2016-07-07 6652 瀏覽
還記得小時候宅女最討論厭的就是上酒樓飲茶. 那時每到假日, 老爸總是要我們一大早去喝早茶, 久而久之便越來越不喜愛這個活動了 (最大原因其實是不想早起嘛!) 不過人越大, 反而對中菜越來越有興趣, 甚至更會主動約朋友假日出來飲個茶, 吃個包. 近年因工作關係, 常常都會跟同事們去中環的唐人館或港島廳飯聚及飲茶. 早陣子得知原來唐人館在尖沙咀終於開了分店, 馬上前來試試看!唐人館CHINA TANG本身是英國一家有名的中菜館, 由上海灘創辦人鄧爵士一手策劃, 因此店內無論裝潢及擺設等都有著濃厚的摩登中國風味. 餐廳直到2013年才登陸香港中環開分店, 但甚受一眾白領及名人的歡迎, 宅女也在那裡吃過飯飲過茶, 餐廳予人很高級的感覺, 但其實價錢沒想像中不菲, 水準亦不錯. 而到了今年6月, 餐廳更進軍到九龍, 於尖沙咀海港城開設其第二間香港分店, 餐廳內的所有裝修設計依然由鄧爵士操刀.地點不難找, 就在海港城內的CITY SUPER再上一層就是了. 宅女在餐廳剛開幾天時就馬上跟同事們來試過一次, 這天難得家人有空, 就帶他們再來飲個茶.來到餐廳一看門面就感覺比中環店來得更有活力, 走進內裡
還記得小時候宅女最討論厭的就是上酒樓飲茶. 那時每到假日, 老爸總是要我們一大早去喝早茶, 久而久之便越來越不喜愛這個活動了 (最大原因其實是不想早起嘛!) 不過人越大, 反而對中菜越來越有興趣, 甚至更會主動約朋友假日出來飲個茶, 吃個包. 近年因工作關係, 常常都會跟同事們去中環的唐人館或港島廳飯聚及飲茶. 早陣子得知原來唐人館在尖沙咀終於開了分店, 馬上前來試試看!
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唐人館CHINA TANG本身是英國一家有名的中菜館, 由上海灘創辦人鄧爵士一手策劃, 因此店內無論裝潢及擺設等都有著濃厚的摩登中國風味. 餐廳直到2013年才登陸香港中環開分店, 但甚受一眾白領及名人的歡迎, 宅女也在那裡吃過飯飲過茶, 餐廳予人很高級的感覺, 但其實價錢沒想像中不菲, 水準亦不錯. 而到了今年6月, 餐廳更進軍到九龍, 於尖沙咀海港城開設其第二間香港分店, 餐廳內的所有裝修設計依然由鄧爵士操刀.

地點不難找, 就在海港城內的CITY SUPER再上一層就是了. 宅女在餐廳剛開幾天時就馬上跟同事們來試過一次, 這天難得家人有空, 就帶他們再來飲個茶.
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來到餐廳一看門面就感覺比中環店來得更有活力, 走進內裡更發現地方相當寬廣. 餐廳分有兩部份, 一邊是帶著濃厚中國古典味道的用餐區, 以暗橙配純白色作主調, 感覺非常優雅, 加上一邊盡是落地玻璃, 擁有著無敵維港景色, 單是這點巳經比中環店更優勝. 而餐廳另一邊則屬酒吧區, 裝修跟剛才的中國風截然不同. 純白色的通花椅子加上碎花布梳化, 完全是古典歐陸風格, 不期然令人想到這邊是不是能吃個西式afternoon tea呢~(笑) 不過這裡有好幾張大梳化, 傍晚跟幾個朋友來個happy hour (每日3-9PM飲品買一送一) 也著實不錯.
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老實說跟中環店相比的話, 兩者的裝潢其實都是帶著古典中國風味, 不過中環店就比較老上海感覺多一點, 而尖沙咀店則多了一份摩登活力感覺, 就算是年輕人來也不會覺得很老氣, 加上能欣賞到維港海景, 陽光映照進來餐廳也較明亮有精神, 宅女是比較喜愛尖沙咀店多一點. 不過有點可惜是個人十分喜愛中環店的洗手間, 裝潢也是一樣華麗, 但來到尖沙咀店的洗手間就沒什麼裝潢了....

