2013-04-28 214 浏览
其實…我地原本唔係打算係呢度度過一個晚上既…三個人好耐無見,又唔知想食乜,其中一個建議去大坑食Pizza,可惜我地無book位,所以要另外搵地方…當係餐廳門口知道無位食Pizza,想起成日都想試既Zanzo,於是捉埋兩個朋友即刻行去書館街。裡面真係坐得幾舒服,而且個drink list真係幾特別!有幾款唔常見既啤酒,同唔少Sake, Cocktails又會用sake代替一d酒,睇落好搞笑!例如Cosmopolitan 就唔用Vodka,改用sake,仲叫做Cosmo Zanzo,我同朋友睇個drink list都睇得好開心!由於係居酒屋,食物份量較少。好在我地三個都唔肚餓,唔係就大件事!我地只係叫左枝豆,韓國辣魷魚,墨汁蔬菜天婦羅, 串燒一口甜薯同明太子雞肉炒烏冬。可能因為食慣尖沙咀韓國街專賣泡菜個間既魷魚,覺得呢度既韓國辣魷魚係絕對唔洗再食,但其他都ok,而個墨汁蔬菜天婦羅真係值得推薦~賣相吸引,外脆內爽,一d都唔油!45蚊一個較健康既佐酒小食,真係好吸引!希望Zanzo可以一直保持墨汁蔬菜天婦羅既水準而又唔好加價啦!朋友想飲sake但又心大心細,叫waiter介紹,個waiter好



裡面真係坐得幾舒服,而且個drink list真係幾特別!有幾款唔常見既啤酒,同唔少Sake, Cocktails又會用sake代替一d酒,睇落好搞笑!例如Cosmopolitan 就唔用Vodka,改用sake,仲叫做Cosmo Zanzo,我同朋友睇個drink list都睇得好開心!
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由於係居酒屋,食物份量較少。好在我地三個都唔肚餓,唔係就大件事!我地只係叫左枝豆,韓國辣魷魚,墨汁蔬菜天婦羅, 串燒一口甜薯同明太子雞肉炒烏冬。可能因為食慣尖沙咀韓國街專賣泡菜個間既魷魚,覺得呢度既韓國辣魷魚係絕對唔洗再食,但其他都ok,而個墨汁蔬菜天婦羅真係值得推薦~
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(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
  • 墨汁蔬菜天婦羅
2013-04-26 39 浏览
日本酒之中, 宅女喝得最多的要算是日本啤酒了, 而清酒有時候跟友人吃飯時也會開個一兩支助慶, 不過總覺得坊間的清酒跟食物硬是不太搭配的, 未知是酒的問題還是食物的問題了. 但前陣子宅女有幸獲邀出席金獎清酒品嚐會, 嚐過當中六款的得獎清酒及配對的日式TAPAS後, 完全一洗過去對清酒不太好的觀念, 更了解到原來每支清酒背後的講究與特性, 實在是獲益良多這次舉辦清酒品嚐會的ZANZO位於大坑的書館街, 周日下午來時附近都顯得較寧願, 但聽說晚上這裡便會熱鬧起來, 原因是這家ZANZO原本就是一家日式小酒吧, 當中藏清酒類非常豐富, 而且也有提供各款日式小食等用來佐酒, 包括燒雞串, 燒豬腩肉, 羊架, 醋鯛魚等等. 當正餐當然是吃不飽, 但飯後來這裡飲一杯吃下小食談下天實在是個不錯的好地方.而這次我們下午來到主要就是來品嚐其中六款於第一百屆國際新清酒大賞均獲金獎的其中六款清酒. 要知道日本釀酒其實巳夠講究, 但要參加這個清酒大賞還要得金賞更是絕對有難度. 今年全日本清酒莊有876支酒經2次審查, 按香氣, 味道各方面來評分, 最終有247支清酒獲金賞.宅女甫坐下侍應馬上拿來一支水倒給我.
日本酒之中, 宅女喝得最多的要算是日本啤酒了, 而清酒有時候跟友人吃飯時也會開個一兩支助慶, 不過總覺得坊間的清酒跟食物硬是不太搭配的, 未知是酒的問題還是食物的問題了. 但前陣子宅女有幸獲邀出席金獎清酒品嚐會, 嚐過當中六款的得獎清酒及配對的日式TAPAS後, 完全一洗過去對清酒不太好的觀念, 更了解到原來每支清酒背後的講究與特性, 實在是獲益良多
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這次舉辦清酒品嚐會的ZANZO位於大坑的書館街, 周日下午來時附近都顯得較寧願, 但聽說晚上這裡便會熱鬧起來, 原因是這家ZANZO原本就是一家日式小酒吧, 當中藏清酒類非常豐富, 而且也有提供各款日式小食等用來佐酒, 包括燒雞串, 燒豬腩肉, 羊架, 醋鯛魚等等. 當正餐當然是吃不飽, 但飯後來這裡飲一杯吃下小食談下天實在是個不錯的好地方.

而這次我們下午來到主要就是來品嚐其中六款於第一百屆國際新清酒大賞均獲金獎的其中六款清酒. 要知道日本釀酒其實巳夠講究, 但要參加這個清酒大賞還要得金賞更是絕對有難度. 今年全日本清酒莊有876支酒經2次審查, 按香氣, 味道各方面來評分, 最終有247支清酒獲金賞.

宅女甫坐下侍應馬上拿來一支水倒給我. 本來以為是普通的礦泉水吧. 但原來一問之下始知這個水來頭亦不少. 這支名叫白露垂珠的天然水是拿地底300M下的深層水來製的, 不需過濾, 就算喝完清酒再喝這個水, 也絕水不會改變本身清酒的味道. 入口較順滑, 聽聞喝這個水的話更有可能不會那麼容易喝醉呢.
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先來第一支要品嚐的清酒就是來自東京都千代鶴大吟釀 (市價HKD$900). 而配吃的是日本池魚海葡萄沙律.
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這款用上山田錦的米, 磨成至精米度達35%. 其實精米度比率越少, 即代表磨去米中的雜質越多, 等級便更高. 基本上如果精米度在50%以內, 其實都被稱為大吟釀, 所以我們今天喝的六款全部都是. 而這個千代鶴大吟釀入口溫和一點, 沒有太刺激, 不過喝罷留在口腔內的餘香會短暫一點. 宅女覺得這款喝起來頗清新, 女生會較為喜愛.
而配上的TAPAS用了來自九洲的池魚, 加上蔥和薑粒醃製而成, 入口鮮甜肉質軟棉, 雖加了宅女不喜歡的薑粒但吃起來又沒太多的薑味, 配上底下一小串的海葡萄, 味帶咸鮮但挺溫和, 吃一口池魚再嚐一口清酒, 兩者味道均不會太強烈非常搭配, 更能突出魚鮮味美.

再來是岡山縣極聖大吟釀 (市價HKD$800), 配上燒茄子伴鰹魚花
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同是用上山田錦的米來磨至達40%的精米度, 如果說剛才那枝千代鶴是作為女生的序幕, 那麼這枝入口烈一點的極聖便是男生的序幕了. 入口味道比剛才的更為重身一點, 但又未到烈的程度, 先是感到比較強的酒精味道, 但喝罷便能帶出陣陣米香. 這款配上味道較為濃一點的燒茄子和鰹魚花也是十分匹配. 燒茄子烤得剛剛好, 中間仍有不少水份而且吃得出絲絲纖維, 而當中用了比較濃香的日本醬油因此配上較濃的極聖大吟釀便剛好了.

第三支的是來自愛媛縣的山丹正宗大吟釀 (市價HKD$1,200), 配上檸檬醋鯛魚
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這款山丹正宗大吟釀雖然同是用上山田錦米, 精米度亦是35%, 不過其酸度只有1, 較其他5款清酒都是低. 因此甘口度亦會是最高的一款. 未喝前先聞一聞巳覺得十分芳香, 入口果然是帶點甜味, 而且味道亦是較前2款更為細膩, 而且喝罷留在口腔的米香那較長一點, 對女生來說這款要算是最易入口的一種了, 亦是六款之中宅女較喜愛的一枝大吟釀.
這款較甘甜的清酒, 原來用來配刺身是比較適合的. 當中跟帶酸的檸檬汁更甚為搭配. 因此店方便用上這道檸檬醋鯛魚來配酒了. 鯛魚切成薄片配上蘿蔔跟食用菊花瓣同吃, 味道帶點酸但魚肉嫩滑有彈性, 再呷上一口酒, 味道剛好能平衡得宜, 這支酒實在是很有女性美, 十分喜歡.

