SEPA據悉是香港首間威尼斯菜餐廳,威尼斯語意解"墨魚",集結傳統裝潢,菜式,跟現代酒吧,由意大利最年輕二星名廚Enrico Bartolini率領團隊構思菜式,致力推廣威尼斯Cicheti(佐酒小吃)概念,駐港大廚是其徒弟Tomaso Rigoni.餐廳以18世紀意大利名劇作家果多里Carlo Goldoni的喜劇"Servant of Two Masters"(一僕二主)為藍本:美食廚房,室內玻璃裝飾,面貝,及佳釀分別代表劇中主要角色,若沒有看過報導或新聞稿,大家未必可以聯想起來吧!?不過做過功課,就會發現餐廳內部裝潢確實很劇場佈景化,不論吊飾,木窗磚牆,處處透著細節,看得出是用心設計經營過.2013年香港藝術節邀請了英國劇團重新演繹這齣鬧劇,將背景由威尼斯改成倫敦.當時演出十分成功,滿堂笑聲此起彼落..適逢Restaurant Week推出特價晚餐,大家覺得一試無坊;沒有預設太大期待,因為讀過網上舖天蓋地的試食稿,一面倒的美詞,反而讓人有點不安心..即使知道其中合顆人是Catalunya的經營者.我們訂了星期天六時半檯,抵達餐廳時,已有一兩枱顅客用餐當中.首先映入眼簾是室內別緻密集的裝飾,其次侍者們Gondolier的衣著,均流露主題公園式的刻意,不過餐單印製得美倫美奐,是頭像造型,確又譲人印象深刻.我們點選了Dinner $398 + Wine pairing by glass (+$60 Pinot Grigio Santa Margherita/Prisecci Santa Margherita){Arancini with home made spicy mayonnaise} Aranchi義式炸物,源於十世紀時候的西西里,傳統將吃剩的米飯或意粉搓成球形,沾上包糠油炸而成.內饀通常是ragu蕃茄肉醬,mozzarella或青壴.朋友沒有細明這𥚃的版本用了什麼材料,可能自己也弄不清,只道是一般炸物,味道蠻可以..{Burrata salad}Burrata意大利文解作buttered,新鮮意大利芝士正宗是以mozzarella包裹stacciatella水牛芝士和厚忌廉,有些流心側是牛油加糖混合而成.是晚的沙拉,碟面佈以茄茸,香草醬和黑醋,配合車厘茄,火箭菜和芝士,義大利國旗顏色組合煞是好看;侍者在顧客跟前另把黑醋淋上白色芝士上,如此神聖的動作,當其時我不明所以,覺得沒有必要吧..事後想來,是劇塲式的即興表現嗎?!芝士乳香滿瀉,幼滑非常,配合沙拉菜的清爽和蕃茄的酸甜,效果很好.{Mortadella, ricotta cheese & black truffle "bombs"}Bomba這種義大利包,顧名思意造型似炸彈,外表chewy-crisp香脆有嚼勁,而𥚃面通心充滿熱空氣.將自家製bomba,釀入水牛芝士及mortadella義式香燻豬肉腸,撒以少許黑松露,很適合用手抓著吃的送酒菜,不吃松露的我亦禁不住分享了朋友一件.{Nduja, zucchini & scamorza cheese "bomba"}將nduja辣肉腸褪衣,與義式青瓜粒及軟綿的牛奶芝士加進bomba裡面,是為另一㘃味火辣小吃!因為採用大量紅辣椒調製關係,做成此豬肉沙樂美腸嗆勁十足!{Anchovies focaccia}Focaccia新鮮焗製,清淡芝士配以咸香鯷魚和新鮮車厘茄,傳統的組合,個人很是喜歡,唯一不足處是車厘茄份量太小氣,以致缺了適當酸味去平衡和提昇整體味道.{Clams Spaghetti}朋友的蜆肉義大利麪,說是只有塩味,而缺了海鮮的鮮味,而份量也有點小..{Risotto with asparagus & seasonal black truffle}反而另一友人的義大利飯就滿滿一大碟,松露份量也毫不吝嗇,氣勢迫人,兼氣味迫人!她說米飯煑得剛好al dente,她十分滿意.{Beef tartare with 12 seasonings} 至於我選點的tartare生牛肉料理,原來奉客時是一砵免治牛肉在碗中,週圍佈以十二種調味料,分別是蛋黃,茄汁,芥醬,酸豆,醃青瓜,洋蔥碎,乾椒碎,檸檬汁,brandy,紅蔥碎,麵包,粗塩等,服務員在顧客跟前簡單介紹後詢問想加進什麼材料和份量多少;其實調味因地而異,通常是加入洋蔥,酸豆,黑椒碎和worcestershire sauce,拌好後,面置以生蛋黃.不過當晚即時反應不來,就讓侍者每樣調味料加進少許..可是味道不甚理想,要再作調味,我個人並不欣賞這個奉客方法,服務生和顧客始終不是廚師,大家來到餐廳是享用專業廚師的烹調成果,否則大家在家𥚃自己剁牛肉自己調味就可以了,何以千里迢迢來到白攪一頓?由於不想作第三趟調味,所以製成品我只吃了一半已嚥不下,伴牛肉的麵包也沒有想像的香脆,可能放久了帶韌,亦是引不起食慾原因之一.{Panna cotta with blueberry sorbet}Panna cotta尚算幼滑細緻,牛奶跟忌廉比例適中,上面的berry sauce也甜酸得宜,雖然是現成fruit paste味道..只是那枚blueberry sorbet造型不太吸晴,是怕溶化再以液態氮急速冷藏?{Double chocolate cake with mango sauce}朋友的甜點是採用黑白巧克力製成,配以芒果醬..他沒有多給意見,只嘀咕有多少義大利元素..?{Coffee}最後以深烘焙咖啡完成這個晚餐,餐廳採用堅持小量生產的Giamaica Afribon Definitivamente Superiore,全Arabica豆,味道奶油creamy,aroma在口腔回盪久久不散,這種醇香是正宗義大利咖啡方有,如此高質素咖啡是整晚最大驚喜.沒有戲劇性的演譯,別扭造作的包裝,我真心感覺舒服,最貼近義大利的原來是咖啡!