食物方面, 餐廳主打各式各樣的中菜, 包括有廣東菜, 四川菜及北京菜等等. 當中的菜色可謂豐儉由人. 想吃得豪一點的, 這裡就有鮑魚, 花膠等等貴價食材所做的湯羹, 亦有懷舊蝦多士, 杭州富貴雞等等, 普通小菜平均百多元一份. 餐廳亦有叉燒及燒腩仔等燒味, 不過宅女個人覺得叉燒還是他們的港島廳比較有水準. 而中環店的招牌北京傳統片皮鴨, 來到尖沙咀店也有供應. 不過宅女那次在中環店吃不知是否失準, 質素平平, 所以有些陰影, 這次就沒有點來吃了.

當然, 不想太花費的話, 就可以像宅女選中午來吃點心, 相比起晚市價錢會相宜一點. 大路點心平均四十多元巳有交易.

先來一份焗雪山叉燒包 (HK$48)
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想當年添好運一出雪山叉燒包時, 城中個個為之瘋狂, 幾乎日日時時刻刻都要排大隊為的就是一嘗這個包. 時至今日, 有做雪山叉燒包的酒樓及中菜館多的是, 不過水準都幾參差. 看到這裡也有供應, 馬上點來試試, 上來的叉燒包真的有點嚇著, 因為體型是超迷你的! 大約比手心還要小一點, 看起來真的十分的骰. 吃雪山叉燒包, 最重要的當然是表面那層酥皮, 一咬下去, 外層果然帶點甜酥的感覺, 十分鬆化, 而包身質地仍算軟熟, 內裡的叉燒餡料都幾多, 而且味道夠香濃. 整體來說味道的確是不錯, 就是可惜包子太小了一點.

筍尖鮮蝦餃 (HK$64) / 菜苗帶子餃 (3件HK$48/ 4件HK$64)
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因為近年家人都開始少吃肉, 所以就算飲茶不也太點燒賣來吃. 不過蝦餃就是每次都不能不點的. 這裡的一籠剛好有4隻, 體型適中, 澄面皮未算十分薄透, 但厚度算適中, 看起來還是有點晶瑩剔透的感覺, 賣相不錯. 咬下去蝦肉十分大塊, 而且夠爽口有彈性, 吃起來不乾, 餃皮還是帶點汁的, 驚喜度不大, 但是個有水準的蝦餃.

不過餃子部份宅女最愛的, 還是這款菜苗帶子餃, 第一次吃過後, 這次再來也必定要再點來吃. 上來的每隻餃子頂端都有一大塊帶子加上少許蟹籽, 賣相精緻. 帶子吃起來肉質彈牙帶鮮味, 而底下的菜苗夠多, 當中更加混份幾顆帶子粒, 加上餃皮夠透薄軟糯, 只吃一件實在不夠喉呢~

南翔小籠包 (3件HK$48/ 4件HK$64)
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香港的中菜當中, 上海菜就佔了一個非常重要的地位. 不過曾經在上海吃過南翔小籠包, 其實那邊的小籠包並不是我們香港吃的這種皮薄多汁, 而是皮較厚實, 肉較棉的. 雖然兩者各有特色, 不過宅女自己還是吃慣皮薄多湯汁的這種. 原本這裡的小籠包是一籠三件, 不過我們一行四人, 侍應便細心地替我們再多加一件. 上來的小籠包外皮果然夠薄, 而且夾起來也不會穿底, 咬開來, 內裡的肉餡也十分大顆, 而且當中也有適量的湯汁. 味道不錯. 如果要說個人覺得香港最好吃的小籠包, 宅女還是首推手拉麵小廚的, 不過這裡做出來的也滿有水準.

荔芋上素盒(HK$48) / 花青素餃 (HK$48)
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近期因為吃得太多, 加上家人也開始少吃肉, 所以看到有素食的點心, 就不禁也點來試試. 荔芋上素盒一碟三件, 炸出來圓碌碌的, 看看外層的荔芋絲炸出來層層疊疊交錯著, 而且沒半點油份, 炸得夠乾身. 咬下去芋絲非常酥脆香口, 內裡的荔芋蓉軟滑棉香, 雖然是素食, 不過味道一點都不會單調.

而花青素餃也是一籠三件, 體型看起來就較為大隻, 厚實的外皮, 包著內裡蔬菜粒, 吃起來十分清新, 而且想不到又想飽肚.

