2014年5月10日起 業務重整 暫停營業
现金 八达通
食记 (5)
等级4 2013-12-10
352 浏览
經過門口見到燒雞,就馬上飛左入去 自小已經好鐘意食雞 有段時間重會自去JUSCO,百佳/TASTE買隻燒雞自己一個人食曬 因為覺得燒雞皮脆好味 所以決定一試叫左加左芝士粉既燒雞,除左胸唔夠滑(燒雞常見問題)整體不俗 而且加左芝士粉,無論單食定同米粉一齊食都禁正 我自己就同米粉一齊食 另外見到叉燒BURGER 將兩樣我最愛既野放埋一齊,我點會唔叫 係我叫既時候已經幻想,厚厚既叉燒禁好肉,一定好正 一上檯, 我已經急於放入口 一咬,我講左句--------"頂,咬唔開既" 佢已經一開二,但我都咬唔開 一來叉燒瘦,二來燒得DRY 完全咬唔開,只好食完包再食 但都係咬唔開 只好放棄,成舊咀嚼完好似香口膠既叉燒由口吐返出黎 真係怒火中燒 最後黎埋個咖哩雜菜,食完就走其實我真係好不滿,因為佢話係推介既叉燒BURGER完全唔得 但因為個雞,算啦,因為雞都算唔錯 继续阅读
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等级2 2013-11-01
165 浏览
從開張至今,已多次光顧,它的雞滑而有獨特的味道款式配搭加之價錢相宜一個黃金雞飯餐或是香草燒或是辣味都只是四十多元,配上飲料,已經剛好作一人晚餐的份量,不會過少,更可以燒菠蘿作甜品,香甜美味玉桂的香,配合得宜,熱辣辣,又多汁另外單點的叉燒也不俗,肥瘦得宜,蜜味不會過甜,吃過數次,質素依舊,但款式已越趨多元化不再單一只有燒雞可選,更多燒物提供作小食,絕對值得一再光顧! 继续阅读
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As a chicken lover I had to try this new place for chicken because on the reviews one of their chicken sounded attractive.I was intrigued by the golden chicken mentioned in the previous reviews which had cheese and salted egg yolk.When I got there, it was quite early so there was only two customers dining there.The kitchen end had glass panels so you could see the chefs preparing the food.The chairs were quite nice and reminded me of garden chairs in the UK.The restaurant had a nice high ceiling too.Basically they serve chicken and there are three main types: herb roasted, golden chicken, spicy chicken.It reminded me of Heung Plus Chicken at North Point.Anyway I ordered two chicken sets: the golden chicken and the spicy chicken, one with vegetable rice and the other with "silver silk vermicelli"★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★golden chicken:The chicken was nice and tender and the chicken skin was crispy with some slight fat under the surface.It tasted nice but I couldn't quite taste the egg yolk or the cheese.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★spicy chicken:As mentioned on the previous review, it was not spicy but the chicken was also nice and tender.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★vegetable rice:The rice on its own was really nice, it was very garlicky and fragrant.Each grain of rice was evenly coated with chicken oil.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Vermicelli:The broth for this was quite salty, however the vermicelli was not really "Silver thread" because I have seen thinner strands of vermicelli before.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★As a newly opened shop, I felt that the staff should have recommended which chicken was the best and what they are made with, especially the golden chicken because I only knew that it had cheese from reading the reviews.I did not try the herb chicken so I asked about it and the captain seemed agitated about the question and just kept answering "usual herbs".I was quite baffled by that attitude because this is the time when restaurants love to brag about how wonderful their food is and how famous their chef is.I noticed the chicken bun so asked about that and the guy said the bun was from Sai Kung.It was difficult to comprehend what the chicken bun looked like so I ordered that as well.I tried to ask further about the SaiKung bun because I wasn't sure if I heard him say it was from the HK Sai Kung or the Vietnamese Saigon as they serve Vietnamese coffee as well.