再來就是高知縣的醉鯨高知酵母大吟釀 (市價HKD$610), 配上乾燒北海道帶子
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其實在六支清酒當中, 首先最獲宅女留意的要算是這枝醉鯨高知酵母大吟釀了. 原因除了名字非常特別, 傳說是因高知縣面對著的河鏡川會有鯨魚不時出沒, 正好酒藏設在附近, 因而命名. 而他們亦是土佐知名度最高的酒藏. 選用山田錦米達至精米度40%, 當中用來釀酒的泉水, 鏡川河水源更是日本百大名水之一, 由選米到釀酒每一個大小步驟都是非常的嚴謹. 這款入口較之前的山丹正宗大吟釀強烈得多, 但同時米香亦甚濃, 在座男士們紛紛叫好, 說烈一點才有男子氣魄, 而這款的確適合用來配較濃味的中菜或海鮮.
配上的小吃是乾燒北海道大帶子, 上來原隻帶子巳被切半, 看件頭又不是好大隻, 個人覺得這個燒得有點太乾. 不過配著底下的烤海苔更能帶出其咸鮮味道, 配著這款醉鯨來喝, 重口味一點也不錯.

第五支是來自新瀉縣的越乃雪月花妙高山大吟釀 (市價HKD$800) , 配著山葵炸蝦伴墨西哥芒果汁
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這款越乃雪月花妙高山大吟釀用了山田錦米做成40%的精米度, 看似跟其他清酒差不多沒特別, 但原來香氣是6支之中最為強烈的, 釀酒泉水用上越後富士妙高山的伏流水, 入口較其他質感厚身, 味道也算是頗濃的一群. 因此配上口味同是重一點的天婦羅炸蝦, 加入墨西哥芒果汁, 蝦肉香脆得來更帶著點點攻鼻刺激的山葵, 味道果真是十分豐富.

而最後壓軸的無論造型跟味道都壓倒全場的兵庫縣櫻正宗金稀大吟釀 (市價HKD$800), 配上韓式辣醬燒豬腩肉.
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用了特A產區的山田錦米, 精米度35%, 其日本酒度雖是+2.5, 跟其他5支相比起較低, 但反而入口酒精味道最為濃烈, 帶點辛辣感. 這款配上同屬重口味的韓式辣醬燒豬腩肉便最適合不過了. 燒得香口的豬腩肉上加有韓國的辣醬, 入口非常惹味又有辣勁. 宅女先呷一口酒本是有點受不了那種烈味, 但原來吃一口豬腩肉後再呷一口, 想不到酒味又沒那麼烈了, 反之更能帶出這款清酒的濃郁芳香,

試了6款清酒後宅女個人較喜愛第一及第三支, 原因入口較溫醇, 入口容易一點, 看來較適合女生或清酒入門朋友. 而眼看在座男士們都反而較愛味道濃烈的最後3支. 果然男士們仍是喜歡剛烈一點的.
如果大家看後都有興趣想一試, 其實不用整支買, 因為店方亦會於6月8日同址再舉行一次公開的清酒日式TAPAS配對, 參加的朋友們亦可以像宅女一樣試均這六枝金賞清酒和小吃, 每位HKD$380, 只限10人. 如有興趣的朋友可以打電話先預約吧.
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不過若果嫌這些清酒賣價仍是太貴, 其實店內亦有供應由金賞得獎釀酒廠的同系清酒, 價格亦較便宜, 味道亦不會比那些金賞的差太遠. 像高育54同是吟釀級數, 一枝500ML的只是HKD$600, 想少一點先來一杯也只是HKD$120 (90ML)

感謝店方和公關小姐的邀請, 宅女這天實在是獲益良多.
(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
2013-04-22 34 浏览
相信很多人都知道日本人對食的文化十分專注, 無論從食材的挑選及運用, 以至捉摸顧問的心態而作出相應體貼的服務都有深入研究。他們相信一個成功的料理人, 必須具備各方面的條件, 才叫有資格。所謂"同飲共食", 日本人對其傳統的日本清酒製作同樣嚴謹, 每一位酒匠對其出品都投放百分百之心力。日本本土為表揚清酒製作人的匠心獨運, 每年均會舉辦日本清酒品鑑比賽, 將特別出色的日本清酒富以"金賞受賞"名銜。而剛在2012年, 正正就是日本品鑑評賞的第一百回, 受到最高"金賞"榮譽的有二百多支。在這芸芸受賞清酒, 各支均能表現其地方與造酒的特色。老實說, 要在這一年時間內試過所有"金賞"絕不容易, 有些更未必能在香港找得到, 而我卻有機會一口氣試上六款"金賞"酒。 今次有幸得到了這餐廳的邀請來試試他們特地安排的小食與六款"金賞"酒的配搭。席間更有負責提供這六款清酒的Eric來為我們分享每一款清酒的特色與配搭的睇法, 實是有趣至極。 講飲講食之前, 先介紹一下這餐廳。餐廳位於大坑這個香港新食肆戰場, 各式各樣的飲食小店林立, 亦是新興尋食人士的集散地。在同一條街, 你不難找到二家你想吃的食店。我不相信

相信很多人都知道日本人對食的文化十分專注, 無論從食材的挑選及運用, 以至捉摸顧問的心態而作出相應體貼的服務都有深入研究。他們相信一個成功的料理人, 必須具備各方面的條件, 才叫有資格。所謂"同飲共食", 日本人對其傳統的日本清酒製作同樣嚴謹, 每一位酒匠對其出品都投放百分百之心力。日本本土為表揚清酒製作人的匠心獨運, 每年均會舉辦日本清酒品鑑比賽, 將特別出色的日本清酒富以"金賞受賞"名銜。而剛在2012年, 正正就是日本品鑑評賞的第一百回, 受到最高"金賞"榮譽的有二百多支。

在這芸芸受賞清酒, 各支均能表現其地方與造酒的特色。老實說, 要在這一年時間內試過所有"金賞"絕不容易, 有些更未必能在香港找得到, 而我卻有機會一口氣試上六款"金賞"酒。
今次有幸得到了這餐廳的邀請來試試他們特地安排的小食與六款"金賞"酒的配搭。席間更有負責提供這六款清酒的Eric來為我們分享每一款清酒的特色與配搭的睇法, 實是有趣至極。

講飲講食之前, 先介紹一下這餐廳。餐廳位於大坑這個香港新食肆戰場, 各式各樣的飲食小店林立, 亦是新興尋食人士的集散地。在同一條街, 你不難找到二家你想吃的食店。我不相信競爭是惡性影響, 反而越多人就越能開闢一撮新天地。最重要還是餐廳有足夠的專注與誠意, 定有一定支持者。這餐廳以新式日式居酒屋設定, 除用上日本傳統食材外, 也會有配合世界各地的Mix and Match來提昇食物的表現。當然, 清酒的配搭也是居酒屋永不劃缺的一路, 就看它對一眾"金賞"的應對吧!
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第一道是日本池魚海葡萄沙律, 將日本運來的池魚細碎份, 做到Tataki, 然後混入姜蓉, 星蔥及少許醋。之後在其表面灑上食用花瓣, 配合健康清新的海葡萄。池魚肉嫩帶輕鮮味, 姜蓉, 蔥與醋三者是池魚的經典配合, 然而在少許稔綿的Tataki質感之中, 再配上爽口清淡的海葡萄, 令整個菜式變成了一個可靠的開場白。