紫薑牛肉球 (HK$48) / 香煎蘿蔔糕 (HK$48) / 蠔皇叉燒包 (HK$48)
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再一口氣上來幾款點心, 分別是比較大路的牛肉球, 蘿蔔糕跟叉燒包. 上來的牛肉球一籠三件, 每件都比想像中要大, 看看加入的蔥花不少. 咬下去肉質十分軟棉, 都幾入味, 不過名字叫紫薑牛肉球, 吃時又沒感覺有紫薑, 反正是個不錯吃的點心; 再來叉燒包也是較為細件, 不過撕開來的包皮頗為鬆軟, 帶點彈性, 內裡的叉燒餡料香濃得來不會過咸. 最後的蘿蔔糕反而較為欣賞, 一碟三件, 每件外表都煎得金黃帶點焦脆, 內裡加入的蠟肉蝦米都算多, 而且吃起來口感不會一PAT PAT, 還是吃到蘿蔔的甜味. 個人覺得不錯.

越南春卷 (HK$48) / 叉燒腸粉 (HK$78) / 蘿蔔絲酥餅 (HK$48)
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其實來這裡飲茶吃越南春卷好像有點奇怪. 不過就是因為他出現在點心牌上, 好奇之下就點了一份來試試. 原以為是用米紙包著的那種軟身春卷, 怎知上來原來是用炸的 (後來看到餐牌的英文才發現~(笑)). 看看那三條春卷炸出來表面帶點通花網紋, 沒什麼油份, 咬下去十分香脆, 內裡包了些蛋絲, 蘿蔔絲及米粉, 味道不會太濃, 吃起來惹味得來不覺得太膩, 這個水準不錯, 喜愛香口的朋友可以一試. 而這天的腸粉就有蝦腸, 牛肉腸跟叉燒腸等選擇. 要來了叉燒腸, 上來的腸粉皮十分透薄, 隱隱現出了內裡的叉燒跟蔥花. 咬下去皮薄得來軟熟有彈性, 叉燒份量也十分多, 雖然是比較貴, 不過味道本身是不俗的. 最後的蘿蔔絲酥餅, 這款點心是近年跟家人去飲茶都必點的, 這裡的蘿蔔酥體型上也是較小一點, 不過咬下去層層疊疊的酥皮非常鬆化, 內裡的蘿蔔絲亦塞得滿滿的, 味道清甜不濁也不會過咸, 沒有太多的油膩感, 家人一致都讚好.

大良炒鮮奶 (HK$168)
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其實吃了那麼多點心是有點飽, 不過還是想點一個小菜試試. 因為老媽是順德人, 就合她心意簡單一點來個大良炒鮮奶吧. 上來的份量比預期中多, 剛好夠4個人分來吃. 炒鮮奶所用的食材其實就是極其簡單, 主要就是鮮奶跟蛋白, 賣相是有幾分像上海名物賽螃蟹, 不過看真一點, 炒鮮奶是成塊狀, 而且一入口就會知道兩者味道口感都是天壤之別. 這裡的炒鮮奶口感順滑, 每塊鮮奶都炒得頗大而且厚身, 吃起來帶著幾分奶香, 整個菜味道不會很重, 但帶點豐厚感覺, 表面還加了點松子仁增強口感, 不過老媽跟宅女都覺得不加會更好.

黑松露雞粒燴飯 (HK$188)
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如果嫌單吃點心不飽的話, 就可以再點個粉麵飯. 這裡的主食款式都幾多大約有十多款, 除了大路的炒河粉, 炒飯之外, 亦有潮州兩麵黃, 鮑魚魯肉飯甚至是台式牛肉麵等等. 平均都是百多元一碟. 第一次跟同事吃, 點了這個黑松露雞粒燴飯, 飯一上來巳聞到濃濃的松露香, 看看內裡除了雞肉粒份量下得足之外, 幾乎每啖都有吃到黑松露的, 份量十足. 因為是燴飯, 入口飯身會偏濕, 但仍算是粒粒分明, 不會做到一PAT PAT, 而且每口都有著香濃的松露香, 整個飯味道十分香濃, 而且夠惹味, 宅女個人覺得不錯.

