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19:00 - 02:00
19:00 - 02:00
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食记 (5)
等级1 2014-10-01
7755 浏览
so, went with friends, had gorgeous cocktails- i had a bloody mary that was very much an alcoholic salad, all friends had some absinthe. the open kitchen was inviting and interesting but had got there too late for food service- music was fab, and crowd and decor were as well.have since passed by w friends and been told it is members only?what is this hk business of flipping that on and off?only unsavory part, all the rest delish 继续阅读
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等级4 2014-08-01
5601 浏览
一所日藉年青老闆開設的酒吧,以私人會所形式經營,象徵式入會費但需獲主理人批准,裝潢特別,門面及室內環境似船艙,梳化重型椅子有家的感覺,周三有樂隊現奏,不時有私人聚會。剛好周三光顧,但查看餐廳面書,巴西樂手晚上十時半方才到達,不適合我們上班一俗,還是先去試試歡樂時光水準如何。尚以為時間尚早客人不多,原來環保人仕Green Drinks當晚有活動,進門見幾乎滿座,外藉客人居多,既來之,則安之,我們這對"外人"依然找到小枱位置,坐下來參與聚會,並與其他對環保有心的座上客閒聊,八點講座開始,談及塑膠再造之價值,上了有趣的一課。酒吧當然雞尾酒不缺,但並無飲品餐牌供應,相信只要說得出,調酒師亦做得到!大部分環保人士皆點算啤酒或紅酒,也許他們主要為講座,客路不同!未有參考而員工又大忙碌之下,我們只選了平常的 Gin Tonic, 售$80+10% 不便宜,喜見酒精份量足,寫意。 其間當然要覓食,酒吧只有佐酒小吃餐牌,多是芝士及香口炸物,非我所好,見其他食評提及Charcuterie Board ,於是決定試試,是當晚售價最貴的一款 $288。坐下良久,Charcuterie Board 終於送到,見長身木板大堆頭,上面放上五款火腿及香腸片,每款有五片,伴以什錦鹹欖數只及麵包四片,二人分享,有些奢侈!感覺附近有不少羨慕的目光,五款冷豬肉腸仔或火腿片鹹香程度及肉質不一㨾,最近橄欖的兩款火腿片似是西班牙風乾火腿類,肉質較密,脂肪不多,肉味及鹹較濃,其餘三款salami脂肪紋理豐富,口感相對軟嫩一些,正中央一款是辣肉腸,各有其獨特。作為cold cut platter,欠了pate,有所不足;而且只有四片麵包不足夠,若非講座正在進行中,我們務必要求添加。Charcuterie Board,佐酒適合,但想起 City Super 超市亦有一包五款已切片風乾火腿香腸售賣,覺得愚蠢咗,應該點炸物,起碼有多少廚藝! 继续阅读
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等级4 2013-12-23
4047 浏览
I have always been curious about this place and never knew it was a restaurant because I've always thought it was a funky residential house.From the outside, it looks like an old retro TV.Inside, you could imagine you were in a yellow submarine!Found out about this place after I read some tasting reviews and decided I had to check it out for the food and the environment.On openrice, it was listed as Chez moi before Salon 10 tookover and the food and decor seemed a waste.The new style really suits its original design and the front of the restaurant with a bookshelf, stuffed peacock and other antique items.When I found out that you could eat here, I decided to dine here and the food was not the ordinary two course, three course menu.I found it interesting because there were some Southern American items which I have not tried before.Here was what I tried:★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Fried green tomatoes:colossal lump crab, spicy greens, green goddess dressingI had to try this because I don't know any other restaurants that serve it.In the UK we don't have this dish and I recently found out reading some American news that an inmate on deathrow requested this for his last meal.{On the topic of deathrow, see the toilet below!}I loved the crunchy light cornmeal coating and the green tomato was juicy.The salad that came with it was delicious paired with the green goddess dressing.It was nice that it came with crabmeat which was fresh and there was quite a lot of it.