2015-08-08 1645 浏览
Restaurant week August 2015 lunch menu \ r \ n \ r \ nGRILLED & MARINATED BABY OCTOPUS \ r \ nwith olive relish, sourdough, saffron aioli \ r \ nOR \ r \ nHEIRLOOM TOMATO & PERSIAN FETA SALAD \ r \ nwith shallot and lemon dressing , rocket, Spanish olive oil \ r \ n ****************************** \ r \ n5OZ DRY AGED RIBEYE \ r \ nwith bibb lettuce, watercress, fennel, & new potato salad with blue cheese dressing \ r \ nOR \ r \ nGRILLED SWORDFISH \ r \ nwith watercress, fennel, shallot, pomegran
Restaurant week August 2015 lunch menu \ r \ n \ r \ nGRILLED & MARINATED BABY OCTOPUS \ r \ nwith olive relish, sourdough, saffron aioli \ r \ nOR \ r \ nHEIRLOOM TOMATO & PERSIAN FETA SALAD \ r \ nwith shallot and lemon dressing , rocket, Spanish olive oil \ r \ n ****************************** \ r \ n5OZ DRY AGED RIBEYE \ r \ nwith bibb lettuce, watercress, fennel, & new potato salad with blue cheese dressing \ r \ nOR \ r \ nGRILLED SWORDFISH \ r \ nwith watercress, fennel, shallot, pomegranate & artichoke salad with charred orange dressing \ r \ n ****************************** \ r \ nCARAMELIZED MANGO POSSET \ r \ nwith shortbread, Chantilly \ r \ n \ r \ nRestaurant week allows you to taste test of many restaurants without breaking the bank. The point is you try the dishes, and if you like them, you go back for more later in the year. \ r \ n \ r \ nSteak frites have good decor, friendly and attentive service. For drinks, we had tap water and they are very nice to offer cold iced water given how hot it was outside. \ r \ n \ r \ nBut my heart sank a little when the main dish arrived. I chosed the rib-eye. I expected it to be a warm, nicely grilled steak with some sauce and salad on the side. Perils of great expectations. I really did not expect it came out as steak salad form instead. Salad was okay, it came with scattered blue cheese chunks, which I loved. The steak was tender, but it's cold! Not iced cold, but definitely colder than room temperature. It was not a great dish overall. \ r \ n \ r \ n \ r \ n \ r \ n
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(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
$200 (午餐)
2015-08-03 1103 浏览
Steak Frites by The Butchers Club was a resturant my friends and I had been looking forward to try for quite a while. We were pleasantly suprised when we managed to get ourselves a table during resturant week. On arrival we were greeted and shown to our seats and a waitress handed us the Dining Week set menu, a choice of Salad or Pork Belly for starters and then Steak and Fries or Fish for mains. As Butchers Club is known for their beef we all went for Steak mains. The starters were mediocre, wi
Steak Frites by The Butchers Club was a resturant my friends and I had been looking forward to try for quite a while. We were pleasantly suprised when we managed to get ourselves a table during resturant week. 

On arrival we were greeted and shown to our seats and a waitress handed us the Dining Week set menu, a choice of Salad or Pork Belly for starters and then Steak and Fries or Fish for mains. As Butchers Club is known for their beef we all went for Steak mains. 

The starters were mediocre, with my pork belly being a little tough and skin being chewy and soft rather than crispy.

The steak, a dry aged, 8oz ribeye was even more disappointing. Cooked to medium rare, when it hit the table it was cold, as if it had been cooked and then put to one side for the 40 minutes whilst we ate our starters. A layer of chimichurri covered the steak, but instead of adding an additional layer of flavours, it was used to mask the taste of cold beef. 

Deserts were left half eaten and we all left unsatisfied and thirsty... yes thirsty as our none of the waiters that served us felt a need to refill our glasses of water. Maybe that's what happens when you order tap water and not "Still or Sparkling water" at Butchers Club.

We were seriously dissapointed with Butchers Club. With the quality of food and service being this bad during resturant week, we won't be going back during again!
(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
$450 (晚餐)
2015-04-19 2946 浏览
As always, no pictures leaving more for you to enjoy in person.Steak Frites by BC brings yet another Steak Frites option to HK's ever competitive restaurant scene.   Net, net it feels like the type of place you will try once.We arrived later in the evening and were immediately placed in the worst location in the restaurant, squeezed into a small corner next behind a group of a relatively loud 18 people.   It was almost impossible to get to the table, and servers were having to squeeze between tw
As always, no pictures leaving more for you to enjoy in person.

