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星期日,一家人臨時興起想食小籠包,所以就決定去位於銅鑼灣富豪酒店旁的鼎泰豐。抵達時大概8:00pm. It's Sunday and our family was craving for some dumpling. So we headed to "Din Tai Fung", located right next to Regal Hotel in Causeway Bay. We arrived there about 8pm. 一如以往,都係要等位。老實講,我未試過唔使等。今次就等8張,3至4人枱。 As usual, there was a huge line. For today, we needed to wait for 8 tables (3-4pax). 老實說,我真心覺得鼎泰豐既服務真係幾好。拎完枱號,就會俾份menu同點菜紙你。依個做法真係唔錯,等你排隊都有啲野做,同埋加快佢反枱既次數。 正因有時一家人食飯,實會左諗諗右諗諗,樣樣都想試。睇左份menu一陣後,好野,諗好食咩啦。 劃吖、劃。To be very honest, Din Tai Fung has p
It's Sunday and our family was craving for some dumpling. So we headed to "Din Tai Fung", located right next to Regal Hotel in Causeway Bay. We arrived there about 8pm. 一如以往,都係要等位。老實講,我未試過唔使等。今次就等8張,3至4人枱。
As usual, there was a huge line. For today, we needed to wait for 8 tables (3-4pax).
老實說,我真心覺得鼎泰豐既服務真係幾好。拎完枱號,就會俾份menu同點菜紙你。依個做法真係唔錯,等你排隊都有啲野做,同埋加快佢反枱既次數。 正因有時一家人食飯,實會左諗諗右諗諗,樣樣都想試。睇左份menu一陣後,好野,諗好食咩啦。 劃吖、劃。
To be very honest, Din Tai Fung has pretty decent service. After getting the ticket #, they passed us the menu and order form. For sure when dining with the family, it usually takes longer to order. Looking through the menu and ticking off what we like, was indeed a fabulous opportunity for us to kill time.
劃完張點菜紙仲未到我地,咁就捉埋細佬去睇工作人員整小籠包。又一好打發時間既玩意。 再次要讚讚鼎泰豐真係好有條理。每位工作人員既罔位都唔同。有一個負責量麫粉,一個負責壓,一個負責放料,一個負責封番實個小籠包。勁! After checking off what we like, we still got time to kill. So I grabbed my brother to checkout the display case. Amazed! Din Tai Fang truly utilizes job rotation, each worker has its own specific task. And they are all experts in what they are doing, making the dumpling making process even more efficient. 睇睇下,嗌我地啦。入得去坐。 大概就8:30pm Table xx.
Oh! It's our table. And now it's about 8:30pm.
坐低後,工作人員拎左我地張點菜紙,幫我地落單。 The staffs are super efficient. We sat down and they have already passed the order form to the kitchen.
嘩,話咁快,冷盤到曬啦。 Wow! Super efficient. All the appetizers are ready.
我地叫左 And we have ordered:
- 干煸四季豆 Sautéed String Beans With Minced Pork
冷盤。細細碟,都幾好食,略嫌油左少少. A small cold appetizer. Pretty good, except slightly too greasy. - 酒糟鴨舌preserved duck tongue with rice wine
Another small plate of appetizer. Would be better if the wine is more blended with the duck tongue, it ain't bad though. - 紹興醉雞 ShaoShing Wine marinated chicken
Similar as the duck tongue, seems like the chicken hasn't been marinated enough. Feels like the chicken and the wine are separate. But the chicken is pretty juicy. Thumbs up for that. 食完一輪冷盤,主角 蟹粉小籠包 終於到啦!
After a round of appetizer, here comes the main course - crab roe and pork xiaolongbao (dumpling).
一籠有六個,薄既皮身 (不算很薄,但不錯),加埋juicy既豬肉同蟹粉。好食!
One word to summarize it - delicious ! The dumpling wrapped with the juicy pork and the crab roe, yumm yumm! - 煎餃子 panfried dumpling 下次一定唔會再叫。個皮又厚,成個餃子又油。 Thumbs down for the panfried dumpling. It's so greasy... Awful! 最後,碟 炸醬伴麪 都到埋啦! And lastly, some carbs! Noodles with minced pork sauce. 依個普通,飽肚既麪。唔好食,但唔難食。不過不失。 Wouldn't say it's good, but ain't bad. Sufficient to fill up your tummy. 食飽飽,大概每人$100. 服務好,環境乾淨。讚!
Approximately 100hkd per head. Excellent service and ambience.