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Salt market fish peppersiquillo peppers, brandada, Italian salsa verdeIt was amazing how these piquillo peppers were peeled skinless and still plump with a smooth surface.There was generous herbs dressing drizzled on top.Inside this juicy pepper was the silkiest grounded fish you could ever taste which complemented each other so nicely enhanced by the dressing.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Too rich rum chocolate pudding:This was chocolate pudding topped with Citrus cream.The chocolate pudding was dreamily delicious but the orange cream ruined it for me because it tasted artificial and tasted like orange aromatherapy oil mixed with cream.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Now that I have talked about the food, I can safely move on to the toilet!A really nice toilet you must check out!The toilet looks a bit like a gothic church deathrow electric chair.Anyway, I hope to see more items on the menu.There were two dishes I really wanted to try from on Foodcraver tasting event: fish with parpadelle and the fried chicken but they were not available that day. 继续阅读
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Salon Number 10, the funky members only bar located above Lan Gwai Fong recently launched a dinner service headed by Chef Austin, the former chef of Brickhouse. If you have not been to Salon 10 before, you might have difficulties to locate where it is as the restaurant & bar does not even has a name on its door! Yet you can easily spot Salon Number 10 from its crazily cool entrance.I love the inferior design of Salon 10, it is funky and homey at the same time. There is this really quirky submarine section at one side of the dining area and a living room setting with loads of comfy retro furniture at the other side where it is more lay back and chill. There is also an open kitchen with colourful tiles at the end of restaurant where you can opt for a chef table if you want. The NarcissistI ordered the Narcissist as it was highly recommended by the house. The cocktail was infused with earl grey tea, honey liqueor, canton cognac and lemon over crushed ice. As you may tell from the ingredients, this cocktail was very aromatic with the earl grey tea, sweet with the honey and refreshing with the lemon. A highly recommended drink from me as well!Curious MonkeyI ordered Curious Monkey because it was infused with cucumber which I think is quite interesting. The other ingredients in this bubbly cocktail was Money 47 Gin, orange slice, a dash of tonic and prosecco. Without disappointment, this was another great cocktail with a refreshing cucumber note in it! Another lovely cocktail. Just a note to all, the cocktails here are pretty strong.CharcuterieOur first dish was a beautifully plated platter on a wooden board. I tried the two cured meats first but they tasted pretty average and were rather rubbery. Next I scooped a spoon of chicken liver with peanuts at the jar at the back, it was mind blowingly delicious! Silky smooth, creamy and savoury! I personally reckon this tasted the best on the board. The pork terrine was quite decent as well, creamy and meaty with strong pork taste. The toasted was warm and crunchy and was good to go with the chicken liver and