Steak Frites by BC brings yet another Steak Frites option to HK's ever competitive restaurant scene.   Net, net it feels like the type of place you will try once.

We arrived later in the evening and were immediately placed in the worst location in the restaurant, squeezed into a small corner next behind a group of a relatively loud 18 people.   It was almost impossible to get to the table, and servers were having to squeeze between two rows of chairs.   We were moved to a second location only to have the rear of the waitress against my back 2x as she squeezed between tables.   The table next to use experienced a similar experience from the waitress and a guest at the noisy table.  Finally, on the third attempt we were given a corner table that worked.  YOU SHOULD REQUEST THIS WHEN BOOKING.  Bottomline, mgmt needs to seriously rethink that layout.  Too many tables in too small a space.

Service was hardly better.   There were 3 servers and 2 managers, which is more than plenty for the size.   The first server was impossible to hear and handed us an impossible to read iPad with a "secret menu" on it.  In the end it was easier to just get the HK$550 set of iceberg salad and 14 oz 40-day aged Ribeye.   To be honest, menu and ordering took too long and was  simply lifeless in delivery.

There was one server who seemed a bit more seasoned and switched on than the rest, and she did ask how the steaks were at the halfway point and brought English mustard.  The manager never checked in until we were basically done and didn't really seemed interested in our experience.   There were 7 tables and 18 person table in all.  Hardly difficult to swing by all tables during the course of service.

Lastly, the staff area next to the restrooms, but open to view from the dining area, was a complete mess.  Bags, clothes, random boxes all over the place.  This is symptomatic of the managing of SFBC.  There were lockers there, so why not use them.

ON TO THE FOOD - To the credit of chef, the food was solid.  The iceburg solid was served chilled with a great mustard dressing and bacon bits.  Not overly dressed but enough.   And... both steaks were cooked to temperature, which is very rare in Hong Kong.  The horseradish sauce was a bit too mild for me, but that is just my preference.   Lastly, the fat fries were seasoned and cooked properly.  Not too oily and a bit of crunch.   Chef - well done.

All in all, the price point is pretty punchy if you are not a pure steak lover.  Add in a lackluster service experience, and I will stick to the BC Burgers in Wan Chai
(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
$600 (晚餐)
2015-03-24 2762 浏览
自從上次在香港仔品嚐過一頓美味的乾式熟成牛扒後,就一直沒有機會再嚐。雖然小弟並不喜歡乾式熟成的做法,但又實在太美味了,始終念念不忘,再者位於香港仔,地方偏遠,沒有太多朋友願意進去。幸好收到了一個好消息,就是他們終於在中環開了分店,價錢方面亦有所調整,相宜得多,真是不少扒迷的福氣呢。這兒很有趣,橫看直看都不像一間餐廳,似一間屠房加上凍肉舖的模樣,而且用上街市的紅膠燈,加上粗獷原始的裝修,令人感覺特別,有種獸性的慾望,我指的獸性即是那股大啖大啖食肉的隱,哈哈。再看看餐單,非常簡單,只是供應午餐、晚餐及飲品,沒有多餘的字眼,清楚易明。不過,如果熟知這個餐廳組群的朋友,都知道藏有一張神秘餐單,要從不同途徑得到,可從上網及素描QR Code拿到。先從最簡單的Dinner Set開始,價錢為$550,包括【Wedge Salad】及【12oz 40-Day Dry-aged Ribeye & Duck Fries】。不要以為沙律會很清淡,實則是既濃厚,又飽滿的,以羅馬生菜配合由藍芝士忌廉醬、車厘茄及厚切煙肉等,每一口都充滿著濃郁的味道,而且生菜爽脆清甜,會使人有一種好吃得停不了口的感覺。自家製的麵

