港铁九龙站 D1 出口, 步行约2分钟 继续阅读
15:00 - 20:00
15:00 - 20:00
*為了加強新型冠狀病毒感染的肺炎疫情防控工作以及進行年度翻新工程,酒店現暫停開放WET DECK。
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食记 (6)
等级4 2021-09-14
2124 浏览
check in完第一件事就係「出pool」因為疫情期間每個時段都限左人數我哋去嘅鐘數2:45-4:15大概都係10人左右 同埋大部份人都係影相曬太陽都容易搵到位影相打卡🤣!講返嘢食先我哋叫咗個mini burger同薯條仲有杯hoegaarden同椰青雖然$90嘅椰青唔係好抵但只要影返90張相就會抵返🤣🤣🤣美中不足係啤酒唔夠凍啊🥺漢堡包都正常好食薯條都重黑松露味加埋芝士同mayo醬,正!不過下次都係影完相先食,要縮肚🙉 继续阅读
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等级1 2021-05-07
1901 浏览
We had a staycation in W Hong Kong. The pool was closed during the time , however, the pools side bar & restaurant is still open. The host there was very helpful and friendly. The food also very delicious and not pricey! We ordered some mini burgers for the kid, some cocktails for adult. Also, the young coconut is very refreshing ~~ We enjoined the sun and the bliss overlooking at the clam pool view 继续阅读
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等级3 2017-06-17
9903 浏览
事情是這樣的,做咗酒店會員,於酒店享有餐飲優惠,咁米嚟試下BBQ任食囉。話明泳池邊BBQ,而且是5月下旬,夏日將近,咁我哋幾條腿就着晒短褲背心嚟,諗住開開心心食餐包,但世事總是事與願違,坐低冇耐,我哋已經比風吹到變蝦毛,即係自我卷成一團來保溫。有位服務員路過,凍到入心的我哋,忍不住問佢有冇毛氈,佢好好人咁去泳池隔離攞大浴巾俾我哋,當晚我哋個個都包住大浴巾用餐。隔離枱見到我哋重返溫暖,短衫長褲嘅佢哋都忍不住向服務員提出浴巾要求。幻想一下 ---> 多名客人披着浴巾用膳,其實都幾好笑。而我咁大個女,都係第一次在酒店用餐,要用埋浴巾。笑了!這裏座位不多,位置在酒店頂層泳池的一個角落,旁邊有燒烤爐,廚師會為食客烹調食物,只要你吩咐。食物選擇不多可看看枱面餐牌,食物少唔緊要正所謂"貴精不貴多"。烤爐另一方還有個超小的自助沙律餐枱,自取沙律、甜品及雪糕。這兒沒有熱鬧氣氛,每位食客包飲品兩杯,可以選紅白酒。食物水準堅讓人失望,咬不開的牛、無味的羊架、鹹到嘔的豬,燒焦粟米。好彩都有部份食得下肚,有汁蕃茄,爽口急凍大蝦,燒三文魚及好難煮得差的雞翼。呢度嘅管理層究竟有冇用心經營間餐廳,看過其他食客留下食評,不見得好,再這樣下去,只會把酒店的名聲拖垮。既然存在問題就解決啦,難得有好嘅服務員,而我作為一名小顧客,是不會再來惠顧,除非餐廳作出改善!徐小鳳-風的季節 "吹啊吹 讓這風吹"張國榮-風繼續吹 "我勸你早點歸去"許志安-大風吹 "繼續大風吹 訊號失去"整個晚飯我們會哼的歌! 继续阅读
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等级1 2016-09-26
8292 浏览
同幾個同事去試下個全香港最高池畔BBQ Buffet, 有幅幾層樓高馬賽克牆裝飾感覺好酷好時尚,嗰到BBQ加埋一都唔洗$400,每位仲有2杯飲品送,而且香港好少酒店有露天BBQ做,就決定一齊去試試,上到去酒店76樓出𨋢就見到個大泳池,好有渡假感覺,環境真係唔錯,望到晒成個海景,設計好有格調,可能因為70幾樓高,完全唔覺得熱,我哋一行4人坐低後就有侍應問我哋想要咩飲品,原來2杯飲品除左果汁汽水仲可以揀酒,一般酒店酒類都要另外加錢,佢哋就包埋,確實豪氣!我哋全部都揀左白餐酒,因為諗住主要食海鮮,先嚟每人2隻老虎大蝦試試,非常爽口,跟住又order 左全條燒魚,全部都好新鮮,肉類就揀左羊架,肉質好嫩一啲都唔韌,雞翼當然唔少得,另又試左茄子、菇同薯角都好好味另外值得一讚就係佢哋不同既醬汁,同食物配搭得好好,其實menu都幾多選擇,仲有4-5種沙律、6款甜品再加埋餐湯,真係好抵 继续阅读
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等级2 2015-06-17
5843 浏览
when we got there, salads and desserts were already put out... with the hot weather and being outside, I didn't see that they were kept cool with ice or anything, so just picked a few things that looked safe to eat. However, the view was worth it. Overlooking western part of HK, and some close by islands.  they advertised Chandon Brut(one reason we went), the waiter had no clue what it was, even after we showed him their ad. The "included 3 complimentary drinks" was appealing. I understand why they used plastic glasses(after all it's a pool area) but it killed the mood right there, it actually dumped down rather decent wines. Another point, our waiter should have shown us was the bottles of white and red, or at least explained what we were drinking. At second round, we found out the red was a private label by Penfolds, a Shiraz Cabernet... decent. White was a Chardonnay . Foods were variety of grilled seafoods and meat... chicken wings was the best, esp., with wine or beer. Bratwurst and steak were not bad. Salmon, passed. Squid was nice, surprisingly tender. desserts, nothing to write about. The setup is extremely causal... with 3 drinks and some decent BBQ, nothing gained nothing lost either. I am pretty sure it's an attempt to bring in revenue from non hotel guests! A word to mgmt, get rid or hide the gazebo like kitchenette, and make it a wedding white tent for serving, with nicer buffet tables for salads and desserts served inside the tent, and show the grill!!!... I think then I will go back. Plz get rid of those plastic wine glasses!!!! and truly there is no need to look inside the kitchenette and messy serving top. Should also consider serving sliders, and finger foods, and drinks for adult instead. Burgers, nuggets, and hot dogs for kids!Cheers. 继续阅读
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