pork terrine. Last but not least was a house jarred pickles to whet the appetite.The RawHow cute was the plating! The USDA beef tartare was tender, moist but was a bit too mushy. The sauce at the side was a tangy mustard. The Tabiko Caviar on top added extra crunchy texture to the tartare. The lotus root crisp was alright but would be better if it is lightly salted.The VegThe vinegar marinated asparagus was very sour but I LOVE it. Another love on the dish was the Okra cracklings which was very crispy. I have never tasted Okra before, it tasted like yam and was pretty sweet. The Okra roe in white was quite crunchy too but tasted blander than the cracklings. The cured trout was yummy too, it was sweet, tender and smooth. The asparagus purée was nice by itself, to go with the kale salad or with the marinated asparagus.Seasonal SaladWith ordinary looks, this dish tasted amazing! With the taste of quinoa, you immediately linked to Indian fod. The quinoa croutons was savoury with a crunchy crust. It was also creamy and tasted like chick peas. The kale salad was fresh and crisp with a sweet dressing. Within the salad also had extremely sweet and juicy grapes confit.Something FriedThis dish gave me a surprise as I would not have ever guessed what is inside that golden crust, it was green tomato! The deep fried tomato was extremely interesting where the sweet tomato juice was held within the crunchy crust! The chunky crab meats served aside was fresh and sweet. The green special house made sauce called green goddess sauce was a great compliment to everything on the dish, it tasted salty and sour at the same time. I could not figured out what was in the sauce, all I know was it is good.From the SeaOur main started with an ordinary looking pasta dish with poached halibut. I never had this pasta before, this pasta called pappardelle pasta. The pappardelle pasta was handmade in-house which surprised me as I would not expect handmade pasta in a bar restaurant like Salon 10. The pasta was cooked al dente, very chewy and eggy. The poached egg was succulent but the surprise remained on the pasta.From The SkyNext came my second favourite dish of the night and is the best chicken I have had recently. An extremely bouncy and succulent young range chicken from France. The fried chicken was very crispy and very well seasoned with salt, pepper and topped with a creamy sauce. The spinach was cooked with butter, it tasted quite buttery but tasted a bit sour at the same time.Four legsHere comes my favourite dish of the night, the prime beef tenderloin. The tenderloin was cooked perfectly in medium rare to give a beautiful pinkish center. It was SUPER tender, juicy and flavourful. Rested underneath was a bed of smokey, cheesy and creamy smashed potato, we polished it in a sec. Not to neglect the equally lovely smokey leeks at the side. The only imperfection would be the salty grainy mustard on top of the beef, the whole dish was flavourful enough without the smokey mustard.Something SweetTo end the night, we had a jug of silky chocolate pudding topped with smooth whipped cream with balanced sweetness. I was glad it wasn't devilishly sweet. 继续阅读