配上的是來自東京都中村酒造千代鶴的大吟釀, 利用日本清酒米皇, 山田錦, 磨至35%來釀造而成。酒中雖滲出米香鮮味, 不過卻來得比較清淡。口中沒有太多的複雜味道, 只是清清的梨子與米味, 口感略輕, 正好配上感覺輕爽的海葡萄與稔中有酸爽的池魚, 感覺不錯。
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第二味是燒茄子伴鰹魚花, 利用輕烤方法將茄子燒淋, 沒有了較硬的茄子皮, 而有淋軟的肉質。茄子中的水份沒有在烤時被排走, 反而恰好苟在碟中, 嫩肉而鮮爽的茄子加上活力充沛的鏗魚花, 令有汁可口的茄子多了一個微微的鮮味和一絲一絲的口感。
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配上的是來自岡山縣宮下酒造極聖大吟釀。岡山縣向來是"百米之父"雄町米的出產重地, 可是今次酒造卻用上了山田錦來造出這一大吟釀。不知是地區氣候, 用水等影響, 還是酒造風格與酵母的人為因素改變, 這酒卻完整地展示出男性般的粗獷與大鳴大放特色。感覺好像跟悠悠的茄子不相配合, 但是在經輕烤後的茄子加上鏗魚花的絲絲質感, 與這個"大男人"彷彿走在了一起。就好似一個精明能幹的女性夫唱婦隨般依偎在大男人的身旁一樣。唯一的挑剔在於結尾餘韻的粗大骨格似乎有一點點蓋過茄子的細味, 可能用上青椒與茄子效果會更好。
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第三道是檸檬醋鯛魚。餐廳用上真鯛薄切, 加上微微辣感的檸檬醋汁, 表面灑上蔥花及食用花瓣, 令其更美觀。薄切鯛魚片雖沒有香濃與完整的口中覆蓋感, 不過就有軟滑和晶瑩的彈性。加上以檸檬同漬的日本醋, 以及細碎的辣根調味, 令鯛魚味道複雜起來。六個菜之中, 我最喜愛這個!!
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配上的是來自愛媛縣八木酒造的山丹正宗大吟釀。同樣用上山田錦米種磨至35%, 可是感覺就有所不同。米醇舶味與鮮味變得強起來, 而且酒在口中略有絲絲甜味, 餘味停留。碰上了薄切而富彈性的鯛魚片, 口感一致。再者, 經過醃漬的檸檬醋與米醇香及微甜味道做出了可愛的平衡, 餘韻結合, 甚喜。
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酒過三巡, 人開始輕鬆起來, 第四度菜是乾燒北海道大帶子。帶子被分成數件, 看不出"大"來, 而相信帶子應該是"整粒"被乾燒的。在略略焦香的烤帶子之下卻可感覺到很微很微的零星香料調味, 雖是嬌小, 但有挑引味蕾之效。帶子鮮味濃, 經燒過後沒有稔口的感覺, 取而代之爽口可口的彈性。用料相信是不錯的, 但我還是喜愛原粒的"大"吧!
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要是"大"的話, 正好與這樣巨鯨般的意境恰恰一致。配上的是高知縣醉鯨酒造的高知酵母大吟釀, 利用有名的兵庫縣山田錦磨成40%, 運到四國高知, 配合特色的酵母混合釀造。口感延綿順滑, 米香醇而強烈, 與帶子烤後濃醇的貝殼鮮味甚配合。重一點的食物口感與濃一點的清酒走在了一起, 做出適當的平衡。
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接下來是山葵炸蝦伴墨西哥芒果汁。將大蝦以天婦羅方式脆炸, 加上了以芒果為基的配料, 最後是用上日本山葵做成的墨西哥莎莎汁。感覺惹味, 香脆, 而天婦羅炸法又可保持原材料的風味, 芒果細粒又帶甜甜酸酸的味道, 加上山葵鮮香刺激, 感覺複雜而完整。
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安排與之相配是新潟縣妙高酒造妙高山大吟釀, 同樣以40後精米度的山田錦釀造, 利用妙高山湧水做出富精彩花香, 成熟水果及輕微綿質米香的立體平衡。這樣能打動人心的香氣, 與芒果的果味十分配合, 微酸味道也能去除油膩感覺, 不過酒中的口感重量則略嫌未夠大蝦肉感重量作平衡。
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最後一道是韓式辣醬燒豬腩肉。菜式開始越來越大改變, 初初是輕微用上外地配料, 繼而風味風格有點思想出軌, 到後來兩個卻來一個fusion式做法。先有芒果山葵莎莎醬, 再有韓式辣面豉醬放於燒豬腩肉上, 實行來一個韓燒感覺的日式小食。腩肉烤得脆口, 汁香甚重在口中擠出。在焦脆濃口的味道上加上了令人不吃不可的辣面豉醬的刺激而鹹香味道, 感覺完整, 是徹頭徹尾的韓燒感覺, 只是用料是日本黑豚腩肉而已。
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在精緻而有重量的感覺上, 配上的是擁有精緻包裝而辛辣濃口的兵庫縣櫻正宗酒造金稀大吟釀原酒。用上兵庫縣特A區山田錦, 磨至35%, 與及原來兵庫縣有名的宮灘硬水釀造。沒有經稀釋的原酒, 做出比之前五款更強烈骨格的感覺, 配襯至濃口硬朗的豬腩肉上, 口感十分平衡。味道強度與酒味餘韻跟辣面醬與腩肉油香結合得不錯, 然而我還期待這樣的結合可有更好的混合味道停滯於口中, 有點美中不足。

整體來說, 這次是一個相當不錯的酒食配合, 雖說是"金賞"酒, 可是各自自我性格就未算絕對明顯, 不過配合上食物時, 酒的特色多少都給帶了出來。據知同樣的酒食配搭, 餐廳會在6月8日再辦一次, 有興趣的朋友也可試試。
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(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
  • 檸檬醋鯛魚
  • 韓式辣醬燒豬腩肉
四月十四日 (星期日)是日,得到公關之熱情邀請,在這個下午,來到了Zanzo的清酒品嚐會其實也發覺,喜歡清酒的香港人逐漸普及身邊不少朋友更是清酒的忠實粉絲,每每與他們到日本食店,品嚐美食之餘也會配上清酒喝不過,他們每次都遇上相同問題,人不多,只能飲到兩三支,而每支清酒與食物口味的配搭又有着莫大的關連最後,也只有帶着一點遺憾的離開...如今,好酒之徒有一個難得的機會,所說的,是此店將於六月八日推出<第100屆國際新清酒大類金獎清酒品嚐會之清酒 x 日式Tapas配對>大家不但可一次過試到六款得獎清酒,更有六款主廚細心準備的日式tapas最重要的,是有專人為每款清酒配以不同的日式tapas,冒求達到最好的品酒效果酒,after taste會較短池魚的甘香,在口內餘韻猶存先喝一點,味道清香,after taste較第一支長吃燒茄子,再喝酒,酒味就更烈更香濃這酒,口感幼細得多,也比較芳香酒配以帶檸檬醋的鯛魚吃,會再一點辛辣感這酒來自不廣為人知的酒莊用的水,也是來自日本名水百選這酒最能帶出海鮮的鮮香,配帶子就適合不過這款小吃是全日最欣賞的是即蘑的山葵,配以伴墨西哥芒果汁,辣中帶香
四月十四日 (星期日)


如今,好酒之徒有一個難得的機會,所說的,是此店將於六月八日推出<第100屆國際新清酒大類金獎清酒品嚐會之清酒 x 日式Tapas配對>
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酒,after taste會較短
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先喝一點,味道清香,after taste較第一支長
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题外话/补充资料: 六月八日試酒會,只有一場 費用HK$380,性價比高 好酒之徒,不要錯過囉!
(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
2013-03-23 332 浏览
I need to write this just to give this place a fair comment. The shop itself is nicely decorated and rather cosy (i.e. small). Yet, the food were surprisingly fresh and delicious, unlike what the most recent comments mentioned.The photos taken with my poor phone were not great, but the food we tried were all very nice. We had the squid ink tempura, beef salad, chicken skewers, lamb rack, tofu, and lots more. I would say you must try the lamb rack and the scallops. Absolute heaven.
I need to write this just to give this place a fair comment. The shop itself is nicely decorated and rather cosy (i.e. small). Yet, the food were surprisingly fresh and delicious, unlike what the most recent comments mentioned.

The photos taken with my poor phone were not great, but the food we tried were all very nice. We had the squid ink tempura, beef salad, chicken skewers, lamb rack, tofu, and lots more.

I would say you must try the lamb rack and the scallops. Absolute heaven.

57 浏览
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(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
$250 (晚餐)
2013-03-18 256 浏览
We were looking for a new place to try in Tai Hang last Saturday night and came across Zanzo. The Decor look chic and clean; as we approached the staff were very polite and seemed friendly and inviting so we though why not give it a try.It was 8pm and whilst all the other restaurants in Tai Hang was crowded we were the only two in Zanso; at the time we though this strange but as the place is new we did not put too much more thought to the lack of other customers. The graphics and the menu selec
We were looking for a new place to try in Tai Hang last Saturday night and came across Zanzo. The Decor look chic and clean; as we approached the staff were very polite and seemed friendly and inviting so we though why not give it a try.

