Before I talk about tacos, I want to talk about taco prices. Most of the tacos here are $88 a piece, though the veggie one runs $68 and the shrimp one is $98. And these are authentically sized tacos, so on the small side. This caused no end of grousing amongst my dining companions. I can certainly see where they're coming from: I was just in Arizona and for about a tenth of that price I got much better tacos. But one has to consider the context: rent is higher in HK; this is a fancy restaurant; and Mexican food is genuinely foreign and has import costs, from the chef all the way down to the ingredients. (It's not like you have to struggle to find a Mexican chef in Arizona.) But context cuts both ways, and we can look at other places here in HK (average prices of tacos, as calculated by me from online menus):

El Loco [sic] Gringo: $50.6

Chino: $52

Brickhouse: $59.6

Mamasita's: $86.3

So I think the grousers were legit: the tacos are overpriced. I'll readily admit that Brickhouse and Chino, for instance, are cheaper venues, but I don't think they're so crappy that one should be paying 45-65% more for a taco at Mamasita's. Alright, well, maybe it depends on whether the tacos are 45-65% better.
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Well, they aren't. My wife and I split two tacos. My choice was the Fish Taco ($88), "Sol beer-battered fish, creamy avocado, red onion, chipotle mayo." I thought it was pretty good. It seemed a bit small even for a small taco, with not as much fish as I'd've liked. The avocado wasn't really noticeable either. I remember quite liking the fish tacos at Chino, and really, it's hard to do fried fish in cabbage-and-mayo poorly (unless of course you are El Loco [sic] Gringo, or Bread and Beast). If you're happy to pay $88 for a taco, this one is a good choice.
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My wife chose the Pork Carnitas ($88), "Pork confit, coriander, onion, radish, pineapple jam, and green tomatillo sauce." She demands that I tell you that this was not a carnitas taco. Standardly, carnitas is a type of pulled pork that is additionally crisped in fat before serving. You can fail to do the crisping stage and my wife will pout a little bit, but if you just serve her chunks of pork and tell her it's carnitas, she gets angry. To be fair, chunks of pork is acceptable carnitas, but it should be so tender that it could be shredded, and this was simply not what we had here. I didn't really see the tomatillo sauce, but you can definitely see the pile of pineapple jam on top-- not really the best choice in my mind either. Returning to the Chino comparison, their pork tacos are probably worse (though thankfully not billed as carnitas), so I guess that's something?
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BBQ Pork Ribs "Pibil" ($258), "16 hour slow-cooked pork ribs, pibil sauce, apple slaw salad, achiote BBQ sauce." This was easily the dish most beloved at the table. The ribs were exceedingly tender, the sauce was not too sweet and added a nice depth of flavor, and the slaw was also very good. I didn't notice until now that it was "apple slaw"-- I'm not sure how to reconcile that with my experience. Anyway, the ribs were certainly my favorite, as well as the table's.
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We also ordered the Mexican Rice ($48) and Refried Black Beans ($48). In some sense it was good that we got these, because we had trouble ordering enough food, because my friends were so outraged that everything cost so much. At the same time, they were relatively small portions, extremely basic, and (surprise, surprise) kind of cost a lot. The rice in particular was a bit disappointing. I like Mexican red rice that's glistening with oil and separates easily into separate grains, and this was a little bit just like rice that had been cooked in tomato sauce. It didn't even fill the small bowl it came in either.

I can't really see myself coming back here. The mains are all for sharing, and they don't come with rice and beans, so it's difficult to dine alone here and it's difficult to make a balanced meal. The tacos are priced outrageously and quite frankly so is everything else. It's not that I wouldn't pay these prices for something transcendent, but transcendent this is not. You can get comparable tacos at Chino and Brickhouse (not saying any of them are all that great). Why is it that for one US dollar I can get a great taco in the US, but for 10x that much it's a struggle to find something even mediocre here? I personally think it's the emphasis on pineapple jams and black truffle aiolis at the expense of, y'know, making good carnitas. One adds an extra fancy ingredient for the food bloggers to fawn over; the other... well, maybe it's just lost on people here, I don't know. Anyway, I do believe truly good Mexican will come to Hong Kong, but today is not the day.
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2017-01-20 819 浏览
When we arrived at around 7:30PM, the restaurant was quite empty. We were given the choice between sitting on the patio or the 'main dining area' downstairs. The weather was nice, so we decided to sit outside. Unfortunately I was not able to take any photos as it was too dark.  The waitress asked if it was our first time here (it was), and was nice to offer her suggestions on what to order. Actually, all the staff there were really nice and at one point even the chef himself came to our table to
When we arrived at around 7:30PM, the restaurant was quite empty. We were given the choice between sitting on the patio or the 'main dining area' downstairs. The weather was nice, so we decided to sit outside. 