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再看看餐單,非常簡單,只是供應午餐、晚餐及飲品,沒有多餘的字眼,清楚易明。不過,如果熟知這個餐廳組群的朋友,都知道藏有一張神秘餐單,要從不同途徑得到,可從上網及素描QR Code拿到。
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先從最簡單的Dinner Set開始,價錢為$550,包括【Wedge Salad】及【12oz 40-Day Dry-aged Ribeye & Duck Fries】。不要以為沙律會很清淡,實則是既濃厚,又飽滿的,以羅馬生菜配合由藍芝士忌廉醬、車厘茄及厚切煙肉等,每一口都充滿著濃郁的味道,而且生菜爽脆清甜,會使人有一種好吃得停不了口的感覺。
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Dinner Set的牛扒是40天熟成的澳洲肉眼,肉味經過乾式熟成的方法後,肉味濃厚,外面帶點焦香,而且內裡透著嫩粉紅色,肉質柔嫩,小弟覺得不用沾上醬汁,只灑上少許鹽花就已能將美味提升了。
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既然是牛魔王的聚集地,有好肉又豈能沒有好酒呢,這支【JL CHAVE SELECTION, ROUGE COEUR, COTES DU RHONE, 2012】經濟實惠,帶著豐富的果香,而且單寧柔順,很易入口,配上紅肉真是美妙。
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吃過普通的晚餐後,開始進入神秘餐單,有【Surf & Surf】、【Original thick cut of 40- day dry-aged
ribeye】及【1 kg 90-day dry-aged USDA Angus Prime Porterhouse】。【Surf & Surf】絕對是非牛魔王的喜訊,在酒池肉林的地方有著新鮮的海鮮實在有如甘露般迷人。line
caught Aussie coral trout肉質嫩滑,油份甘香,香煎後更能突出了魚肉的香味,還有爽口彈牙龍蝦尾,啖啖肉之餘帶有炭烤的無焦香,不錯的配合。
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【Original thick cut of 40- day dry-aged ribeye】與Dinner Set內的肉眼味道差不多,不過由於是厚切的關係,感覺更為柔嫩,而且肉味更為香濃。不過兩款40-day dry-aged又怎會及得上USDA Angus Prime Porterhouse。
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【1 kg 90-day dry-aged USDA Angus Prime Porterhouse】絕對是扒王之王,而且用上USDA Angus Prime Grade來製成,澳洲的肉香實在不能比美,而且在越久的熟成過程中,水份慢慢被蒸發掉,不斷令肉味更濃縮集中,風味更是絕佳。
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最後的甜品就是【Chocolate Cheesecake】了,與上次一樣,朱古力味與芝士味取得相當好的平衡,在芝士味下仍有滲著香濃可口的朱古力香。
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(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
$700 (晚餐)
5/10 plates emptied! 每次經過Little Bao, PMQ, Yardbird,都總會看見Butchers Club Steak Frites的新招牌,行上PMQ絕對不容易,想食好野點都要行多兩步。那天,Carly已經上床準備睡覺,但還在上臉書,看見Restaurant Week回來了,二話不說,立刻查看有沒有心水餐廳有平靚正的午餐優惠。FoFo 與Blue Butcher迅速fully booked。好吧,Steak Frites一直在Carly的to-try list上面,但平時午餐要HKD350就沒太多動力去試。Restaurant Week HKD198(連加一服務費)有沙律,牛排/龍蝦三文治,連甜品,Carly與友人行到有點喘氣都是值得的。Butchers Club的burgers早期已經試過,漢堡的質量尚算可以,肉味夠,但煎出來則有很多肉汁,有些卻很乾。鴨油炸薯塊亦很咸。今次再來就能夠一試他們的dry-aged steak,是不是特別美味,與眾不同?Restaurant Week is in town again! Carly was ready fo
5/10 plates emptied! [Written by Carly]
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每次經過Little Bao, PMQ, Yardbird,都總會看見Butchers Club Steak Frites的新招牌,行上PMQ絕對不容易,想食好野點都要行多兩步。那天,Carly已經上床準備睡覺,但還在上臉書,看見Restaurant Week回來了,二話不說,立刻查看有沒有心水餐廳有平靚正的午餐優惠。FoFo 與Blue Butcher迅速fully booked。好吧,Steak Frites一直在Carly的to-try list上面,但平時午餐要HKD350就沒太多動力去試。Restaurant Week HKD198(連加一服務費)有沙律,牛排/龍蝦三文治,連甜品,Carly與友人行到有點喘氣都是值得的。Butchers Club的burgers早期已經試過,漢堡的質量尚算可以,肉味夠,但煎出來則有很多肉汁,有些卻很乾。鴨油炸薯塊亦很咸。今次再來就能夠一試他們的dry-aged steak,是不是特別美味,與眾不同?
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Restaurant Week is in town again! Carly was ready for bed that night and skimming facebook when she knew about the news that dining week is back! The first thing she wanted to book ahead was the ones with roaring acclaims and wave of positive reviews (It broke Carly’s heart when she knew that Harlan Comfort has closed down and FoFo and Blue Butcher were both fully booked already on the first day! Yikes!) Steak Frites by Butchers Club has been sitting on top of the to-try list for so long, Carly was so excited to see that they have joined Restaurant week for the first time and immediately booked ahead without any further due.
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Steak Frites as a dine-in yet cozy laidback restaurant recently opened by the aggressive Butchers Club owners, having them right next to PMQ, competition is fierce with Wilbur Burgers in PMQ, La Vache on Peel Street, and many other hot spots to hit before visiting Steak Frites while you can already grab a bite of their juicy dry-aged meat at Butchers Club Burgers – fairly new joint near the SOHO escalator closer to LKF. Restaurant week lunch menu consists of salad, steak sandwich, dessert – HKD198 service change included. Pretty reasonable priced compared to their regular lunch menu of HKD350 – salad and dry-aged 8oz steak.
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行了一大條斜路,再上了鋪頭入面的幾級樓梯,終於到了!坐了一整個午飯時間,都只是得三、四檯客,想必是地點太「隔涉」,附近又太多選擇,在SOHO區立足不單是食物要好吃,Butchers Club一定要想辦法吸引多點人流,平時的HKD350,雖然有8安士的牛排吃,但仍是相對貴了點,要有一定程度的消費能力,才會三百幾元午膳食一頓飯呢。
椰菜沙律 | Wedge salad
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【Wedge Salad |with cherry tomatoes, maple-glazed bacon and mustard cream dressing】