It was 8pm and whilst all the other restaurants in Tai Hang was crowded we were the only two in Zanso; at the time we though this strange but as the place is new we did not put too much more thought to the lack of other customers. The graphics and the menu selection looked appealing and whilst a bit on the pricy side it seemed to fit with the ambiance and hopefully quality.

We ordered one appetizer of grilled fish fin and a selection of four robatayaki dishes which included ox tongue, chicken, egg plant and lamb. for drinks we ordered on plum wine and a draft beer.

Quality of Food:
The quality of the food was poor. The surface texture of the all the meats was dry, overcooked and burned from what appeared to be deep fat or pan frying; touching and ends of the wooden skewer confirmed this as it was covered in oil. All the meats was over seasoned and tasteless and to the point or being vulcanized. The lamb was charred on the outside and undercooked inside.

The portion of plum win served was an eye opener; half the size of a decent ristretto. We asked the waiter and bar tender if this is the norm and do they sell by the bottle. Their answered verbatim "that’s how we do it here and no we don't sell bottles so take ot or leave it". Asking again politely do you have any recommendations that we could consider we were once again told verbatim "no this is the only choice try sake or beer". Beyond this point we gave up.

After being enticed through the front door the quality of service and attitude changed considerably. Considering we were the only two customers in the place and only ordered five dishes and two drinks it appears we were intruding on the staff's time by being in the place.

We ended the evening of terrible food, indifferent staff and rudeness to go round the corner to have a nice hot bowl of congee in a more welcoming environment.

Don't waste your money here unless you enjoy paying for expensive tasteless food and being treated like trash by staff.
(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
$300 (晚餐)
  • Go have the congee round the corner
2013-02-23 184 浏览
We wanted to try new restaurant in our neighbourhood, so decided to give zanzo a try. The design and layout are not bad, quite modern and with the open bar area so we thought probably would be quite good. The menu looks quite interesting too so we were quite eager for the food to come at first. But the truth is we were quite disappointed, the fish/sashimi are not fresh, they are quite blend, grilled tofu was boring and just taste bad (it was dry, tasteless as other member already mentioned) and
We wanted to try new restaurant in our neighbourhood, so decided to give zanzo a try. The design and layout are not bad, quite modern and with the open bar area so we thought probably would be quite good. The menu looks quite interesting too so we were quite eager for the food to come at first. But the truth is we were quite disappointed, the fish/sashimi are not fresh, they are quite blend, grilled tofu was boring and just taste bad (it was dry, tasteless as other member already mentioned) and definitely no way I'd pay that price for it ever again. Grilled chicken bone was quite good but it can hardly go wrong; grilled eggplant was weird and no good...it was tasteless and felt like they just put the bonito on top and place the eggplant into a plate of watery sauce (it's definitely one of the worst grilled eggplant I have ever tried before)...forgot what else we tried but overall speaking, we were disappointed and unlikely we will visit again.

Lastly, two things that put us off: 1) when we asked for warm water they told us they don't have any hot water...but they are a Japanese bar/restaurant, they serve tea? Or kitchen should have hot water I supposed..? 2) the female waitress at the bar wasn't quite welcoming, is expect a better service for that restaurant (it's nicer looking than what it actually is)
(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
$300 (晚餐)
2013-02-16 69 浏览
吃過澱粉質 甜胃們當然不會盡興啦 路過寶琳附近的聰嫂 發現好多人在排隊 也只好作罷 那就繼續兜轉到大坑吧來到大坑近期新開的酒吧 在書館街附近 而書館街在哪裡?我只能說 會路過Piccolo Pizza 然後沿著店家右手邊的一條黑漆漆的路走5分鐘的樣子 …..就到了環境: 有點類似22ships的佈局 也是小而企理 中間一圈的bar臺 入店左側邊會有三兩張小桌子 不過22ships外圍還有半露天的一排長桌 而這裡的空間還是寬鬆很多的 當晚正值年初五 并不見很多訪客 我們也自是坐的舒適 不會很逼餐單:紙質的餐單 簡易而直白 選擇比22ships的要多 不過並沒有招牌推薦的符號 也是可以問下店家 今晚的我們就很好運的撞到了Offmenu的Tapas 另外 這裡的飲品也是小店的特色之一 據說店家是有自己Label的清酒的 看看餐單種類也並不少 一陣間準備試試滋味小食上桌: 山葵炸蝦伴墨西哥芒果汁 $60 7分熱騰騰炸起 雖不愛吃炸物 不過看到蝦還是忍不住嘗一只 外表香脆 內裡的蝦肉飽滿又彈牙 吃起來帶有Wasabi的香氣 但又不會嗆口 而黃色的醬汁 該是芒果醬的滋味 雖然並沒有如之前食友的
吃過澱粉質 甜胃們當然不會盡興啦 路過寶琳附近的聰嫂 發現好多人在排隊 也只好作罷 那就繼續兜轉到大坑吧

來到大坑近期新開的酒吧 在書館街附近 而書館街在哪裡?我只能說 會路過Piccolo Pizza 然後沿著店家右手邊的一條黑漆漆的路走5分鐘的樣子 …..就到了

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150 浏览
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有點類似22ships的佈局 也是小而企理 中間一圈的bar臺 入店左側邊會有三兩張小桌子
不過22ships外圍還有半露天的一排長桌 而這裡的空間還是寬鬆很多的 當晚正值年初五 并不見很多訪客 我們也自是坐的舒適 不會很逼

350 浏览
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紙質的餐單 簡易而直白 選擇比22ships的要 不過並沒有招牌推薦的符號 也是可以問下店家 今晚的我們就很好運的撞到了Offmenu的Tapas
另外 這裡的飲品也是小店的特色之一 據說店家是有自己Label的清酒的 看看餐單種類也並不少 一陣間準備試試滋味

山葵炸蝦伴墨西哥芒果汁 $60 7分
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熱騰騰炸起 雖不愛吃炸物 不過看到蝦還是忍不住嘗一只 外表香脆 內裡的蝦肉飽滿又彈牙 吃起來帶有Wasabi的香氣 但又不會嗆口 而黃色的醬汁 該是芒果醬的滋味 雖然並沒有如之前食友的照片那樣 芒果顆粒清晰可見 不過有點酸甜甜的調味還是很襯這款蝦~

墨汁蔬菜天婦羅 $45 7分
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細看之下 蔬菜的種類有紅椒 青椒 番薯 還有南瓜 我很幸運的挑到了南瓜片 很是開心 日本南瓜的好質素是毋庸置疑的 自然的南瓜香甜味 加上綿密的口感 配上外表微微脆身的炸層 滋味很是豐富 這薄而脆身的外皮 浸染過了墨魚汁 雖然味道並無出奇 模樣確實非常特別 其實今晚 某人真的就是沖著這款“重口味”Tapas來的

二色田樂豆腐 $25 6.5分
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19 浏览
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吃過了黑乎乎的天婦羅蔬菜 我們選了清淡一點的豆腐 和一般居酒屋吃到的細嫩日本豆腐不同 這裡用的是老豆腐的款式 有點類似打邊爐的老豆腐 豆香味兒很重 外層微炸過 上面再塗抹著黑白兩醬 讓我有點念起家鄉的臭豆腐 懷念中學時候 最喜歡一碗綠豆湯 配一盤臭豆腐 冰火兩重天的滋味 很是帶勁

燒牛舌 $80 7分
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今晚的Off Menu菜式上場 本事牛舌迷的我 定是會很激動 只是我真的好飽了呀 好飽好飽 看到油滋滋的牛舌出場 還是未能忍得下心下筷 不過上桌的時候 牛味是很濃重的 端到面前 就已經撲香入鼻 雖然沒有親自試過 不過見朋友們吃得很開心 應該也是好滋味

燒豬頸肉$50 7分
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又一款邪惡的肉食盤上場 熱辣出爐的哪有不好吃的道理 憑目測的情況來說 肉質應該也是好咬又Juicy 再在表層塗些檸檬汁 緩解一下油膩 一上桌很快就被大家掃光 風捲殘雲的狀況就是這麼壯觀

Yuzu Gonna Love This $75
Nippon Ale $60
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看模樣就很亮眼 柚子黃 和蘋果綠 大家也都說 滋味挺是清爽