黃金炒飯 (HK$238)
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再來第二次跟家人來, 最後也是點了個飯作結尾. 這次點來黃金炒飯, 價錢更貴一點, 不過看看飯內的食材就用上更貴價的, 除了有菜粒, 蛋絲, 蔥花外, 還加入不少蟹肉及蟹膏粒同炒, 出來飯粒十分乾身, 沒什麼油份, 而且吃起來飯粒分明夠飽滿, 甚有咬口. 不過雖然有蟹肉, 但不知怎的吃不出那份鮮甜味, 可能是蟹肉撕得太小塊了吧, 主要就是吃到爽脆的菜粒. 但整個飯本身炒功是不錯的, 夠獲氣口感亦甚佳.

芋蓉燉鮮奶 (HK$42)
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甜品點了個芋蓉燉鮮奶試試. 上來小小的一碗, 上層是薄薄的芋蓉, 底下則是嫩鮮奶. 芋蓉入口香滑, 味道不算好濃, 但帶著淡淡的芋香, 個人覺得可以再做濃味及厚身一點. 而底下的嫩鮮奶質地夠滑, 加上甜度不算高, 整體味道也不錯.

意式奶凍 (HK$52)
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妹妹比較偏愛西式甜品, 來到這裡竟然看到有意式奶凍, 點了一份來試試. 上來的小碗本身巳經夠小, 但奶凍居然只有半碗, 份量的確非常細呢...不過一入口這個奶凍質地非常絲滑, 而且奶味豐厚, 當中加了不少雲尼拿籽, 吃起來十分香, 而中間還有一點點紅莓肉, 配著來吃更有份微微酸甜的果味. 味道真是有點驚喜, 但可惜份量實在太小了.

酥皮蛋撻仔 (3件HK$39)
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最後來個酥皮蛋撻仔, 似乎是近年不少人飲茶的指定動作. 宅女其實不算挑食, 很多東西都會吃, 但唯獨就是不愛吃撻, 而蛋撻當然也不例外. 所以這些迷你酥皮蛋撻仔就全分給同事吃. 他們吃後的反應大多都是讚賞, 說甚有蛋香. 不會過甜. 宅女對此就不作評價, 好吃與否大家去試試就知道了~
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因為第一次是同事埋單, 所以單據沒有拍到照, 但大約都是每位HK$200左右, 而第二次跟家人來, 其實吃得飽一點, 最後加上茶錢每位HK$25, 每人大約HK$280左右吧.

坦白說, 來這裡飲茶當然是比一般酒樓貴, 不過食物方面大致都頗有水準的, 至少吃了那麼多款暫時沒有一款是伏的.

加上這裡侍應的招呼非常周到, 絕對不能跟坊間酒樓相比. 侍應不時會主動加茶加水, 而且又會詢問食客意見, 點菜時亦會因應客人需要作出建議. 單是這個服務巳令宅女會想再來這裡吃飯.

不過注意來這裡記得先訂座, 如果想要靠海景的枱也最好預先要求, 因為這裡假日都幾多人的.

(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$280 (午餐)
  • 菜苗帶子餃
  • 越南春卷
  • 意式奶凍
China Tang 唐人館 in Harbour City opened recently and surprisingly we received an invitation to try out their latest venture's Menu. To explain the Concept and History probably needs a flow chart, so let's shorten it as this way: David Tang of Shanghai Tang 上海滩 (Luxury Clothing with a Shanghai Design Emphasis), opened restaurants of Members Only China Clubs in HK, Singapore & Beijing. China Tang was opened 1stly in London and subsequently re-introduced back into Hong Kong with now 2 outlets, being
China Tang 唐人館 in Harbour City opened recently and surprisingly we received an invitation to try out their latest venture's Menu. To explain the Concept and History probably needs a flow chart, so let's shorten it as this way: David Tang of Shanghai Tang 上海滩 (Luxury Clothing with a Shanghai Design Emphasis), opened restaurants of Members Only China Clubs in HK, Singapore & Beijing. China Tang was opened 1stly in London and subsequently re-introduced back into Hong Kong with now 2 outlets, being sister restaurants to some Michelin Starred Island Tang, Kowloon Tang & Chiu Tang. Collaborated with Lai Sun Group, another HK Listed F&B Restaurant, Entertainment & Property Developer Giant in HK, which itself owns other Multiple Michelin Starred Restaurants like 8 1/2 Otto e Mezzo, CIAK series, & Japanese restaurants like Wagyu Takumi and Wagyu Kaiseki Den, Rozan, Ginsai, etc. It's called doing real food business I think ! ..