The server greeted us at our table and introduced herself as the first step to make the customers happy and offered the choice of whether we wanted to have the salad to go with blue cheese cream or mustard cream dressing. Carly opted for the mustard cream dressing, the wedge salad was half of fresh cabbage sliced, layered yet maintaining the shape of the original cabbage, surprisingly, you will still find layers of sauce mixed in between so the dressing was not just dripped over. Cherry tomatoes, mini in size, zippy fresh and naturally mild sweet. Maple-glazed bacon was cooked till the fat turned golden hard and it was a bit too sweet for bacon seasoning. Gladly, the mustard cream dressing was obviously homemade with the right thick and creamy dripping form, zesty and citrusy as Carly found the sauce too rich for a salad yet finished it off within just minutes.
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【椰菜沙律| 車厘茄,楓蜜煙肉,芥末醬汁】
牛排三文治 | Dry-Aged Steak Sandwich
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牛排三文治 | Dry-Aged Steak Sandwich
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【Dry-Aged Steak Sandwich】
Wonder why dry-aged beef is much more expensive than regular steak. The process of dry-aging is expensive and time consuming as at least 15% of the fat will be lost, decreasing in its volume of size, what was enhanced is the extra buttery texture and rich flavor. As the beef is hung on coolers to be dried off for at least 30 days, moisture is lost yet the process softens the meat. Butchers Club is renowned for their dry-aged beef as they have their own labelled cows imported from New South Wales in Australia. Carly was a bit disappointed as the steak patty was flat, lacked meat juice and softness. Some parts were too chewy and tough as you cannot even chew it apart, knife was easier yet still, Carly gave up and wondered if their dry-aged steak was going to do any better. She glanced over the table next to her as some gentlemen ordered that, the steak did not look juicy nor did she see any meat juice left on the wooden board. Once again, it was up to Carly’s attention that Butchers Club has to work on the consistency of their food when they already have such fine quality streamline of ingredients and produces. Same with their burger stalls, it's almost like you go in and being left with an uneasy feeling of not sure if you are going to get ripped off – over HKD100 for a burger or simply stuffed with happy comfort food – satisfied with Double Happiness. The bun was fluffy enough just that it could have been better if it was toasted/grilled as well.
牛排三文治 | Dry-Aged Steak Sandwich
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牛排三文治 | Dry-Aged Steak Sandwich
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【Triple-cooked Duck Fat Fries】
Carly is not going to lie but she has a strong liking for both salty and oily food. The duck fat fries were triple deep fried in duck fat, potatoes absorbed all the fatty goodness and natural savory flavor from the fat itself. Triple-cooked made the potatoes heavenly mushy and crispy on the crust – it was a bit greasy but what good does it do if comfort food was not fatty comforting? If only they could just skip the huge flakes of sea salt sprinkled onto those fries (wedges to be exact), it would have saved Carly’s kidney..
鴨油炸薯塊 | Triple-cooked Duck Fat Fries
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朱古力芝士蛋糕 | Chocolate Cheesecake
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【Chocolate Cheesecake】
Overly sweet for much sugar was added to the dark chocolate cake, with a hint of mild bitterness, it was not too pleasant overall to blend it with cream cheese so chocolate cheesecake was not only unsatisfying, yet also too heavy after an oily meal of fries and steak sandwich. Plus the cheesecake was too dense and thick, it was still stuck to the fork, proven that the cake was not well-beaten till it turns smooth enough. The tart crust was the only thing that Carly could finish since it was not too sweet and average crumbly.
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All in all, the HKD198 restaurant week was not bad even though the food was not particularly impressive. Friendly and attentive staff, location-wise was a bit remote even for Central white collars, the place was not crowded at all due to its location and regular lunch set deal as one will have to pay up to HKD350 for a steak lunch. The consistency of food quality from Butchers Club chain store remains in question again, quality ingredients is only going to score some high notes to one level, without excellent cooking techniques, customers will not be looking to turn their heads around with so many better choices for burgers, steaks or simply comfort food out there.