Sakychee Martini $75 7分
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不用多想 愛荔枝味兒的我 自是偏愛這款 老闆娘很細心地提醒 說酒味會較為濃 如果需要可以幫我加少許蘇打水兌淡些 當然要謝過一番好意 上桌 又是精巧的Martini杯 抿一口 荔枝酒帶些蘇打水的氣泡 也是特別

服務:雖不算是熱情招呼 但也是細心周到 看我們選不定菜式 又意猶未盡 才很淡定的說了句有一些新到的食材 可以試試
這是三日連環戰的第一天 都說吃美食 要講究食緣 耐不住饞蟲的我們 在大年初五就跑出來覓食 竟也能遇上Off Menu的小驚喜 第一天的戰績就如此顯赫 請期待我們后兩日的衝鋒陷陣
(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
$140 (宵夜)
2013-02-16 198 浏览
IntroductionBrought to you by the same company, Miramar Group who created Tsui Hang Village, Assaggio Trattoria Italiana, Whisk, and Yamm. So as you can guess, this restaurant has style to it.http://www.miramar-group.com/en/Our-Businesses/Food-and-Beverage.aspxDateFebuary 2013MealDinner at 6.30pmOrderedCold entreeBBQ Australia wagyu beef chimmichurri -$70Spiced Obaro konbu and nori - $20Chicken breast with truffle miso cream - $30Squid noodles, pickled slaw - $40RobatayakiKurobota Pork, korean

Brought to you by the same company, Miramar Group who created Tsui Hang Village, Assaggio Trattoria Italiana, Whisk, and Yamm. So as you can guess, this restaurant has style to it.

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Febuary 2013


Dinner at 6.30pm


Cold entree
BBQ Australia wagyu beef chimmichurri -$70
Spiced Obaro konbu and nori - $20
Chicken breast with truffle miso cream - $30
Squid noodles, pickled slaw - $40

Pork, korean spicy chilli paste - $45
2 Chicken teriyaki - $25
2 Char-grilled miso tofu skewer - $25

Hot entree
"charcoal" vegetables - $45
Grilled eggplant with bonito floss - $30
Grilled wagyu beef with 'hot spring' egg on nishiki rice - $65

1 glass Asahi
2 glass zanzito


Cold entree

Spiced Obaro konbu and nori - $20

This was not what i expected at all. i must say, it was awful. It was not disgusting, BUT not worth ordering.

I felt like I was eating wallpaper. it looked like a picece of wallpapaer,a nd the texture seemed like it too. itw as dry, rough and obviously tasteless (well, you can taste wallpaper) It did have some kind of spicy powder on the seaweed and on bottom of the bowl. But it wasn't tasty. It was bland, it was dry, it was not enjoyable. iat some point i felt like I had to eat some of it becuase I am paying for it. But after 3 attempts, i agave up, and did not want to ruin my meal. this was the first dish that came, and it was disappointing, and I was afraid the other dishes will be disappointing too.
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I have no idea what the dish Was meant to taste like, nor that i rememeber how exactly it taste like, as it was bland. Yes, i must admit it had a gimmick and dry nori, sounds quite creative. But I would, pay more for fresh ones. this was probably the worst dish of the night and will not be ordering again

BBQ Australia Wagyu beef chimmichurri -$70

This was probably the most anticipated dish on my list. i have seen photos and was recommended to try this dish. It came in a smaller bowl than I have expected. A few beef pieces on top of shredded cabbages and halved Cherry Tomatoes. It sure looks delicious and colourful. Our server kindly let us know that there are some Chimmichurri sauce over the beef already, but there is an extra pot that comes with the dish incase it is not enough. The Chimmichurri sauce is not as thick as it looks. it is easily to be dipped into and easily spread over the thin slice of beef. The sauce is slightly spicey, and that is why they serve an extra pot on the side for people who has a spicier taste. I liked how it mix in with the meat. It goes quite well with the cabbages too. The whole combination was flavoursome.
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Chimichurri from Wikipedia
Chimichurri (Spanish pronunciation: [tʃimiˈtʃuri]) or Chimmichurri is a sauce used for grilled meat. It is originally from Argentina[1][2] but is also used in Uruguay, Southern Brazil, Bolivia, and in countries as far north as Nicaragua, Ecuador,Colombia and Mexico.
Chimichurri is made from finely chopped parsley, minced garlic, olive oil, oregano, and white or red wine vinegar. Additional flavorings such as cilantro, paprika, cumin, thyme, lemon, and bay leaf may be included. In its red version, tomato and red bell pepper may also be added. It can also be used as a marinade for grilled meat

The beef itself was not as great. Although it states the beef is Wagyu beef, I was expecting more from it. In return it was disappointing. You can clearly taste the beef was not top quality. BUT for $70 , what do you expect? The dish was GREAT ITSELF, the whole combination, how the sauce goes well with the beef, and how the cabbages neutralize the strong herby flavour. I loved it! When you taste the dish, it is best to eat the beef with the sauce and cabbages in one bite, it bursts with flavour!

Chicken breast with truffle miso cream - $30

I was sceptical in ordering this dish. I had second thoughts, but 'truffle sauce' definately lured me over. I love Chicken breast, although most Chinese people hates it! I love the meaty Chicken breast with the 'rough' texture, no bones! I am a huge fan of truffle (who isn't?) So why did I have second thought? Well, this dish seemed like a dish i can easily make a home, but what have I got to lose, $30, so gave it a try. Did i regret? OF COURSE NOT! I loved this dish too!!! It is probably the second best dish of the night for me.
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The dish was small size of course, and the sliced Chicken breast was so small, probably the size of half my thumb. there was fair amount of Truffle miso cream on top of the Chicken. Underneath the Chicken was cucumber, which is the best partner in cream. Refreshing and healthy! The chicekn was moist and tender and eaten with the cucumber was so refreshing. But WAIT. the cucumber had a different dressing. they used the Japanese Sesame dressing, which I love, but not with the Truffle cream. The sesame dressing was much stronger than the truffle cream, which ruined the whole thing. All I could taste was the sesame dressing. So I had to eat the chicken and the cucumber seperately. If they could adjust the strongness of the sesame dressing, it would be perfect, as the Truffle cream is the 'star' of the dish right?

Squid noodles, pickled slaw - $40

This was a last minute dish I ordered as I expected it wouldn't be nice, but ordered incase not enough. The dish was probably the smallest out of the all. It was a small bowl with only a few spoonful It was a orange-red colour, looked super spicey. It turned out to be hot but not as spicey as I thought.
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The squid 'noodles' was long strips. The shape and size reminds me of udon. It is served with shorter strips of carrots and pickled slaw, which was sour and tasted great with the spiciness. Also the vegetables in it was crunchy and refreshy, balanced with the squichy chewy squid. What a great dish. It was not mind blowing, but a good dish if you want some 'hotness' in your meal!


Kurobota pork, korean spicy chilli paste - $45

This came first before any of the other. The pork was flatten and grilled to it was crispy which made it very delicious. The texture seemed more like it was grilled pork belly. I can't say it was still juicy as it was quite thin slice and burnt in a way. So it has lost its moisture. But it was still enjoyable, it was like eating fresh pork jerky. The spicy korean paste that was served with it, reminds me of having korean bbq. The cripsy grilled meat with the spicy paste. I like it!
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2 Char-grilled miso tofu skewer - $25

I was against in ordering this, as I could imagine that grilled tofu would just be tofu. Do not get me wrong, i love tofu, it tastes nice, but we all know tofu is actually quite bland, and we like it that way. Because its bland, smooth, and healthy. But grilling it? Does it make it taste better? it will still be bland. maybe the texture is different, but I do prefer my smooth and cold tofu, or steamed ones.

As i have expected the grilled tofu was bland, tasteless and hardly even seasoned by salt. Two different miso on top of the tofu, black and yellow. the miso was rather salty, which i suppose was to neutralize the blandness of the tofu. But to me, it did not match. I could taste the strongness of the miso, then slowing fading i can taste the tofu. I did not like this dish. It isn't awful, but i would prefer to order other dishes than paying for it.