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The Tang's Restaurants all have slightly different Designs,
but most of them go down the eccentric theme of Retro Shanghainese-Hong Kong details. In design speech similar to Shanghai Tang's apparels..

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Yakitori of Shiitake Mushroom, Chicken Wing & River Eel - $48, $48, $68
I was initially surprised when this came out from a Chinese Restaurant. Japanese food is part of the Bar Area's menu... In another interpretation, you could say this is historical as in the past Shanghai, the Night Clubs would have served Japanese dishes to please their Japanese clienteles. Also don't forget Lai Sun Group also owns some of the best Japanese Restaurants in Hong Kong, so they are in good hands for this cuisine.

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醬香一口脆 Pickled Turnip Pagoda - $68
A cold appetizer item that's picking up in Michelin grade restaurants in recent years, remembering 2 sister Tang shops to here already have Michelin Stars too

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紅酒鵝肝凍 Red Wine Flavored Jelly Goose Liver Terrine - $98 per Portion, this is 3 Portions
This is quite a French concept but presented in a Chinese way, which suits the Tang's image too with the mysterious quasi Western Shanghainesque-Hong Kong theme.

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陳年花雕話梅蝦 Marinated Shrimps with “Hao Diao” Wine and Salted Plum - $128
This was good as the wine didn't overpowered it but was balancedfragrant. A lot of places make them too alcoholic for me.

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泡菜海鮮餃 Steamed Seafood and Kimchi Dumplings - $48 for 4 Pieces
Kimchi in translucent thin skins. The seafood to me could be diced thicker for more texture, overall this is like a Cantonese interpretation of a Korean Kimchi Mandoo..

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南翔小籠包 Steamed Shanghai Pork Dumplings ‘Xiao Long Bao’ - $48 for 4 Pieces
Out of all the Tang restaurants in HK, here did the best version, comparable to Shanghai and Hangzhou, etc. It's sweet inside with the pork and soup. Priced reasonably too.

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西施蟹肉餃 Steamed Crab Meat and Egg white Dumplings - $60 for 4 Pieces
This is almost like an 賽螃蟹 dumpling, except it uses real Crab Meat. The skin could be a little thinner this time, but the ingredients inside were fresh chunky and not overly cooked..

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金錢雞 Gold Coin Chicken -
BBQ Chicken Liver Skewer with Honeyed Lean Pork, Pork Fat Layer - $168 for 6 Pieces
The Rose Wine & Sugar soaked Pork Fat 冰肉, is always the first part to study when judging a Gold Coin Chicken. It should be translucent, most fat rendered off during the roasting to lubricate the lean Char Siu pork. This version was smaller than some, but overall done very well, even the Chicken Liver is smooth and not too crumbly dry (in the past, they use Pork Liver in the recipe). Highly recommendable!

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Another Look at the Gold Coin Chicken - which has No Chicken Meat
Historically Chicken was expensive and only the wasted parts of a Pig were used to make this into a poor men's Char Siu recipe... Labor intensive but no wastages. Some versions have a piece of Ginger on top to cut down the grease, whilst some have thin Lotus Bread to sandwich it..

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Smashing Pumpkins from http://foodie-smashingpumkins.blogspot.com/
Brought along his rare to purchase Glenmorangie Milsean, aged in Portuguese Red Wine barrels and carrying a warm spiced honey and mandarin like note. Thank you..

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杏汁菜膽燉白肺 Double-boiled Pig’s Lung Soup with Almond and Heart of Greens - $98 Each
Possibly the most famous soup in Cantonese Cuisine, in which the Pig's lung need to be flushed for 3 hours+ to rid of any innards taste. It then uses two types of almonds to boil again for hours, before extracting the milky color and sweetness. I have had the pleasure to drank almost all famous versions in town and most are just mediocre compared with the benchmark at Luk Yu Tea House's Dinner version. Here it was creamily right up there but slightly more savory.

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百花炸釀蟹拑 Fried Shrimp Mousse & Crab Claw, into a Sweet & Sour Sauce - $138 Each
This dish is popular in Hong Kong, and I think like Sweet & Sour Pork, this recipe also made it onto the much craved dishes list Overseas too, along with Prawn Toasts (All fried wink wink). The one here was done decent. TBH they all taste more of the same to me. If say they put chunky prawn pieces inside the prawn mousse paste, or Steam it then served on Dehydrated Deep Fried Lettuce Cups topped with Jin Jiang Vinegar Foam instead, then that might make it 21 Century Modernized Cantonese... Just saying for fun : )

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Chef from Beijing, who used to work in Kitchens affiliated to the Hyatt Group -
Which as we all know, their Peking Ducks are considered one of the best in the world from 'Made in China' 长安壹号 fame..