地點隔涉,閒日的午膳時間只有小貓三,四檯,服務態度亦很友善。港幣198(連加一)在SOHO區午餐水平來說還可以,偏貴。中環蘭貴坊還有很多其他選擇,知道Butchers Club自家dry-age的牛扒水準一直不夠穩定,去過Butchers Club Burgers的人就會知,三個漢堡總會有一個,或兩個(睇彩數)塊牛肉乾到喊。明顯地就是煮法的水準不夠平均。Steak Frites平常的午市套餐是港幣350一個人,牛扒本身質素一定不俗,但值不值就見人見智吧。
题外话/补充资料: *Easier to find this once you locate PMQ 先找PMQ元創坊,Steak Frites就容易找很多 *Closed on Mondays 逢星期一關門 *If you aren’t too sure if you would like to pay for an expensive meal for beef, try out their Butcher Club Burgers first! 可以先試Butchers Club旗下的連鎖分店 Butchers Club Burgers,看看自己愛好與否
(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
$200 (午餐)
  • Triple cooked Duck Fat Fries
  • 鴨油炸薯塊
雖然我常常說, restaurant week 不錯是有很多抵食的菜單, 但有很多餐廳所推出的餐廳其實是沒有拭別抵吃的。如果想把優惠打盡(整個promotion才那麼幾天!), 非要好好做research 不可。Steak Frites就是其中一家。平時一份Lobster roll lunch set 是HK$190, 而Steak sandwiches lunch set 只是HK$160。Restaurant week HK$198的菜單是少了一杯飲品多了一件朱古力芝士蛋糕。那這樣子是不是有「賺」了, 就要看你個人的感官囉。對我來說嘛, 當然也是賺了。事關Steak Frites by Butchers Club離我公司實在是太遠, 若果不是Restaurant week 的緣故, 只怕不會立起心腸來吃。因何況是抓了幾個同事一起跑來吃完再衝回公司!未食主菜之前先來吃超好吃的餐前麵包。口感介乎法式麵包和多士之間, 外脆內軟, 微熱地吃起來非常的好吃! 而且旁邊的牛油又滑又香, 不小心就擦了好多, 完全停不了口。幸好店家及時送上沙律, 否則我應該會一直吃麵包直到吃光吧。也是我孤陋寡聞,
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雖然我常常說, restaurant week 不錯是有很多抵食的菜單, 但有很多餐廳所推出的餐廳其實是沒有拭別抵吃的。如果想把優惠打盡(整個promotion才那麼幾天!), 非要好好做research 不可。