2 Chicken teriyaki - $25

Out of the 3 Robatayaki, the chicken teriyaki was the best. The meat was juicy and tender.. hmmmmmm. It was lovely. It was not overcooked, nor burnt. The chicken was nicely marinated and seasoned. the sauce was not overflowing but just enough to taste how sweet the teriyaki sauce was. the meat came off the skewer easily, unlike the pork. I loved the chicken. it was perfectly cooked. Although chicken teriyaki is such a simple dish, and the sauce can be easily bought in supermarkets. This was superbly done.
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Hot entree

"Charcoal" vegetables - $45

This is a very creative dish. It is just a tempura but it is using 'charcoal'. With it black outlook, it makes the colouful vegetables stands out. It looks nothing like I have tasted. It is quite creative and smart using different colours of the vegetables with the black charcoal
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Red- red pepper
Purple - Purple potatoe
Green - Green Pepper
Orange - Sweet potatoe
Yellow - Pumpkin

The tempura was not oily and what I adored about it is, the tempura layer is not thick like other tempura I have tasted. I hate those thick layer of tempura, as it is just flour deep fried. Ones i ahve had in japan, is only a thin layer, not as hard and thick as the ones in Hong Kong, which makes it so oily and unhealthy. This tempura did not give me the unhealthy, oily feeling. Even letting it sit around for 20mins and continue to eat, it wasn't oily It was still crunchy, but without that thick crust and oily crust you can atste how fresh the vegetables it is, with some crunchiness on the outside. i like this tempura, even thought I am not a big fan. i like theres a combination of good fresh vegetables. And obviously the vibrant rainbow colour of the vegetables satisfied my eyes before i could even eat it!

Grilled eggplant with bonito floss - $30
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I needed more vegatable in my meal, and who does not like grilled eggplant. I know what iw as expecting from this dish so it was not much of a surprise, nor disappointment. it plainly taste like grilled eggplant with lots of bonito floss. The egg plant was in a thin slice with lots of sauce on top. the sauce reminds me of teriyaki sauce, but less dense and less salty. It went well. the eggplant was average, but it was still nice to eat. Especially if you prefer to have some vegatbles after eating lots of meat.

Grilled Wagyu beef with 'hot spring' egg on nishiki rice - $65

This is definately my best dish of the night. The bowl was slightly bigger than the other dishes and came with a big spoon. Even looking at the dish made my mouth water. 4 thick slices of Wagyu beef on top of the rice and a lovely half cooked egg on the side! The egg was looked gorgeous. The egg yolk was golden orange. I popped the runny egg yolk and mixed it in with the fragrant Nishiki rice. The rice was sticky and bursting with the taste of the egg yolk. So creamy and juicy. I couldn't stop eating this dish.
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The beef is definately worth my rave about it. It was thick slice which means a richer taste of the beef. Can I actually say I could taste the beef in this beef? There was a moment where I thought 'wow, this is what beef should all taste like' It is char-grilled on the outside, not overdone, nor raw, perfectly done. It was juicy, it was moist, it was FANTASTIC! 4 slices of beef was definately NOT enough. I had to eat half of a slice with one spoonful rice, which was a great combination. It was a perfect dish. Too perfect, I am planning to go back soon just for this dish!


Situated in the heart of tai Hang, i knew this place will be quite trendy. i love dining in tai Hang. Not as much tourist or people. yes there are lots of diners and usually huge queue or ealy reservation. But it isn't packed like CWB or Wanchai.

From the outside and looking in, it reminds me of those hip boutique restaurants in London near Soho or Covent garden. If you look in from outside near the entrance, you will be captivated by the glowing bar. the bar takes up almost the whole of the restaurants with seats around it. It is definately an attractive bar, with many alcohol stacked on top. I could not stop looking at the bar,e ven when I was seated.
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Even when it was packed, it did not seem too lousy. It kept its coolness and chilled. music plaing at the background, but not R&B but mixed trance music. It was quite nice, it really did seem like a bar than a restaurant to me, but I like these places, hard to find in Hong Kong.

table seats are tightly packed together. There are only 4 two people table and they are sitting side by side. And only 1 4 people table at the back.. But there are more bar seats which i would probably choose next time, as they arent as cramped. that is probably why they serve small dish size, the place is too small for bigger dishes.


Service was quite attentive. we were greeted by a lady which i guess is the manager. She did not come over and greet but acknowledge us as we entered. She kindly let us choose where to sit. She notified me the specials tonight and took orders for our drink. She was a plaesant lady, and always helpful even if I had questions. She seemed to have the patience and sincerity that many Hong Kong-ers do not have any more. It was super busy that night, but she still made sure we would get our food, and introduced each dish to us.

On the other hand, another waiter kept coming back to take away our dish. He was a nice guy, and very hardworking and polite. But it got quite annoying when he keeps standing behind us and then moving his hand to get the empty dishes like every 2 minutes, Even if I was taking pictures he would interupt and push the pishes, or even if I was spooning something up. He would come every 2mins to check and keep interupting the whole process of food and conversation. I do not think he had bad intentions, or did it on purpose, instead I think he is very responsible and hardworking, but over-doing it bit too much and casuing an issue for costumers tio chill. He needs to stop doing it.

The lady manager apologized for him as in the end he took away all the dishes before we paid the bill. I think overall, it was a good service provided. They were polite, attentive and even patience. What more can you ask?

Menu explantaion

Menu was only a page long. Simple but has a few varieties of dishes to choose from.I would say they are all tapas style, meaning small size and meant to be sharing! So do not expect or think what a bargain, for little price you get a big plate. Because you will not. prices are ranged from lowest $20 -$75

Food menu are divided into 4 categories

Cold entree
Hot entree
I picked a few from each category, except Dessert. as it did not look to appetising. plus there are so much choice of dessert around Tai hang and Tin Hau.

Drinks menu was rather huge. mainly alot of japanese alcohol, for example different types of sake, and different types of shochu. Which made me think this restaurant is running on Japanese style. there are beers,a nd wines. But less choices of wine. And just a reminder, as the table next to us, wasn't too happy that his wine was not served in a Wine glass. As this is japanese base, and focus on more of its sake and shochu, they used different type of glass. Which i quite liked. suited the environment and atmosphere more.



I am a huge fan of Mojito. I love how the mint and lime gives you such a refreshing taste afterwards. It cools you down straight away. Zanzito is Zanzo's mojito, instead of using rum as the liquor, it uses sake. I was really curious on how it taste. Surprisingly, it was brilliant. i do not like rum much myself, It taste too bitter. So they used Sake instead of Rum, it was perfect. It wasn't bitter nor was it too strong. It seemed to me and I was sceptical that there was no alcohol in it. It seemed more like virgin mojito with soda water in. It was delicious though, it was refreshing with lots of mint and chilled. it was a fairly small glass with quite bit of ice. So i had two glass and still wanted more. I might just go back for more of these.
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BBQ Australia wagyu beef chimmichurri -$70
Chicken breast with truffle miso cream - $30
Chicken teriyaki - $25
Grilled wagyu beef with 'hot spring' egg on nishiki rice - $65


Would I go back again? YES!!!!!!!!

Rating from my brains (out of 5 hearts): ♥♥♥♥

Rating from my Heart (out of 5 hearts): ♥♥♥♥♥


G/F, 15-16 School Street, Tai Hang

Tel : 2750 6490

Nearest MTR : Tin hau


Mon - Sat

Lunch - NOT OPEN
Dinner- 6pm - 1am
Reservation: Walk in only!
(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
Zazie and Zanzo are not related but it just reminded me of the 1960s French film Zazie dans le Metro which was really funny.Zanzo is a new hip bar serving Japanese style tapas located on School street round the corner from LabMade in Tai Hang.I was attracted to this place because of the black tempura coating.Although I do not drink alcohol but they specialize in Japanese-styled sake and even have their own labelled sake in partnership with some brewery in Hokkaiddo.Above the bar table, there are
Zazie and Zanzo are not related but it just reminded me of the 1960s French film Zazie dans le Metro which was really funny.

Zanzo is a new hip bar serving Japanese style tapas located on School street round the corner from LabMade in Tai Hang.

I was attracted to this place because of the black tempura coating.

Although I do not drink alcohol but they specialize in Japanese-styled sake and even have their own labelled sake in partnership with some brewery in Hokkaiddo.
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Above the bar table, there are lots of sake bottles.
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Despite sitting at the bar table I was surprised I was not given any water or even tap water.
I know this place is for drinks but I was here for the food and I do not drink alcohol.

