此包餅店主要提供蒸點, 如: 菜肉包, 奶皇包, 麻蓉包, 臘腸卷, 馬拉盞....大部份$3.5/個, 比較大型的如壽包亦有 繼續閱讀
現金 八達通
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
菜肉包 奶皇包 麻蓉包 臘腸卷 馬拉盞
食評 (14)
等級4 2010-08-21
321 瀏覽
想食中式包, 又不想上茶樓, 最方面是到包點買包包食.今次想食素菜包, 賣相方面, 包大大個, 圓形, 頂有深綠色點作識別包的種類, 包的比例係包多料太少. 味道方面, 材料好豐富, 有粟米, 紅蘿蔔, 竹笙 等素食材, 食落好飽肚, 材料清而不肥膩, 推介此便宜又好食的中式包包. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2010-02-13
119 瀏覽
to be honest i was looking for 生命物, but as my chinese is not good (or rather, non existent) I managed to walk past that and reached here... the brightness of the shop attracted me and i realised I was in a dimsum bakery. I don't remember ever visiting a dim sum bakery... All the dim sum i've had were from Chinese restaurants, so i was happy to buy several things to try.... Taro mantou with taro filling $5.5?I really like taro-flavoured things...candy, mochi, icecream etc. And because I'm use to having taro-flavoured things sweet, I wasn't a fan of this. The outer bread layer was fine - just plain bread with colouring. The inside however, was just plain mashed taro, it wasn't the sweet variety that i was hoping for. If plainer, non-sweet things is what you like, then go for this. Custard filling mantou $5.5?The exterior was the same as that of the taro, except this was obviously not dyed. The inside was a sweet thick custard filling, which i really liked =). It didn't taste weird and fake like the stuff you get in custard buns from chinese bakeries sometimes, it was rather like the ones you get in dim sum restaurants!green tea mantou $4This was really a feast for the eyes. It was a huge bun, dyed with a little green for colour. It looked good and tasted good with a little condensed milk =). Thousand-layer steamed cake $5This was my favourite of the four. It is not the traditional type with soft white bread layered between custard, but rather a cake much like their ma-lai go in three layers, with a thin smear of sweet orange-coloured custard between each. It was clearly different, but i still really liked their version and if i go by, I'll be sure to buy it again . 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2009-08-19
70 瀏覽
Always had this on holidays =Pwakes me uppick the ones that're sold in the steaming cabin, taste pillowy soft and sweetWoke up late this morning, and the corners part are sold 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2009-07-24
56 瀏覽
難得去到薄扶林住三日兩夜,最後一日周圍行搵食,見到有包點先生,入去睇睇有乜好食(平時屋企附近果間又唔去)。個彩色箭豬豆沙包賣相好吸引,不過唔想食豆沙所以冇買到,最後買咗紫色0既芋茸包&千層馬拉糕。可能係第二日做早餐0既關係,個芋茸包好乾(冇雪過),而且個餡唔得,完全食唔到芋頭味,失望。個千層馬拉糕就好軟熟好好味,最鍾意夾住每層既奶黃,好好味。之後家姐買錯咗馬拉糕俾我食,味道麻麻地,都係較乾。之前都試過佢其他包,有好有唔好,而且有d成十蚊個,唔太抵食囉。 繼續閱讀
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一直怕太甜唔敢買呢個包. 但今日決定人一世物一世點都要親自試下.日式南瓜包$4.5外貌唔錯. 麵包係普通饅頭麵包咁既味.所以唔會甜. 到到最重要同期待的餡喇.南瓜餡真係好似奶皇餡. 唔單止顏色相似. 味道都好似.但好彩冇奶皇包咁甜漏漏. 但都偏向略甜.另外佢唔會好膏狀. 幸好略甜的餡配一個唔太甜的麵包. 如果唔係我一定受不了.感覺唔差. 可以試下. 因為都算好味.不過如果佢真係有南瓜粒就好了. 繼續閱讀
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