Steak Frites就是其中一家。平時一份Lobster roll lunch set 是HK$190, 而Steak sandwiches lunch set 只是HK$160。Restaurant week HK$198的菜單是少了一杯飲品多了一件朱古力芝士蛋糕。那這樣子是不是有「賺」了, 就要看你個人的感官囉。

對我來說嘛, 當然也是賺了。事關Steak Frites by Butchers Club離我公司實在是太遠, 若果不是Restaurant week 的緣故, 只怕不會立起心腸來吃。因何況是抓了幾個同事一起跑來吃完再衝回公司!
695 浏览
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96 浏览
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未食主菜之前先來吃超好吃的餐前麵包。口感介乎法式麵包和多士之間, 外脆內軟, 微熱地吃起來非常的好吃! 而且旁邊的牛油又滑又香, 不小心就擦了好多, 完全停不了口。
wedge salad
112 浏览
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幸好店家及時送上沙律, 否則我應該會一直吃麵包直到吃光吧。也是我孤陋寡聞, 第一次見wedge salad呢。生菜是以一個頗完整的半球狀上, 樣子簡單而華麗。生菜非常非常的清甜, 再淋上了煙內碎、車厘茄、藍芝士, 既香濃又清爽, 是一個非常好的前菜! 不過份量真的好大, 我們幾個一直在吃呀吃的, 卻花了好久才把它清碟!
Lobster Roll (Restaurant week lunch HK$198)
207 浏览
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又是一句, SOHO區內的餐廳真的比較悠閒。即使餐廳之內客人不多, 還是要等了一小段時間才盼到了我們的主菜。這一份是最近忽然在香港熱門起來的龍蝦夾麵包。不知道為什麼名字叫"roll", 明明家家都是把龍蝦沙律夾到麵包中間, 呈三文治狀, 絕不是卷起來的呢。

那鬆厚的麵包塗足了牛油才烘烤, 特別的香鬆可口, 單吃已經是享受。內里夾著的凍龍蝦沙律啖啖都是肉, 清甜可口, 沙律醬不會過多, 搶不去龍蝦的鮮味卻增加了滑滑的口感, 非常非常的好吃! 別看它個子不算太大, 但吃起來可是很飽肚的!
Steak Sandwich (Restaurant week lunch HK$198)
84 浏览
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而牛扒三文治就相對有點失色。明明這裡是扒房吧, 用來做三文治的牛卻又瘦又薄又乾。肉汁欠奉, 口感乾乾的。而且三文治也沒有下特別的醬料, 整體味道就顯得單寡, 超失望的!

幸好至少一旁有大量香得近乎邪惡的鴨油炸薯條, 粗粗的薯角在油炸的同時也吸引了鴨油獨特的香味, 不用點甚麼茄醬, 直接吃就是最好的!
Chocolate cheesecake
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吃下了極大量的澱粉質之後, 已經吃不下附餐的甜品, 只好請Steak Frites 幫我們打包起來。媽呀, 好大的一份朱古力芝士蛋糕! 超濃香的朱古力味, 不太吃得到芝士味, 不過質感軟綿濕潤, 感覺不錯。但真的真的太膩了! 怎可能一個人可以吃光一整個呢?
212 浏览
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兩款午餐選擇之中, 一個好吃一個不好吃。但其實我還未試到這家店最為自滿的東西: 牛扒呢。不過吃牛扒還是要一大班人來一起吃才盡慶開心, 不知甚麼時候才會有這個機會啊...