I finally got some tap water when they got my order wrong because I ordered Tofu pudding but the tofu skewer arrived, so they probably tried to make me feel better with a glass of water.

Anyway, the tofu pudding was not available that day so I will have to come back another day for it.
Chicken breast with truffle miso cream:
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I did not know what to expect when I ordered this but it turned out to be great.
I do not normally order chicken breast because it is usually tough and dry.
When it came it reminded me of the chicken breast at Maureen's and it was PURE WHITE CHICKEN MEAT!
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It was fatless, skinless, veinless and bloodless and the best thing about it was that they were really soft, tender and moist.
The truffle miso cream was a slight disappointment because it was not strong enough and the sesame sauce beneath it was stronger than the truffle sauce.
The julienne vegetables were a good balance to the chicken.
The chicken was also sprinkled with sakura (cherry blossum petals).
charcoal vegetables:
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Without product shots, one would never have guessed it was charcoal tempura!
Initially I were they were grilled in a charcoal fuelled grill but it turned out to be charcoal tempura.
The charcoal tempura was the best coating they could have used because of it colour which complemented the colourful vegetables and made it vibrant and fun to eat.
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There were bright violets, greens and yellows.
The peppers had the strongest taste and I felt that it should have been paired with some mayonnaise.
Spiced obaro konbu and nori:
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I had to order this because the appearance looked really similar to wood!
Basically it is seaweed pressed as thin as paper before it is roasted.
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The taste of this was slightly smokey and does not taste as marine as the green ones.
Home made tofu with okinawa brown sugar:
I wanted to order this but it was sold out.
题外话/补充资料: ◎ⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓖⓘⓡⓛ◎ⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓖⓘⓡⓛ◎ [b]Price:[/b] $107 [b]Service:[/b] OK [b]Service charge:[/b] 10% [b]Yummy factor:[/b] good [b]Napkins provided:[/b] yes [b]Toilets:[/b] yes [b]Noise levels:[/b] Noisy [b]Glass of water provided:[/b] you might need to ask [b]English Menu:[/b] Yes ◎ⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓖⓘⓡⓛ◎ⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓖⓘⓡⓛ◎
(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
2013-01-18 34 浏览
是晚又是跟總管及Min姐相聚的好時光, 到了最後一站, 大家的戰鬥力只剩下不太多, 就來到大坑這家新開設的酒吧, 名字叫做Zanzo, 即酒後眼中所見的影像. 那究竟是帶醉的狀態, 還是依然清醒時留下的片段? 我們來到的那一夜, 店子還是試業階段. 剛坐下的時候其實沒有甚麼客人, 但之後就人潮不斷, 越來越多客人, 也以外籍客人為主, 看來Min姐的吸引力在本地跟外地也實在不少.說回店子本身, 裝修帶點形格, 配上跳舞音樂的時候, 見外籍客人也跟著聞歌起舞, 到了慢歌播放的時候, 場內的環境加上燈光, 又有種無名分的浪漫. 可惜是晚不是跟文迪兩口子前來, 我們四人組的聚會, 焦點還是在四部iPhone吧. 看看餐牌, 又是他們兩個一輪嘴的挑選了好多款小食, 我跟文迪還是專心的揀喝的吧.Virgin Zanzo mojito $60: 8分, 是晚不想喝酒, 就在Zanzo special那一欄中挑了杯Virgin Zanzo mojito, 其實即是店子招牌雞尾酒Zanzito的無酒精版本. 以波子汽水為主, 再配上青檸以及薄荷葉, 感覺是相當清新, 平易近人. 波子汽水跟青檸起了不俗
是晚又是跟總管及Min姐相聚的好時光, 到了最後一站, 大家的戰鬥力只剩下不太多, 就來到大坑這家新開設的酒吧, 名字叫做Zanzo, 即酒後眼中所見的影像. 那究竟是帶醉的狀態, 還是依然清醒時留下的片段? 我們來到的那一夜, 店子還是試業階段. 剛坐下的時候其實沒有甚麼客人, 但之後就人潮不斷, 越來越多客人, 也以外籍客人為主, 看來Min姐的吸引力在本地跟外地也實在不少.
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說回店子本身, 裝修帶點形格, 配上跳舞音樂的時候, 見外籍客人也跟著聞歌起舞, 到了慢歌播放的時候, 場內的環境加上燈光, 又有種無名分的浪漫. 可惜是晚不是跟文迪兩口子前來, 我們四人組的聚會, 焦點還是在四部iPhone吧. 看看餐牌, 又是他們兩個一輪嘴的挑選了好多款小食, 我跟文迪還是專心的揀喝的吧.
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Virgin Zanzo mojito $60: 8分, 是晚不想喝酒, 就在Zanzo special那一欄中挑了杯Virgin Zanzo mojito, 其實即是店子招牌雞尾酒Zanzito的無酒精版本. 以波子汽水為主, 再配上青檸以及薄荷葉, 感覺是相當清新, 平易近人. 波子汽水跟青檸起了不俗的化學作用, 是很容易令人愛上的飲品.
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Yuzu gonna love this $75: 反而文迪就要了杯雞尾酒, 單看名字也知道是帶柚子的酒, 試了兩口, 酒精濃度不太高, 易入口, 也不錯.
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Sakychee martini $75: Min姐的選擇就是Sakychee martini, 至於總管, 當然是沒有點選任何cocktail了.
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Grilled Hokkaido scallop, spice rub 乾燒北海道大帶子 $65: 7分, 先來的小食是乾燒北海道大帶子, 其實份量也不太大, 但賣價要$65, 實在偏貴. 不過帶子是燒得剛剛好, 肉質嫩滑, 帶點鮮味.
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Crispy wasabi prawns, mango salsa 山葵炸蝦伴墨西哥芒果汁 $60: 8分, 接下來的是山葵炸蝦, 是炸得幾香脆的, 蝦肉夠新鮮, 肉質也幾爽口. 加入了wasabi, 份量適中, 不會太攻鼻, 再配上墨西哥芒果汁, 帶點酸甜, 一款小食內包括幾種味道, 是幾特別的.
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Charcoal Vegetables 墨汁蔬菜天婦羅 $45: 8分, 再來的是墨汁蔬菜天婦羅, 英文名字叫做Charcoal Vegetables, 是炭化了的蔬菜? 還是用木炭去燒烤? 當然不是, 只是用上加入了墨汁做的炸漿, 表面呈黑色, 就像木炭一般, 賣相來講, 又確實是與別不同. 至於味道方面, 炸漿做得夠薄身, 帶點脆口, 蔬菜的種類包括有紫番薯, 黃番薯, 紅椒, 青椒和南瓜等等, 就算炸完也不會太乾身. 只賣$45一客, 是值得一試的.
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Japanese cheese croquettes, wasabi dip 炸芝士伴山葵蛋黃醬 $50: 7分, 最後就是姍姍來遲的炸芝士, 其實也是炸得香口的, 但就稍嫌乾了點, 也有點難吃得到芝士香, 不過點上山葵蛋黃醬後, 就是幾惹味的配搭.
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Zanzo環境不俗, 食物也有質素. 來這裡喝杯酒, 吃點小食, 跟朋友們相聚, 實是不錯的方法去消磨一個晚上. 價位方面, 埋單$473, 扣去不飲酒的總管, 每人消費大約是$138, 也是合理的水平. 不知道下次我們的聚會, 又會否由Min姐帶旺個場呢?!
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(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
$138 (宵夜)
  • Virgin Zanzo mojito
  • 山葵炸蝦伴墨西哥芒果汁
  • 墨汁蔬菜天婦羅
2013-01-18 4 浏览