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等级4 2013-11-04
1499 浏览
這天,大家都非常忙碌,去完這裡又去那裡,而我最終的目的地則是Salon Number 10。最初聽到這個名字,覺得餐廳的名字很特別,然後上網找一找,才知道這裡是一間酒吧。本來以為是來飲而不是來吃的,細問之下才知道是來享用食物的,本以為這晚只會吃到一些很classic的bar food,所以沒有抱甚麼期望,但每次沒甚麼期望時,總會令人喜出望外。 從The Centrium 搭扶手電梯上到亞畢諾道,然後一直走,會看到這樣子的物體;因為一開始不知道餐廳是甚麼樣的,所以走著走著,已經走過了,發覺不太對勁,於是又退後,終於發現到Salon Number10。外貌十分隱閉? 無錯,因為餐廳在11pm後只招待會員的,想來吃晚餐的,請在7pm來吧。推開門後,便會覺得走進了時光機,回到從前一樣,很喜歡這裡的擺設和桌椅!餐廳中間還有一大幅畫,很有味道吧。再向前行,便會看到一個open kitchen,都說了我最喜歡的便是open kitchen吧。每逢星期三晚,都有琴師為大家演奏,氣氛超好。這裡的音樂,不是很嘈吵的那種,但又不是很靜很悶的,反而是很生動有活力,非常適合談天說地。Charcuterie $265assorted cured meats/ chicken liver pate/ port terrine/ house jarred pickles/ bread看樣子都覺得很吸引,先說assorted cured meats,兩款肉都很新鮮,而且刀工不錯,切得薄薄的,不會感到很肥膩;平日我不太喜歡生吃salami的,那股味道實在太強,但這片比平日吃的實在好吃得多,味道不會太強烈,而且還帶辣,特別惹味。chicken liver pate,這個是人人都讚好的,肝味雖濃郁,但不會強得令人難以接受,質感非常的幼滑, 用來沾麵包或單吃都是一流的。port terrine亦很特別,或者從前吃過都很劣質,所以起初不太敢吃,但吃了一口,便覺得應該要再吃多幾口,與pickles同吃也不錯。而旁邊的麵包則是脆而不硬的,充滿著麵包的香氣。Dirty Mojito $130味道清新,每種材料的份量剛剛好,整體十分相配。入口的酒精感不算很高,但喝完後,發覺自己已經有點暈陀陀了......The Raw $150beef tartare/ spicy mustard/ lotus root chips/ tobiko caviar這個tartare,那些牛肉很明顯是手工切成的,比較豐滿,口感很好;用上了新鮮的牛肉造成,雖是生吃,但絕對可以放心食用;吃時沾上mustard,更能帶出那牛肉的鮮;而牛肉上的蟹子,能增加其口感,吃時發出聲響又有汁液爆出,更富層次感。這個lotus chips,是意想不到的好吃,本身我很喜歡吃chips的,但不是所有chips都好吃。而這個炸得很脆,不會感到油膩,而且厚薄適中,不會厚得難以咬下,亦不會薄得一掂即碎;lotus味不算很濃,太濃我反而未必會喜歡;真想一邊打文一邊吃著這脆脆的lotus chips!!The Veg $90okra cracklings/ marinated asparagus/ pickles okra roe/ asparagus puree/ cured trout露筍非常新鮮,鮮甜得很,非常爽口;而用露筍製成的puree則很幼滑,帶點草青味,是我喜歡的味道;另外okra cracklings亦很特別,小好第一次吃這炸物,炸得脆身而不油膩,非常不錯的佐酒小吃。這The Veg的酸度比較高,不是人人都會喜歡,但我比較喜歡吃酸的食物,而且酸酸的頭盤更加開胃。Seasonal Salad $75organic kale/ grape confit/ quinoa croutons/ carrot/ chickpea dressing很喜歡當中的新鮮的organic kale,那股清新是與一般的綠葉是不能相提並論的,口感非常好,質感十分細膩,配上了chickpea dressing,喚醒了味蕾;不過如此清新,其實是為了清走quinoa croutons的濃,非常香口,充滿了印度的風味;而grape的味道亦很濃郁,帶著濃烈的香甜;整個配搭非常好。Something Fried $80fried green tomato/ jumbo lump crab salad/ spicy greens/ green goddess dressing看上去還以為是炸帶子,不過chef Austrin Fry又怎會了無新意?其實那炸物是炸青蕃茄,蕃茄當中,青蕃茄算是我比較喜歡的,味道特別的清新,還是第一次吃炸蕃茄,脆脆的外層包著了鮮甜多汁的青蕃茄,很特別;而蟹肉的肉質亦非常不錯,非常厚身,肉質密度亦很高,比肉蟹的肥美度更強,味道亦十分鮮甜;吃時沾上旁邊的汁醬,就是美味。Curious Monkey $200這杯是sparkling cocktails,喝時感到青瓜和橙香,以Monkey 47 Gin作基酒,另外還有prosecco,整個感覺是非常的清新;同樣的,雖然入口不會感到很更強烈的酒精,但喝完後我已暈了。From the Sea $125EVOO poached halibut/ handmade pappardelle pasta/ black olive oil手工意粉,怎能不愛?手工意粉無論在質感還是味道方面,都一定比包裝的好;這個闊麵條厚度適中,而且夠闊,口感al dente,充滿著蛋香和麵粉香;而比目魚的肉質則十分的幼滑,鮮味十足,不錯!From the Sky $140free range chicken saute/ shallot vinegar/ spinach這個雞,大概是我在外吃過之中最好吃的雞;平日我都很少點雞吃,因為覺得味道實在太一般。這隻雞,味道非常濃郁,肉質很幼滑,肉質肉之間有雞汁爆出;而酸酸的shallot vinegar,更能帶出雞的鮮味,而且令人更開胃,就是好吃。Four Legs $150prime beef tenderloin/ braised leeks/ truffle potato puree/ smoked mustard看到粉紅的牛牛,心情靚爆登吧!? 用上了prime beef,牛味份外的濃郁,肉質是超級軟稔,完全不用費力便可順利咬下,而且完全不會有乾身和嚡口的感覺,吃時還嚐到牛汁流出,非常好吃。而旁邊的truffle potato puree,簡直是惡魔,上來時嗅不到很強的tuffle香,但吃進口便突破喚醒了我的味蕾,充滿了強烈的truffle香;potato puree口感非常幼滑,creamy度超高,好吃得不能抗拒!!Something Sweet $60超濃的chocolate,味道不會太甜,當中的mousse亦十分幼滑,整個組合就是剛剛好,不錯的飯後甜點。大家看到我所寫的每一隻字,便知道我對這裡有讚無彈,雖然是次是來試食的,但我真心的推介給大家這個又有美食又有美酒的Salon,我不是很愛cocktails的,不過也覺得味道不錯,十分的balance。食物方面,一定比很多很多的西餐廳做得好,每一道菜式,當中每一個配搭,Chef Austin Fry都是經過深思熟慮的,所以每個配搭都是perfect match。當有美酒和美食,再加上如果舒適的環境,就是完美。 继续阅读
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