(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
$200 (午餐)
wedge salad
Lobster Roll (Restaurant week lunch HK$198)
喜歡吃肉,無肉不歡,是香港人的寫照。近一年香港開了不少扒房,全部都讓我心思思想一試究竟。這一天先來挑戰蘇豪區的Steak Frites,看看這間The Butchers Club旗下的姐妹店,有何能耐在中環分一杯羮。這一晚沿著中環扶手電梯到達士丹頓街,一直走,到了52-56號地舖,卻看不到目的地Steak Frites。是地址有錯?還是地圖有錯?不想遲到,心急如焚,就找了一間士多問問,店主馬上知道我的問題是甚麼,原來Steak Frites的門口在後街,轉一個彎,就會看到牆上的美女塗鴉,Steak Frites,就在美女的頭頂。從門口拾級而上,暗淡紅色燈光,讓人不期然和屠夫聯想在一起。Steak Frites,名字簡單易明,一看就知是賣steak(牛排)和frites(炸薯條)。店名的下半部印著「by The Butchers Club」,加上刀具上的logo,不可能不知道這裡是和dry-aged為主打的The Butchers Club有關係。這一晚,將要化身牛魔王,眼前小刀,就是我的最佳拍檔。正想看看餐牌,眼前卻閃過一堆肉,原來天花板上掛著一件一件的dry-aged牛肉!以招牌dr
60 浏览
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喜歡吃肉,無肉不歡,是香港人的寫照。近一年香港開了不少扒房,全部都讓我心思思想一試究竟。這一天先來挑戰蘇豪區的Steak Frites,看看這間The Butchers Club旗下的姐妹店,有何能耐在中環分一杯羮。
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這一晚沿著中環扶手電梯到達士丹頓街,一直走,到了52-56號地舖,卻看不到目的地Steak Frites。是地址有錯?還是地圖有錯?不想遲到,心急如焚,就找了一間士多問問,店主馬上知道我的問題是甚麼,原來Steak Frites的門口在後街,轉一個彎,就會看到牆上的美女塗鴉,Steak Frites,就在美女的頭頂。
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40 浏览
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Steak Frites,名字簡單易明,一看就知是賣steak(牛排)和frites(炸薯條)。店名的下半部印著「by The Butchers Club」,加上刀具上的logo,不可能不知道這裡是和dry-aged為主打的The Butchers Club有關係。這一晚,將要化身牛魔王,眼前小刀,就是我的最佳拍檔。
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紙上只印著中午和晚上各一款菜式,事實是,餐牌菜式當然不會這麼少,只要掃瞄餐紙上的QR code,就可看到足本餐牌。如果沒有smart phone,又或手機沒電怎麼辦?找侍應幫忙吧!
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Wedge Salad有藍芝士、車厘茄、韭菜粒、厚切煙肉粒,相比坊間的沙律當然較為重口味,但可能已經是全晚最健康的一道菜。熱身運動完畢,要開始美妙的肉食宴了!
54 浏览
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打頭陣的是Steak Tartare with Duck Fat Fries,牛肉他他配鴨油薯條,前者牛味濃郁,後者以鴨油炸三次,油香很重,脆而不油,好吃。
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肉食夜,友人善意提示吃扒之前別吃太多,但當Nova Scotia Lobster Roll with Triple Cooked Fries來到,一試,驚為天人。鬆軟厚麵包先烘烤,夾著加拿大Nova Scotia龍蝦做的沙律,吃得我食指大動。邊吃邊得知這麵包來源原來甚有趣,是一位老顧客專門為The Butcher Club做的,別的地方吃不到。老實說,一聽到之後有點愕然,那如果這位老顧客不再幫忙,那以後不就再也吃不到了?心念至此,已經完全不想留肚,馬上把手中的龍蝦卷吃過一點不留…
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Steak & Ale Pie外表看似普通,因為配菜是烤磨菇、甜豌豆、薯蓉、洋蔥圈,不過,那件牛肉酥皮批,一點都不簡單。一切開,一股暖流直湧而上,配上美味的燒牛肉汁,把我殺個措手不及。
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雖然我覺得來到這裡沒理由不吃牛,但如果你真的是例外,這裡也有好吃的海中寶。隱藏餐牌中的Surf & Surf - line caught Aussie coral trout with Lobster Tail,是燒珊瑚鱒魚配燒龍蝦尾。這一晚先有龍蝦卷,後有燒龍蝦尾,對一個喜歡吃龍蝦的人來說,完全是大滿足。
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終於,來到萬眾期待的dry-aged時間,只見一塊又一塊的dry-aged牛扒剛剛燒好,Steak Frites總廚Aarik Persaud就手起刀落,把牛扒一件又一件切開。黑色的外表,粉紅色的嫩肉,慢慢出現在我們的眼前,這個時候,真的好想對Aarik Persaud大叫:「請快點切好吧!」
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終於,三塊不同的牛扒都完全解體,40天熟成的澳洲regular肉眼、40天熟成的澳洲original厚切肉眼、90天熟成的美國安格斯Prime Porterhouse,一拼放在眼前,一瞬間,我彷彿有選擇困難症,不知從何入手才好…
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好戲在後頭,Prime Porterhouse這條T骨,把牛柳和西冷楚河漢界地分開,一邊軟腍,一邊富嚼勁,肉味卻殊途同歸,且比40天的更濃郁。懂吃的,千萬別放過這美味的T骨牛扒,但前提是,你必需分甘同味,因為一個人絕對應付不了。
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肉食夜來到尾聲,Cheese Board上的四款芝士,每天不盡相同。相比起芝士,我更愛那些葡萄,因為這天肉已經吃得夠多了。
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最後還有一件Chocolate NY Cheesecake,朱古力一點都不馬虎,就算吃了一整晚濃郁的食物,還是覺得這件朱古力芝士蛋糕濃郁非常,真不簡單。
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離開時看到「Hope to see you next time」,這,也是我想說的一句話。
(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
2015-02-15 1925 浏览
最近看了不少的報導關於這新開的餐廳,聞名已久的黃竹坑Butcher’s Club一直未有機會一試,現在就在蘇豪開了新店,的確很吸引!老公竟然預約了情人節晚上到此一嘗,我們都滿懷期待!從香港站走了上山,原來餐廳正位於PMQ的斜對面,門口有點隱蔽,七點多走進去已經全滿座了,侍應帶了我們到餐廳的一條小走廊,原來是"別有洞天"-是餐廳的後巷裝潢成另類小偏廳,我們還是首位客人為它"剪綵"呢!幸好是晚天氣剛好,坐著也不太冷/熱,而且這裡只有三枱,也許比餐廳裡還寧靜、寬闊一點!是晚Menu與平日一樣,並沒有Valentine's Day Special ,這正合我們之意(因平日最討厭吃套餐)。Scan了QRcode可以看到Special Menu。我們一早已決定要試試Special Menu內二人份的Porterhouse,價錢已包括沙律和Duck Fat Fries。所以到這𥚃吃飯只要選要多少牛,其他也不用勞心了,想試試其他食物,special menu 也有一兩款有lobster的surf and turf。這裏的上餐進度還好,侍應也算勤快有禮,不一會便上了面包和沙律。沙律倒是不錯,賣相也有驚喜
最近看了不少的報導關於這新開的餐廳,聞名已久的黃竹坑Butcher’s Club一直未有機會一試,現在就在蘇豪開了新店,的確很吸引!老公竟然預約了情人節晚上到此一嘗,我們都滿懷期待!