The food here is not good - period. We had the below dishes- carpaccio Di manzo - raw beef was thinly sliced and well balanced with the black truffle. Recommendable.- tartare di rapa rossa - beetroot and tuna was over salted. No good.- prosciutto di Parma - ham had pretty bad fat meat ratio we had to cut the fat away- lobster taglioni - pasta was al dente but lobster bisque sauce was again too salty it ruins the dish- wagyu bolognese - was not bad beef was slow stewed very soft- spaghetti carbonara - too much sauce, feels like a puddle of sauce with little pasta, very salty tooIn general the pasta was al dente but whoever did the sauce will need some cooking lesson !?!?Damage was 922 hkd for 2 people (include a sour and flat prosecco) Tell me if its worth it? I think you know the answer
Morning! Wait, it should be lunch time here, so good noon! I’ve spent a lovely brunch Sunday with my girls in a Venetian-cuisine restaurant, Sepa, above the Soho gourmet zone in Hong Kong. Yes, Venetian, so it’s Italian cuisine basically, but something just different, like if you know the Venetian style of Spritz (they use Aperol). Anyways, I was not that keen to tell the great difference about Venetian food, but I was impressed and beloved by the lagoon-like vibe including those cute strip tees on their staff!!! How cute and “serious” they could be! We’ve been there for the a-la-carte brunch menu (check menu here) which extends from eggs to pastas. Since I’ve been introduced to their very special and delicious carbonara with 63 degree Japanese egg, pork cheek and 12 month aged parmesan through my boyfriend, I’m literally dreaming and claiming I will go back and order it again. Strongly influenced by the authentic Italian standards from Italian mama and countryside kitchens, I’ve been able to recommend it to everyone who’s wanting carbonara recently and looking for an authentic version with just eggs, cheese and pepper. I suggest to order mezzo maniche (pasta) as so many Italians tell me “Short is the best” (Please if you are an Italian and you don’t agree with that, do shout out and let me know in the comment!!!) The brunch comes with free-flow drinks, opinion on you, but I did like their fresh-made orange juice (I really appreciate the juice squeezed from real oranges), and very impressively, I’ve got a cup of very good cappuccino when we moved to their “secret” backyard garden after the brunch. What a lovely day! I hope you’ve also planned good time in the coming weekend with family and friends, see you soon. xx
餐廳雖然位於中環半山,但可以用中環半山扶手電梯直達,所以都很方便。餐廳裝修好有特色,充滿威尼斯風情,高樓底好舒服,還可以坐很別緻的室外花園用餐區。Beef Carpaccio我的至愛,生牛肉好嫩滑,伴芝士和火箭菜一起吃,味道真的不錯。Cold Cut Plate餐廳免費送的,是上等貨色,鹹香適中。Prawn Salad沙律菜和凍蝦都好新鮮,是開胃之選。Tagliatelle with Salmon菜色很簡單但很出色,不但有很多三文魚,而且麵條有質感又很滑身,軟硬適中,而醬汁濃郁又充滿芝士味。另一款pasta伴肉鬆,雖然材料普通,但一樣很好味。Torta al Limone檸檬批酸酸地,和檸檬皮一起吃不會覺得膩。Tiramisu雖然很軟滑,但我嫌它不夠酒香,所以始終不是我杯茶。Latte也不錯,為這餐很好味的意大利菜劃上完美句號。
第一次試食意大利菜,SEPA裝修環境好!食物還可以,可能係restaurant week$398試菜,所以未必係全店最好味嘅野,唯一...上主菜時等咗好耐,呢點令我男朋友好唔滿意嘅地方!