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老北京傳統 片皮鴨 - $638 1 Eat Per Duck. $688 2 Eats Per Duck, such as Duck Sang Choi Bao
The Belly Skin is dipped into caster sugar, the Back Meat with Skin can be put into the Crepes with Garlic, julilenned Condiments & Tian Mian Jiang sauce. The Plain Meat itself are mostly put into the thin crepes too. Hong Kong and Macau nowadays have some authentic Peking Ducks right up there with Beijing - here China Tang Harbour City, also Kowloon Tang, Hyatt Shatin 18, Macau Grand Hyatt Beijing Kitchen, Mott 32, 大都烤鴨 Empire City Roasted Duck, 大都淮揚 Empire City Huaiyang. Been to all of them mostly a few times but not all were covered on this website. I would rate Beijing Kitchen Macau, Shatin 18 & Mott 32 the top in the region, followed closely by here China Tang but which is slightly cheaper too. But in general all of them are satisfactory except 大都烤鴨 which is too soft on the skin... There are also others serving a more HK style Pekinese Duck I enjoy, but I won't explain on the technical details here..

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Traditional Beijing style Peking Duck -
The Beijing Chef doesn't even speak Cantonese if you want to know how authentic... He is concentrating on roasting the ducks and slicing them into 3 ways.

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水煮魚塊 Simmered Fish Fillets with Sichuan Chili, Peppercorns in Chili Oil - $238
More healthier and slightly less spicy and numb than the Sichuan counterparts, this is made using a Chinese Perch 桂花魚 or 桂魚, also known as Mandarin Fish (actually the names all belong to the same family but carry small differences). Silkily soft, not too oily. It came with some Sweet Potato noodles at the bottom. A little adjusted to the HK Market but I am sure you can order a full palate impact version as a crescendo build-up.

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雲腿扒津白 Braised Chinese Cabbages with Yunnan Ham - $188
The Chinese Ham was not too salty or hard at all. A staple dish with a creamy sauce done right, a childhood favorite of mine.

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黃金炒飯 Fried Rice with Shrimp Coral and Crab Meat - $238
Most higher end fried rice especially in Hotels are slightly moist, to be elegant. Not this one - which they chose to make it with Wok Hei and fluffy dry, long individual grains. I have my own take on this, but I will keep it to myself.

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芋蓉燉鮮奶 Double-boiled Milk Pudding with Taro Puree - $42
We were saying this dish tasted familiar, and then we realized we ate this at another famous Chiu Chow restaurant before. A must order here, I even suspected the milk was made from Buffalo Milk as it had that distinct fragrance which is super rare to find in HK.

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蜂蜜黑糖糕 Steamed Dark Sugar Cane Sponge Cakes with Honey - $39 for 3 Pieces
This fermented sponge cake is similar to the White or Yellow Sugar version. From the 1 day raising and fermentation it is meant to be just slightly sour, but modern consumers can't usually grasp this sourish concept. This sourness here was offset with the addition of Honey, smart.

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香芒綠茶糯米糍 Glutinous Rice Dumplings in Green Tea Flavor with Mango - $39 for 3 Pieces
I was kicking myself at this stage because this was really amazingly executed, but I was so full and took only 1/8th of a bite! The sticky rice coating was thin and did carried green tea taste, not just color. The inside was filled with fresh mangos with a creamy coating. A few places do this but none were executed like this one. Encore next time.. Overall I thought China Tang Harbour City was the best one I have tried so far and they had the best dim sums and duck, with sophistication - at the same time I actually found here slightly more affordable. Obviously because this was of Invitational Event as a trial, we will have to come back and re-judge it by ourselves as true indication.

Price: Estimate around HKD $350-500 Per Person Dinner + 10% (This meal by Invitation by China Tang)

Food: ♕♕♕♕ 1/2 to ♕♕♕♕♕

Address: Shop 4101, Level 4, Gateway Arcade, Harbour City, Kowloon, Hong Kong

Ph: 2157 3148

(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)