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Chicken bun:When the bun arrived, I realised it was similar to the crispy bun. There are two major bakeries in SK, one is SK bakery which is Chinese style and the other nice one is Mushroom Bakery, so I hope it was from Mushroom bakery.The plate that it was served on was a small square plate which made it difficult to handle. If the plate was round it might have been easier to handle.The chicken in the bun was really nice and it was the thigh meat without the bone. It was grilled with herbs so I ended up trying the herbs one as well.However I felt that there was too much onions and it tasted more prominent than the chicken.The bread was crispy on the outside and soft on the inside.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★After paying the bill, the captain was not so secretive and told us that their chef was from Red Star which was great! 继续阅读
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等级4 2013-01-30
80 浏览
早一陣子嚟九龍城區去隔鄰Lemon Shop 買泰式香料經過見有新店, 仲要係我喜歡的燒雞! 睇佢餐牌...仲要係"專門店"?! 就已經好想試! 但當日已食飽, 唯有另選他日再嚟食. 今晚既然唔响屋企開餐又突然想食, 就叫Honey同我過嚟, 好彩佢無異議, 因為無幾耐之前至陪我食咗"阿純燒雞", 幾驚佢話: 咁呀! 知我者Honey是也, "抽起條筋"想食就要食到"至安樂, 為食到不得了!!!!我哋叫咗兩份套餐, 每客包一碟燒雞, 自選一碗粉/麵/白飯/或菜粒油飯, 幾好, 選擇幾彈性呀! 樽庄汽水一瓶或咖啡/熱飲. 每位HK$45免加一. 我哋點咗'秘制香草燒雞'同埋要咗'惹味醬燒辣雞', 跟菜粒油飯. 首先講油飯, 一上枱, 好香, 怕肥就唔好叫喇, 因為確實唔錯! 相信用咗唔少雞油同蒜油撈所以香到我想快快趁熱扒晒碗飯, 一餐半餐, 肥少少都要頂硬上! 香草燒雞就當然好食過KXC啦, 一碟都有十幾件, 幾滑, 但味道方面唔算精彩到一定要再去試咁囉, 可能...我會希望香草味再濃少少! 總之尚有進步空間! 慢慢嚟, 仲咁新! 不過...'惹味醬燒辣雞'呢個係我好期待試嘅, 仲有句slogan話: 嘩~嘩~ 咁正?! 改咗個咁嘅名, 好似會好'惹味'又可能會'辣'咁總之我見到個名就流晒口水啦! 試完後覺得餐牌俾我太大期望喇! 雖然幸運地有'雞肶'但食完後我又只係覺得滑同好食過KXC, 唔係非常'惹味', 少辣少到幾乎唔辣咁! 問題係...我睇個名, 我仲有考慮到"如果上菜後好辣就叫多支汽水"啦.... 哎呀~ 總之都幾失望, 唔通要遷就街坊老少咸宜? 一啲都唔辣....少辣都稱唔上! 當然如果佢個名唔係叫燒辣雞我唔會諗咁多嘢! Honey睇到呢度請原諒我又長氣咗... 成晚最正係碗油飯, 但個碗比較細, 雖然佢盡量裝到圓拱型滿滿一碗, 但相信女士應該啱啱夠飽, 男士應該係剛剛爭少少唔太夠, 當然如果係男仔食開兩碗飯嘅會索性俾$12蚊叫多碗, 但我覺得如果佢參考'茶樓燒味飯'做法, 碗上呢就收$45/碟上嘅飯量多少少, 收貴幾蚊, 會彈性好多, 起碼客人唔駛考慮叫多碗又怕食唔晒. 依家啱啱好似爭少少想叫多少少, 我不斷睇住張餐紙menu考慮叫份小食, 但呢度太太太'專門', 除咗雞, 還是雞, 又或者極其量有碟菜, 但如果唔叫菜, 真係諗唔到可以加啲咩, 唔通再叫一份叉燒$42咩? 好似又誇咗啲...'肉/肉'餐咁... 又或者叫$18雞翼? 咪又係雞! 小食的選擇真係唔多, 我個人方面, 其實會希望有醋漬蘿蔔呀/又或者青瓜粒呀之類之類的蔬菜類小食, 唔係齋叫碟'油菜'咁寡囉, 這是我的小小意見. 店是新店, 當然乾淨, 唔該keep住! 服務方面...或者係今晚無咩客的關係, 所以佢都算招呼得好妥貼. 侍應們的面口好和善, 幾好! GOOD! 希望第日人流多咗都會維持好服務就好喇! 唔好一'做大'咗, 侍應就當客人係仇家, '口面'佢或越叫越走! 希望啦! 其實Honey同我飯後散步時話如果呢間店嘅店面design唔係廚房縮咗响店內最入位置會更好, 因為如果你喺門口櫥窗有嘢睇, 有'師傅整緊嘢食'睇又好, 有'燒雞睇'又好, 都好! 至少應該會再吸多啲客嘅注意, 依家都有啲靠個客好奇睇吓佢放門外街邊的餐牌至知你賣咩嘅感覺, 門口拉客又唔可以做得太'積極'否則又會有反效果, 師傅們又好強調唔會有好多雞放出嚟, 為保新鮮, 賣晒一款至做另一隻, 唔...咁要'吸客人目光'又真係有啲難度...相信係店新的關係, 晚市七點零都無咩客堂食, 反而有呢區的街坊叫外賣, 見佢每隔一陣都出一/兩袋外賣, 希望會日漸多啲生意, 始終今晚呢餐食完都係覺得OK嘅, 45蚊個餐, 地方幾好坐, 有電視'送'飯, 雖未至於: "", 但有進步空間! 有機會確係可以再試嘅, 而且店新, 希望味道方面可以改良/提升一下; 點都好, 我會再嚟試嘅! OK?! 继续阅读
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與為食同學仔在九龍城吃完午餐,在附近亂逛的時候,發現了一間門面蠻特別的餐廳 - Siu G 店。一開始想是韓國餐廳(愛韓國餐愛到傻的我...),原來是一間專門吃雞的餐廳。門面、餐廳裏的裝修和餐牌我覺得一點都不撘,但莫名其妙的感覺令我真的想去試一下。 隔了一天,我和為食同學仔就過來吃了。店員蠻有禮貌的,還解釋餐牌裏的主食,原來Siu G店只開了十天!! (我們真夠運氣知道有這間新店,openrice 還沒有呢...) 滋味黃金雞雞是用芝士與咸蛋黃來醃,然後在店裏現場燒製。雞肉很滑,帶少少芝士的咸香味。配上他們的菜飯真的很滋味。我覺得他們的菜飯是用雞油來煮的,因為我覺得蠻像海南雞的油飯。 秘製香草燒雞我覺得味道可以,香草都醃在骨頭和雞皮那邊,肉還沒有入味,可以醃久一點。為食同學仔點了銀絲湯米粉去配香草燒雞。 兩個都是套餐來的,還有飲料送。 店員還跟我們講如果只是買雞也可以,但要預四十五分鐘,因為他們的雞是即場燒的,確保是最佳狀態給顧客。這麼有「Heart」的餐廳真少有了。 继续阅读
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