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接前文Kan Lee的一句,越是期待越是美麗,然後這夜。。。以酒杯上的清酒來代替嗎?
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(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
2013-01-17 9 浏览
近年大坑似乎成了美食集中地,從皇仁舊生會殺入去,達磨拉麵、民聲肉餅、順興炒蛋與及Piccolo Pizzaeria & Bar等,都足以令人提起興趣,特意去走一趟。從一月中起,美麗華集團便進駐大坑,以新派居酒屋作主打的Zanzo開幕;餐廳設計令人帶有現代東瀛風格,結合時尚的氣息,面向街道的窗戶揭開後可變為巨型簷篷,形成半開放式的設計,客人大可靠著木欄,喝喝酒,聊聊天。店內大概能容納三十人左右,店方從北海道引入酒米「慧星」釀製的自家品牌Zanzo清酒;而這款酒是由小樽田中寶川本釀造出品,辛口清爽的感覺,可配對燒烤食品。今日可以一試大廚的功夫,秘製南美醬汁和牛西冷沙律是先用slow cook方法處理,以62.8度水溫煮三個半小時,肉質果然柔嫩,而醬汁偏辣,未必個個受得了。同行食友最愛檸檬醋鯛魚,令天四時收到魚後即製,務必要新鮮,晶瑩剔透的薄片,澆點檸檬醋提鮮,爽口彈牙,好味。韓式辣魷魚,論辣味反而不及和牛沙律,泡菜味可以更濃烈一些就更好。另一款韓式燒豬腩肉新鮮熱辣食就最好,酒脂位烤得微脆,甘香豐腴,但一放涼了,效果是兩碼子的事,真的要注意。至於雞串就有點平平無奇,鹽燒雞翼是剖開才燒,烤得色
近年大坑似乎成了美食集中地,從皇仁舊生會殺入去,達磨拉麵、民聲肉餅、順興炒蛋與及Piccolo Pizzaeria & Bar等,都足以令人提起興趣,特意去走一趟。
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今日可以一試大廚的功夫,秘製南美醬汁和牛西冷沙律是先用slow cook方法處理,以62.8度水溫煮三個半小時,肉質果然柔嫩,而醬汁偏辣,未必個個受得了。
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(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
2012-12-15 22 浏览
香港的酒吧多如繁星,光是我最喜歡的中環區,不斷新舊交替,繁衍不息,花上半年時候也未必能一一到訪。發現眾多的酒吧均著重裝飾、格調和酒類的選擇上,千篇一律,那客人對酒吧的發展路向又有何期待,該有如何的突破!昨晚到訪大坑新開幕的 Zanzo,給我新的思維。步入 Zanso,隨即感染到其型格的設計。燈光昏暗,挍開了與街道相隔的大木窗,耳邊伴著 Disco Music。而設計重心則放在中央闊大的酒吧上,眼晴倒被牆架上排滿的酒及玻璃水瓶所折射出來的燈光吸引著,似是對明亮燈火的追隨。時間尚早,酒吧上只有三組客人,其後到來的客人總愛坐到旁邊的桌子上,慨嘆為何不過來作一番交流!惟有等待著入夜熱鬧氣氛的到來,Zanzo 的格調將會畢露及進一步提昇。Zanzo 的餐牌也奉行 minialism,一面是 Eat,一面是 Drink,囊括您一晚所需。Zanzo 酒類飲品跟其他餐廳別無他樣,紅酒、白酒、啤酒和一些 Spirits 的酒類,深信如 Zanso 般富有格調的酒吧又怎會沒有自我的風格,眼晴繼續向下素描,多款 Sake,Shouchu 與及以 Zanzo Special 為題的雞尾酒浮現了。 侍應推介了Z

發現眾多的酒吧均著重裝飾、格調和酒類的選擇上,千篇一律,那客人對酒吧的發展路向又有何期待,該有如何的突破!昨晚到訪大坑新開幕的 Zanzo,給我新的思維。
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步入 Zanso,隨即感染到其型格的設計。燈光昏暗,挍開了與街道相隔的大木窗,耳邊伴著 Disco Music。而設計重心則放在中央闊大的酒吧上,眼晴倒被牆架上排滿的酒及玻璃水瓶所折射出來的燈光吸引著,似是對明亮燈火的追隨。

時間尚早,酒吧上只有三組客人,其後到來的客人總愛坐到旁邊的桌子上,慨嘆為何不過來作一番交流!惟有等待著入夜熱鬧氣氛的到來,Zanzo 的格調將會畢露及進一步提昇。
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Zanzo 的餐牌也奉行 minialism,一面是 Eat,一面是 Drink,囊括您一晚所需。
Ume Chuhai + Sapporo Draft
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Zanzo 酒類飲品跟其他餐廳別無他樣,紅酒、白酒、啤酒和一些 Spirits 的酒類,深信如 Zanso 般富有格調的酒吧又怎會沒有自我的風格,眼晴繼續向下素描,多款 Sake,Shouchu 與及以 Zanzo Special 為題的雞尾酒浮現了。 侍應推介了Zantito 的雞尾酒予我,是清新的青檸味道,有點兒像 Mojito。其次是 Ginger Chuhai,是加上薑味的 Shouchu,其實 Chuhai 系列還有柚子、橙、梅子、檸檬混青檸。我要的 Ume Chuhai 梅味,味道較清,梅子味不算突出,Bartender 告知薑味或柚子味會較為濃郁。

Sake 也有大、小容量的選擇,可是老公要了 Sapporo Draft。
Wagyu Beef Chimichurri Salad
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先來了Cold Entree 的 BBQ Australian Wagyu Beef Chimichurri Salad。具石頭粗糙原始感的碟子盛出外啡內紅,半生熟狀態的澳洲和牛肉,還有一小碟青綠的南美醬汁,整體顏色對比強烈。
Chimichurri Sauce
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BBQ Australian Wagyu Beef Chimichurri Salad
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澳洲和牛具牛香,燒得焦香的外層與中心的細嫩,一剛一柔,口感不俗。沾上特製南美的 Chimichurri 醬汁,由幾種香草、檸檬汁、酒、醋、蒜等調製而成,誘人的芬芳與酸味,十分怡神,不但與和牛產生了化學作用,更能與和牛平起平坐,這道冷盤很難不讓您傾心。
Charcoal Vegetables
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跟著是 Hot Entree。蔬菜被炭燒得如此焦黑、可憐兮兮的慘況!誤會了,誤會了,所謂的 Charcoal 原來用了墨魚汁製作炸漿,所以呈現炭燒的顏色,實質蔬菜一點兒也沒有被燒焦,反而準確的火喉保留了蔬菜的天然水份,新鮮兼味美。至於薄而脆的墨汁炸醬,絕不油膩,不過墨汁的味道就不太著跡。
Sauce of Charcoal Vegetales
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Charcoal Vegetables 包括有青、紅的燈籠椒、紫、橙心的蕃薯及小青椒,每一款質量都很好,而醬汁方面,合情合理的配上天婦羅的醬汁,事關它就是墨汁蔬菜天婦羅是也。
Charcoal Vegetables
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Charcoal Vegetables 送來時以背面示人,黑實實的表面灑上七味粉,十足黑炭一樣十分趣緻。要把正面反過來,斑爛的蔬菜才能逐一呈現,為廚師的創意豎起大姆指。
Crispy Wasabi Prawn, Mango Salsa
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Crispy Wasabi Prawn, Mango Salsa,軟綿的蝦肉很新鮮,帶有輕輕的 Wasabi 香氣。廚師對 Wasabi 點到即止的用量了得,沒有搶去蝦肉的天然食味,又能透出 Wasabi 的香氣,非常討好。青蘋果綠的 Mango Salsa 醬汁,酸、甜、香、綿,令人有著如沐春風的感覺,此醬汁的吸引力沒法擋。
Chicken Tori Karage
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從賣相觀看 Chicken Tori Karage 似是普通的炸雞
Chicken Tori Karage
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Bartender 提醒我們必定一試炸雞的小青椒。個子嬌小玲瓏、清甜而不辣,來自南美的佳餚,果然別有一番風韻。

Zanzo 的食物全是小碟的 Tapas 形式,適合 Happy Hour,或餐後的暢飲。餐牌的選擇看似不多,就昨晚嚐過的4款而言,無論菜式本身或調味的醬汁皆是喜出望外而作,吃得出廚師的功力及創意超凡,或許這就是酒吧發展的新路向。下次必帶同3、5知己,嘆支 Sake,再一嚐創意美味的菜式。

還有 Robatayaki 和 Dessert 未嘗,深信愈是期待愈是美麗!

题外话/补充资料: 相片本是正常的,不知為何上載後竟矇上一層眼膜,晨早幾小時用心良苦的寫作,又白費了??希望 Open Rice 可自動調較一下系統,讓大家可看到精彩的食物與環境介紹。
(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
$182 (晚餐)
Wagyu Beef Chimichurri Salad
Chimichurri Sauce
BBQ Australian Wagyu Beef Chimichurri Salad
Crispy Wasabi Prawn, Mango Salsa
Chicken Tori Karage
Chicken Tori Karage
  • Crispy Wasabi Prawn
  • Mango Salsa