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是晚Menu與平日一樣,並沒有Valentine's Day Special ,這正合我們之意(因平日最討厭吃套餐)。
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Scan了QRcode可以看到Special Menu。我們一早已決定要試試Special Menu內二人份的Porterhouse,價錢已包括沙律和Duck Fat Fries。所以到這𥚃吃飯只要選要多少牛,其他也不用勞心了,想試試其他食物,special menu 也有一兩款有lobster的surf and turf。

這裏的上餐進度還好,侍應也算勤快有禮,不一會便上了面包和沙律。沙律倒是不錯,賣相也有驚喜:足有1/4個生菜原個奉上,老公點的是mustard dressing,我點的是blue cheese dressing,都很好吃,生菜新鮮爽脆,最有心思的是在每一層生菜也淋上沙律汁(像做kimchee時塗渾白菜一樣!),旁邊的Maple Bacon也相當惹味,入口甜甜的,比一般bacon瘦,但很香滑! 沙律的分量甚大,女孩子吃了已然飽了大半。
面包 和 mustard dressing 沙律
115 浏览
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blue cheese salad
40 浏览
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接著邊喝著我們是晚選的澳洲酒 Torbreck,今晚的主角要出場了,賣相很有氣勢:T-bone撐在一旁,中間是medium rare的粉嫰牛扒,有三款醬汁可沾,還有大大碗的duck fat fries!T-bone中間位置粉紅色的牛扒入口嫰滑多汁,一點筋也沒有,口感令人回味,不過旁邊的幾件就有點燒乾了。Fries 看上去有點油膩,但卻十分香口,薯仔意想不到的滑嘟嘟,令我也忍不了吃完又吃,差不多KO了整碟!今晚的紅酒也不錯,是種較full-body的,與牛扒也很配!
from Australia
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近看 Porterhouse
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(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
$1000 (晚餐)
  • Porterhouse steak