Unfortunately I was not able to take any photos as it was too dark.  The waitress asked if it was our first time here (it was), and was nice to offer her suggestions on what to order. Actually, all the staff there were really nice and at one point even the chef himself came to our table to ask how we were doing

Upon the waitress' recommendation, we ordered the Guacamole dip ($88), which is served with fresh corn tortilla. The guac came in such a huge portion that you can scoop generous amounts of guac on each chip and still have extra guac left! Also, it was delicious and more filling than expected. Next time I would totally come back just for this dip!

We also ordered the beef cheek taco, pork carnitas taco (each $88), and the veggie enchiladas ($118). The stand out dish here is definitely the pork carnitas taco. 

For drinks we ordered 'Mamasita's Margarita (CIMARRON TEQUILA / ALIPUS MEZCAL / COINTREAU /LIME / AGAVE / AVOCADO)' ($128) and 'Blackmagic Storm' (BLACKMAGIC RUM / CALAMANSI LIME / GINGER BEER / JERRY THOMAS ($138). I was intrigued to try a margarita made with avocado and my friend wanted something fizzy. Unfortunately we found the drinks to be overpriced in terms of taste and portion (they weren't bad, but it wasn't worth $100+)

Would definitely come back for the guac!
(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
$330 (晚餐)
  • Guacamole Dip
Great friendly staff, and the head chef definitely loves what he does and shares his love and passion while talking about his food. Unfortunately wasn't Mexican street food but more of a high end style! I don't mind but don't call it street food. We started out with the guac, and the ceviche Proper guac, way better then most of the places in hk. The ceviche was nice and fresh, was missing a bit of acidity, but he provides line for those who like more of a bite. The chips where a bit to thick bu
Great friendly staff, and the head chef definitely loves what he does and shares his love and passion while talking about his food.
Unfortunately wasn't Mexican street food but more of a high end style! I don't mind but don't call it street food.
We started out with the guac, and the ceviche
Proper guac, way better then most of the places in hk. The ceviche was nice and fresh, was missing a bit of acidity, but he provides line for those who like more of a bite. The chips where a bit to thick but nice and fresh.
We then moved on to the beef cheek sope, good flavors, love the corn dough but was to thick.
The chicken quesadilla was not memorable.
So coming from Cali I'm used to getting 2 tacos and double wrapped, for 88hkd they should also be doing that. The fish taco was nice, but the pork carnitas where very good. The only thing was small portions and just to much going on. Nothing beats a simple taco with white onions, celiantro and green salsa.
For the main course we went with the fish. Deboned but still with the head and tail, and some scales. It was delicious though.
We tried all 3 of the desserts and the best was the 3 leches. Was perfectly balanced and the popcorn gave it a whole new dimension. Was moist, creamy, light, and not to sweet, Just perfect.
The churros where great and the ice cream was awesome.
The flan was way to thick, felt like eating a raw banana.
They had a great selection of good wines.
I would definitely God back to try the
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2016-12-06 1504 浏览
Guacamole Dip (set lunch ~ Para Empezar)*Vegetarian choice* 原本同朋友諗住唔駛煩,諗住點一樣嘅野,但係chef極力推薦下,前菜另外點咗Guacamole Dip,其實係咩黎嫁😂😂我唔知呀,不過咩都試下啦!左面係一塊塊三角形,有啲似印度烙/烤餅嘅野,右面係一碗綠色既杰但又有啲creamy嘅野!試下先!與其話似印度烙餅,係淨係個樣似,口感味道一啲都唔一樣!食落真係卜卜脆,有啲啲鹹,配落啲醬食,成個味道中和晒!啲醬好明顯係牛油果(梗係啦⋯廢話),配上粒粒大大粒嘅蕃茄,再黎啲洋蔥同少量辣椒,食落我就覺得好清爽同奶滑嘅口感,牛油果味唔係話太強太濃烈(唔食牛油果嘅人可以試下),避都避唔到嘅蕃茄同埋洋蔥,擺明要你感受清爽嘅感覺;奶滑滑又爽嘅醬料搭上鹹而脆身嘅三角粟米餅,又幾襯哦😂✨雖然menu寫有少量嘅white truffle oil,但我又唔太食得到(其實係咩味嫁🙈)原諒我有食神嘅胃,但無食神嘅味蕾啦🙊如果有人唔食truffle嘅,就應該唔駛太擔心,可以放心點依個試試。
Guacamole Dip (set lunch ~ Para Empezar)
*Vegetarian choice*
原本同朋友諗住唔駛煩,諗住點一樣嘅野,但係chef極力推薦下,前菜另外點咗Guacamole Dip,其實係咩黎嫁😂😂我唔知呀,不過咩都試下啦!
✨雖然menu寫有少量嘅white truffle oil,但我又唔太食得到(其實係咩味嫁🙈)原諒我有食神嘅胃,但無食神嘅味蕾啦🙊如果有人唔食truffle嘅,就應該唔駛太擔心,可以放心點依個試試。
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